Submission Form To The Lebanon Recovery Fund Steering Committee To be completed by the UN Resident Coordinator's Office (RCO) Meeting No: Date of Meeting: Item No: Programme/project: (To be completed by the Participating UN Organisation and endorsed by SC) To: Lebanon Recovery Fund Steering Date of Submission: 29 November 2011 Committee From: Lebanese Family Planning Contact: Toufic Osseiran, Honorary President, Association I UN Women Rania Tarazi, Assistant Regional Program Director Through: Project Advisory Group (PAG) Contact: Toufic Osseiran, tel 961 1 311978, email:
[email protected] D Endorsement Rania Tarazi, tel. +962 6 5200060 ext. 1008, email: D Comments
[email protected] Proposed submission, if approved would Proposed submission resulted from: result in: D National Authorities initiative within national D Continuation of existing priorities programme/project D UN Agency initiative within national priorities l'8:l New programme/project l'8:] Other (explain): Joint initiative between LFPA D Other (explain) and UN Women within national priorities Project title: Local Development through Women Empowerment- in Nabatieh Villages Amount of funds requested for proposed programme/project: $ 698,340 Estimated number of beneficiaries: direct 6,604 indirect approximately 90,000 people and 35 organizations Percentage and amount of indirect costs requested: 7% Background The project was jointly developed by UN Women and the Lebanese Family Planning Association (LFPA). UN Women, an non-resident agency in Lebanon, conducted a gender needs assessment in April 2011 to identify entry points for its technical support to national organizations within its mandate of gender equality. In addition to identifying potential partners, the gender needs assessment has shown that women have not been systematically included in the recovery and reconstruction efforts in Lebanon.