Official Publication of the Greater Cincinnati Area Local 164 APWU (513) 522-1114 • TTY (513) 522-0941 • (800) 990-APWU • •
[email protected] Vol. 6, No. 4 July-September, 2019 — Message from the President — State Of The Union and an AO to the Ohio/Kentucky/Indiana our questions. I felt like our stewards put Conference. We were able to spend an Cincinnati on the map! entire evening with Mark Dimondstein, Walt Luthy, our Vice-President, just our National president and Steve Charles completed the 2019 local Stewards School our Ohio State President. These are two where he trained 5 new stewards. The great unionist who asked many questions shop steward is the tip of the spear and of Cincinnati’s stewards and answered all continued on page 4 by Mike Smith, President Greetings Brothers and Sisters. It has been a busy summer. I hope your summer has been happy and productive. I would like to report our Local is Strong and doing well! Training We have been focusing on training in 2019. We were able to do so because the finances of our Local are under control. As many of you know I will not spend money we do not have, however we Recipients Proudly displaying awards at the August 3 awards banquet dur- have been fortunate to have the finances ing the 2019 Biennial Conference of the APWU National Postal Press As- to continue training our stewards. In sociation (PPA) in Altoona, Iowa. First Class Worker editor Steve Beyersdo- August we sent stewards representing the erfer, editor (first row far right) (Photo by Lance Coles) A complete list of plant, stations and branches, the annex, award recipients may be viewed at — Next Union Meetings — November 24 Sunday, September 29 October 19 November 23 Sunday at 1:00 p.m.