Peace, Equality and Education Top Government Priorities

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Peace, Equality and Education Top Government Priorities ECONOMY & FINANCE BARRANQUILLA Solid financial fundamentals help Drives diversification transform economy Page 3 efforts Page 6 #ColombiaTheWorldfolio #TheWorldfolio Peace,COLOMBIA equality and education top government 2.0 priorities President Juan Manuel Santos has been in power since 2010 President Santos September’s announcement signi- provides the opportunity for FARC to partments, conciliation centers and “Comprehensive fied the end of this long road. A formula transition to the political arena. justice decentralization programs. A directs talks aimed at peace is not possible ending half a century for transitional justice for conflict-relat- new website called LegalApp, which ed crimes, such as kidnapping, murder, Justice will be made available for smart phone if there is no equity, of armed conflict in forced displacement, disappearance Since the FARC’s ceasefire in July download, provides Colombians with and the only way to Colombia, and brings and torture, was agreed, as well as repa- of 2015, violence in Colombia has easy access to justice services, infor- foward an agenda ration guidelines for the conflict’s six dropped to 1975 levels. Even before mation and assistance. achieve long-term that will ensure future million victims. A final deal date was set the peace agreement, Colombia’s “It allows people to report their equity is to have economic dynamism for 23 March, 2016. FARC has agreed economy began posting some of the concerns in a very simple way. It helps a well-educated to lay down their weapons within two highest growth rates in Latin America, them identify their situation, and in- Last September, the Colombian gov- months of the signing of the accord. and once the ink is dry on the final ac- forms them of where, how and what population” ernment and leftwing FARC guerril- And then Colombia will vote. Presi- cord, the country is set to truly unleash they can do about their situation. Juan Manuel SANTos las came to an agreement that will put dent Santos has promised to submit a new era of prosperity. The National There’s a very easy explanation of the President of Colombia an end to the world’s longest running the final deal to a national referendum. Planning Department has calculated procedure, tips to know whether or war. When the peace deal is sealed In December, he reiterated this prom- that the agreement will triple foreign not they need an attorney and which of the OECD will mean that we will be in March, it will see the five-decade ise, saying, “When we have the final direct investment and boost econom- authorities near them can help solve treated differently and it will open up conflict, which has cost an estimated agreement, I will fulfill my promise ic growth by 2%. the conflict,” says Minister Reyes. more possibilities for investment.” 220,000 lives and led to the highest and it will be you, Colombians, who “Colombia has an outstanding Along with the Unit of Territorial Lessening regional inequality is an- internal displacement of people in his- will decide if you approve or not. You economy. It is without question the Consolidation and the United Nations other goal common to both the Na- tory, finally put to rest. will have the final word.” country with the highest growth rate Office on Drugs and Crime, the justice tional Development Plan and OECD Negotiations between President in the region, with extremely different department is involved in the Alliance accession requirements. The govern- Santos and FARC’s chief Rodrigo Lon- Peace indicators from the rest of the coun- for Good Government. “The purpose ment is working to deepen territo- doño, known as Timochenko, began in The Havana-brokered peace deal is tries,” says Vice President German of this alliance is to eradicate all of the rial integration through cross-cutting Cuba in 2012. During the announce- being hailed as a new model for end- Vargas Lleras. illegal crops with the support of the strategies in education, innovation, ment of the agreement, President Juan ing conflicts. During the search for the Faced with the chance to give Co- State in order to provide job alterna- infrastructure and rural development Manuel Santos said, “We’re adversaries right line between justice and peace lombia a new beginning and firm in tives to the population responsible that will boost equality among the re- on different banks of the river, but today for Colombia, negotiating teams con- their belief that peace cannot exist in for these crops,” says Minister Reyes. gions. we’re both headed in the same direc- sidered the prosecutorial approach tandem with social inequity and pov- Coca production has been replaced Improvement in the quality and tion. It’s the most noble direction that employed by the Hague in the case of erty, the government has created the by coffee, cocoa beans and sugar cane coverage of Colombia’s educational any society can take: peace.” the former Yugoslavia and by South Colombian National Development in some regions, and by fish farming, system is at the heart of these ini- While many points of the agree- Africa in its Truth and Reconciliation Plan: Everyone for a New Country. dairy production and rubber manu- tiatives. President Santos believes that ment were nailed down quickly Commission. They also considered Covering the period from 2014-2018, facture in others. “We stand firm in education and equity are inextricably during the negotiation period – the Good Friday agreement, consult- the plan is drawn from the results of our commitment to finding alterna- linked, and has said that, “a compre- wide spread land reform, the cur- ing both Irish and British sides. In the an extensive multi-sectoral and inter- tives in the war on drugs and our belief hensive peace is not possible if there is tailment of drug trafficking – the end, the negotiators formed their own regional dialogue, and emphasizes in the need to strengthen alternative no equity, and the only way to achieve process was a three-year tightrope groundbreaking hybrid. good governance and the consolida- development projects,” adds the jus- long-term equity is to have a well-edu- walk where the two leaders strug- The agreement’s central document, tion of a modern, transparent and ef- tice minister. cated population.” gled to define the line between jus- the Special Jurisdiction for Peace, aims ficient state. Boosting economic competitive- tice and peace. to satisfy the victims’ right to justice, It rests on three pillars: peace, equity Progress ness is also an aligned strategy. The The United States’ government obtain truth for Colombian society, and education. “These are the three The National Development Plan’s national plan aims to develop produc- appeared to understand this di- contribute to the reparation of the pillars of the President’s second term, aim to foster inclusive and sustainable tion, especially in sectors at the base of lemma. Top officials indicated that victims, and contribute to the fight and also the three essential compo- growth as a means of creating a last- the income pyramid. Central to this they would not allow existing ex- against impunity, while also granting nents of justice,” says Justice Minister ing peace is aligned with Colombia’s drive is an ambitious transport infra- tradition requests for various FARC legal security to those who directly or Yesid Reyes Alvarado. “Through these, aspirations to become a full member structure investment plan that will leaders wanted on trafficking charg- indirectly participated in the armed President Santos hopes to achieve a of the Organization for Economic Co- better link people, regions, producers es in U.S. courts to stand in the way conflict. more equal country.” operation and Development (OECD). and markets. Vice President Vargas of a peace deal. The peace court, which will benefit Minister Reyes’ department is The country launched its accession Lleras says, “In a recent World Bank from the participation of international working to consolidate the legal cer- process in 2013, and has since worked survey, Colombia ranked 18th in the “Colombia has an observers, will try all those involved in tainty that will sustain peace. “We are to meet the terms established by the region. Only Guiana, Haiti, Cuba and outstanding economy. conflict crimes – not only FARC mem- working continuously to enhance dif- organization. “President Santos has set Bolivia had poorer infrastructure qual- bers but also government soldiers and ferent aspects of legal security in order this goal for us, and it has not been an ity than ours. After the investment we It is without question rightwing paramilitaries. Under the to bring justice closer to the people easy task. The OECD has obliged us to have planned over the next four years, the country with the deal, political crimes will be eligible for and to enhance the trust between improve all of our standards and prac- we will be third in Latin America, after highest growth rate amnesty and pardons. As in the South citizens and the justice department,” tices in every public sector,” explains Brazil and Mexico.” African model, the court will ac- he explains. “This will be especially Vice President Vargas Lleras. in the region, with knowledge and accept statements of important in a post-conflict period in Deputy Minister for Business De- extremely different responsibility in lieu of prison terms. which the state must establish its pres- velopment Felipe Sardi Cruz adds, PROJECT TEAM: indicators from the Those who acknowledge their crimes ence in every corner of the country, “A target like becoming part of the Martin Rodriguez Villa, at a later date face prison terms of up not only through infrastructure and OECD is helping Colombia look at it- Laia Marsal Soles, Fatima rest of the countries” to 8 years, while those who refuse to social assistance, but also through de- self and realize some of the things we Ruiz Moreno, Luisa German Vargas acknowledge their crimes and who centralized justice administration.” have to do better in terms of govern- Fernanda Galindo and Lleras are tried and convicted face terms of Initiatives include the creation of ment, trade, commerce and practices.
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