Will Not Impose Settlement
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * qARTER SA'iS THE UNITED STATES: * SURF & SUN * * AS OF 0001 HOURS 30 DEC. '77 * RAINFALL: .02 lnch * WILL NOT IMPOSE SETTLEMENT : MONTHLY TOTAL: 6.00 lnches * * YEARLY TOTAL: 88.92 inches * WARSAW (UPI) -- President Carter, seeklng to heal a newly opened rift with Egypt, sald today SATURDAY * the Unlted States has no lntention of trYlng to impose a settlement on the Middle East and will : Lo Tlde: 0151 1.2' 1349 1.5' * accept whatever agreement Egypt and Israel reach. * Hl Tlde: 0757 4.3' 2005 4.3' * Carter made his comments at the first news conference an American President has ever conducted * MOONRISE: 0000 MOONSET: 1137 * behlnd the Iron Curtain. It was - * SUNRISE: 0703 SUNSET: 1841 * conducted ln a new hotel in pendent Palestinian nation Palestinian homeland, Carter * SUNDAY * Warsaw wlth Amerlcan and Polish carved out of the Mlddle East. said he had made no decision * Lo Tide: 0247 1.5' 1503 2.0' * correspondents and televlsed But "any agreement that can to visit Egypt durlng his * Hl Tide: 0905 3.9' 2116 4.0' * Vla satellite in the U.S. be reached between the Israelis nine-day trip abroad, but * MOONRISE & MOONSET: UNAVAIL. * But the session was domina- and Egypt would be acceptable noted his schedule was flexi * SUNRISE: 0704 SUNSET: 1842 * ted by a dispute caused by to us," Carter said. ble and he had "a standlng * MONDAY Carter's comment - made on TV Carter praised "the brave invitatlon from Presldent * Lo Tide: 0353 1.6' 1645 2.1' * the nlght before he left home people of Poland and particu- Sadat." * Hi Tide: 1030 3.9' 2249 3.7' * - that there should not be an larly Warsaw," saying his Carter is scbeduled to re * TUESDAY lndependent Palestinian state. talks on issues of peace and turn to Washington uanuary F. * Lo Tide: 0521 1.7' 1833 1.9' * Egyptlan President Anwar Sadat war with Edward Glerek, FHst Should the sltuation war * Hl Tide: 1206 4.1' 0030 3.7' * said Carter had embarrassed Secretary of the Communist rant it, Carter sald, "we him and made his Job as a Party of Poland, and other would certainly consider a * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * peacemaker "very difflCUlt." POllSh leaders had been very quick visit to Cairo" - an Carter said his positlon fruitful. apparent reference to Sadat's MYSTERY BLASTS had not changed. He said he Dealing with the lnter- unhappiness about Carter's favored a Palestlnian "entlty" natlonal storm touched off by Palestinlan remark Wpdnesday STILL PUZZLING tled to Jordan but not an lnde- his remarks on the lssue of a night. WASHINGTON (UPI) -- High altitude explosions accompanied by bright flashes off the East Coast of the Unlted States have puzzled witnesses for weeks, promptlng explanations based on everything from science to science fiction. Now the federal government admits it is also puzzled. Federal agencies are being asked whether they are up to anythlng that might cause the mysterlous blasts reported off VOLUME 14 KwAJALEIN AToLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3D, 1977 NUMBER 252 New Jersey on three days U.S. CONGRESSMEN EXPRESS DISSATISFACTION earlier this month. A simllar blast was reported off South Goodwill Speech Carollna. No one seems to know what PARK ACCORD IS DELAYED A DA Y caused the explosions. Is 'Polish Joice' SEOUL (UPI) -- A U.S.-South Korean agreement permitting Korean Scientists have offered a WARSAW (UPI) -- Polish Com- mlllionaire Tongsun Park to testify only in crimlnal cases and varlety of explanations, in munist Party leader Edward not U.S. Congressional hearings on officials involved ln alleged cluding meteor showers, thunder Glerek sald today he grltted influence buying on Capitol Hlll has caused the announcement of claps, aircraft sonlC booms or his teeth a couple of times the accord to be delayed by one day, sources sald today. sounds from offshore oil rigs. because of a mlstranslatlon of South Korean Foreign Minlstry sources said U.S. Congressional "All relevant agencies have President Carter's arrival -* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * leaders have expressed dissatis- been asked for potential causes speech last night. * faction over the agreement, of the explosions and their In his prepared remarks in * WATER REPORT * thus forclng the postponement. knowledge about them," sald Art Engllsh, Carter told the Poles, * * "We understand the matter, Morrissey of the National "I have come ... to learn your * AS OF 0001 HOURS 30 Dec. '77 * which lS purely an lnternal Securlty section of the White oplnlons and understand you~ * PRESENT WATER CODE: YELLOW * American issue, has caused the House Office of SClence and desHes for the future." The * * delay," one Forelgn Ministry Technology. U.S. interpreter translated * Water in Tanks: 6,225,000 gal.* source said. The office sald yesterday lt thlS as, "I desire the Poles * Water Consumed' * Accordlng to the sources, a had asked NASA, the Defense carna 11y. " * KwaJ: 270,000 ga 1.* SiX-POl nt agreement worked out Department and the Interior Another error had Carter * Other: 125,000 gal.* by officials of the two coun- Department to report next week telling hlS hosts that the * DAILY USE: 395,000 gal.* trles stipulates that Park will on posslble causes for the ex Polish constitution was a sub- ~. fL~A~E*C~N~E~V~ WArE~!J!J!J!J ~ be under no obligatlon to tes- plosions. Offlclals at each ject of rldicule. In English * * tify in other than criminal agency immediately said they Carter clted the Polish cons- * FINANCIAL NEWS * trials of U.S. officials in were unaware of any programs tltutlon as one of three great * DOW JONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAGES * volved in the alleged Korean that might cause such explo documents in the historlc * 30 Indus. up 0.78 at 831.17 * lnfluence buying scandal. Slons. struggle for human rlghts. * 20 Trans. off 0.63 at 217.18 * U.S. Congresslonal leaders The Pentagon sald it ques The U.S. lnterpreter was * 15 Utils. UNCHGD at 111.28 * reacted strongly to the agree- tloned all branches such as the replaced today by Polish * 65 Stocks off 0.07 at 287.17 * ment, the ~ources said, forcing North American Defense Command, citlzen Jerzy Krycky, 36, who * Volume: 23,560,000 Shares * a delay in announclng the ac- the Natlonal Security Agency, has worked for the U.S. Em- * Closing Gold Price: $164.94 * cord until tomorrow. the Defense Intelligence Agency, bassy for 10 years as a teacher * Closing Silver Price: $4.78 * The agreement was originally and others. None had an expla and transLator and as an In- * LISTINGS AVAILABLE IN LIBRARY * scheduled to be slgned and nation, offlclals said. terpreter. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * made public today in Seoul. LARGE CROWDS ARE EXPECTED FOR SUNDAY ARRIVAL IN NEW DELHI India Makes Big Preparations For Carter NEW DELHI, INDIA (UPI) -- American and Indian national flags were going up and roads strengthened today in preparation for U.S. Presldent Jlmmy Carter's three-day V1Slt to the Indian capital startlng Sunday. Arches and Carter's huge portralts were belng put up at key points in the city to glve hlm and the Flrst Lady Rosalynn a warm and memorable welcome on the third leg of hlS nine-day slx-nation tour. Offlclals expected large and Rlchard M. Nixon 10 years also be accompanied by Secre will be met by 40 mounted crowds to greet the Carters on 1ater. tary of State Cyrus Vance and Presidential bodyguards. thelr 12-mlle drlve from the People still talk wlth awe National Security Affairs Ad President Carter wlll hold Delhl Alrport to the towerlng, about the mammoth receptlon ac visor Zbignlew Brezeniski, wlll the flrst round of talks Mon rambling Rashtrapathi Bhavan corded to Elsenhower in the be received at Delhi Airport day wlth Desai before leaving (Presldential Palace) -- where Indian capltal when thousands by President Neelam SanJeeva to lay a wreath at Raj Ghat the American guests will stay of people mobbed him wherever Reddy, Prlme Minister Morarji at the Mosoleum of Mahatma durlng the vlsit -- and their he went. Desai and his cablnet colleagues. Omohandas Gandhi, father of only public engagement at a "Though the reception now After reviewing an honor the Indian nation. CiV1C reception Sunday evening. will not be of the same scale guard and completing welcoming He wlll then hold a working Carter wlll be the third U.S. as Elsenhower -- mainly due to speeches at the airport, Carter lunch wlth Desal before ad President to visit India since llve televlslon coverage of will drive to the 334-room dressing parliamentarians. the country achieved indepen Carter's arrival and civic massive Presldential Palace In the evenlng, President dence 1n 1947. receptlon -- we are sure people through the maln streets of the Reddy will host a three-course The earller Presidents who wlll still flock to see him," Indian capital. banquet ln the Palace. vlslted India were Dwight D. an Indian official said. At the main iron gates of President Carter is scheduled Eisenhower in December, 1959, The U.S. Presldent, who will the Palace, the motorcade to leave for Riyadr Tuesday. PAGE 2 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1977 CLIP & SA VE CLIP & SA VE CLIP & SA VE CLIP & SA VE CLIP & SA VE WORLD NEWS BRIEfS LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA (UPI) -- Say Changes In Hours Of Operation Effective 2 January, 1978 lna they are frustrated by the Hlllslde Strangler case, police dlscarded drawlngs !'lACY'S AND !'lACY'S WEST of two posslble suspects ln the kllllngs of 11 young women because the pictures Present hours New hours turned out to be pollce Vlce offlcers. Mondays 10 30 AM - 12 30 PM Clo,ed Authoritles were to release a composlte 3 00 PM - 7 30 PM 3 30 PM - 7 00 PH.