VOLUME 16 KWAJALEIN ATOLL, MARSHALL ISLANDS, FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1979 NO. 145 Rhodesia Budget Sets LEBANON Press freedom Appears $r.6 Million Daily for 'War' ASKS U.S. Casualty Of Revolution SALISBURY, 21mbabwe Rhodesia (UPI) -- The new MANAGUA, Nlcaragua (UPI) -- Press freedom may be black-led qovernment headed by Unlted States Method- a casualty of the Nlcaraguan revolutlon. As the rul­ 1st B1Shop Abel Muzorewa had produced what lt calls 'PRESSURE' lng Junta began ltS second week In power today lt "unashamedly a war budget" that provi des for BEIRUT (UPI) -- Is­ sald "freedom of expresslon that does not go against $1.6 mllllon to be spent dally to vanqulsh black rael today flred dlrect­ the people" lS most lmportant. natlonallst guerrlllas. lyon Syrlan peacekeep­ The flve-member Junta shut down a leftlst news­ The budget for the flscal year endlng June 30, lng posltlons for the paper thlS week, charglng lt was llnked to the 1980, projects expendltures totallng a record $1.604 fi rs t tlme 1n months of Somoza regime, and began dlstributlng its own free bllllon, of WhlCh $595.6 vlolence along the south daily, publlshed from mllllon lS earmarked for Lebanese border, reports the headquarters of the floods defense. from the area sald. Leb­ Landrieu, Somoza-owned newspaper "The budget lS una­ anon called on PreSl­ Novedades. shamedly a war budget, dent Carter to lntervene Melvln Wallace, edl­ Ravage 37 percent of WhlCh is Wl th "pressure on Is­ Goldschmidt tor of the suspended devoted dlrectly to the rael." dally El Pueblo, sald securlty effort,lI sald The Israelis opened hlS newspaper had been Flnance Mlnlster DaVld flre with artillery and Named an lndependent, "decld­ CENTERVILLE, Texas Smlth. lilt lS far from rockets for several WASHINGTON (UPI) edly leftlst" VOlce in (AP) -- More rains fell belng the document I hours thl s morn ing on President Carter today Nicaragua since lt be­ over the coastal plalns would have wlshed to con­ Palestlnlan-controlled named former New Orleans gan publicatlon in of Texas, where floods s truct. " areas of southeast Leb­ Mayor Moon Landrleu to March. have left thousands home­ Smlth, one of five anon and also targeted be secretary of Housing Ironically, Nlcara­ less and contrlbuted to whites in Muzorewa's Syrlan outposts ln the and Urban Development, gua's C1Vll war began seven deaths. Appeals 17-man Cabinet, present­ area, reporters ln the saylng he "enJoys a na­ over the press freedom were made for boats to ed the budget to Parlla­ south said. ThlS after­ tional reputation as a lssue, in January 1978, aid ln evacuatlons. Hous­ ment Thursday. noon, Is rae 11 -armed Leb­ progresslve mayor and when publlsher Pedro ton has been especaally He sald the projected anese Chrlstlan lrregu­ strong admlnlstrator. 1I Joaquln Chamorro, an hard hl t. defense costs work out lars began shelling the Landrleu wlll replace outspoken opponent of Near Cen tervi 11 e, to $1.6 mlllion a day-- southwest town of Patrlcla Harrls who was Somoza, was assassinated. about 150 mlles north of 18 percent more than last Hasbaya, woundlng at appolnted Health, Educa­ Vloleta Barrios de Houston, a small bus car­ year and four tlmes the least four people and tlon and Welfare secre­ Chamorro, wldow of the rying church members was dally defense costs of damaglng a local Red tary ln Carter's Cabinet La Prensa publlsher and knocked into a flooded fl ve yea rs ago. Cross center, the re­ purge last week. now a member of the creek ln Texas today, "Our lmmedl ate alm 1s ports sald. The Whlte House also Junta that took over kllllng flve people. to ensure the mllltary The Palestlne Libera­ passed word to Capitol from Somoza, shrugged The vlctlms are be­ superlorlty of the secu­ tlon Organlzatlon Hlll that Carter has off complalnts about lleved to be two adults nty forces," he sald. promtply accused Israel chosen Portland, Ore., press restrlctlons. and three youths. "There must be a concen­ of lIa major escalation Mayor Nell Goldschmldt Chamorro charged that Troopers say the bus-­ tratlon of manpower, of the on-golng Israell to succeed Brock Adams El Pueblo had acqulred from the First Baptlst materlal and financlal war of attn tl on" 1n as secretary of Trans­ mechanlcal equlpment Church at Cleveland, resources upon thlS ob­ the arl d, hllly fron­ portatlon, fllllng the from Somoza' s Novedades, Texas--had stopped on a Jectlve. tler reglon. last hole left by last and sald, "flrst we must hlghway near the town of "As I have sald, I am Lebanese President week's Cablnet purge. lnvestlgate certaln Centervllle and then was presentlng today a budget Ell as Sa rk 1s warned Carter lntervlewed thlngs, then llberty." struck from behlnd by a of war. II that the rlsing vio­ Goldschmldt today and Desplte the charges truck. The lmpact knocked The remarks echoed lence mlght prompt a Rep. Robert Duncan, of Somoza lnvolvement, the bus lnto the water. those Muzorewa made last peacekeeplng force (D-Ore), sald the Whlte El Pueblo apparently ran The bus driver appar­ week when he sal d, "We caught between Israel House had informed hlm afoul of the Sandlnlsta ently had stopped because shall flght untll we win and guerrilla con­ Goldschmldt lS Carter's Junta for other reasons. a flash flood caused and win we shall." trolled areas of the cholce for the vacated Its flnal edltlon water from Beaver Creek Several tlmes ln his south to wlthdraw. Adams post. Monday publlshed a com­ to cover the hlghway. 90-minute address Smlth munique urglng all who Meanwhlle, the lead­ mentloned the prospect took part ln the revolu­ ing edge of the storm of trade sanctlons Drug Ring Suspects Held tlon agalnst Somoza to system spawned by the agalnst 21mbabwe Rhodesla TORONTO (UPI) -- Two Canadlan men, lndlcted by keep their weapons, remnants of troplcal belng llfted. a New York grand Jury in connectlon Wl th a $330- agalnst the new govern­ storm Cl audette battered But he dld not ralse mlllion lnternational herOln smug9ling rlng, today ment's orders, to "guar­ Indl ana. Hundreds were the posslblllty of an were remanded ln custody untll thelr bail and ex­ antee" the n ghts they evacuated. More than a accord wlth the patriotlc traditlon hearlngs. galned ln the clvil war. dozen roads were closed front guerrllla alliance, Sportlng goods dealer Gordon Coe and restaurant El Pueblo also printed ln the southern part of WhlCh has rejected the owner Bruno Plsanl were among 14 persons named by a story by \lJallace charg­ that state. majonty rule settlement. a Buffalo, N.Y., grand Jury for their role ln a lng the junta's Cablnet herOln trafflcklng operatlon that involved routes lncludes "elements con­ through contlnental Europe and North America. nected to the blg econo­ Indian Prime Minister Sworn In An extraditlon hearlng was expected to be held mlC groups" operated NEW DELHI, Indi a (UPI) -- Charan Slngh wi 11 be lmmediately after the ball hearlngs Monday. under Somoza. sworn ln as Indla's flfth pnme mlnister Saturday­ Plsani and Coe were by Presldent Neelam Sanj;va Redqy, his spokesman two of eight suspects sald today. arrested Thursday by CHUNK Of SKYLAB WILL TOUR U.S. Outgolng Prlme MlnlS­ Party factlon whose vote police ln Canada, the (UPI) -- A one-ton plece of Skylab ter r~orarJl Desal resi gn­ of no-confldence In Par­ Umted States and Italy. that fell in the Australlan desert was un­ ed from the leadershlp llment hastened Desal'S Coe surrendered late der armed guard Thursday at San Franclsco Interna­ of hl s battered Janata fall. Thursday night at RCMP tlonal Alrport. Party and sal d he was Slngh will lead a headquarters in Toronto. The debris from the glant spacecraft that crash­ retlrlng from actlve minority government sup­ Plsani, 40, was ar­ ed to Earth two weeks POlltlCS. ported by 262 1awmakers , rested by Royal Canadl­ ago was flown lnto the Cole sald, addlng that Manl Ram Bagrl, a eight short of a requlred an Mounted and Halton country by Australlan the object has a his­ close alde of Singh said. parllamentary majority. Reglonal Pollee Thurs­ Skylab marketlng. torlcal slgniflcance. II along Wl th the prlme It will be a coalltion day, one day after lS­ Director of the mar­ He said lt was found minlster-deslgnate, sev­ government wlth Slngh's suance of the lndlct­ keting company, Mervyn ln the desert about 500 eral mln;sters will take 95-member Janata's Party ments. Cole, says he brought miles west of Perth. thelr oath of offlce and 75-strong Chavan Con­ U.S. Attorney the piece of metalllc The Skylab chunk re­ Saturday. gress Party as major Rlchard Arcara sald the metal to the Unlted sembles an airplane Si ngh has offered the partners. suspects outslde the States for a tour. englne. It lS four feet post of deputy pnme Warders of the Janata' s U.S. would be the ob~ IIWe thought Amen cans in dlameter, has a fi­ minister to Yeshwantrao hope the coalition will Ject of extraditlon pro­ w04ld like to see a berglass caslng, Sllght­ Chavan, leader of the be supported by smaller ceedlngs through the plece of what was once ly blackened and an in­ Opposltlon Congress partles. U.S. State Department. thelr space station," terlor of shlny metal.

~ """ """ ---'-___... u __ ...... , ..... __ PAGE 2 FRIDAY, JUL" 27,. 1979_ AWOL So'dier Lived In Out'aw Coup'e Tortures Young Man Kwa; Met Rodeet, A metero1ogica1 rocket launch opera­ Hideouts for 36 Years OXON HILL (UPI) --, A Washington t10n 1S scheduled for Monday, July 30. public school teacher and his wife In connect1on w1th th1S operation, OKLAHOMA CITY (UPI) -- An Oklahoma have been charged w1th k1dnapp1ng a young hazard areas w111 eX1st 1n the ocean man who went AWOL from the Army A1r Corps 1n neighbor, burning his body with c1garettes and on Kwaja1e1n Island between the 1943 has been h1d1ng 1n the remote K1amich1 and threatening to k111 him w1th a meat aZ1muths of 225 0 true and 275 0 true. Mounta1ns Slnce then in fear he would be cleaver or cha1n saw. The ocean hazard area extends out from shot as a deserter, the Oklahoma Journal Pol1ce reports sa1d the seven-hour or­ KwaJa1e1n for a d1stance of 75 nautical reported today. deal was sparked by a d1spute over a small m11es. The KwaJa1ein Island ground After some persuasion by an A1r Force amount of rna rl Juana. hazard area is that area contained attorney, Pvt. D. B. Benson, 57, apparently Curtis H1nes, 36, and h1S w1fe Vera, with1n a circle having a 400- agreed to turn h1mself 1n, accord1ng to a 34, of Oxon H111, were charged Thursday 1n foot radius from the rocket launcher. copyr1ght story 1n the paper. the beat1ng of Samuel Williams. Ball All personnel and craft must stay out Capt. B111 Dyke, an attorney represent- was set at $75,000 each by U.S. D1str1ct of the ocean hazard area between the 1ng Benson, sa1d he drove to Shady P01nt, Court Mag1strate Freder1C Smalkin. hours of 1445 and 1830 on Monday, Oklahoma, to meet with Benson and h1S par­ The v1ct1m, Samuel Will1ams Jr., 18, July 30, or until the restr1ction is ents. was 1n the Wash1ngton Hospital Center to­ lifted. The ground hazard area must be Dyke says Benson has been 11v1ng 1n the day with th1rd-degree burns over 10 per­ evacuated not later than 1445 hours. secluded K1am1ch1 Mounta1ns of southeast cent of h1S body. See d1agram below showing the ocean Oklahoma -- old h1deouts for outlaws 11ke Will1ams told pol1ce the two burned hazard area. Pretty Boy Floyd and Belle Star. him w1th c1garettes, stuck a loaded pistol "They were frl ghtened that I was gOl ng down h1S throat and threatened to chop '"~ to take h1m away to have h1m court-mart1aled h1S body to p1eces w1th several deV1ces '" or shot before a f1r1ng squad," Dyke sa1d. Wednesday. Benson has not been ava11able for comment He sa1d he had been tortured at the and Dyke sa1d the pr1vate w111 refuse to couple's Oxon Hill home for a wh11e, then speak w1th reporters. dr1ven to nearby Ft. Wash1ngton Park, "After a 11, he has been h1 d1 ng out for where they sa1d they were going to burn 36 years 1n fear for h1S llfe," he sa1d. "I p1eces of h1S body. ' don't th1nk he'll be anX10US to talk to any­ W1111ams sa1d he spotted a park police­ one about 1t." man, and ran toward h1m, r1pp1ng off h1S Benson enl1sted in the old Army A1r CorDs sh1rt to show the burns and warn1ng police 1n September 1942 and then went AWOL that Hlnes had a gun. The two were appre­ June 22, 1943, Dyke sa1d. He explained tbat hended shortly thereafter. Benson was stat10ned at Randolph A1r Force Will1ams was calm after h1S ordeal. Base near San Anton10, Texas, and "Just "Well, I'm allve," he sald. "So I can d1sappeared." be calm now. But I really was shook up." Benson could ne1ther read nor wr1te when he enl1sted, but Dyke says he taught h1m­ self those sk111s. Grass May Aid Cancer Victims "There's a lot of unusual events that DENVER (UPI) -- Large doses of surround th1S man's story, but I must adm1t the act1ve lngred1ent 1n marlJuana can 1t'S the f1rst t1me I've ever handled a case reduce the nausea and vom1t1ng of cancer 11ke th1S," Dyke sa1d. "Th1S is a very patients undergo1ng chemotherapy, say un1que sltuat10n." doctors at the AMC Cancer Research Center. Search Widens For Assassins Dyke sa1d he has arranged to meet w1th All but two of about 45 patlents treat­ NICE, France (UPI) -- French pol1ce Benson Wednesday to get h1S slgnature on ed w1th the substance, tetrahydrocan­ today faced the extra d1ff1culties of dlscharge papers. nablnol or THC, exper1enced rel1ef from the bus lest traveling weekend of the nausea, report Drs. Solomon Garb and Alv1n year as they widened the1r search for Beers. the two assaSS1ns of Palestine L1bera­ Gas Company To Pay $1 Million AMC 1S the only Colorado health fac11- t10n Organ1zat10n off1c1al Zuheir WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Tenneco Inc. today 1ty author1zed to prescr1be marlJuana to Mohsen. adm1tted 1t 111eqally shlpped natural qas cancer pat1ents, but a b111 passed by the An est1mated 8 m11110n Frenchmen dur1ng 1973 and 1974 wlthout government leg1s1ature allows the University of were on the road th1S weekend as the permlSS10n and agreed to pay a ~l m11110n Colorado Health SClences Center to d1S­ nat10n began the trad1 t1 onal "race to flne. pense the drug when a speclal 11cense 1S the sun" starting the tradit10nal Au­ The energy cOIl~lomerate made the admlS­ obtained from the federal government. gust vacation per10d. S10n and agreed to pay the fine 1n U.S. Federal approval to use marl Juana for Pol1ce sources admitted that even D1str1ct Court followlng lengthy negotla­ medlclnal purposes 1S expected wlthln a 1f they had exact descr1pt10ns of the tlons and a plea barga1n1ng agreement wlth year. two men who gunned down Mohsen -- one , the Justlce Department. Barb sa1d THC lS a "breakthrough" 1n was said to be Arab-look1ng, the other The case -- which 1nvolved sh1pment of the control of chemotherapy slde ef­ described merely as "European" -- it fuel from Lou1s1ana -- was the f1rst pros­ fects," Garb sa1d Thursday. would be d1ff1cult to spot them 1n the ecut10n under the Natural Gas Act of 1938, "G1ven a cholce between THC or other crowds of vacat10ners flood1ng the the Just1ce Department sa1d. (ant1nausea) drugs, patlents prefer THC," Riv1era. The government charged, and the company sa1d Garb. agreed, Tenneco had v101ated the law, Wh1Ch The doctors sa1d no one knows how THC requ1res the then Federal Power Comm1ss10n controls nausea or vom1t1ng, but Beers fINANCIAL NEWS -- now Federal Energy Regulatory Comm1ss10n speculated that lt blocks the portion of -- to approve such sh1pments. the central nervous system that responds DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES to the powerful ant1cancer drugs. 30 Industr1als unchanged at 839.76 Prime Lending Rate Goes Up AMC lS one of several research centers 20 Transportat10ns up 1.02 at 251.70 throughout the natlon part1clpat1ng 1n a 15 Util1tles unchanged at 108.15 NEW YORK (UPI) -- Several major banks, Natlonal Cancer Inst1tute program to In­ 65 Stocks up 0.34 at 299.04 headed by trendsetting Cltibank, today vestlgate the safety and effectlveness of Volume was 27,760,000 shares. ra1sed the prlme lend1ng rate they charge THC. Clos1ng Gold up 60¢ at $305.80 their most credltworthy customers to Clos1ng S11ver up 3¢ at $9.47 11 3/4 percent from 11 1/2 percent. Oil Spill Continues Dollar clos1ng in Tokyo was 215.45 yen The move was expected by money analysts an d 1n Zuri ch, 1.6433 Swi ss francs. because the Federal Reserve recently ra1sed ,MEXICO CITY (UPI) -- MeX1CO said , SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY the d1scount rate 1t charges member banks the world's largest 011 splll may not be to a record 10 pErcent from 9 1/2 percent capped until early October, when a run­ SURf & SUN ln the wake of a surge 1n the nat10n's away gusher wlll have dumped nearly three money supply. mlllion barrels 1nto the Gulf of Mex1co. AS OF 0001 HOURS, JULY 27, 1979 In addltion to C1t1bank, the nat10n's Petroleos Mexicanos Dlrector General Dally Rainfall: 3.4 inches second largest lend1ng 1nst1tut10n, Morgan Jorge D1az Serrano sald famed Houston 011 Monthly Total: 7.91nches Guaranty, Irv1ng Trust, Manufacturers Han­ flreflghter Paul "Red" Adair, who falled Yearly Total: 49.21 inches over and other maJor banks were expected to to shut off the underwater gelser three TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN follow the upward trend. weeks ago, lS oversee1ng work on two re­ Hi Tide 0650, 05.6' - 1914, 04.7' lief wells but they won't go lnto oper­ Lo T1de 0037, 01.2' - 1309,01. l' Red Carpet for Queen ation untll October 3 at the earl1est. Sunnse 0640 Sunset 1911 He sa1d bad weather could further delay Moonrise 0935 Moonset 2202 LUSAKA, Zambla (UPI) -- Br1ta1n's Queen the plugglng maneuver. The October date SUNDAY Elizabeth, ignoring fears for her safety, set back Pemex' original plans by at Hi T1de 0722,04.8' - 1951, 04.4' flew to Lusaka today to be greeted by tight least one month. The Pemex chlef explaln­ Lo T1de 0112,01.5' - 1341,01.4' secur1ty and cheerlng Zamblans who la1d out ed that once both dr111s have reached the Sun ri se 0640 Sunset 1911 a red carpet 1mported from South Afrlca. 12,000 foot depth of the burn1ng Ixtoc I Moonri se 1019 Moonset 2242 The queen, accompan1ed by Prince Phil1P 011 well on October 3, which 1S located MONDAY and her son Prlnce Andrew, went ahead with 45 m11es west of the Yucatan Penlnsula, Hi T1de 0757, 04.4' - 2039, 04.2' the e1ght-day V1S1t desp1te m1sgiv1ngs lt could take from one to 30 days to cap Lo Tide 0151,01.8' - 1420, 01.6' vOlced by the Br1t1sh press, Pol1tic1ans and the crlppled gusher. Sunr1se 0640 Sunset 1911 secur1ty off1cials. Many feared her stay The 011 sp111 was declared a slmple Moonr1se 1105 Moonset 2322 would be marred by demonstrat10ns. aCCl dent. FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 84700 FRIDBY, JULY 27, 1979 PAGE 3 TELEVISION' MOVIES July 28 - August 3 July 28 - August 5 ~ ROl Namur Rlchardson Ivey Ha 11 Yokwe Yuk Tradew1nds ~--~------t 7:3C 6:30, 8:30 7: 30. 12: 30 8:00 a.m. p.m. Saturday Outlaw Blues Johnny The 12:45 Hollywood Squares 11.35 Hollywood Squares S PG Gl ant K1ll er Walk Proud Ca11forn1a 1:10 Madame Curi e 2 00 700 C1 ub A --Sneak- -- !ial1!!.e~lE..!!!· Dreamlng 2: 10 Meetlng of Minds 3.00 Wl1d Klngdom T. Mov~ Scott Jop11n 3:10 Boxlng 3'25 McMlllan Vlolatlon PG PG PG R 4:00 Wide World of Sports 3'50 Boxlng Johnny And The 4'50 Baseball: Pitts. 4:45 Wlde World of Sports S Walk Proud Glant Klller My Boys Are Outlaw Blues vs Clnn. 5:40 20/20 U !ial1!!.e~l£·!!!· Good Boys 7:30 Emergency 6'15 A SALT II Debate N. 8:20 Mlssion Impossible 7 30 Fantasy Island PG Closed PG PG 9:15 MOVle: Visit From 8 20 Mlsslon Imposslble Mouse On The A Dead Man 9:15 Movle: Gary Cooper M Supervan Mayflower Call Of The 10:20 Theater in America: Real Glory 0 6:30 G Closed Wl1d AllOver 10:50 V1Slons: Escape N. IasCEiTibrace - ~.------~~~~------~~~~~~~~~~~~~-i Sunday PG 8:30 R PG 3:20 Hollywood Squares 2:45 Hollywood Squares 3:45 Hour of Power 3.15 Chrlstopher Close-up T Pn soner Of VlVa Km eve1 Last Embrace 4:40 Sports Challenge 3:45 Sacred Heart U Closed Zenda 5:10 Earth Work Speclal 4.00 Soap Factory E. • 5:40 20/20 4:25 Sports Challenge PG PG R 6:15 A SALT II Debate 4:50 Baseball: PlttS. 7:30 Donnie &Marie vs Cinn. W Last Embrace, Movlng 8:25 Carol Burnett 7:30 Donme & Mane E Closed Closed Vlo1atlon 9:15 Love Boat Part I 8:25 Carol Burnett D. 10:10 9:15 Love Boat Part II R PG 11:00 Jason King 10:05 Afncan Queen Humphrey Bogart T Supervan Call Of The VlVa Km eve 1 H Closed Wl1d Monday U. 4:00 Sesame Street 5:00 General Hospital 5:00 General Hospital 5:45 Betty Whlte PG PG PG 5:45 Carter Country 6:10 Body Buddies F Viva Knleve1 Call Of The Supervan Pnsoner Of 6:10 F1Sh 6:30 What Wll1 They Thlnk R 6:40 Hee Haw of Next Wl1d Zenda 7:30 Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys 6:55 Call of the West 1. 8:20 Betty Wh1te 7:20 Consumer Buy11ne PG PG PG PG 8:45 All ln the Family 7:40 Melting Pot Mouse On The S Call (If The Mayflower Pn soner Of Supervan 9:10 Victor Sports Awards 8:05 ProJect UFO A 9:00 Baretta Wild !:1.al1!!.e~l £.!!!. Zenda 9:55 The Persuaders T. Call Of The 10:45 Most Wanted PG Wl1d B:30 PG PG PG Tuesday S Prisoner Of Mouse On The Last Embrace Call Of The 4:00 E1ectrlc Company 5:00 General Hosplta1 U Zenda Mayflower 4:30 General Hospltal 5'45 Carter Country Wl1d N. !ial1!!.e~l£·!!!·_ 5:15 Body Buddles 6:10 F1Sh PG R_ 5:35 Call of the West 6:40 Hee Haw . Closed PG 6:00 Can You Top ThlS? 7.30 Hardy Boys LAST EMBRACE Roy Schelder ••• Janet Margolin 3:00 6:25 Consumer Buyline 8'20 All ln the Famlly Suspense Drama ••• RT 102 ••• R 8:25 6:50 Melting Pot 8.45 Vlctor Sports Government agent Roy Scheider suffers a breakdown when wife 8:50 7:15 ProJect UFO Awards Sandy McLeod lS killed ln an ambush meant for hlm. After treat­ 9:45 8:10 Baretta ment by psychlatrlst Jacquellne Brookes, he stlll feels that some­ 10:35 9:00 The Persuaders one lS out to kl11 hlm. Contact Marcla Rodd and superlor Chrls­ 11:25 9:50 Jason King topher Wa1ken are no help, whl1e brother-ln-1aw Charles Napler, 12:20 10:50 Most Wanted also an agent, lS hostl1e. Schelder flnds Janet Margo11n, an an­ Wednesdal thropology student at Prlnceton, sub1easlng hlS New York apart­ 4:00 Sesame Street 5:00 General Hosplta1 ment. 5:00 General Hospital 5:45 60 Minutes 5:45 Info Special' Dear 6.35 M*A*S*H THE PRISONER OF ZENDA Peter Sel1ers ••• Lynne Frederlck M1ster Gable 7:00 Northwest Passage Comedy-Adventure ••• RT 10B ••• PG 8:00 6 35 Northwest Passage 7:26 Little House on After mad Klng Rudolph of Rurltanla dles from fa111ng from a 8:25 7:00 Rhoda the Pralne hot-alr balloon, hlS elder son Rudolph becomes helr to the throne. 8:50 7:25 Lltt1e House on Prairle 8:15 Between the Wars The klng's younger son Jeremy Kemp decldes to kl11 Rudolph before 9:40 8:15 Between the Wars 8:40 Tne Arts the coronatlon, WhlCh would make hlm the helr. 10:05 8:40 M*A*S*H 9.00 Three for the Road 10:30 9:05 Three for the Road 9:50 Lou Grant SUPERVAN Mark Schnelder ••• Katle Saylor 11:20 9:55 Lou Grant 10:45 Jason KIng Actlon-Drama ••• RT 90 ••• PG 12:15 10:45 Gibbsvllle (Serles Mark Schnelder leaves hlS father's serVlce statlon and heads Ends) out ln hlS van for the annual Van Freakout and a chance to Wln Thursday $5,000. He rescues Katle Saylor from attempted rape by a motor­ 4:00 Electric Company 5:00 General Hosp1ta1 cycle gang, but hlS van lS demo11shed ln the escape. He and Saylor 4:30 General Hospital 5:45 Can You Top This contact hlS buddy. Tom Klnd1e. at Mld-Amerlca Motors. owned by 5:15 So the Story Goes 6:05 Rhoda Morgan Woodward, sponsor of the competitlon and builder of vans. (Sen es Ends) 6:35 So the Story Goes 5:35 People 6:55 Oto Speclal: VIVA KNIEVEL Evel Kmevel ••• Gene Kelly 8:00 6:00 Oto Specla1: -Dorothy Beat1es Forever Action-Drama ••• RT 104 ••• PG Hamll1/Wlnter Carnl. 7:45 CHiPs Evel Knlevel lS offered a lucratlve contract for an exhlbitlon 8:55 6:55 CHiPs 8:35 Hawall FlVe-O ln Mexlco by fellow cyc11St Gortner. The arrangements are 9:45 7:45 Spencer's Pllots 9:25 Spencer's Pllots made by Les11e Nlelsen, who plots wlth Albert Salml to have 10:35 8.35 Hawai 1 Five-O 10.20 KOJak Knlevel kllled durlng the Jump so they can use hlS truck to smug­ 11:25 9:25 KOJak 11:10 Medlcal Center gle heroln into the U.S. 12:15 10:15 Medical Center Frida~ THE CALL OF THE WILD Charlton Heston ••• Mlchel1e MerCler 4:00 Sesame Street 5.00 General Hospltal Actlon-Adventure ••• RT 102 ••• PG 5'00 Second Clty 5:45 Three's Company Buck, a handsome, gentle dog, lS stolen from hlS rlghtful mas­ 5:25 Sha Na Na 6:15 We've Got Each ter ln the Unlted States and 1S plunged 1nto the savage 11fe of a 5:50 Three's Company Other gold-rush sled dog ln the frozen Yukon. There ln the wllderness, 6:15 We've Got Each Other 6:40 How the West Was where only the law of club and fang prevall, none but the strong­ 8:00 6:40 How the West was Won Won est, most courageous anlma1s surVlve. 9:30 8:15 Movle: Go West 8:15 James at 15/16 Young Glrl 9:50 Movle: Loves Dark MOUSE ON THE MAYFLOwER Anlmated Cartoon ••• RT 57 ••• G 10:40 9:25 Movie: Sophia Loren Slde wlth Carrle Few people knt' ~'dt If lt wasn't for Wl11um Mouse, the Pl1- 1n Sunflower Snodgrass grlms mlght never have arrlved at the New World. ThlS charmlng fantasy tells the story of thlS brave little creature who helped Sn ale At Th Rich - July 28, 9:30 p.m. - MOVING VIQiATION the Pllgrims surVlve the fiercely cold New England winter and Kay Lenz .•.. Stephen McHattie ...... Act1on Drama ...... RT 91 .... PG stay on peaceful terms wlth thelr Indlan neighbors. -

FRIDAY. JULY 27, ,1979 Worship Services' CATHOLIC Sunday Masses: 7 a.m. Blessed Sacrament Chapel we 'uk 9:15 a.m. Island Memor1al Chapel 'ok 11:20 a.m. Roi-Namur Community Center Monday-Friday Masses' 9'15 a.m. Blessed Sacrament Chapel Women's 4:45 p.m. Blessed Sacrament Chapel S~turday Masses: 5:15 p.m. Island Memor1al Chapel Club Confessions: Saturday. 4:30 to 5 p.m. and 7:15 to 7:45 p.m. Arts And Monday-Frlday, 15 minutes before Mass CHURCH OF CHRIST Hobby Sunday morning worship serVlces are held at 9 a.m. 1n Room 21 of George Seitz Elementary School. Visitors are welcome. For information. call 83694. 82613 or Show 82427. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS Services are held in Room 18. George Seitz Elementary School. Priesthood Vera Smead, YYWC program cha~rman and featured speaker, and G~n­ meeting at 8:30 a.m •• Sunday School at ny Kutcher, d~nner cha~rman and exh~b~t coord~nator, are shown w~th 10 a.m.; Sacrament Service at 11 a.m. For a d~splay of paint~ngs by Wanda AII~son. (Photos by Larry Allen) lnformation. call Terry Sproat. 82357. By KAREN HOPKE PROTESTANT The Yokwe Yuk ~'omen' s Club met Thurs­ day. July 19. in a spec1al evening meet­ Sunday mornlng worship serVlces are ing featur1ng an arts. crafts and hobby held at 8 and 11 a.m. in the Island show by the membersh1p. More than 90 Memor1al Chapel. Rev. Elden M. Buck will women were in attendance to see the dis­ preach the sermon. entitled "One Came plays. which were coordinated by meettng Running", based on Mark 10:17-31. Special chairman Ginny Kutcher. music will be a duet by Joyce Hughes and Program chairman Vera Smead spoke of Barbara West at the 8 and 11 a.m. services. the value and joy of the process of cre­ Sunday School classes for all ages are at1ng something, comment1ng that results held at the George Seitz Elementary School d1 d not have to be "profess i ona 1" to be at 9:30 a.m. Adults are present to help satisfY1ng. newcomers find their classrooms. Yvonne Sholar, YYWC first vice presi­ Nursery facllities are available at the dent, has been planning and coordinating Island Day Nursery from 9:15 a.m. to the programs for the past six months. 12:20 p.m. She rem1nds all 1sland ladies and their ROI-NAMUR: The Sunday evening worship daughters that the August meeting will service wi" be held at 7 p.m. in the Com­ be a mother-daughter luncheon. "If you munity Building. with Rev. Buck leading. can't bn ng a daughter of your own." says Yvonne, "make plans now to 'borrow' one for the occaS1on ... and. since every Palau Cons,i'u,ion Invalid woman 1S a daughter, your guest doesn't AGANA, Guam (UPI) -- Palau's con­ have to be a ch1ld." stitutlon. approved by the people The August meeting will be held on earlier this month, was declared Thursday, August 16, in the Yokwe Yuk invalld Wednesday by the Trust Terri­ Helene Munger holds one of the spec~al Club. Further details will be announced tory Hlgh Court. "b~rth eggs" she creates for Yokwe Yuk 1n the HourGlass. All atoll women are The Palau Leg1slature passed a Women's Club members when they have a eligible to beccme members of the club. b1ll before the referendum was held, baby. Helene turns eggshells ~nto works and newcomers are welcome to attend one declaring the draft constitution to be of art w~th del~cate bra~ds of gold and meetlng before J01nlng. invalid and set up a committee to s~lver surround~ng three open~ngs ~n the draft another constitut1on to be more shell wh~ch "showcase" a t~ny tablet ~n 1n llne with the provi5ion of a com­ the center bear~ng the name and b~rth­ Public Invited To Concert pact between Palau and the United date of the new baby. A gold f~l~gree Don Schulklnd, v1olin. Laura Schul kind, States. stand completes the momento. flute, and Jan Dwyer, piano. will appear The Unlted States objected to ln concert Sunday. July 29. in the Yokwe three areas of the draft--the right Yuk Club Banyan Room 1mmediately follow- of eminent domain, the ban on nuclear Jeramon Non Kom 1ng the Kwajale1n Music Guild business material within Palau waters and a 200 "Jeramon non kom" ~s the Marshallese meet1ng at 7:30 p.m. There is no charge mile zone using the archipelaqo as a way to say, "Goodbye and good luck, for adm1ss1on and the publ1C 1S 1nV1ted. base. fr~ends." The program includes mUS1C by Corell1. The United States said the nuclear NICK and PAT CUSTER depart Monday, Bach, Telemann. Mozart, Schubert. Faure ban placed restraints on the American July 30, after six years on lsland, to go and Poulenc. armed forces in fulfillment of a on to new projects in Fayettevllle, Ark., The purpose of the business meet1ng defense obligation under the compact. where they have recently built a home. The arch1pelago base line would in­ Nick nas Deen with Global Assoclates in is to elect a KMG V1ce president to re­ fringe on the Philippines and Indone­ helicopter maintenance, and Pat worked as place Alex R1ell. The public 1S welcome. sia. KMR Hospital cash1er. There are confl1cting rerorts from The Custers are aVld golfers, w1th Jeramon Non Kom . .. Palau as to the percentage of eligible N1Ck a member of KGA and Pat, KWGA. N1Ck (Cont~nued from Column 1) voters who turned out. First reports 1S also a member of Masons. LARRY and BETH NORK, w1th ch1ldren indicated that less than half of the KYRRAH, 9, MELIA, 2, and KALEA, SlX registered voters went to the polls. LES and CAROL JONES, with RICHELLE, 14, months, depart Monday after three years More recent reports say 63 percent voted depart Monday after two years, headed for on KwaJale1n Larry 1S an eng1neer wlth and of that number 92 percent approved Ft. McClellan, Ala., where Les w1ll be MIT/LL on R01-Namur, and the fam1ly 1S the draft constltut1on. ch1ef, Chem1cal, B1olog1cal and Mater- gOlng to Acton, Mass, on a company trans­ Pro-constitutlon leaders say they 1el Development Division, U.S. Army fer. w1ll appeal the decision of Chief Chem1cal Center. Les has been ch1ef of Larry 1S a past pres1dent of the KwaJ­ Justice Harold Burnett, who ruled that the Range Operations Schedul1ng D1V1S1on ale1n Art GU1ld and of the R01-Namur the legislature acted within its legal at KMR. and Carol worked for Global As­ Scuba Club He also played soccer and authority in passing a bill declaring soc1ates in Work Management. darts, and coached T-Ball and the Coco­ the draft null and vOld. Les enjoyed scuba and served as a nuts softball team. divemaster. Both he and Carol played soft­ Beth worked two years at the Island ball and darts and bowled. Carol was also Nursery, served as a den mother, and was On This Day In History a member of the Christmas Cho1r. Rlchelle. secretary of the KwaJale1n Art GU1ld. In 1953, after two years and 17 days an HourGlass carr1er, played softball and of negot1atlons, the war ln Korea was de­ basketba 11. A Thought For The Day clared at an end. In farewell. Carol says. "It's been an In 1974, the House Jud1Clary Commlttee experience. We are look1ng forward to Ala­ French novellst Alexander Dumas recommended the 1mpeachment of Presldent bama. Yokwe." sald, "Bus~ness? It's qUlte slmple. R1chard N1xon on an art1cle relat1ng to (Cont~nued ln Column 2) It's other people's money." Watergate. FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1979 PAGE 5 At Wit's End Movies by Erma Bomb ck Tonlght The other mornlng I opened the paper to Rlchardson Scott Joplln ------PG see Presldent Carter's daughter, Amy, Ivey Hall Outlaw Blues ------PG Ann tralllng behlnd hlm at an alrport ln Tokyo Yokwe Yuk Callfornla Dreamlng ----- R yawnlng and carrYlng her vlol1n case. Tradewinds Walk Proud ------PG The Presldent and Mrs. Carter unknow­ CllIfders lngly are resurrectlng a trend In thlS country that has been dormant for more Television than a decade. It's called taklng the Chll­ ~ Tonlght On KwaJaleln Dear Ann Landers: Dld you endorse the dren wlth you. 4:00 Sesame Street Prltlkln Dlet? I rarelj mlSS your column Throughout the world at state dinners, 5:00 Sha Na Na and I dld not see the endorsement, but my hlgh-level hellos at the alrport, and 5:25 Soap Factory slster-ln-law sald she saw It. True or motorcades, I have seen Amy trudglng along 5:50 Three's Company false? -- Need To Know In OhlO carrYlng her books, stuffed anlmals and 6:15 We've Got Each Other Dear Need: False. I have not endorsed games. 6:40 How The West Was Won the Pr~t~k~n D~et, the St~llman D~et, the Not only 1S the presldent puttlng the 8: 20 Ba retta Scarsdale D~et, the Grapefru~t D~et, the baby sltter vote ln Jeopardy, he lS creat- 9:10 Movle: Savage Bees Atk~ns D~et -- or any of the other over­ 1ng dlsharmony among U.S. chlldren who ------Tonlgh"COnRol-Namur--- n~ght "successes." have to stay home wlth a mlnlmum wage baby 5:00 Second City I do, however, recommend certa~n as­ sltter, $200 worth of steaks ln the freez­ 5:25 Sha Na Na pects of many popular d~ets -- no booze, er and $5,000 worth of toys .. 5:50 Three's Company no desserts, and da~ly exerc~se. A person My son sald to me the other day, "You 6:15 We've Got Each Other ~s bound to lose we~ght and feel better never take us anywhere." 6:40 How The West Was Won ~f he follows these gu~de1~nes. "Where would you llke to go?" 8:15 Hawa11 Flve-O Please tell your s~ster-~n-1aw she ~s "I'd llke to get out more and meet 9:10 Go West Younq Glrl nus~nformed. You can also tell her I have people llke Brezhnev or the Japanese 10:20 r1ovle: Sunflower never endorsed product, read com­ a or a ambassador to the Unlted States •• 0 pr ------merc~a1 -- and I never w~11. Ann Landers maybe Just to see a Chlnese opera." ~s not for sale. "People don't take thelr chlldren wah Did Moon Come from Earth them anymore." WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Although the lssue Dear Ann Landers: Recently you advlsed "Then why does the presldent do 1t?" lS far from settled, a U.S. space agency husbands agalnst keeplng a secret cache of "Maybe he can't get a sltter. Besldes, SC1entlst says there lS 1ncreaslng eV1- photographs that could prove embarrasslng you'd be bored." dence the moon somehow came from Earth lf they dled suddenly and the plctures "No I wouldn't. I'd take my skateboard bllllons of years ago. were dlscovered by thelr Wlves. Please along or my drum set ••• I'd keep busy. "I thlnk we have turned the corner on tell your women readers the same. I know some klds whose parents even take where we are on the ong1n of the moon," My wlfe of over 35 years passed away them out for dlnner once ln awhlle. I sa1d Dr. John O'Keefe of the Goddard followlng a brlef lllness. We had a won­ can't remember when you last took me out Space Fllght Center. derful marrlage and I was devastated when to dlnner." "Up to now, people had thlS ldea and she dled. When I was gOlng through her "I remember. It was when you uttered that ldea or the other ldea," he said in closets to gather ltems to glve away, I your flrst words: 'shrlmp cocktall and an lntervlew. "I thlnk a majority -- or ran across a worn manlla envelope. In the pressed duck. '" close to a maJor1ty -- of the people 1n envelope was a snapshot of my wlfe and a Maybe I'm overreactlng, but my mother the fleld now thlnk that the moon came out hlgh school boyfrlend. They were holdlng tells storles of how she used to travel of the mantle of the Earth. The 1dea 1S hands and smlllng. Also ln the envelope, wlth us ln the '30s B.G. (Before GUllt.) comlng at us from all d1rectlons." wrltten on yellow-l1ned paper, were notes She tells of how we locked ourselves ln O'Keefe told a meetlng of the Amer1can that had been passed between my w1fe and a crowded grocery store, entwlned our Geophyslcal Unlon that one of the great th1S boy. bodles around her legs and whlned because results of the Apollo Lunar Landlng Pro­ Imaglne my shock when I read (In my we couldn't have candy ••• fell asleep Ject a decade ago was produclng the eVl­ w1fe's penmanshlp), "I don't know lf I am at the falr ••• threw up on the ferrlS dence that supports the ldea the moon or- sorry for what happened last nlght or not. wheel and argued for 35 mlles once on the 19lnated from the Earth. Please, please, don't ever tell anybody llfe span of a centlpede wlth foot pro­ because 1f you d1d I would be rU1ned ••• " blems. All the years of our marrlage she had Maybe If we had taken our vlol1n along me bel1evlng she was a vlrgln untll our thlngs would have been dlfferent. Your Individual weddlng n1ght. Now I feel llke a damn fool. Th1S th1ng w1ll haunt me for the rest of Chinese Cures Horoscope my 11fe. -- Anonymous, Of Course by Ann Lo Lordo ==== Frances Drake=====~;;;;,:,.;c:== Dear Anonymous: The po~nt you make ~s BALTIMORE. Maryland (UPI) When Dr. FOR MONDA Y, JULY 30, 1979 a good one, but you could be wrong. Why do Llang-Yl Cha's 60-year-old aunt vlslted you assume the worst? Perhaps your w~fe ARIES ~~ TJungs fall mto place Without her natlve Chlna ln January and came down (Mar 21 to Apr 19) ~ much effort Today, you are and the young man engaged ~n heavy pett~ng wlth a severe headache, asplr1n was not Take advantage of pleasant the power behmd the throne' and noth~ng more. In fact, ~t ~s more than what the doctor prescrlbed. opportumtles to further SAGITI'ARIUS .1~ 1~ke1y that th~s was the case. Instead, she was taken to Peklng Frlend­ romantic Interests Singles (Nov 22 to Dec 21) IC'~ ShlP Hospltal where her physlc1an nephew and marneds alike should feel Express your vlewpomts, Dear Ann Landers: About three weeks optlffilStlc esp m connection With group placed an herbal paste at the base of her TAURUS (j~ actiVIties Your optumsm IS ago, you sa1d 1n your column that a woman neck and gave her acupuncture treatments. (Apr 20 to May 20) '~. contagIOUS and contributes to should watch for slgns of a man belng "a "It's tradlt10nal Chlnese med1clne," Trust hunches re fmanclal overall harmony mama's boy" before she marnes h1m. You explalned Chao backmg for work projects CAPRICORN .,,., t---4< 1ndlcated that "a mama's boy" would not Loved ones are supportive and (Dec 22 to Jan 19) .,tl I«rf Cha, who lS studYlng at the Johns the chmate IS ripe for un· Career twists should leave make a good husband. Hopklns Hospltal In Baltlmore, lS trY1ng portant gams you m a favorable poSltlon You owe your readers a better expla1n­ to show hlS Amerlcan colleagues that uSlng GEMINI D~ Consohdate gams, and get to at10n. It 1S not 11ke you to evade an speclal herbs to treat dlsease can prove (May 21 to June 20) """ work on new proJects which 1ssue. more effectlve and less costly than p111s ReVIsed thmkmg about a should prove rewardmg What exactly 1S a "mama's boy"? All of creative proJect aids Its AQUARIUS __ ~ and serums. fulfillment Take lnltltave re (Jan 20 to Feb 18) -~ us where I work would llke to know your "It lS not only very effectlVe, lt lS romantlc and recreational You may make a change of deflnltlon. I am especlally concerned be­ very easy to get the drugs," Cha sa1d. actlVltltes Be happy' adVisers If you force ISSUes cause I thlnk maybe I marrled one 17 years The 47-year-old physlclan sald doctors Cf~~~~ to July 22) 8t::;) Even so, you'll qwckly find a ago. And now I'm worrled that perhaps I am ( replacement who will work for 1n Chlna now are uSlng Western med1cal You'll come to an unportant your mutual benefit ra1s1ng one, too! I'll be watchlng and know-how to explore the 2,OOO-year hlstory domestiC declSlon and fmd the ES waltlng. -- Ann Fan In Detrolt of tradltlonal Chlnese medlclne. way clear for Its speedy un· r~~ 19 to Mar 20) )( ~ Dear Detro~t: A mama's boy ~s a male It lS a nch legacy," sald Cha, refer­ plementahon _ The completion of one work who ~s dom~nated by hlS mother to the ex­ r1ng to the more than 200 types of herbs LEO n ~ proJect has you busy getting tent that he puts her w~shes before those used over the centur1es to treat the (July 23 to Aug 22) 1IC1~ another one launched 1m. of hQs f~ancee or w~fe. He ~s also ~n con­ A fanuly member helps you portant career and fmanClal Ch1nese people. "It lS really a treasure change perspectIve New gams for busy workers stant touch w~th Mom, ask~ng her op~n~on house." Ideas are creatlve and an on all matters, cater~ng to her every wh~m. Cha, Vlce dlrector ot medlClne at the optimistIc note pervades YOU BORN TODAY are In other words, he funct~ons emot~ona11y 700-bed Peklng hospltal, sald Chlnese actiVItIes SOCial life both artistiC and practlcal at the level of a pre-adolescent. pharmaceutlcal companles tlll large gar­ blossoms Gifted m the art of self· VffiGO IIJ'\A expressIon, you can write, act, dens to ralse the plants that produce more (Aug 23 to Sept 22) ~ There ~s a b~g d~fference between cold lecture, and teach More m· than 500 dlfferent klnds of herbal med- You'll fmd ways to unprove clmed to the professiOns than and cool. Ann Landers shows you how to lClnes. your fmanCial setup - either busmess, law, medlcme, and play ~t cool w~thout freez~ng people out He added that Chlnese sClentlsts and through career gams or the educatlon would brmg you ~n her booklet, "Teen-Age Sex -- Ten Ways support of friends and fanuly happIness Thoroughly researchers are flndlng that the comblna­ members to Cool It." Send 50 cents and a long, tlon of Western and tradltlonal Chlnese dramatlc m nature, It IS un· self-addressed, stamped envelope to Ann LmRA n portant that you stress your med1c1ne 1S effectlve -- especlally In (Sept 23 to Oct 22):0: ortgmallty for success You Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Ch~cago, I11~no~s treatment of chron1C diseases such as The encouragement of have leadership ablhtltes, but 60611. peptlc ulcers and COlltlS. friends brings out the best of at tunes can be lazy In He sald the slde effects of the cen­ your personality Personal busmess you can sell and COPYRIGHT 1979 FIELD ENTERPRISES, INC. turles-old medlclne are less severe and contact prOVides the wmnmg promote, but are mclmed touch m most endeavors toward fixed Ideas Though last for a shorter length of tlme than SCORPIO ~_ consclentlous, at tlmes you FIELD NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE those caused by Western drugs. (Oct. 23 to Nov 21) I'11trnr can be SUSpICIOUS. PAGE b FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1979 Ma;or League Results NEW YORK (UPI) -- Amer1can League beware won-loss records can be decelvlng. Ron GU1dry, 8-7, well off last year's 25-3 pace, stopped the maJor leagues ' top scorlng club on Just three h1tS Thursday ln p1tchlng the New York Yankees to a 2-0 tr1umph over the Cal1forn1a Angels. The Cy Young award Wlnner struck out SlX and walked three 1n hurllng hlS 10th com­ plete game. He 11m1ted the Angels, who were averag1ng 5.5 runs per game, to slng­ les by Joe Rudl ln the second lnn1ng and maJor-league RBI leader Don Baylor ln the fourth and a double by Bobby Grlch 1n the elghth. New York went ahead 2-0 1n the second 1nn1ng after ra1n delays of 21 and 20 mln­ utes. After the second delay, J1m Spencer started a strlng of four stra1ght New York hltS off loser J1m Barr, 7-6, wlth a Special Services Summer fun double down the rlght-f1eld 11ne. Jerry Narron slngled 1n Spencer, moved to second Summer Fun cont~nues for one more week. Bowl~r.g for the older young people ~s one on Br1an Doyle's slngle and scored on Bucky of the favor~tes and th~s game of ball seems to be one of the Pee Wee favor~tes. Dent's slngle up the m1ddle. The Angels posed a threat 1n the flfth when Gr1ch and W1111e A1kens walked wlth two out. GU1dry, beaten tW1ce by the High Rollers fun .!l.un Saturday Angels th1S season, got J1m Anderson to Allce Watts rolled a 185 on the Kentron By TI REVAK h1t 1nto a Torceout to end the 1nnlng. Mlxed League Thursday nlght. Allce also Start off your day wlth a sml1e, In the e1ghth, Gr1ch doubled and moved to got the hlgh serles, a 498. Marle-Andree By runnlng a 1/4, 1, or 3 ml1e. th1rd w1th two out but GU1dry got Rod Carew Llston rolled a 182 second hlgh game and a The t1me 1n the morn1ng 1S seven, on a fly to left. 496 second hlgh serles. Kathy Paulo con­ When 1t l S so pretty, 1t l S almost 11ke A crowd of 43,141, the largest ever to verted the 5-10 Spllt. heaven. watch a weekday game at the refurblshed On Saturday the 28th at, Yankee Stad1um, saw GU1dry stop the Angels. The Jogg1ng board 1S the place, In other AL games, Ba1t1more trounced Men's Softball Schedule So come on, Seattle 12-1, Oakla~d defeated Boston 8-6, TOnlght Let's see your face. Cleveland downed M1nnesota 7-2, Toronto Brandon - 5:15 Grlngos vs Wlzards If you need any feed back, beat Texas 8-4, Detro1t topped M11waukee Dally - 5:15 Benchwarmers vs Schmucks Be sure and call T1 Revak. 5-2, Kansas C1ty drubbed Chlacago 6-1. Saturday W-/7342, H-83624 Although hampered by 1nJur1es thlS sea­ Brandon - 1·00 Snake Pit vs B.D. son, Johnny Bench lS stll1 the man who must 2:15 01y's vs Meck Rex de11ver lf the C1nClnnatl Reds are to win Dally - 1:00 Y.O.U. vs Tramps Sport Shorts the Nat10nal League West. Sunday PHILADELPHIA (AP) -- The f1rst round Bench, whose clutch h1tt1ng has been In­ Brandon -11:30 Fubar vs B.D. of the ra1n-delayed Ph11adelph1a Golf strumental 1n past Reds ' champ10nshlp sea­ 2:15 Snake Pit vs Rag Arms Class1c was completed today w1th a clus­ sons, drove 1n four runs w1th a three-run 3:30 Red Eye Express vs Schmucks ter of SlX men at 67, tra111ng co-leaders homer and a slng1e Thursday n1ght, 1eadlng 4:45 Y.O.U. vs Benchwarmers Dav1d Graham and B111 Rogers by two the Reds to a 9-7 Vlctory and a three-game Da lly -11:30 Wlzards vs Tramps strokes. sweep off the Plttsburgh Plrates. 1:00 Aloha State vs Islanders Graham and Rogers f1n1shed the1r Bench's thlrd homer 1n two games came 2: 15 i~O Game rounds yesterday and teed off today 1n 1n a th1rd lnn1ng four-run outburst that 3:30 Carl booze vs Vamplres round-two. chased starter and loser Dave Roberts, 1-3, 4:45 Grlngos vs Pupu1e Ones Tled at 67, for second place, are and put the Reds ahead to stay, 6-5. Bench Monday Bobby Wadk1ns, Mark McCumber, Forrest also added an RBI single 1n a two-run Brandon - 5:15 Schmucks vs Rag Arms Fezler, Bob Byman, Tommy Valent1ne and fourth to glve re11ever Marlo Soto hlS Dally - 5:15 Aloha State vs Carl booze George Cadle. f1rst v1ctory 1n three dec1S10ns. Tuesday Defend1ng champ10n Jack N1cklaus f1n- W1111e Stargell had a two-run homer, his Brandon - 5:15 Benchwarmers vs Meck Rex 1shed his second round and posted a 72, 20th, and B111 Roblnson, a solo shot, hlS Dally - 5:15 Grlngos vs O.C. Wh1Ch left h1m seven strokes off the 21st, for the P1rates, who suffered the1r Wednesday pace. fourth stralght loss. Brandon - 5:15 Y.O.U. vs Wlzards In other game, edged Houston Dally - 5:15 Oly's vs Islanders ST. JULY DE VERCHERES, Quebec (UPI) 6-5, Ch1cago wh1pped New York 9-2, St. Thursday -- Nancy Lopez 1S trY1ng to cope w1th a LOU1S trlmmed Atlanta 6-2 and San FranC1S­ Brandon - 5:15 Red Eye Express vs Fubar season that 1S only Sllghtly less br11- co downed San D1ego 6-2. Dally - 5:15 No Game 11ant than her record-break1ng rook1e Fnday tour last year. Listen To AFRS For Sports Brandon - 5:15 Snake Plt vs Pupule Ones But 1t l S awfully tough. MaJor League Baseball Dally - 5:15 Red Eye Express vs Vamplres So tough that the 22-year-old profes­ Ba1t1more vs ~11waukee, Tues,at l2:30 p.m. Saturday slonal has begun glv1ng herself the prop­ Brandon - 1:00 01y ' s vs Tramps er scold1ng parents usually reserve for The Sporting Life Dally 1:00 Meck Rex vs B.D. unruly ch11dren. Sunday Lopez shot a 3-over par 76 Thursday to Brandon -11:30 Snake Plt VS Tramps f1n1sh seven strokes off the pace set by 1:00 Oly's vs Vamplres Canad1an Cathy Sherk 1n the f1rst round 2:15 No Game of the $150,000 Peter Jackson Class1c. 3:30 Carlbooze vs Islanders Sherk, ranked the top amateur golfer 4:45 Aloha State vs ~.C. by Golf D~gest last year, sank f1ve b1rd­ Dally -11 :30 Red Eye Express vs B.O. le putts to take a three-stroke lead over 1:00 Y.O.U. vs Pupule Ones 90 golfers vYlng for the $22,500 w1nner 1 s 2:15 Benchwarmers vs Fubar purse at the par-73 Rouvllle Course near 3:30 Schmucks vs Wlzards Montreal. 4:45 Rag Arms vs Meck Rex NEW YORK (AP) -- Wlth the flrst NFL exh1b1t10n game but one day away, lnJury Water Polo Schedule reports and transact10ns keep most teams Monday busy between pract1ce seSSlons. 7:15 - Snow Seals vs Wlngs Left-hander Dave Humm w111 start at Wednesday quarterback for the Oakland Ra1ders 1n 7:15 - The Tubes vs Snow Seals the Hall of Fame Game Saturday aga1nst Monday Dallas. Wlth regular quarterback Kenny 7:15 - Champlonshlp Game Stabler asklng to be traded, Humm may be f1ght1ng for the start1ng spot w1th J1m P1 unkett. Golf Course Closed Veteran defenslve end Carl Eller 1S The golf course wl11 be closed to the be1ng f1ned $500 a day for m1ss1ng pre­ publlC on Saturday from 7 a.m. to noon and season workouts w1th the M1nnesota Vlk­ on Sunday from 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. due to lngs. No explanat10n 1S glven for Eller's the KGA Tournament. absence. , FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1979 PAGE 7 -DENNIS th MENACE P I-IE~'5 THE lIJORLD WAR I porAGe AU CERFElJIL ... E5CARGOT5 .•• FOND~ FLL(ING ACE TAKING A CANAf

W I Z A R o

~ Sure, he eats out if your hand .. he eats right out of !pur MOUm jf you don't watch it I" • B. Crossword By Eugene 'Sheffer ACROSS 43 Plodanc DOWN 11 Kefauver C. 1 CIgarette opus 1 Cleopatra's 17 Word Wlth residue 44 Author undomg nook 6 Allow Wiesel Z RR stop 19 Barter 9 Nabve of 45 Regard 3 Washout 21 Deface a suffIX. 47 Most pathebc 4 Sparush ZZ Pub request 1Z HIde 49 Correct arbcle Z4 Roman 502 13 Wrath 52 Sesame 5 Fmely Z6 Delineated C 14-Momes 53 Vane strabfled Z8 Expert 15 Italian fare duecbon rock 38 Tune penod A 16 Van Gogh 54 Word Wlth 6 Word 3Z Compounds N 18 Sea ~( shoppmg Wlth of a sort Stat,.. 55 Smgle urut room 33 Composer Y ZO Demol.ish 56 PoetiC 7 Sevareld Rorem var contraction 8 Denary 34 Post-SAT a 21 West or 57 City on the 9 Perfect exam N Murray Ruhr 10 Unrelaxed 36 Type of %a Sea bird Avg. soluUoD Ume: Z5 min. bedroom Z4 Valleys 38 Spaghetb Z5 Nautical toppmg tenn 39 Actor Delon 27 Once more 40 Advance ,...-,.--_____-...,... ___--,...---.--.. Z9 Leased furbvely AND HURRY SACK HERE COMES 31 Word With 42 Harass WITH MY OTHER PANTS, TI-4E GENERAL I room 45 Serf, once I'LL STAY BEHI 35 Thick 46 Sovereigns, B MY DESK TILL liqueur for short 37 Belgian 48 Chemical E river suffIX E 38 Harem 5OBom owner 7-27 51 Type of 'T 41 LIkely Answer to yesterday's puzzle. room

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A They'll Do It Every Time

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