St. Thérèse of A Short Story... St.

St. Joan of Arc grew up on a farm in with her family and often went to a nearby chapel to pray. God called her to do many things that required great patience. When she was 13, she began having visions and messages from St. the and a few other . When Joan was 17, she heard God calling her to lead the French army against the invading English soldiers. Joan’s total trust and faith in God permitted her to lead the French army to VICTORY! At 18, she was captured by the English, and her king and people did nothing to save her! She spent 9 months in prison while enduring trials, public ridicule and threats of torture. She was martyred at 19 - burned alive at the stake. She died looking at a and crying out “Jesus, Jesus”. With patient endurance, her trust and love for God stayed strong to the end. St. Joan of Arc, Pray for us. St. Thérèse of Lisieux A Short Saint Story... St. Mary Queen of All Saints

Mary was a young Jewish girl from Nazareth. God chose her to be the mother of His only Son Jesus. Mary was open to God’s plan in her life and she said “YES” to what God asked of her. We honor Mary for giving birth to Jesus our Savior.

Mary, our Blessed Mother, was assumed into heaven - body and soul - and was crowned Queen of Heaven by her son Jesus, the King and Lord of all creation. She is a wonderful example to us of faith, humility and trust in God.

St. Mary, Pray for us. St. A Short Saint Story... At the age of 16, Patrick was St. Patrick captured by Irish pirates and sold as a slave in Ireland. After six years, Patrick escaped home to Britain. He became a priest and was later ordained a bishop.

In the year 432, he returned to Ireland and preached to the Irish people and kings who did not know about God’s love. Through Patrick’s example, many people turned from their evil ways and followed God!

One time, Patrick used a shamrock to teach that though there are three divine persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, there is but one God. He said, “Even as there are three leaves on this one stem, so there are three Persons in one God.” St. Patrick, Pray for us. St. Joseph A Short Saint Story... St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael is a mighty warrior, the prince of the Heavenly Army of Angels, and defender & protector of God’s people.

When Lucifer (Satan) and the other evil angels rebelled against God, St. Michael led the good angels in battle against the bad angels. The bad angels were driven out of heaven.

St. Michael is usually pictured as a strong and youthful, clothed in armor and with sword.

St. Michael, Pray for us. Bl. A Short Saint Story... St. Elizabeth Seton Elizabeth was born in New York City to non-Catholic parents. Her mother died when Elizabeth was young. Her father, a doctor, taught her to love and serve the poor.

She married William Seton at the age of 19. They had five children of their own and looked after William’s seven half- brothers and sisters. When she was 29, William passed away. Catholic friends helped her and taught her about the Catholic faith. She became a Catholic at the age of 30. Elizabeth opened a school for girls in Baltimore, MD, the first Catholic parish school in American community of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. She was called “Mother Seton.”

Elizabeth was the first person born in the United States to be declared a Saint. St. Elizabeth, Pray for us.