HANUMANASANA AND BEYOND Props needed: blanket, 2 blocks, strap

Child’s pose / b​ alasana Elbows on 2 blocks, highest height, shoulder width, join palms. ​Alt: stay in child’s pose, bend elbows and join palms, walk elbows forward Extra credit: roll up a blanket or towel, nestle it behind your knees and then come to your shins with your toes untucked. Stay still or rock side to side slowly. Move blanket back along your calves in three installations, holding for 3-5 breaths in each station. Downward facing dog / a​ dho mukha svanasana (“AMS”)

Round One thigh / hamstring work back knee lifted Half / a​ rdha hanumanasana Lunge back knee lifted Downward facing dog / a​ dho mukha svanasana (“AMS”)

Round One chest opening / back chain engagement Plank push down / drag hands apart / drag hands back (lower down to mat, knees then chest) Chest stretch on belly, one arm to side, wrist in line with shoulder, roll onto side *roll bicep towards top of mat* switch sides One-legged frog pose, 1 / e​ ka pada 1 ​ with L forearm on mat parallel to short end of mat, other arm reaches back for inside of R foot, bend knee and square chest to top of mat, switch sides Locust with arms along sides and feet grounded / s​ alabhasana AMS AMS with side stretch: heels to left, toes to right in one line, stretch along right side of torso while lifting left armpit; switch sides

Round Two ​ ​thigh / hamstring work

Lunge Warrior one / ​virabhradrasana one: j​ oin palms, bend elbows. Suck armpits back, take your head back, straighten arms. Sit deeply and stretch up. Standing / u​ rdhva prasarita eka padasana Lunge AMS

Round Two chest opening / back chain engagement Plank Twisted plank: take heels to the left, toes to the right, right hand to left shoulder, **TOUCH RIGHT ELBOW TO LEFT ELBOW CREASE**. Stay here or push into inner right foot and lift left foot up. Switch sides. (knees down, chest down, lower to mat) Interlace hands to webbing, keep feet rooted for a locust variation, lift chest and stretch arms back / s​ alabhasana variation One-legged frog pose, 2 (or repeat 1) / ​eka pada bhekasana 2 ​ with hands next to low ribs so that forearms are vertical. Lift shoulders up in line with elbows, L hand on mat, elbow drawing to spine, other arm reaches back for inside of R foot, bend knee and square chest to top of mat, switch sides Crocodile pose / m​ akarasana ​interlace hands behind head, press elbows down until armpits draw back away from the floor, then lift up and broaden elbows away from one another AMS

Round Three thigh / hamstring work Deep lunge with clasp / ​ variation ​transition to arms alongside ears, option to cross wrists and turn palms to face one another, hook thumbs. Chin to chest, arms behind head, chin up, reach up and back pressing head into arms. Pyramid / p​ arsvottanasana Twisting triangle / p​ arivrtta Lunge AMS with twist: L hand outside R shin, twist, switch sides

Round Three chest opening / back chain engagement Plank, bend R knee two inches, straighten. Bend L knee two inches, straighten. Bend both knees two inches, straighten. Melting heart or extended puppy pose / ​anahatasana (come to belly) Locust / s​ alabhasana​ with clasped hands, bring legs together without losing any height Transition directly to cobra / ​ w​ ith option to transition to upward facing dog / urdhva mukha svanasana

AMS Round Four thigh / hamstring work Revolved lunge with quad stretch “RLQS”:​ Step R foot forward on outside of R hand, move L hand to the L, turn R toes out to 2:00 and keep ball of foot on mat. Place R hand on R thigh, bend elbows slightly out and roll biceps out to move upper back in. Push out of L hand and straighten bottom arm. Stay here or reach R arm back, bend L knee and hold *outer* L foot with R hand thumb pointing up as if you were hitchhiking. Inhale, draw back knee toward top of mat and stamp front heel down, then bend R elbow and bring L heel to hip.

Deep lunge with quad stretch / a​ njaneyasana variation​: R​ elease L foot, walk R foot closer to the midline. Bring hands onto R thigh and then stretch arms up. Drag back knee forward and press front heel down, lift up on low belly. Stay here or place R hand on R thigh then reach L arm back, bend L knee and hold *inside* of foot with thumb pointing up. Wrap L ribs toward top of mat to move towards square to short edge of mat, then bend L elbow and bring heel to hip.

Stay here or wrap R hand around the base of skull. Take elbow forward, then suck R armpit back, inhale, then as you exhale slide your throat back, take your head back and lift your chin. Breathe and keep your low belly lifted and strong. Exhale, carefully release.

AMS (other side)

Round Four chest opening / back chain engagement Plank (knees down, chest down) Floor bow​ / ​ x2 On second dhanurasana, keep chest lifted and release legs come directly to ​upward facing dog / ​urdhva mukha svanasana​. AMS with twist​: L hand outside R shin, twist, switch sides (knees down)

Camel​ / u​ strasana​ 2x: 1: toes tucked under; 2. Option to untuck toes. Press down into toes or tops of feet and shins, lift up on low belly, roll biceps out, take shoulderblades toward your spine and slightly down. Coil back, slide throat back, lift chin and look up and over your head. Keep hands on back or take hands to ankles or feet. Take the hips well forward. Bring hands onto back (extra credit: at same time!), lift chin last, sit on heels. Try not to come into child’s pose.

Hip openers Knee to chest ​/ e​ ka pada pavanmuktasana:​ start with shin in line with long edge of mat, then transition to diagonal shin with knee to armpit and toes pointed towards opposite groin. Straighten leg along floor. (other side) Half happy baby /​ ​ardha ananda : h​ old outer foot of R leg and keep L hip down, resist hand and foot against one another and draw thigh past torso towards the floor. Turn the foot out to the right like parsvakonasana and repeat above actions. Transition to… Thread the needle ​ / ​sucirandhrasana: ​cross R outer ankle on L thigh just below the knee. Squeeze R heel isometrically towards R inner thigh to create tone along back of leg, resist R elbow against L inner thigh, then broaden the R leg to the R as you turn the thigh in the hip socket to move the R knee away from the R shoulder. Draw from L ankle towards the head rather than pressing straight down on the shin. Breathe :). Straighten R leg along floor. (other side) Supine leg stretching ​/ s​ upta padangusthasana “SPG” *put a small loop in your belt, the size of your foot* 1. SPG 1: bend R knee into chest and either take your index and middle fingers around your big toe, closing your thumb around your index and middle fingernails, OR take your belt over the ball of your R foot. Note: do not take the loop on your foot yet! Just have it hanging at the end. If you’re using a belt, hold one end in each hand and straighten your arms. If you’re holding your foot, take your L hand on your L thigh with your arm straight. Press through the ball of the foot until the foot is parallel with the ceiling and reach your R heel strongly away from the pull of your hand to create tone along the back of the leg like you’re doing a hamstring curl! Inhale, keeping the leg UBER straight, and as you exhale, tone your navel and reach your L arm forward along your leg and bend your R elbow wide and back behind you to bring your shin and your forehead together. If you are using the belt, bend both elbows wide and behind you as you do the above. Inhale here, deepen the stretch while keeping your leg straight, then as you exhale keep the leg where it is and lower your head and shoulders to your mat. 2. SPG 2​: Take both ends of the belt in your R hand and hold as close to the foot as possible so that your arm stays straight, or transition your hand to your outer R foot if you are not using a belt. Put your L hand on your L thigh with your arm straight if it isn’t

there already. This will remind you to keep the L side of your body firm and the L leg extended with the hip down. Inhale, then exhale and lower the R leg to the R side as you keep the L glute engaged and pressing down. Press the hand and foot into each other and isometrically squeeze the heels toward each other. Roll the R thigh out and point the toes and kneecap towards the floor a little. Keep the chin vertical. 3. SPG 3:​ On your exhale, bring the R leg vertical once again. Take the loop of your belt onto your R foot, over the ball of the toes. Bend R knee to R side and take R shin across the body so that the R foot is close to the L shoulder. a. Take right hand to R knee and L hand to R foot, keeping the belt on the R foot.

b. Bend elbows wide, take leg like sucirandrasana, let ankle sickle so that the outer ankle gets length. Take your R toes in the direction of your L ear. c. Externally rotate your R leg like sucirandrasana, then take hold of the strap with your R hand as close to the R foot as possible. d. Take L elbow wide e. Take R arm behind head and let up on strap as needed.

f. Look down torso and even out the sides of your torso, lift L elbow toward head side of your mat.

g. Lay back, keep turning your R leg out and reaching through your inner L heel as you descend the back of your L leg towards the floor. Breathe. h. Take your arm out from behind your head, take belt off your foot, and stretch both legs long. (other side)

Hanumanasana work Staff pose / d​ andasana Hanumanasana 1. Keep R leg straight ahead then swing L leg wide to the L. Your L knee will be bent, kinda like a herkie for those of you who were cheerleaders or have watched the Netflix show Cheer.

2. Your hips are currently open slightly to the left. My suggestion is to use two blocks here on either side of your hips--press down into the blocks or your mat and lift UP to turn your back (L) leg in so that your L knee points straight down and your hips are level. 3. Draw your back knee isometrically forward and your front heel back to create strength in your legs. Lift up on your low belly. 4. Stay there, or without losing strength, push out through your legs putting more distance between your feet. **pro tip: support your front leg by slipping a block (or seven!!) underneath it if you can’t keep the power in your legs** (other side) (repeat as above OR) Hanuman’s vice 1. Enter as above, then add a twist. This could bring more length to your L frontal hip as the twist we often do in Vira 1 prep does! 2. Release twist on an exhale, keeping the power in your low belly and legs. 3. Sit perhaps more deeply and stretch your arms up, joining your palms. Look, this could be enough for you. If so, skip ahead to counterposes! Otherwise, continue on with some ​urdhva dhanurasana w​ ork!

Backbends Bridge ​/ setu bandhasana Wheel ​/ urdhva dhanurasana first round (or simply push up if you know coming to your head is not wise--scouts honor!)

1. Lift your hips and take the crown of your head to the mat. Move your head back a few inches. Lift your hips again. 2. From the top of your head, grip the floor and suck your armpits back. 3. Stay on the top of your head and LIFT your shoulders a *shit ton*. 4. Push down and lift your head, move towards straight arms. Come to the balls of your feet, hips high. 5. Pump your chest slowly several times to bring weight into your arms, then shift your weight back into your legs, take your head back to see your fingernails, then lower your inner heels. Wheel ​/ urdhva dhanurasana second round: belt your legs above your knees so that your outer hips, outer knees, and outer feet are in line. Always adjust if this feels too snug for you. The goal is that we give the legs a boundary so that the muscles we WANT to work (middle glutes / hamstrings) do and the ones who sometimes do (outer glutes) get a vacay. This way you might get more power! 6. Lift your hips and take the crown of your head to the mat. Move your head back a few inches. Lift your hips again. 7. From the top of your head, grip the sides of your sticky mat and pull it away from you to take your armpits waaaayyyy back. Lift your shoulders a *shit ton*. 8. Place your hands on the mat right next to where you were gripping the mat. 9. Push down and lift your head, move towards straight arms. Come to the balls of your feet, hips high. 10. Pump your chest slowly several times to bring weight into your arms, then shift your weight back into your legs, take your head back to see your fingernails, then lower your inner heels. (repeat 2-3 times or more!) We are using movement here to create opening in the shoulders and chest. We used hanumanasana to create opening in the front of the hip and thigh. Notice what effect this had for you.

Counterposes / going inward Constructive rest Supine leg stretching ​/ variation: b​ end your knees and place your feet on the floor; interlace your hands around the back of your R thigh, as close to your hip as you need in order to take your R ankle over your R hip. If you need to use a belt instead, do it. And you may feel more of a sense of integration with your hands. Press your leg into your hands and your hands into your leg, and soften. (roll to your R side, push up to sit) Twisting thunderbolt pose ​/ parsva : s​ it on your shins, upright. Take your L hand on the outside of your R thigh and your R hand to the back of your pelvis, fingers pointing down.

Downward-facing thunderbolt ​/ a​ dho mukha vajrasana: w​ alk your hands out 45 degrees away from your legs or to about 2 o’clock on a clock face, shoulderwidth apart. Fold over. Look to get your back parallel to the ceiling. Walk your L fingertips out away further if possible to create more length along the L side of your back. After several breaths, walk your hands back to you and sit up. (other side) Child’s pose ​/ b​ alasana (lie on back) Thread the needle ​ / ​sucirandhrasana Eagle supine twist /​ g​ aruda’s twist Knees to chest ​/ p​ avanmuktasana Brain hammock: ​5 mins

Savasana ​ ​7 minutes PLUS