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Extensions of Remarks 3861 Extensions of Remarks March 13, 1997 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3861 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS WINNER OF ARIZONA'S 1997 VOICE people like Joseph Stalin who actually cre­ SPECIAL RECOGNITION TO MSGR. OF DEMOCRACY CONTEST ated a famine in the Ukraine in 1932 and '33 DANIEL J. BOURKE, GRAND MAR­ which resulted in the death of three-million SHAL OF THE 173D ST. PAT­ HON. BOB STIJMP kulaks by starvation; or even greater still RICK'S DAY PARADE IN SAVAN­ was Adolph Hitler who nearly brought about NAH, GA OF ARIZONA the complete extinction of the entire Jewish IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES race by destroying over six-million of them Thursday, March 13, 1997 through various and sundry methods of tor­ HON. JACK KINGSTON Mr. STUMP. Mr. Speaker, the Veterans of turous execution. Or how about Benito Mus­ OF GEORGIA Foreign Wars and its Ladies Auxiliary are very solini of Italy who came up with the term IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES active in promoting patriotism and an under­ "totalitario'', to describe the goals of his fas­ Thursday, March 13, 1997 cist government, as saying that his aim was standing of the values which underlie this "All within the state, none outside the state, Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, in honor of great country of ours through its Voice of De­ and none against the state." his dedication to preserving Irish culture, tradi­ mocracy essay contest. During this past year, tion, and history, Monsignor Bourke has been over 109,000 secondary school students par­ No other government in existence cares as named grand marshal of the 173d St. Patrick's ticipated in the contest, and each one of those much for the natural human rights of the in­ dividual, than democracy in its purest form. Day Parade in Savannah, GA. The parade is students has a clearer understanding of the In America we have a Constitution and a Bill the cornerstone of one of the largest St. Pat­ meaning of democracy as a result of their par­ of Rights that hold the same value, if not rick's Day celebrations in the Nation and is a ticipation. The winner of this contest in my more so, today as they did over two hundred fitting tribute for a man who has given so State of Arizona was David C. Pickett from years ago when they were first inscribed. much to preserve the heritage of his native Prescott Valley, AZ. David is an outstanding The only thing these other governments land and equally as much to the advancement senior at Bradshaw Mountain High School, have to show for all of their efforts is revolu­ of the country and city he now calls home. and his entry was sponsored by VFW Post tion after revolution after bloody revolution, HIBERNIAN SOCIETY OF SAVANNAH, GA 10227 and its Ladies Auxiliary. His father is a and a never-ending state of misery for their "Irishmen, inclined as they are by nature retired Marine. I'm sure David's parents, as people. There is no limit to democracy in to good fellowship and charity, should not well as all of David's teachers are very proud America, everyone is entitled to the same forget, in a foreign land, the duties they owe of this young man. I'd like to share with my share, an no one is excluded for any reason to themselves, their national character, and colleagues his winning essay. whether it be on the basis of social standing, their distressed countrymen. These obliga­ political power, skin color, gender, or reli­ tions are the more important to Irishmen, DEMOCRACY-ABOVE AND BEYOND gious beliefs. Whereas in places such as because, during the long period of their op­ 1996-97 VFW VOICE OF DEMOCRACY SCHOLARSHIP South Africa during apartheid, its white citi­ pression, Irishmen have been useful to them­ PROGRAM-ARIZONA WINNER, DAVID PICKET!' zens saw its government as a Constitutional selves, their country, and their brethren, Famine, poverty, unemployment, disease, democracy, but for its twenty two-million only in proportion to their exercise of those death ... All of these words that we'd rath­ blacks, it was an iron-fisted dictatorship generous, charitable and sterling traits with er not hear or even think about for an in­ that verged on totalitarian control. Our de­ which it has pleased God to distinguish them stant if we don't have to, because they all mocracy has a system of checks and balances among the people of the earth. Every motive, lead to mental pictures we can't bear to cre­ to make sure no one person or group of peo­ too, presses itself upon the heart of each true ate or drag up from the little cobwebbed cor­ ple has too much control; in a totalitarian Irishman to foster more particularly unfor­ ner in the back of our minds where we try to government, no such system exists, for the tunate because her destiny has been bury all the parts of reality that frighten us leader currently in power is the constitution, unmerited, and therefore the more entitled most. Yet every day in dozens of countries the law, and the government embodied in to the tender consideration of her own sons, throughout the world, people just like you one person and one person alone. So, if you and of the good, the generous and the en­ and I have to deal with these dark aspects of were to place all of these contrasting view­ lightened of other nationalities." life through any means necessary. Honest "Driven from unhappy Erin by unrelenting people having to steal just so their families points on a scale weighing positives vs. nega­ tyranny, afflicted and persecuted Irishmen might see the light of another day. Top of tives, freedom vs. imprisonment, and hon­ seek an asylum in this favored republic, en­ the line modern cardboard and garbage bag esty vs. hypocrisy; which side would result deavoring to find, under the auspices of its mansions littering the decadent alleyways of in a better government? The answer by now liberal institutions, the only consolations a crumbling city, and parents who'd rather should be quite obvious; the first, second, that can remain to exiles thrust out of a be­ take the risk of a condemned building col­ and third place medals for excellency in gov­ loved home by want and oppression. To these lapsing on them than see their children die ernment go to democracy, democracy, and it becomes the duty of their more fortunate of exposure before their very eyes. Peaceful last but most certainly not least: democracy. brethren settled in this free country, and en­ protesters are massacred or imprisoned I hope I have given you something to pon­ joying the benefits of its hospitality, to where they die from any number of ailments der and realize, as well as something to re­ reach out the hand of friendship, to tender while awaiting a trial that will never come. kindle those possibly dwindling feelings of the aid of a delicate charity, and to offer any Each of these chaotic realities can be found pride in your country's government, no other assistance which fraternal, manly and thriving under the bannerhead of a failed make that your government. The govern­ kindly feelings may inspire.'' system of government, whether it be fascism ment our ancestors started has spread like The above two paragraphs comprise the or socialism in any of its deceptive forms; wildfire throughout the world because it is Preamble of the Hibernian Society of Savan­ and each of those horrific realities are pre­ nah which was adopted at a meeting held on cisely the reasons why those governments the only one that has proven itself time and March 17, 1812. failed, as well as the reasons as to why de­ time again as the greatest form of govern­ The Hibernian Society of Savannah, cele­ mocracy has risen far above and beyond ment on Earth. Three years ago in 1993, brating its 185th Anniversary on March 17, them to its honored position in the world something miraculous occurred, for the first 1997, would like to give special recognition to today. time in the history of the planet, the total Monsignor Daniel J. Bourke who is the When one thinks of democracy and its number of democracies in existence out­ Grand Marshal of the 173rd St. Patrick's Day great leaders, pictures of great men such as numbered the total number of dictatorships; Parade in Savannah. Monsignor Bourke was George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ben and I'm sure with the continuation of this born in Birr, Offaly County, Ireland on Sep­ Franklin, John F. Kennedy, and Martin Lu­ trend in world thought, democracy will soon tember 28, 1909. He was ordained to the ther King, Jr. all come to mind. Yet when be the only government in existence, truly priesthood at All Hallows Missionary Semi­ one thinks of the great leaders of com­ showing the world that it has risen above nary in Dublin on June 23, 1934, for the Dio­ munism and fascism, one can only think of and beyond. cese of Savannah. He has given 63 years of e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 3862 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 13, 1997 dedicated service to the area of South Geor­ in Scouting. Eagle Scouts are recognized as tory of the U.S. Congress.
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