The Hilltop 10-1-1993

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The Hilltop 10-1-1993 Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 10-1-1993 The iH lltop 10-1-1993 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 10-1-1993" (1993). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 93. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I ·[©T. .:-~ ..II ¥olume 77, No.5 Serving the Howard University community since 1924 October 1, 1993 Faculty ask Jenifer to resign; he says "No" ~, oerrlcke M. Dennis sion of the Faculty Handbook in favor by the Board of Trustees last January on tenure and the faculty did not sup­ leaders, has been shown university­ ~ iop Staff Writer of his own version, which "supports the despite faculty objections to tenure and port it. wide. The senate is citing a host of Howard University professors have eventual erosion of faculty rights," other provisions. is the standard by "This provision will force us to other AAUP violations, including non­ rt,olved .. no confidence" in President according to Richard Thornell, AAUP which university professors measure serve at the pleasures of others, making procedural appointments, administrative franll)n G. Jcnitcr and are calling for chapter president. their academic rights, freedoms and it impossible to speak out against poli­ grade changing and the "arbitrary" hi1 re,ignation. faculty leaders said this However Jenifer denies responsibili­ securities. cies that are wrong," Thornell added. awarding of a degree despite faculty 11eel. ty for the handbook provision. He said "The rationale is that without tenure, And according to faculty senate opposition. as the cause for their Bui Jenifer has denounced their the Board of Trustees rejected his as there is no academic freedom and lhc reports, 1his fear is real and demonstrat­ actions. icuon a, "circumstantial'· and says the well as the faculty's version and opted administration could tyranniLe us." said ed beyond the handbook issue. "This whole three-year journey began ~nl) 11a) he will resign is if students instead to publish the following provi­ Thornell, who is also a professor at the "Historically, people with power with university presidential candidate tJ1e legitimate causes for complaint. sion in the new handbook taken from Howard University School of Law. tend to punish those who speak out Jenifer chanting 'faculty, faculty, facul­ The university chapter of I he the university charter: "The Board of Faculty leaders fear that the adopted against them or their policies. We have ty... ; " said Peter Sola. secretary of the \mmcan A\Sociauon of University Trustees ... maintains its historical right provision overrides tenure, making it seen evidence of this, obviously in defi­ Faculty Senate. "Now lhat Jenifer has p ofc~,or,. alonf \, ith the Faculty to remove an} professor. or officer of possible for Jenifer and his admini~tra- ance of AAUP standards as well as the been president for a few years, he is Senate. is , the termination of the university. when ... 1he interests of 1ion to fire faculty members at will. administration's own supposed stan­ showing us that the last thing he is con­ J:nifer\ presidency. They allege that the university require it." However, Jenifer said his version dards," Thornell said. cerned with is the faculty," Sola said. 1fer ,crapped the agreed upon ver- The Handbool-., which was :approved was the official, national AAUP policiy This evidence, according to senate Please see Jenifer, A6 Nelson Mandela visits D.C., calls for an end of economic sanctions against South Mrica By Portia Bruner after his U.N. address. his dis­ Executive Council. On Jackson's tion date. Hilltop Staff Writer cussions with the Congressional show. Mandela explained the But he added that the ending After a lifetime of institution­ Black Caucus and other congres­ council's role in future South of all sanctions against South alized racism, years of protest sional decision makers left him African !)Olitics. Africa would not be enough to TIME FOR CHANGE against the system of apartheid confident about U.S. support. "The Transitional Executive cease the tough economic pres­ in South Africa. a prison term "Mr Clinton has been up Council is an institution which sures suffered by South Africans which spanned almost three or enough to fund the upcoming PRESIDENT JENIFER APPOINTS decades and finally. a long await­ mu lt iracial election. '.'JEW ASSOCIATE VP: Eric Gravenberg ed vote by the South African He also discussed his coun­ Parliament for a multiracial gov­ try's black on black violence. hopes to receive input from students on "There is a distortion of the ways to improve services. A2 ernment, African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela position in regard to violence by is now calling on the world to the mass media that creates the impression that all of South ... ... ....... , -- ... end economic sanctions against his country. Africa is engulfed in this vio­ The requ.:s1 promp1ed imme­ lence. That is not correct. This BLACKLOVE diate response from the United violence 1s confined to certain States as well as the internation­ areas of the country. The greater part of the country is free of vio­ POETRY SERIES IDGHLIGHTS BLACK al community. Within hours of the address, U.S. President Bill lence." the 71 year old leader RELATIONSHIPS: Professional and Clinton urged state governments said. amateur poets can flex their lyrical expres­ 10 Mandela added that the coun­ and businesses respect the photo by Chuck Emory sions at Klaudette's Kollections. A6 judgement of the South African try will only be wholly free of leader and quickly lift economic Shadow senator Jesse Jackson escorts African National violence when a democratic gov­ Congress leader Nelson Mandela during his visit to D.C. sanctions. ernment is elected into the In an exclusive interview, front in facilitating the democra­ will prepare for the elections and reformed political system. Mandela told The HILLTOP that tic process in our country and [ensure] that they will be free After a series of questions ''FLEA'' SPEAKS he is optimistic about the nation­ the action that he took [Friday] and fair. In that regard we have from Reverend Jackson, al and international responses to is consistent with that stand," the independent elections com­ Mandela answered questions his request to end sanctiont. Mandela later said on "Both mittee which is going to be from Howard University stu­ THERE'S MORE TO "The response has been very Sides with Jesse Jackson." directly responsible for prepar­ dents. "Both Sides With Jesse B (photoB GARY HARRELL THAN positive, especially if one con­ The day after the ANC ing for the elections, to take con­ Jackson" Producer Lee Thornton t rot of the preparations away from Sports PUNT RETURNS: "The siders the work that we have leader's request, the U.S. Senate sent a crew to Howard to gather voted to revoke the ban on U.S. from the majority government," BSJ Flea" shares his experiences done before (last Friday] asking quest ions from dozens of on and off the field. B5 investors to come and do visibil­ loans to South Africa and to Mandela told Jackson. allow the U.S. to finance The ANC leader cited that the University faculty and students. ity studies in our country. They "There was nowhere else in [international lead-,rs] have been American! exports to South country has made many impor­ African, according to Post tant ad\ ances since his release Washington where we could very positive in their response have gotton the quality of ques­ reports. from prison in 1990 that justified and I therefore expect that their t ions we got from Howard that response is going to be excel­ When the South African ending the sanctions: the lifting Parliament voted to include of South Africa's state of emer­ day," said Thornton, an LOOK OUT, BATMAN lent," Mandela said Saturday. Associate Professor of In the interview, Mandela blacks in the country's national gency. the release of numerous political system, it also voted to political prisoners and the estab­ Journalism in Howard's School added that although he had not of Communications. TAKING THE COMIC BOOK WORLD been in contact with the Senate create The Transitional lishment of an early 1994 elec- BY STORM: A group of Howard students have created their own line of hard-hitting comics. B3 Howard prepares to host UN celebration By Kimberly Bryant Choir. Howard Trustee Thaddeus Garrett Affairs Center, its reputation for producing Hilltop Staff Writer will chair the opening ceremony. distinguished international alumni and its Howard University will be transformed According to Leo Edwards, co-chairman general impacting on International iss1les INDEX into an international. political and cultural of the Planning Committee "the symposium through cooperative efforts with several center tomorrow when diplomats. political at Howard University has come at a time in countries. figures, scholars and community leaders dis­ which it would appear that a number of "The administration thought it important Ce.mpua ............. A!l. Teropo ......... ...... Bl countries in the UN have taken it upon them­ for Howard to hold this event so as to portray People ............... 82 cuss the state and future of the United Ce.mpua Plua ......... A3 selves to make decisions and options for the Howard's sensitivity to broadening its issues Pul.e ...... .......... 83 Nations in panels at the fourth annual United &litorial ............
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