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O C3 3 m ->J o First Time in Archdiocese 12 Priests To Join Bishop in Hoiy Week 0 Conceiebrated Mass I On Holy Thursday morning in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, 12 priests of the archdiocese will join with the Most Rev. David M. Maloney, Auxiliary Bishop of Denver, as conceleb rants of the Mass. This will be the first time that a conceiebrated Mass will be said in the Ca thedral during any of the Holy Week ceremonies. ? During Hoiy Week, Catholics relive the shadowed days when their King was slain by the jealous power of the world He came to save. 0l In all parts of the Denver archdiocese, and particularly in the mother church, H the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, the liturgy will depict how the cheering crowds that spread palms before His feet, melted away when Christ was taken, maltreated, and nailed to the Cross on Calvary. On the high altar, an empty tabernacle will renew the sense of loss, and only on Official Holy Saturday will the Light of Christ be rekindled symbol Tribute to Eucharistic Christ Archdiocese of Denver ically, to strengthen His fol Kneeling in silent adoration as Auxiliary Bishop David M. Maloney distrib arc the Rt. Rev. Monsignor George Evans, assistant chancellor (holding the CHANCERY OFFICE lowers for all lime. 1536 Logan Street utes Communion, more than 1,300 Catholic men fill the Denver Cathedral for paten), and, with his hack to the camera, the Rev. Richard Hanifcn, assistant at the 33rd annual Corporate Communion and breakfast sponsored by the city’s « Denver 3, Colorudu ON EASTER DAY, the last the Cathedral. (Photo by Pat Coffey. See full page of pictures, page 8.) tenuous shadows will be lift Knights of Columbus. Assisting the Bishop at the yearly demonstration of faith The following priests are requested to act as Concele- ed, and the Church will re brants of the Pontifical Mass with the Most Reverend David joice in song, color and light, 5 j M. Maloney in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception at for Jesus is risen and has 9:30 o’clock on Holy Thursday morning, April 15, 1965 and to conquered death. assist in the ceremony of the blessing of the Holy Oils: .At 7:45 p.m. on Wcdne.sday, Helena Prelate Rt. Rev. Msgr. Gregory Smith, V.G., Very Rev. John Dan- April 14, the St. Thomas sem agher, C.M., Rt. Rev. Msgr. Walter Canavan, Rev. Thomas inary choir will sing Tene- L: brae (darkness) in the Cathe DENVER CATHOLIC Shechy. S.J., Rt. Rev. Msgr. William Higgins, Rt. Rev. Msgr. A * L dral, where the candles are Praises Efforts John Moran, Rev. Michael McNicholas, O.P., Rt. Rev. Msgr. extinguished one by one as Elmer Kolka, Rev. James Nugent, C.SS.R., Rt. Rev. Msgr. the p.salms proceed, until all Edward Leyden, Rev. John Doherty, and Rev. Fabian Flynn, is darkness. O.F.M. Archbishop Urban J. Vchr R E C ^ S T E R Of Pope Paul VI OFFICERS OF THE MASS of Denver will preside at the > major ceremonies of Holy Deacon of the Mass Rev. Mr. Stephen Handen THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1965 VOL. LIX No. 35 Perhaps the real test of the greatness of Pope John Subdeacon of the Mass Rev. Mr. Lee Ka.spari Week, including the Mass and XXIII would have been his effecting the updating and blessing of the Oils at 9:30 Masters of Ceremonies Mr. Michael Chamberlain renewal of the Church, and only in the light of how a.m. on Holy Thursday, and successfully he accomplishes this can his successor, Mr. David Croak the Liturgy of the Passion PROCESSION OF THE HOLY OILS and Death of Christ at 12:15 Pope Paul VI, be ultimately judged. Solemn Investiture Set Bishop Raymond G. Hunt- SUBDEACONS FOR OLEUM INFIRMORUM — Rever p.m. on Good Friday. hausen of Helena, .Mont., end Deacons: Albert Pecinovsky, Jeremiah Spencer, Patrick Auxiliary Bishop David M. said this as principal speaker Maloney will celebrate Ponti Pickford, Melvin Rempe, Ronald Bruckner, Flavio Santil- at the breakfast following the fical Mass on Thur.sday and lanes, Clark Butterfield. For 8 Domestic Prelates 33rd annual Corporate Com Friday in Holy Week. DEACONS FOR OLEUM SANCTUM — Rev. Daniel munion of Catholic men in Bohte, Rev. Daniel Connor, Rev. Eugene Murphy, Rev. David The solemnity befitting Thomas P. Barry, pastor of the rank of Domestic Prelate, Denver, sponsored by the ci > I PASTOR OF the Immacu new members of the Pa Annunciation parish. which carries with it the title, ty’s Knights of Columbus. Sobieszczyk, Rev. Gerald Stremcl, Rev. Richard Lechman and late Conception Cathedral, the pal Household will mark Compositions by Mr. Hobbs “ Right Reverend Monsignor,” Rev. Mr. George Goethe. Rt. Rev. Monsignor Walter J. to be presented include the now is given to priests in all Bishop Hunthausen told the the investiture of eight 1.300 persons present, that the The Reverend Clergy appointed for the procession of the Canavan, will officiate at processional. “ Ecce Sacer- parts of the world by the “ most venerated and loved Holy CHls are asked to bring their own amice, alb, cincture Palm Sunday and Holy Satur priests of the archdiocese dos,” for choir, organ, and Pope as a recognition of Pontiff in all history,” Pope and white vestments. day services. as Domestic Prelates in trumpets; “ Tu Es Petrus,”’ merit. John, had “ reached out to the Bishop Maloney will be cel ceremonies in the Immac and ‘‘Christus Vincit.” Other T h e recipients become By order of the Most Reverend Archbishop. world outside the Church ebrant at the Easter Sunday ulate Conception Cathe selections will be Perosi’s members of the Papal house April 8, 1965 from the limited area of Vati George R. Evans Pontifical High Mass, assisted dral at 4 p.m. Sunday, “ A V e Maria,” Victoria’s hold, even though most of by Monsignor Canavan, with can City. Vice Chancellor April 11. “ Tantum Ergo,” and Bouzig- them no longer reside in the Rt. Rev. Monsignor nac’s “ Ego (laudcbo in Domi Rome and have no official Archbishop Urban J. Vehr “ POPE P.AUL carried out George Evans as master of no.” role in the Vatican’s world will officiate at the robing of John’s dream of going to the ceremonies. Originally conferred on wide administration of the the prelates and will deliver world in person in his tradi 'Two deacons from St. members of the Papal Court, Church. the sermon. tion - shattering trip to the Thomas seminary will fulfill Many of the musical selec Holy Land, and his even more Missionary Sister Tells the minor offices at the Mass. tions to be sung for the occa remarkable pilgrimage to In Monsignor Canavan will sion by the Cathedral choir dia,” the Bishop said. preach the sermon. are original compo.sitions by Of Great Strides in Drugs The Cathedral pastor will Allen Hobbs, the Cathedral CYO Names New Officers The Bishop dismissed the The interior town’s also conduct the Easter Vigil, organist. The choir will be snap judgments made by leading doctor got into a with the blessing of the now directed by Clifton Blake “ popularizers and intelligent rugged poker game with In the Curing of Leprosy fire, the lighting of the Pas Hiester, brother of one of the At Annual State Meeting sia” which picture the new the boys in the little Pope as an indecisive Hamlet, chal candle, and the blessing new Domestic Prelates. room behind the store. (More stories on page 8) “ WE FE E L the more young of the baptismal water. These By Christopher Hernon from .Archbishop Urban J. a super-cautious bureaucrat, people are acquainted with ceremonies will be followed Vehr of Denver to the assem or a prisoner of the Roman He was taking quite a Great strides have been SCHEDULED TO BE vest Some 350 out-of-town con mission work the more voca by Mass, at 12 midnight, ap ed in the garments of their bled youth of the archdiocese. Curia, among other epithets. beating until he finally made in the curing of lep ventioneers from places as tions will result,” Sister Mary proximately, on Saturday, drew aces back to back new rank, in the Palm Sunday far distant as St. Ignatius’ par Earl Reum spoke at the On the contrary, the speak rosy, due largely to a drug Francis said in explaining the .April 17. ceremonies are the Rt. Rev. ish, Meeker, were among the conference’s general session er said, Pope Paul is fully in a hand of stud. Every called “ sulfone.” purpose of their Denver visit. Monsignors Michael Harring 800 Catholic Youth Organiza on “ The Responsibilily of aware of the new' order com body stayed in, and on Ths was reported in Sister Kenneth Froehlich ton, pastor of St. Paul’s par ing into the world, and the Denver this week by Sister tion delegates attending the Youth” to fulfil! their role in the next turn of the card runs a multilith-offset opera ish, Colorado Springs; Ed need for the Church to make Mary Francis Webster of the group’s annual convention at society and in the community. he drew another ace. > tion in Philadelphia for the Five Gifts Boost ward A. Leyden, pastor of its contribution. Medical Mission Sisters who the Denver Cosmopolitan ho Medical Mission Sisters. She Blessed Sacrament parish, Colorado Governor John Unfortunately, his good returned from Africa last fall tel last week-end. He added that Pope Paul is is responsible for the printing St. Jude's Burse Denver; George R.