History of Upper Assam, Upper Burmah and North-Eastern Frontier
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Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 HISrORY OF UPPL^ ASSAM, UPPER BURMAH AM) NORTH-EASTERN FRONTIER IIISTOKN OF UrPER ASSAM, UPPER BURMAII AND NORTH-EASTERN FRONTIER I,. \V. SlIAKKSI'KAR M ACM I LEAN AND CO., LIMITED ST. MARTIN'S STREET, LONDON 1914 TO rilK ASSAM MILITARY POLICE FORCE With which 1 had the honour of serving several liappy interesting years the Wardens of our long Marches who, since we stretch of North-Eastern ; were brought into touch with this far-off corner of our Indian possessions have borne the heat, burden, and stress of every expedition (officially recognised or otherwise) with a cheerful willingness and .zeal which has won the approbation of all who have worked with them, but whose labours too frequently pass unnoticed— 1 dedicate this humble work. " Klj)rcant custoilcs tcrmiiiurum Imperii iiostri." L. W. SHAKFSI'KAR (Colonel, 2nd Goorkhas). Dl.llKA DiUiN, \<)IZ Ij. PREFACE As 1 have found no book dcalinjj; coniplctcly and succinctly with Assnin. its border land now so 'much in the public eye, and the many wild and interesting peoples dwelling along that border, which obliges the student to search through many books before arriving at the points of interest desired (if even then they are obtained), I have endeavoured to collect materials from all -to me possible sources, and weaving them into narrative form, to produce something useful and readable at least for those who care about that little-known but very interesting corner of India. The success of my article which the Army Review printed in October, 1912, on this subject, has led me to attempt something more complete in detail ; and with all its sliortcomings I trust it may be appreciated by those interested in the past and future of this fertile and lovely land. If any criticisms may seem too trenchant, I trust the hope that there are those who will in the future benefit by statements of facts may be recognised as a sufHcient excuse for having \eiitured into such, possibly to some, undesirable spheres. In this con- nection a remark of Commander Bellairs, R.N., in his interesting article on " Secrecy and Discussion," which ran to the effect that, if there is no criticism, which naturally goes with discussion, the teachings of history are apt to be per\erted—may still further strengthen my excuse. Without certain of the books \ inciUioiicd in the Hibliograpliy this coiikl not have been attempted, and I desire to record my liigh appreciation of, and indebtedjiess to, the particular l.ihoins of" their authors ; and my 'jratitude to the J.ihrarian of tlie Imperial Library, Calcutta, for his pcrst)nal assistance so courteously given. My thanks are also due to certain friends who liave helped with photographs, namely, those of the Abors, Misiimis, and some of the photos dealing with Maram monoliths ' and Xagas where w as unable to go personally ; the rest ot the photos and sketches are my own. I may add that this book has been vised by Army Ileadciuarters, whose suggested alterations, omissions, have been duly attended to. L. \V. SllAKESPliAK (Colonel, 2nd Goorkhas). CONTENIS CIIAI'IKK I Assani intciesl for arcl vanished init> fxicin of the Itrahinaputra N'ulley tompri^iiif.; ."V5.-.am pi()|)ci niiitc of antieiii Indian adventureis to the further Kast -anci<-'iu inhabitants CIIAI'IKK II lli>l<'> lit the K.uli.ui raie-lhc Koith raLC -Mahoniedan invasions rilAI'IKK 111 Iht Ahoin rati' \\,u wiili K.uli.iii-. rDn^olidation of their jwwer — war witli Moy lulls- tlie capital of . (larhgaon . CHAI'IKK |\ Mil iamlas jjreat invasion— caplure of Ciarliyaon retreat of Mo^'huls death of Mir Junila — Firoz Kh.m's in\asion repulsed —Auraii/ch\ last etion against A>saiii ])()u< r of \ i^lmubuc sect Rudra Siii-'^ rci^n end of jaimia War lJurbar at S,ila.i;arli am! lelcaM- of nual ( ,ipii\e:. Iir.-.l rec iirded visit t three Kni^lishinen to Assam —Burmese invade Manipur, "hoin Ahonis assist— prosperity in Assam — l>ej,'innin^ of Moainaria revolt CHAI < V Massacre of Moainaria a>. (iarhyaon — Manipu. sends troops to assist A i.oms apainst the rebels -land desolated bv . onsiant ti^litin^ (launnilli applies fm lln-hili aid in -iippi (---in^ rebellion -Ml. K.ium li d.-^pai, li of (.'aplain Welsh s expeili- lioii ad\ .ini e m K.m, nni \\>lsh"s successes — return to Itenjjal— renewed icljellion in Assam Ml ( H.M' I KK \ I Kll,:;|i^ll .lui ICId-'-il lis ^ i I.