Relocation of Trondheim's Port
Relocation of Trondheim's port Manuel Cienfuegos Delgado Coastal and Marine Civil Engineering Submission date: June 2014 Supervisor: Tore Øivin Sager, BAT Co-supervisor: Edward McCormack, BAT Norwegian University of Science and Technology Department of Civil and Transport Engineering Relocation of Trondheim's port Manuel Cienfuegos Delgado June 24, 2014 Dedicado a mi familia I II Preface This master thesis is the product of work carried out during the spring semester 2014 from January to June and represents the last element of my Civil Engineering degree; concluding my Civil and Transport Engineering studies period at the Nor- wegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). The thesis was performed at the Department of civil and Transport Engineering. In the first place, I would like to thank my supervisor, associate professor Ed- ward McCormack for his support, excellent guidance and valuable comments as I developed and finished my ideas throughout the work period in my thesis resarch; Additionally I would like to thanks proffesor Trude Tørset for the time spent teach- ing me how to use the software, and to Christian Steinsland, of "tansportøkonomisk institutt", for providing me the data needed. Finally, this thesis could not be carried out without the special support of my family, specially my parents, Francisco Javier Cienfuegos and Marina Delgado, who have been absolutely essential, not only to finish this thesis, but also to get up here, without their continued support I would never have done it. Additionally, thanks to a very important person, Laura Chico, always encouraging me in my worst moments and rejoicing in my bests.
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