(2017). List of Articles Published in Joural of Bhutan Studies (Vol 1 No 1 to Vol 36, 1999-2017 Vol 36 (Summer), 120-155
Citation: Centre for Bhutan Studies (2017). List of articles published in Joural of Bhutan Studies (Vol 1 No 1 to Vol 36, 1999-2017 Vol 36 (Summer), 120-155 List of Articiles Published in Journal of Bhutan Studies, Vol 1 No1 to Vol 36 (1999-2017) Journal of Bhutan Studies, Vol 1, No 1, Autumn 1999 1. Father Estevao Cacella’s Report on Bhutan in 1627 by Luiza Maria Baille 2. Gyaltse Tenzin Rabgye and the Founding of Taktsang Lhakhang by John A. Ardussi 3. The Reapproachment between Bhutan and Tibet under the Enlightened Rule of rDe-srid XIII Shes-rab-dbangphyug (r.1774-63) by John A. Ardussi 4. Coinage in Bhutan by Nicholas Rhodes 5. Bhutan: Political Reform in Buddhist Monarchy by Theirry Mathou 120 List of Articles Published in Journal of Bhutan Studies (1999-2017) Journal of Bhutan Studies, Vol 2, No 1, Summer 2000 6. The House of ‘Obs-Mtsho – The History of Bhutanese Gentry Family from the 13th to the 20th Century by John A. Ardussi 7. Ancient Trade Partners: Bhutan, Cooch Bihar and Assam (17th – 19th Century) by Francoise Pommaret 8. Change in the Land Use System in Bhutan: Ecology, History, Culture and Power by Tashi Wangchuk 9. Economy of Yak Herders by Pema Gyamtsho 10. A Brief History of Tango Monastery by Tshenyid Lopen Kuenleg 11. Consecration Ceremony of Ka-Gong Phursum Lhakhang in Kurjey, Bumthang by His Holiness Dilgo Khentse Rinpoche by Anonymous 121 Journal of Bhutan Studies, Vol 36, Summer 2017 Journal of Bhutan Studies, Vol 2, No 2, Winter 2000 12.
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