Government Gazette REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Vol. 430 Pretoria 12 April 2001 No. 22216 AIDS HELPLINE: 0800-123-22 Prevention is the cure STAATSKOERANT, 12 APRIL 2001 No. 22216 3 GENERALNOTICES A. NOTICE 825 OF 2001 SOUTH AFRICAN MARITIME SAFETY AUTHORITY DRAFT MERCHANT SHIPPING (RADIO INSTALLATIONS) REGULATIONS: PUBLICATION FOR COMMENT The SouthAfrican Maritime Safety Authority gives notice of its intention to recommend to the NationalDepartment of Transport the measures set out inthe accompanying draft regulations. Interested persons are invited to submit written comment on the regulations not later than 14 May 2001. Submissions should be marked for the attention of Mr C Briesch and mayeither be mailed to the South African Maritime Safety Authority, PO Box 13186, Hatfield 0028, or faxed to (012) 342 3160, or emailed to
[email protected]. Telephonicenquiries can bedirected to Mr C Briesch on (012) 342 3049. Attention is invited to the explanatory note at the end of the regulations. SCHEDULE DRAFT MERCHANT SHIPPING (RADIO INSTALLATIONS) REGULATIONS Arrangement of regulations Regulation NO. PART 1 GENERAL 1. Title and commencement 2. Interpretation 3. Application 4. Equivalents and exemptions 5. Ships and personsin distress 6. Performance standards PART 2 GMDSS REQUIREMENTS 7. Functional requirements 8. Installation, location and control of radio equipment 9. Installation of distress panel 10. Radio equipment to be providedfor all sea areas 11. Additional radio equipmentto be provided for area A 1 ships 12. Additional radio equipment to be provided for area A2 ships 13. Additional radio equipment to be provided for area A3 ships 14. Additional radio equipment to be provided for area A4 ships 15.