- 195 -

3· Torino-Airasca-Saluz zo-. - K . 25 Airasca : bra. Pineroto (p. 179) - TO""e Pellice (p . 179); - Da Airasca ;K . 21, Moret ta : bra . Cavaller­ maggiore (It. I) ; - K. 36 , Sa luz z o (p. 195) : bra. (It. I); - K. 69 Cuneo (p, 195) .

CUNEO (475 Ill. ; 26.879 inh ab .) , chief town of th e Province . T he town, set o n a charming plateau crowned 0 11 high by the Alps , and shaped like a co ne by the confluence of the Gesso and Stura torrents , is an industrial and flourishing centre for mark ets and agr icultural fairs, Th e ' ...·hle stree ts and sq uares whi ch cross it , and the picturesqu e avenues surroundi ng it. gi ve it a pterasing as pec t, sho wing in the last twenty years , a co ntinued cdificia l devel opm ent regulated by th e criterions o f modern life i not ew orth y are: the T own Hall and the Prefect ure, the Cathedral and other churches, the mansions of the Piazza Vitt orio Ernanuele wh ere stands the monum ent to the Co unt Barbaroux , by Dini , the new barrack s and man)' villas a long th e Viale (ave nue) d eg li Angeli , On the plateau of Cuneo ope n out the Alpi,ze Vattey s of Pesio, Verm enag nu ,

Gesso and S tura J' the three latt er ope n out at Horg o San Dalmazz o, station K. 13 b y the C uneo-Vievola railway line and terminus of the tram line from Cuneo. Valle;o of Pesio, - Certo sa di Peslo (m . 862), now H ydrop athic E st abli sh­ ment i K . 16, 2 ho urs d rive from the statio n of Beinett e, on the Cuneo-Mo ndo vi­ Bastia line . Valley of Vermeuagna, through which passes the Cun eo-Viev ola rail war lin e (K. 43), wh ich beyond L im 01U (K. 32) ente rs the tunnel, 8.100 m. lon g , of th e Col of Tendo a nd co mes ou t in th e Valley of R oia at Vieuo ta (I'. 195\, a wa iting the continuation to Tends (K. 4), and from there , bifurcatin g , to Ventimiglia and to Ni ece . Th e high road , whi ch beyond Limone (m . 13 20) ent ers in another Col of Ten da tunnel (1320 Ill. long 6,50 wid e), and des cend s to Tends. (p, 194). passes through the Va ttey of Ve rmenogna, Vall~y of Gesso, th rou gh wbich pas ses th e high ro ad to th e Term e (Bat hs) di Valdier l (m . 1346), is ce lebrate d for sulphur, mud and heat baths. Valley of tile Stura of . - High road which by Demonte (K . 25 ; m. 778), and Vin adio (K . 36; m. 920), rises to tb e Col ofA rgentera or of tbe Maddalena (K . 68; m . 1990 ), and descends int o th e Valley o f Ubaye in France. _Beyond Vin adio , fraction Pianche, (K. 41 ,), branch es off the ro ad (K. 5.5 i I 1/2 h ours) wh ich leads to tbe Establishm ent of th e Baths of (m . (325), very frequented for sulphur , mud and heat baths (32 to 61 degree s). Valley of Roja, beyond th e Col a nd th e tw o tunnels, railway a nd high road of Tenda (p. ]94), Fr om Vievota, railw ay statio n (131 K. from i 43 from C uneo), motor-bus service for Tenda, Briga Marittima, San Dalmnxzo di Tenda, a nd Ventimi glia. - Tenda (K . 4; m . 815): Briga Marlttima (K . II : m . 765) ; San Oa lmauo dl Tenda , H id" opalhic Establis hment (K. 9 ; m. 750).

SALUZZO (m. 342 ; inha b. 16.0 28), ch ief ce ntre of th e Di strict ; formerl y capital of the histori cal Ma rquisate of : a pleasant town for its picturesqu e position on the hill and the plain , above whi ch dominates the sharp pyramid of the Mon viso , at wh ich ope n out the tw o valleys of the Po and the Va raita . In the upper part are edi fices from the time of the marquisat e, in the lower wide streets and squares ; not eworthy are : the Cathedral, the Church o f San Giova nni, Casa Cavaxza (Civ ic Museum), the Town Hall, the monuments to Silvio Pe11ico .and to Giambattista Bodoni. Valley of tile Po . - From Saluzzo tramway to (K . 21 ; m 590) ; then high ro ad to Crls8010 (K. 31; m . 1333). Heattt: resort: S an ctuary of San