Round 11 lCV7 Questions by Uva Tossups

1. Frank Black. . Optiganally Yours. Shonen Knife. Komeda. . Bis. The Sugarplastic. Cornelius. The . Devo. All these bands appear on this album. Based on and 'inspired by' a hit Cartoon Network series created by Craig McCracken, this album has its own plot: the girls save Townsville from Mojo lojo. Again. For ten points, name this album released in 2000. A: The Powerpuff Girls: Heroes and Villains (prompt on The Powerpuff Girls)

2. During her last writing stage, this author turned to nature and wrote works like 'La Petite Fadette.' Her middle period shows interest in humanitarian reforms and produced books like 'Consuelo' and 'Le Meunier d' Angibault.' Her first period, however, is her most well-known- a period of intense Romanticism stemming from her affair with Musset, and produced books like 'Lelia' and 'Valentine.' FTP, name this author of 'Indiana.' A: George Sand or Amandine Lucie Aurore Dupin, Baronne Dudevant

4. Other than incandescent and fluorescent lighting, this type is best known for its energy efficiency, long-life, and outdoor applications such as street lamps and floodlights. The three types are mercury vapor, metal halide, and high-pressure sodium. Similar to fluorescent lighting, what is this type of lighting, distinguishable by its blue-ish or green­ ish tint in the headlights of expensive cars? A: fiD or High Intensity Discharge

5. Both his grandfather and his uncle served as secretary of state, he himself became involved in diplomacy at a young age, attending the Second Hague Peace Conference with his grandfather in 1907. He made his own important contributions to American foreign policy as well, helping to draft the U.N. Charter and negotiating the peace treaty with Japan. FTP, name this man who served as President Eisenhower's secretary of State. Answer: John Foster Dulles

6. Subtitled "Episode in the Life of an Artist", this piece was first performed on December 5, 1830 at the Paris Conservatoire. The premise is as follows ... A young musician despairs because of hopeless love, and takes opium, which gives him strange dreams. Through five movements, he chases the ghost of his beloved: Reveries, Passions. A Ball. In the Country. March to the Scaffold. Dream ofa Witches'Sabbath. For ten points, name this Berlioz piece, written for Harriet Smithson. A: Symphonie Fantastigue Round 11

7. Dating from the 2nd Dynasty and commonly paired with Sakhmet, the lion-headed goddess of Memphis, Wadjet, and Hathor, she was originally portrayed as either a wild desert cat or as a lioness, and only became associated with the domesticated feline around 1000 BC. She was strictly a solar deity until the arrival of Greek influence on Egyptian society, when she became a lunar goddess due to the Greeks associating her with their Artemis. For ten points, name this cat-headed goddess. A: Bastet

8. Bordering on the South China Sea, this island has two large lakes, Laguna de Bay and Taal. It was here the Filipino revolt against Spanish rule began in 1896, that U.S. forces wrested control of the islands from Spain in 1898, and that the Philippine insurrection against U.S. rule broke out in 1899. For ten points, name this island, largest among the Philippines' 7,107 islands. A: Luzon

9. Born circa 1360, his name has long been legend. As early as the 15 th century, his works were considered masterpieces. So great was his fame that the Church Council, held in Moscow in 1551, thus prescribed in its statutes the official canon for the correct representation of the Trinity: " ... to paint from ancient models, as painted by the Greek painters and as painted by [him]. ... " Still extant among his more or less authentic works are individual icons of the festival tier in the iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral in Moscow's Kremlin, individual icons and frescoes of the Catherdral of the Assumption of Vladimir and The Old Testament Trinity from the Holy Trinity Cathedral at the St. Sergius Trinity Monastery. FTP, name him. A: Rublev

10. "Always remember, others may hate you. But those who hate you don't win, unless you hate them. And then, you destroy yourself." These words were spoken as part of a famous farewell address from a controversial figure who made his career as a member of the House Un-American Activities Committee before rising to the Senate, the Vice Presidency, and three presidential campaigns. For 10 points, name this 37th president who delivered his farewell address in August 1974. A: Richard Nixon

11. Traditionally a demon, she was the subject of a George Meredith novel which bears her name and tells her story in modem times. Referred to as 'the screech owl' in the King James version and 'the night hag' in the Revised, she is said to be Adam's first wife who refused to be inferior to him and instead left him and, in some traditions, married the devil. For ten points, name this woman, the mother of evil spirits in Arabic tradition. A: Lilith Round 11

12. Henry's father invites Catherine to visit in hopes that she'll raise the family fortunes. Catherine, however, has been reading Anne Radcliffe and frightens herself by letting her imagination run wild in the large house. Finally, her imaginings are disproved, Henry's father sees she is not wealthy and sends her home, and Henry follows her and proposes. FTP, they all live happily ever after, of course, in this, Jane Austen's 1817 Gothic spoof. A: Northanger Abbey

13. Born in Kentucky of Welsh ancestry, he served in the Black Hawk War under Zachary Taylor, whose daughter he later married. He later served under Taylor again, during the Mexican War, but by that time his fIrst wife had died, and he was later, as a senator, to become a fIrm opponent of Taylor during the debates over the Compromise of 1850. FTP, name this Mississippi senator, the only president of the Confederacy. Answer: Jefferson Davis

14. Composed of sieve tubes, companion cells, pfIbres, and parenchyma cells, they are formed by the apical meristems of root and shoot tips. Also called bast, FTP name this type of plant tissue, which conducts food made in the leaves to other parts of the plant. Answer: phloem

15. At 10:54 AM on June 5th, 1995 physicists at the University of Colorado Boulder and the National Institute of Science and Technology cooled Rubidium atoms to 20 billionth of a Kelvin away from absolute zero. At this temperature it is colder than anything in nature. When atoms are cooled to this temperature, behave according to rules fIrst predicted by two physicists in 1924. For ten points, name this fIfth state of matter, named for a German and an Indian physicist. A: Bose-Einstein Condensate

16. His own claim to the throne was quite tenuous, descending through his claim through his mother to be the heir of the Beauforts, the semi-legitimized descendants of John of Gaunt and his mistress. His wife, on the other hand, was probably the legitimate claimant, as the eldest daughter of Edward IV, but he decided to have her cousin the Duke of Warwick executed just in case. FTP, name this fIrst Tudor king of England. Answer: Henry VII

17. Chuko Liang, depicted as the voice of wisdom; Ts'ao Tsao, the personifIcation of autocratic evil; and Kuan Yu, the god of war; are all characters in this early Chinese novel, traditionally attributed to Lo Kuan-chung. Famed for its idyllic themes of brotherhood and loyalty, for ten points name this late fourteenth century work, an epic based on historical fIgures and events in the kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu. A: The Romance of the Three Kingdoms Round 11

18. After she graduated from the St. Petersburg Theater School, she joined the famous Marinsky theater and in 1909 became famous when she danced in Diaghilev's 'Russian Seasons,' staged in Paris. In 1910 she formed her own dance troupe which traveled around the world. FTP, name this ballerina whose most beloved role was The Dying Swan to music by Saint-Saens. A: Anna Pavlova

19. He opposed Hume's skepticism on one hand, but on the other hand challenged the Enlightenment idea of faith in the unlimited scope of reason. His attempt to define the domain of rational understanding exactly is written up as his 'critical philosophy' in the following volumes: Critique of Judgement, Critique of Practical Reason, and, his most famous, Critique of Pure Reason. For ten points, name this philosopher. A: Immanuel Kant

20. A flock of migratory birds traveling between the United States and Canada was the unlikely catalyst for a debate on the nature of agreements between sovereign nations and the role of the U.S. Constitution in framing and defining such treaties. Such a treaty established between the U.S. and Great Britain in 1916 prohibited the hunting of migratory birds, but the state of Missouri held this to be an unconstitutional violation of state sovereignty. In a famous opinion handed down as part of, FTP, this Supreme Court decision of 1920, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes affirmed the federal government's right to establish and uphold international treaties, even when they conflict with state law. A: Missouri v. Holland

21. There were actually two of them, the first one "of the Parlements" and the second "Of the Princes". France's greatest generals, Turenne and Conde, both participated in them at various points, and after the final failure of the second one, Conde fled to the Spanish. FTP, name these rebellions against the rule of Cardinal Mazarin in France, which lasted from 1648 to 1653. Answer: Fronde

22. In a plot similar to 'Diary of a Madman' this novel also features a civil servant who attempts and fails to woo his employer's daughter. Suddenly an exact copy of the civil servant appears. This new man succeeds whereever the old servant failed and ultimately earns the place that the old man craved. Finally his nightmare ends when he is taken to a madhouse. FTP name this Dostoevsky work which stars Yakov Petrovich. A: The Double

23. When he was twenty, he went to Paris to study law, but instead taught himself to paint by copying masterpieces in the Louvre. He flouted the Romantic movement with the bluntness of his paintings 'The Artist's Studio' and 'Burial at Omans.' For ten points, name this painter of 'The Stone Breakers,' who, with his friends Honore Daumier and Jean Francois Millet, founded realism. A: (Jean Desire) Gustave Courbet Round 11

24. "I have all the characteristics of a human being: blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear, identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust. Something horrible is happening inside of me and I don't know why." These are the words of Patrick Bateman, a 28 year old investment banker trapped in the conformist nightmare of the business world. Bateman releases his angst by orchestrating gory killing sprees in, for 10 points, this 1999 Mary Herron film based on a controversial novel by Bret Easton Ellis. A: American Psycho Round 11

Boni by Virginia

1. Given works, name the librettist. 30-20-10. a) The Grand Duke, Thespis, Ruddigore b) The Sorceror, The Gondoliers, Iolanthe c) Trial by Jury, The Mikado, Princess Ida A: William S. Gilbert

2. Identify the dynasty which ruled India from a description, FTPE A. This dynasty, founded by Chandragupta in the 4th Century B.C., came to its pinnacle under the Buddhist emperor Ashoka. Answer: Maurya B. This dynasty, whose founder was also named Chandragupta, flourished in Northern India in the third and fourth centuries A.D. Answer: Gupta C. This Moslem dynasty's last member, Bahadur Shah II, was overthrown by the British after the failure of the Sepoy Mutiny in 1858. Answer: Mughal or Mogul

3. Answer the following about a social group FTSNOP a. F5P, give the colorful term for a "learned" or "pedantic" woman, common during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. A: Bluestocking b. The bluestockings were so named because, according to legend, one of the guests always wore blue stockings. F15P, name him. A: Mr. Benjamin Stillingfleet c. The meetings of the Bluestocking Club generally took place at the home, FTP, of this woman. A: Elizabeth Montagu

4. Name these things which scare Alan Greenspan, 5-10-15. a. F5P, in the 1970's the US suffered from this malady, a rise in prices while the economy fails to grow. A: Stagflation b. FTP, a contraction in the economy can actually cause prices to fall as money gains value in this phenomenon. A: deflation c. F15P, currently underway in Turkey, this is what happens when prices continue to rise, just not as much as they did in the previous quarter. Actually, Alan likes this. A: disinflation Round 11

5. Given a description, name the saint. Ten points each. a) Valentine's Day is the saint day of these two brothers who were sent by the Byzantine emporer to translate the Bible into the language of the Moravian slavs. A: Cyril and Methodius (both required) b) This character, whose feast day is November 11, is best known for giving a beggar his cloak while he was on duty one cold winter night. A: Martin of Tours c) With a feast day on June 6, he was thrown from his horse one night during a thunder storm and woke up talking to God. A: Norbert

6. Name the following areas of a continent for ten points each. a) South of Africa, extending from Coats Land (west) to Enderby Land (east) and including the Princess Martha, Princess Astrid, Princess Ragnhild, Prince Harold, and Prince Olav coasts, it was claimed by Norway in 1939. A: Queen Maud Land b) This deep embayment forms the southernmost tip of the Atlantic Ocean. Centering at about 73° S, 45° W, it is bounded on the west by the Antarctic Peninsula of West Antarctica and on the east by Coats Land. A: Weddell Sea c) Bordering the Indian Ocean between Queen Mary and George V coasts, it was not explored until the late 1940s. Included in the region are the coasts of Clarie, Banzare, Sabrina, Budd, and Knox, which are all claimed by Australia; and Adelie Coast, which is claimed by France. A: Wilkes Land

7. Name the Supreme Court case from a brief description, for 15 points each. a) This case, decided in 1942, upheld the federal government's right to inter Japanese-Americans during World War II as a measure to protect national security. A: Korematsu v. United States b) President Harry Truman's nationalization of the steel industry was overturned by this 1952 case, which established clear limits on presidential authority and executive power. A: Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. v. Sawyer Round 11

8. Name the following works of Japanese literature from the Heian period for ten points each. a) An early tenth century court romance, this work is often called 'the first novel.' Written by Murasaki Shikibu, it chronicles the career of the titular Prince, his progeny and women. A: The Tale of Genii b) One of several famous diaries, this humorous work describes a trip to Kyoto in 936. It is attributed to Ki no Tsurajuki. A: the Tosa Diary c) Its author, known as Sei Shonagon, was a lady-in-waiting during the end of the 10th century. This witty collection of anecdotes and scenes from the imperial Japanese court is one of the most famous pieces from this period. A: The Pillow-Book or Makura no Soshi

9. Identify the ministers of Louis XVI from a description, FTPE. A. This physiocrat served as Louis' first Controller-General, or Finance Minister, from 1774-1776, but was dismissed after his deregulation of the grain trade led to the "Flour War" of 1775. Answer: Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot B. This man, who served as Louis' foreign minister from 1774 until his death in 1787, orchestrated French involvement in the American Revolution out of a desire to humiliate the British. Answer: Charles Gravier, Comte de Vergennes C. This man, who succeeded Turgot as finance minister, was a Swiss Protestant banker, who, during his tenure from 1776 to 1781, financed France's participation in the American Revolution entirely through loans. Answer: Jacques Necker

10. Given the following stars, give the constellation they appear in for five points each and a five point bonus for all correct. a) Capella A: Auriga b) Sirius A: Canis major c) Spica A: Virgo d) Altair A: Aguila e) Antares A: Scorpio Round 11

11. The Austrians are probably best known in military history for the fact that they were repeatedly whupped, and, to make matters worse, frequently the whupper was the French. However, throughout all that long history they have had a few successful military commanders. Name them from a description, FTPE. A. The most famous Austrian military leader is this man, actually a Frenchman, who commanded the Austrian army during the War of the Spanish Succession and joined with the Duke of Marlborough to win the battles of Blenheim, Oudenarde, and Malplaquet. Answer: Eugene of Savoy-Carignan B. This man was perhaps the only competent Habsburg military commander. A brother of emperor Francis, he is particularly notable for inflicting on Napoleon his first maj or defeat at the battle of Aspem-Essling in 1809. Answer: Archduke Charles or Karl, Duke ofTeschen C. Another fairly successful Austrian general in the Napoleonic Wars, this man is more famous for his victories in 1848 and 1849 over the Sardinians at Custozza and Novara, and for the march which Johann Strauss the Elder wrote in his honor. Answer: Count Joseph Radetzsky

12.30-20-10, name the author from clues about his pals. a) For thirty, Educated at Bowdoin College, he became great friends with Franklin Pierce and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. In 1828 he anonymously published a novel Fanshawe based on his college life. b) For twenty, he wrote a campaign biography for his old college buddy Franklin Pierce. In return Pierce appointed him consul to Liverpoole and Manchester and his last novel, The Marble Faun, was completed while he was in England. c) For ten, His second volume of short stories, Mossesfrom an Old Manse, was reviewed by Herman Melville and established an important friendship between the two. A: Nathaniel Hawthorne

13. Name the Pre-Raphaelite artist given some works for ten points each. a) The Four Queens find Lancelot Sleeping, Our Lady of the Fruits of the Earth, Rapunzel A: Frank Cowper b) La Ghirlandata, Pandora, The Day Dream A: Dante Gabriel Rossetti c) The Music Lesson, Idyll, Flaming June A: Frederic, Lord Leighton Round 11

14. Please identify the following from Norse mythology for ten points each. a) This god of justice is the son of Balder. He rules in the beautiful palace Glitnir, which serves as a court of justice and where all legal disputes are settled. Glitnir has a roof of silver that is supported by pillars of red gold. A: Forseti b) The god of eloquence and poetry, he is the son of Odin and Frigg. Runes were carved on his tongue and he inspired poetry in humans by letting them drink from the mead of poetry. A: Bragi c) The goddess of storms, and the wife of the sea god Aegir, she rules over the realm of the dead which is situated on the bottom of the ocean. She sinks ships and collects drowned sailors in her nets and takes them to her hall there where she cares for them. A: Ran

15. In response to the Russian energy crisis, Putin ousted two officials from office in early February. Answer the following about this for the stated number of points. a) For five, Alexander Gavrin became the first cabinet official to be dismissed since Putin came to power a year ago. He served as this minister. A: energy minister b) For fifteen, Putin's most talked of dismissal was his dismissal of this controversial and corrupt governor of the Primorye region. A: Yevgeny Nazdratenko c) For ten, Putin also promised to restructure the top management of Russia's state­ controlled electricity monopoly, Unified Energy Systems, headed by this former deputy prime minister. A: Anatoly Chubais

16. Answer the following about She-Ra for ten points each. a) When She-Ra wasn't She-Ra, she was this princess, Prince Adam's CofHe-Man) twin sister. Name her. A: Adora b) Adora and her horse, Crystal Spirit, tum into She-Ra and her horse when she holds her sword up. What's the name of the horse that Crystal Spirit turns into? A: Swift Wind c) She-Ra's a part of the Great Rebellion. The Great Rebellion is fighing against Hordak who has taken over this land, the world that She-Ra, when she's Adora, is the princess of. Name it. A: Etheria

17. Given works, name the composer. 30-20-10. a) All Night Vigil, Vespers, The Isle of the Dead b) The bells based on writings of Edgar Allan Poe, Prince Rastislav c) Waltz in A Major for Six Hands, Variations on a Theme of Chopin A: Sergei Vassilievich Rachmaninoff Round 11

18. Answer these questions about physics on a 5-10-15 basis. a) For five, this number, measured in units of pressure is a measure of the stiffness of a material. It is the term in Hooke's law that depends on the material under stress. A: Young's Modulus or Modulus of Elasticity b) For ten, after a material is deformed, but it can recover because the bonds are stretched, but not broken, it has suffered this type of deformation. A: Elastic deformation c) For fifteen, after a material is deformed beyond recoverability, at a point where it can no longer return to its original form, it has suffered this type of deformation. A: Plastic deformation

19. Name the Ibsen play from a description, 10 points each. a) The educated Dr. Stockman finds the entire town set against him when he insists that the town's famed Baths are polluted and unsanitary and must be shut down for repairs. A: Enemy of the People b) Elida Wangel gives her soul to a traveling sailor who then leaves. She marries and lives happily, but when the sailor returns to claim her, her homelife is disrupted in this supernatural play. A: Lady from the Sea c) Lona and Johan, relatives who immigrated to America, return to their small village to force their brother-in-law, Bernick, a corrupt business man, to confess the truth to himself and the town. A: Pillars of Society

20. For the stated number of points, given that an integer m equals 3, what does m equal after the following lines of c++ code have executed? a) For five, ++m (plus plus m). A:1 b) For ten, given that j equals 2 and m still equals 3, m-=j-- (m minus equals j minus minus) A:l c) For fifteen, given thatj still equals 2 and m still equals 3, ++m+=j++ (plus plus m plus equals j plus plus) A:Q Round 11

21. Given a brief description, name the Audrey Hepburn movie for the stated number of points. a) For five, in this, her most famous role, Audrey plays Holly Golightly, a New York party girl. She and her neighbor George, an aspiring writer, have a rocky romance in this film, based on a Truman Capote novella. A: Breakfast at Tiffany's b) For ten, Audrey stars with Gregory Peck in this, her big break. Audrey plays a princess who breaks free of the court to explore Rome on her own. She and Gregory have a day of fun in this film, nominated for ten Academy Awards. A: Roman Holiday c) For fifteen, Audrey returns to Paris to find her house ransacked and her husband murdered. With a group of thugs on her tail, she and Peter (played by Cary Grant) have just enough time to elude them and fall in love. Great music by Henry Mancini. A: Charade

21. For fifteen points each, given a Supreme Court decision and the year it was written, name the justice who wrote the majority opinion, or for five if you need a description. A. [15] Schenckv. Us., 1919 [5] The son of a famous American author, he is perhaps most famous for his statement in his dissent from Lochner v. New York, when he said that "the 14th Amendment does not enact Mr. Herbert Spencer's Social Statics". Answer: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. B. [15] Roe v. Wade [5] Appointed by Richard Nixon because of his presumed similarity to his "Minnesota twin" Warren Burger, he eventually moved into the Court's more liberal group, and retired in 1994. Answer: Harry Blackmun

22. For five points for each part, given a quote from a poem, name the poem AND the poet. a) o what can ail thee, Knight at arms / Alone and palely loitering? / The sedge has withered from the Lake / And no birds sing! A: La Belle Dame sans Merci, John Keats b) Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife, / Their sober wishes never learned to stray; / Along the cool sequestered vale of life / They kept the noiseless tenor of their way. A: Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard, Thomas Gray c) But such a tide as moving seems asleep, / Too full for sound and foam, / When that which drew from out the boundless deep / Turns again home. A: Crossing the Bar; Alfred, Lord Tennyson