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v.4WiaAmrr=n.WNrnl,,,t.Vr7..*Iwgicqwsmwgr.m.=4;, REPOR TRESUMES ED 017 090 EC 000 546 EXPERIMENTAL SCORING MANUALS FOR MINNESOTATESTS OF CREATIVE THINKING AND WRITING. BY- YAMAMOTO, KAORU KENT STATE UNIV., OHIO, BUREAU OF EDUC.RESEARCH REPORT NUMBER KSU-BER-MONOGRAPH-SER-N0-1 PUB DATE MAY 64 EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC-$6.12 151P. DESCRIPTORS- *EXCEPTIONAL CHILD RESEARCH, *GIFTED,*TESTS, CREATIVE THINKING, TEST INTERPRETATION, CHILDREN,CREATIVE WRITING, CREATIVITY RESEARCH, ELEMENTARYGRADES, GROUP TESTS, SCORING, TEST RELIABILITY, TEST VALIDITY,MINNESOTA TESTS OF CREATIVE THINKING AND WRITING, THIS MANUAL DESCRIBES PROPOSED SCORINGPROCEDURES FOR THE MINNESOTA TEST OF CREATIVE THINKING ANDWRITING. TEST FORMS FOR SIX VERBAL TASKS AND THREE NONVERBALTASKS ARE PRESENTED. FOR MOST TASKS, THIS SCORING MANUAL HASEXTRACTED FROM THE TEST PROTOCOLS FOUR SCORES TOREPRESENT FOUR ABILITIES OF CREATIVE THINKING-- FLUENCY,FLEXIBILITY, ORIGINALITY, AND ELABORATION. THE DETAILED SCORING INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDE EXPLANATIONS OF SCORINGPROCEDURES A AND SCORED SAMPLE RESPONSES. DATA ON INTERSCORERRELIABILITIES, TEST-RETEST RELIABILITY, INTERCORRELATIONSAMONG SCORES, VALIDITY, NORMS, AND CORRELATIONS WITH SCORESFROM EARLIER MEASURES, ARE BASED ON SUBJECTS IN GRADE 52 GRADE10, AND COLLEGE: AND ARE PRESENTED IN 20 TABLES. AFIRST REVISED EDITION OF A SCORING MANUAL FORIMAGINATIVE STORIES, GRADES 3 THROUGH 6, IS PRESENTED. FOR EACH OF TWOFORMS, SUBJECTS WRITE A STORY ON ONE TOPIC CHOSEN FROM THELIST OF 10 TOPICS. THE SCORING SCHEME EMPLOYS FIVE SUBDIVISIONSUNDER THESE SIX CATEGORIES-- ORGANIZATION, SENSITIVITY,ORIGINALITY, IMAGINATION, PSYCHOLOGICAL INSIGHT, AND RICHNESS.A SUPPLEMENTARY SCORING GUIDE EVALUATES ORIGINALITY(NINE SUBDIVISIONS) AND INTEREST (NINE SUBDIVISIONS).FOR BOTH SCORING SCHEMES ON IMAGINATIVE STORIES,SCORING PROCEDURES ARE DESCRIBED AND EXAMPLES OF SCOREDRESPONSES ARE INCLUDED. PRELIMINARY NORMS AND SOME DATA ON RELIABILITYOF SCORING ARE PRESENTED. A REFERENCE LIST OF 17 ITEMS ISINCLUDED. (JA) vr&..rn....-1161.1""egiql".P.13441111114"511""MreKCI7-±fi* 17.""' S EXPERIMENTAL SCORING MANUALS w&MINNESOTATESTS OF CREATIVE THINKING 611, and WRITING '9 0 0C4$30 °0^o 000° °00 by Kaoru Yamamoto 000 0000 Bureau of Educational Research Kent State University . , - ,, ... g;:pga4 Tem, EXPERIMENTAL SCORING MANUALS for MINNESOTA TESTS OF CREATIVE THINKING AND WRITING Suggested by Kaoru Yamamoto Bureau of Educational Research Kent State University Kent., Ohio May 1964 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF MCANON POSITION OR POLICY. Kent State University Bureau of Educational Research Research Monograph Series No. I Permission granted by the Bureau of Educational Research, College of Education, University of Minnesota (Director, Dr. E. Paul Torrance; Office Supervisor, Miss Dorolese H. Wardwell) to reproduce the ma- terials originally published thereat in a mimeographed format. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 64-64628 Table of Contents Page INTRODUCTION by 0. L. Davis, Jr. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 6 REVISED SCORING MANUAL FOR TESTS OF CREATIVE THINKING (VERBAL AND NONVERBAL) 7 Foreword by E. Paul Torrance 8 introduction 9 Test Forms VA (Verbal Tasks) and NVA (Nonverbal Tasks) 11 Scoring Schemes for Verbal Tasks 23 TaskI. Ask-and-Guess Test: Ask 24 II. Ask-and-Guess Test: Guess Causes 27 III. Ask-and-Guess Test: Guess Consequences 28 IV. Product Improvement ( Toy Dog) 33 V. Unusual Uses (Toy Dog) 40 VI. Consequences 44 Scoring Schemes for Nonverbal Tasks 47 TaskI. Picture Construction 48 II. Figure Completion 54 III. Circles 62 Quick-Reference Summary of Scoring Procedures 69 Technical Appendices 75 Relationships of Proposed Scoring Scheme with Original Scheme 76 Interscorer Reliabilities of Proposed Scoring Scheme 83 Test-retest Reliabilities of Proposed Scoring Scheme 86 Intercorrelation among ScOres on Proposed Scheme 90 Validation Data on Proposed Scheme 93 Some Norm Information on Proposed Scheme 95 Studies in Which Proposed Scheme Was Employed 98 SCORING MANUAL FOR EVALUATING IMAGINATIVE STORIES 101 Foreword by E. Paul Torrance 102 Introduction 103 Test Forms A and B 103 Scoring Procedures .104 Organization ;104 Sensitivity 107 Originality 110' Imagination 125 Psychological Insight 128 Richness 131 Total Score 134 Scoring Worksheet 135 Reliability of Scoring 136 Preliminary Norms for Grades Three through Six 136 Appendix. Scoring of Sample Stories 139 Supplementary Scoring Guide for the Evaluation of Originality and Interest by E. Paul Torrance 145 Evaluating Originality 146 Evaluating Interest 152 Reliability of Scoring 154 Preliminary Norms for Grades Three through Six 155 REFERENCES 157 .kreVitwiA0.00,1t sur...1,4040,1471. Introduction We are proud to present Professor KaoruYamamoto's Manual as the inaugural number ofa Research Monograph series issued by the Bureau of Educational Research of Kent State University. Researchworkers in educa- tion and psychology are thus afforded his rationale andscoring procedures for their work in the study ofcreative thinking.It is hoped that the wide availability of this Manual will be useful in advancing researchin this impor- tant domain of intellectual functioning. A carefully developed rationale anda system for assessing responses on creative thinking tests is crucial to research in this field.In truth, if every researcher finds it necessary to develop hisown rationale and scoring scheme, research efforts are inhibited. First, theyare wasteful in terms of time, energy, and resources.In the second place, resultsare difficult to interpret and not easily related to previous research, thus makingtenuous further hypothesizing. Dr. Yamamoto's Manual should assist researchersto avoid these hazards in their work on creative thinking. He wiselycautions users not to assume that his Manual is the only rationale andscoring system for creative thinking tasks. As additional researches employing thisManual are reported, modifi- cations will undoubtedly be suggested and implemented. The Manualinvites more researchers to investigate the creative thinking of human beings. Beginning his own research in this field whileat the University of Minne- sota, Dr. Yamamoto has continued this work sincecoming to Kent State Uni- versity. He has published a number of scientific and theoreticalpapers which illuminate several dimensions ofcreative thinking. At present, his majorre- search effort is focusedon the social behavior of highly creative children under a U. S. Office of Education Cooperative Research contract. Subsequent monographs in thisseries will publish the results of research studies in education conducted under theauspices of the Bureau. Currently underway are several major investigationsincluding ones focusingon creative thinking, effectiveness of illustrationsin text materials, language development of children, test taking behaviors of school pupils,characteristics of teacher candidates, problem solvingstrategies of school children, earth science curri- culum development practices, andthe curriculum of early Ohio schools, While numbers in this series will beissued irregularly, when taken together, hopefully they will evidencea wide range of scholarly interests in education manifest by the researchprograms in the Bureau. 0. L. Davis, Jr. Acting Director March 1964 5 Acknowledgment This is a slightly revised version of the author's REVISED SCORING MANUAL FOR TESTS OF CREATIVE THINKING( FORMS VA AND NVA), together with his SCORING MANUAL FOR EVALUATING IMAGINATIVE STORIES. Both of these manuals were originally mimeographed at the Bur- eau of Educational Research, University of Minnesota for research purposes, the former in 1962 and the latter in 1961. They are reproduced here at the Bureau of Educational Research, Kent State University under the permission granted by its counterpart at Minnesota (Director, Dr. E. Paul Torrance; Office Supervisor, Miss Dorolese Wardwell). The nature of these manuals, however, is not affected by the changes in the physical format of publication. They remain to be working manuals for our studies and the sole purpose of this publication is to make them more readily available for public examination and use so that an improved and refined scoring scheme may be developed out of the crude ones presented. For this reason, the author will appreciate receiving any feed-back the future users of this publication care to make concerning their studies on creative behavior. Only through cooperative accumulation of knowledge, can we hope to achieve the aspired progress in this important area of human exploration. In this connection, it should be clearly recognized that the tasks discussed in this publication are not the only ones developed and experimented with at the Bureau of Educational Research, University of Minnesota and, that the scoring schemes described here are, likewise, not the only ones ever proposed. For the discussion of other kinds of tasks and scoring schemes, readers are referred to such recent publications as: Torrance, E. P.Guiding creative talent. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1962. Torrance, E. P.Administration and scoring manual for abbreviated Form VII Minnesota Tests of Creative Thinking. Minneapolis: Bureau of Educational Research, University of Minnesota, 1962. (mimeographed) Torrance, E. P., & Templeton, D. E. Manual for verbal Form A Minne- sota