File: ISurvey_mar15b_02.doc


Please mark ALL your answers on the accompanying Answer Sheet by circling the most appropriate response. All of the questions on this survey apply to you and this course ONLY.

After you have completed the survey, please return both the survey and the answer sheet to your facilitator.

Section I: Instructor Characteristics

1. Which faculty do you currently teach in?

A. Arts & Science D. Fine Arts B. John Molson School of Business E. Other C. Engineering/Computer Science

2. What is your current title?

A. Lecturer D. Full Professor B. Assistant Professor E. Other C. Associate Professor

3. What best describes your teaching load?

A. Full-time D. Retired B. Part-time E. Other C. Sessional

4. Years of teaching completed (If this is your first year, indicate ‘0’. If last year was your first, indicate ‘1’, and so on.)

Section II: Perceived Student Learning Experiences

Using the scale provided, please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

A B C D E Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

In this course I felt that the students … 5. had effective interactions with the instructor. 6. had effective interactions with other students. 7. were in control of their learning. 8. actively participated. 9. took advantage of learning opportunities and resources. 10. developed knowledge of basic concepts and facts. 11. learned to think critically about this subject. File: ISurvey_mar15b_02.doc

Section III: Teaching Strategies

Using the scale provided, please indicate how often you used the following teaching strategies while taking this course.

A B C D E Never Seldom Sometimes Often Very Often

When studying for this course I encouraged the students to use … 12. rehearsal strategies such as reading my notes over and over. 13. elaboration strategies such as summarizing the material and relating it to material I already know. 14. organizational strategies such as creating outlines and taking note of the most important ideas. 15. analysis strategies such as comparing and contrasting ideas. 16. synthesis strategies such as examining the material and forming new ideas, theories or hypotheses. 17. evaluation strategies such as assessing, evaluating, and/or critiquing the material.

Section IV: Instructional Techniques

Using the scale provided, please indicate how often the following instructional techniques were used in this course.

A B C D E Never Seldom Sometimes Often Very Often

18. Instructor led lectures. 19. Textbooks or other written material. 20. Class discussions. 21. Independent projects and/or independent assignments. 22. Group projects and/or group assignments. 23. Computer based instruction. 24. Portfolios. 25. Student-developed activities. 26. Experiential learning and/or field studies.

Section V: Perceived Computer Proficiency Level

27. Please read the following descriptions of the proficiency levels a user has in relation to computer technologies. Determine the level that best describes you and circle the corresponding letter on your answer sheet.

A. Unfamiliar I have no experience with computer technologies. B. Beginner I am able to perform basic functions in a limited number of computer applications. C. Average I demonstrate a general competency in a number of computer applications. D. Advanced I have acquired the ability to competently use a broad spectrum of computer technologies. E. Expert I am extremely proficient in using a wide variety of computer technologies. File: ISurvey_mar15b_02.doc

Section VI: Computer Use in Course

Using the scale provided, please indicate how often you used the following computer applications as part of this course.

A B C D E Never Seldom Sometimes Often Very Often

28. Instructional Supplements such as drill and practice exercises or tutorials. 29. Communication such as , mailing lists, conferencing, ICQ or FirstClass. 30. Organizational applications such as databases and/or spreadsheets. 31. Analytical/Programming applications such as statistics, charting, graphing, drafting or robotics. 32. Expansive uses such as simulations or experiments. 33. Creative uses such as desktop publishing, digital videos, digital cameras, scanners or graphics. 34. Expressive uses such as word processing or on- journals. 35. Evaluative uses such as electronic portfolios. 36. Informative uses such as , CD-ROM or DVD. 37. Presentation applications such as PowerPoint and/or LCD projector. 38. Access applications such as a class website or class folder. 39. Overall, how often was computer technology used in this course?

Section VII: Perceived Effectiveness of Computer Use

Using the scale provided, please indicate how effective you believe the following computer applications were as part of this course.

A B C D E Very Ineffective Ineffective Neutral Effective Very Effective NA Not Applicable

Please use Not Applicable if computer technology was not used for this course.

40. Instructional Supplements such as drill and practice exercises or tutorials. 41. Communication such as email, mailing lists, conferencing, ICQ or FirstClass. 42. Organizational applications such as databases and/or spreadsheets. 43. Analytical/Programming applications such as statistics, charting, graphing, drafting or robotics. 44. Expansive uses such as simulations or experiments. 45. Creative uses such as desktop publishing, digital videos, digital cameras, scanners or graphics. 46. Expressive uses such as word processing or on-line journals. 47. Evaluative uses such as electronic portfolios. 48. Informative uses such as Internet, CD-ROM or DVD. 49. Presentation applications such as PowerPoint and/or LCD projector. 50. Access applications such as a class website or class folder. 51. Overall, how effective was computer technology in this course? File: ISurvey_mar15b_02.doc

Section VIII: Personal Computer Use

Using the scale provided, please rate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements.

A B C D E Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree NA Not Applicable

Please use Not Applicable if computer technology was not used for this course.

52. Computers make my job as an instructor a lot easier. 53. Computer technology is useful for other classes that I teach and/or my career. 54. I enjoy working with a computer. 55. Computers help me to teach the material in a meaningful way. 56. Computers make it easier to collaborate with students other instructors. 57. I can always find a computer to work on when I need one. 58. My teaching experience in this course was facilitated with the use of a computer. 59. I used a computer for this course because I had to not because I wanted to. 60. The use of computers improved the quality of my work. 61. The computer technology used in this course did not work the way that it was supposed to. 62. Using computer technology was necessary for me to do a good job in this course.

Additional Comments:

If there are any questions, comments or suggestions that you would like to add to improve this survey please add them on the sheet provided. We would love to hear from you! All comments welcome.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out our survey