The Book of St. Louisans D

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The Book of St. Louisans D THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 145 Oliver ChilkMl Plow Works, for wliich triivclod' DALE, Alfred Nicholson, railway official; throe years; since October, 1902, nianayer !St. 1860-1911 ; see Vol. 1906. Louis l)raiicli house. Member Implement, A'e- DALLMEYER, Herman, dry goods; born, hicle anil Hardware Association of Ht. Louis. Han()\('r, (icrnuiiiy, .Mar. 16, 1846; son of Democrat. Member of Christian (Disciples) Rudoljih and Pauline (llorst) Dallmeyer; edu- Church. Office: 2516-2522 N. Broadway. Resi- cated in pri\ate school in nati\e land; mar- dence: 5100 Raymond Ave. ried, St. Ijouis, 1867, Louise Prasse (ilied Charles Clarence, vinegar and GUSHING, 1898); 2d, St. Louis, Apr. 5, 1900, Mrs. Paul- cider; born, Xew York City, .hine 7, 1857; son ine Goetsch. Came to America, 1862; in em- of John and Mary Cushiug; removed to St. ploy of brother in general store at Cooperhill, Louis, ]S69; educated in St. Louis public Mo., for three months; removed to St. Louis, schools; married, St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1881, Lula March, 1863, and became connected with dry A. Shepherd; children: Fay Olive, Clarence C. goods firm of Nieman & Co., continuing until Began business career, 1S7;!, as shipping clerk 1868; then entered business on own account for James Cushing & Co., vinegar manufac- at 1301 Franklin Ave., three years later form- for turers, Dubuque, la.; established branch ing partnership under title of Dallmeyer & same firm at St. Louis, 1S9;5, as manager, and Koestring, which was subsequently dissolved; in 1897 purchased the business, which has since in business in own name. Republican. since conducted as C. C. Cushing & Co., pro- Member Evangelical Protestant Church. Di- jirietors of St. Louis Vinegar Co., manufac- rector German Protestant Orphans' Home. turers of vinegar and cider. Republican. Uni- Office: 1237 Franklin Ave. Residence: 2902 Knights tarian. Mason; member Odd Fellows, Dickson St. of Pythias. OtHce: 615 X. ]\iain St. Resi- DALTON, Henry Clay, physician; 1847- dence: Webster Groves, ]\lo. 1911; sec Vol. 1906. CUTHBERT, Charles Mcintosh, secretary and treasurer Branch Saw Co.; born, St. Louis, DALTON, John Davis, lawyer; 1872-1911; see Vol. 1906. May 21, 1849; son of Samuel and Eugenia (Jones) Cuthbert; educated in public schools DALY, Charles Joseph, real estate; born, and City (Wyman's) University, graduating St. Louis, July 1, 1871; son of John J. and from latter in 1865; married, St. Louis, Oct. Catherine (Whyte) Daly; educated in private 25, 1877, Lily D. Morgan; children: Olive scliool and St. Louis University; graduated Morgan (wife of Dr. F. T. Fahlen), Charles from St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1896; mar- Morgan. Was clerk with IT. S. Express Co., ried, St. Louis, July 10, 1900, Mary E. Magin- 1865-66; went with Gilkeson & Sloss, 1866, nis; children: Elizabeth, Charles J., Louise and was secretary, from incorporation, 1SS3, Brook, John J., Richard and Kathleen Ann. to dissolution, 1896, of Gilkeson-Sloss Commis- Began in employ of Pullman Palace Car Co., sion Co.; secretary and treasurer Branch Saw- then for short time in postoffice. On Aug. 1, Co. since December, 1897. Independent in poli- 1890, entered service of Joseph P. Whyte, and tics. Presbyterian. Member Sons of the Revolu- on Apr. 26, 1901, became vice president and tion, Society of Colonial Wars, Royal Arca- treasurer or Joseph P. Whyte Real Estate Co.; num, Legion of Honor, Royal League. Office: with real estate department Commonwealth 3000 N. Broadway. Residence: 5525 Bartmer Trust Co. since June 5, 1912. Member of the Avenue. Real Estate Exchange. Democrat. Catholic. D Office: Commonwealth Trust Co. Residence: 5937 Julian Ave. DACEY, James Aloysius, wholesale fruit and pro<iuee; born. St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1865; *DALY, Leo Louis, real estate; moved to son of Patrick and Catherine (Cusack) Dacey; Xew York; see Vol. 190(i. public school education; married, St. Louis, DALZELL, Benjamin Wilson, life insur- May 10, 1893, Louisa L. Pohle; three children: ance; born, Eldorado Co., Cal., Oct. 26, 1866; Kathleen, James A., Jr., and Elizabeth. Be- son of David F. and ^[arietta (Wilson) Dal- at gan in wholesale fruit and produce business zell, the former reared at Penn 's Manor, Bucks St. Louis, 1885, and has ever since been iden- Co., Pa., and the latter a lineal descendant of tified closely with that line; proprietor of John Hancock, Daniel Boone and "Uncle Dacey & Co., fruits and produce. Member Sam" Wilson; weighed 3i/> pounds when born Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Fruit and and was passed around on a dinner plate be- Produce Exchange. INIember House of Dele- fore a tribe of Indians, in California; crossed gates two terms, 1891-95. Democrat. Catho- the Isthmus of Panama on a burro when a lic. Member Knights of Columbus. Recrea- child; educated Friends College of Philadel- tions: traveling, motoring. Office: 1209-1211 ]>hia; Jerseyville (HI.) High School; Interna- N. Broadway. Residence: 4565 Easton Ave. tional College, St. Louis; studied law, medi- "DAHMANN. William H., manufacturer; cine ami elocution and excelled as a young now li\ iiig on Long Island, N. Y.; see Vol. man in amateur theatricals; married, St. I'.tOG. Louis, A])r. 22, 1890, Eugenia Lambert (died 14G THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1904) ; three childreu, one sou, Benjamiu, now and golf. Office: 58 De Menil Bldg. Resi- living; married, 2d, St. Louis, 1909, Florence dence: 3803 Windsor PI. Tavlor. Engaaed in real estate business with DAMES, Alphonse Ferdinand, physician; B. *F. Hamme\t, St. Louis, 1887-90; then in born, St. Paul, Mo., June 15, 1877; son of same line of business for self; state superin- Francis Joseph and Laura Renford (Ensor) Insurance Knights of tendent Department, Dames; educated in classics at Creighton Uni- Pythias, since 1S96. Eepublicau; stumped versity, Omaha, Neb.; M.D., Washington Uni- State of Missouri in both of the McKinley versity, May 24, 1906; married, St. Louis, campaigns and was offered consulship by Sept. 19, 1905, Charlotte Ann Lynch; two chil- President McKinley, but declined. Member dren: Violet Angela and Alphonse Ferdinand, Free Bridge Committee, St. Louis. Clubs: Mil- Jr. Has practiced in St. Louis since Sept. 1, lion Population, Damon (a club of Pythians), 1906; gave up general practice Jan. 1, 1909, Hunting. a hunting Willow Slough Owns to specialize in diseases of the nose, throat lodge on the Mississippi River, and a launch and ear; clinician iu nose, throat and ear de- thirty-six feet long. Author: A Few Thoughts partment Washington University Medical Friends (containing poems, essays for a Few School and MuUanphy Hospital since 1906. Recreations: and excerpts of speeches), 1906. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Ameri- fishing and motoring. Office: reading, hunting, can Medical Association, Missouri State Med- Carleton Bldg. Residence: 4128 Morgan 702 ical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Street. St. Louis Oto-Laryngological Society. Recrea- DAME, James Ebenezer, lawyer; born, tions: literature and athletics. Office: 816-818 Princeton, Ind., Dec. 29, 1S72; son of Daniel Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 3808 W. Pine Webster and Agues (McMillan) Dame; gradu- Boulevard. ated from Wabash College, Crawfordsville, DAMHORST, Henry, insurance; born, St. Ind., A.B., 1895; A.M., 1903, Washington Uni- Louis, May 2, 1865; son of Herman and Fran- versitv, St. Louis, LL.B., 1899; married, Lila ces (Grone) Damhorst; educated in St. Nicho- Belle 'Gelwicks, of St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1910; las (parish) School till 1877, Brinker Acad- one son: James E., Jr. Engaged in general emy, Denver, 1877-78, Smith Academy, Wash- practice of law in St. Louis since 1901; has ington University and Jones Commercial Col- associated with Fred S. Hall, in firm of Hall lege; married, St. Louis, Sept. 19, 1888, Alice & Dame, since Jan. 1, 1906. Member St. Louis Hafferkamp; one daughter: Edith Josephine Bar Association, St. Louis Alumui Association Frances (Mrs. Albert J. Werber). Traveled of Delta Tau Delta (secretary). West End abroad, 1885-87; bookkeeper and cashier for Business Men's Association (chairman legis- Adam Boeck & Co., 1887-91; engaged in gen- lative committee). Democrat. Member United eral insurance business since 1891. Member Presb^'terian Church. Recreations: tennis and Tower Grove Turn Verein, B. P. 0. Elks. canoeing. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: Recreations: riding and driving. Office: 604% 5940 Julian Ave. Chestnut St. Residence: 3453 Crittenden St. DAMERON, Ernest Patten, dental surgeon; DANA, George Davis, stove manufacturer; born, ^larionville, Lawrence Co., Mo., Nov. 9, deceased; see A'ol. 1906. 1873; son of John Haywood and Estelle (Slaughter) Dameron; A.B., Marionville Col- DANA, J. D., treasurer Commonwealth Trust lege, 1892; completed course in Spalding's Co.; born, Lisbon, Me., Mar. 21, 1877; son of Commercial College, Kansas City, Mo., 1893; Frank W. and Emma J. (Davis) Dana; edu- D.D.S., Western Dental College, Kansas City, cated in public schools and graduated from Apr. 2, 1898; married, Kansas City, April, Lewiston, Me., high school, 1895; then at- 1900, Cora B. Nixon. Has practiced dentistry tended Phillips Andover Academy, Andover, in St. Louis since May, 1898. Professor ma- Mass., graduated, 1896; entered Yale Univer- teria medica and therapeutics. Dental Depart- sitv, 1896, graduating with degree of A.B., ment, Barnes Uuiversitj', 1906-07. President 1900; entere"il Harvard Law School, 1900; ad- National Dental Association; member board mitted to practice law in Massachusetts, 1902; of governors National Mouth Hygiene Asso- married, Jacksonville, 111., Sept. 20, 1902, ciation; member ^Missouri State Dental Asso- Clara Robb Brown; two children: Richard, ciation, St. Louis Dental Society, St. Louis Robert Brent. Removed to Missouri, 1903; Societ}' of Dental Science, Delta Sigma Delta secretary Sligo Furnace Co., Sligo, Mo., 1903- fraternity; honorary member Tennessee State 05; came to St. Louis, 1905, where has been Dental Association. Democrat. jNIethodist. engaged in the iron business and associated Served in Third Regiment Band, Missouri Na- with various real estate syndicates.
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    Maryland Law Review Volume 67 | Issue 1 Article 12 The Original Meaning of Original Understanding: a Neo-blackstonian Critique Saul Cornell Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Constitutional Law Commons Recommended Citation Saul Cornell, The Original Meaning of Original Understanding: a Neo-blackstonian Critique, 67 Md. L. Rev. 150 (2007) Available at: This Conference is brought to you for free and open access by the Academic Journals at DigitalCommons@UM Carey Law. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maryland Law Review by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UM Carey Law. For more information, please contact [email protected]. \\server05\productn\M\MLR\67-1\MLR110.txt unknown Seq: 1 14-DEC-07 12:33 THE ORIGINAL MEANING OF ORIGINAL UNDERSTANDING: A NEO-BLACKSTONIAN CRITIQUE SAUL CORNELL* The emergence of a new variant of constitutional originalism has been heralded by its supporters as a major step forward in constitu- tional theory. The new originalism claims to have met the profound objections leveled at earlier versions of this theory by shifting atten- tion away from a focus on the subjective belief of the Framers of the Constitution.1 Rather than concentrate on original intent, this “new” method focuses on the plain meaning the text would have had to Americans at the time it was adopted.2 Randy Barnett, one of the leading partisans of this method, describes it as follows: “In constitu- tional interpretation, the shift is from the original intentions, or will of the lawmakers, to the objective original meaning that a reasonable listener would have placed on the words used in the constitutional provision at the time of its enactment.”3 Ironically, this new variant of originalism may be at odds with the dominant modes of constitutional interpretation in place at the time the Constitution was debated and ratified.4 This new theory is also subject to challenge on methodologi- cal grounds as well.
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