THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 145 Oliver ChilkMl Plow Works, for wliich triivclod' DALE, Alfred Nicholson, railway official; throe years; since October, 1902, nianayer !St. 1860-1911 ; see Vol. 1906. Louis l)raiicli house. Member Implement, A'e- DALLMEYER, Herman, dry goods; born, hicle anil Hardware Association of Ht. Louis. Han()\('r, (icrnuiiiy, .Mar. 16, 1846; son of Democrat. Member of Christian (Disciples) Rudoljih and Pauline (llorst) Dallmeyer; edu- Church. Office: 2516-2522 N. Broadway. Resi- cated in pri\ate school in nati\e land; mar- dence: 5100 Raymond Ave. ried, St. Ijouis, 1867, Louise Prasse (ilied Charles Clarence, vinegar and GUSHING, 1898); 2d, St. Louis, Apr. 5, 1900, Mrs. Paul- cider; born, Xew York City, .hine 7, 1857; son ine Goetsch. Came to America, 1862; in em- of John and Mary Cushiug; removed to St. ploy of brother in general store at Cooperhill, Louis, ]S69; educated in St. Louis public Mo., for three months; removed to St. Louis, schools; married, St. Louis, Oct. 4, 1881, Lula March, 1863, and became connected with dry A. Shepherd; children: Fay Olive, Clarence C. goods firm of Nieman & Co., continuing until Began business career, 1S7;!, as shipping clerk 1868; then entered business on own account for James Cushing & Co., vinegar manufac- at 1301 Franklin Ave., three years later form- for turers, Dubuque, la.; established branch ing partnership under title of Dallmeyer & same firm at St. Louis, 1S9;5, as manager, and Koestring, which was subsequently dissolved; in 1897 purchased the business, which has since in business in own name. Republican. since conducted as C. C. Cushing & Co., pro- Member Evangelical Protestant Church. Di- jirietors of St. Louis Vinegar Co., manufac- rector German Protestant Orphans' Home. turers of vinegar and cider. Republican. Uni- Office: 1237 Franklin Ave. Residence: 2902 Knights tarian. Mason; member Odd Fellows, Dickson St. of Pythias. OtHce: 615 X. ]\iain St. Resi- DALTON, Henry Clay, physician; 1847- dence: Webster Groves, ]\lo. 1911; sec Vol. 1906. CUTHBERT, Charles Mcintosh, secretary and treasurer Branch Saw Co.; born, St. Louis, DALTON, John Davis, lawyer; 1872-1911; see Vol. 1906. May 21, 1849; son of Samuel and Eugenia (Jones) Cuthbert; educated in public schools DALY, Charles Joseph, real estate; born, and City (Wyman's) University, graduating St. Louis, July 1, 1871; son of John J. and from latter in 1865; married, St. Louis, Oct. Catherine (Whyte) Daly; educated in private 25, 1877, Lily D. Morgan; children: Olive scliool and St. Louis University; graduated Morgan (wife of Dr. F. T. Fahlen), Charles from St. Louis Law School, LL.B., 1896; mar- Morgan. Was clerk with IT. S. Express Co., ried, St. Louis, July 10, 1900, Mary E. Magin- 1865-66; went with Gilkeson & Sloss, 1866, nis; children: Elizabeth, Charles J., Louise and was secretary, from incorporation, 1SS3, Brook, John J., Richard and Kathleen Ann. to dissolution, 1896, of Gilkeson-Sloss Commis- Began in employ of Pullman Palace Car Co., sion Co.; secretary and treasurer Branch Saw- then for short time in postoffice. On Aug. 1, Co. since December, 1897. Independent in poli- 1890, entered service of Joseph P. Whyte, and tics. Presbyterian. Member Sons of the Revolu- on Apr. 26, 1901, became vice president and tion, Society of Colonial Wars, Royal Arca- treasurer or Joseph P. Whyte Real Estate Co.; num, Legion of Honor, Royal League. Office: with real estate department Commonwealth 3000 N. Broadway. Residence: 5525 Bartmer Trust Co. since June 5, 1912. Member of the Avenue. Real Estate Exchange. Democrat. Catholic. D Office: Commonwealth Trust Co. Residence: 5937 Julian Ave. DACEY, James Aloysius, wholesale fruit and pro<iuee; born. St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1865; *DALY, Leo Louis, real estate; moved to son of Patrick and Catherine (Cusack) Dacey; Xew York; see Vol. 190(i. public school education; married, St. Louis, DALZELL, Benjamin Wilson, life insur- May 10, 1893, Louisa L. Pohle; three children: ance; born, Eldorado Co., Cal., Oct. 26, 1866; Kathleen, James A., Jr., and Elizabeth. Be- son of David F. and ^[arietta (Wilson) Dal- at gan in wholesale fruit and produce business zell, the former reared at Penn 's Manor, Bucks St. Louis, 1885, and has ever since been iden- Co., Pa., and the latter a lineal descendant of tified closely with that line; proprietor of John Hancock, Daniel Boone and "Uncle Dacey & Co., fruits and produce. Member Sam" Wilson; weighed 3i/> pounds when born Merchants' Exchange, St. Louis Fruit and and was passed around on a dinner plate be- Produce Exchange. INIember House of Dele- fore a tribe of Indians, in California; crossed gates two terms, 1891-95. Democrat. Catho- the Isthmus of Panama on a burro when a lic. Member Knights of Columbus. Recrea- child; educated Friends College of Philadel- tions: traveling, motoring. Office: 1209-1211 ]>hia; Jerseyville (HI.) High School; Interna- N. Broadway. Residence: 4565 Easton Ave. tional College, St. Louis; studied law, medi- "DAHMANN. William H., manufacturer; cine ami elocution and excelled as a young now li\ iiig on Long Island, N. Y.; see Vol. man in amateur theatricals; married, St. I'.tOG. Louis, A])r. 22, 1890, Eugenia Lambert (died 14G THE BOOK OF ST. LOUISANS 1904) ; three childreu, one sou, Benjamiu, now and golf. Office: 58 De Menil Bldg. Resi- living; married, 2d, St. Louis, 1909, Florence dence: 3803 Windsor PI. Tavlor. Engaaed in real estate business with DAMES, Alphonse Ferdinand, physician; B. *F. Hamme\t, St. Louis, 1887-90; then in born, St. Paul, Mo., June 15, 1877; son of same line of business for self; state superin- Francis Joseph and Laura Renford (Ensor) Insurance Knights of tendent Department, Dames; educated in classics at Creighton Uni- Pythias, since 1S96. Eepublicau; stumped versity, Omaha, Neb.; M.D., Washington Uni- State of Missouri in both of the McKinley versity, May 24, 1906; married, St. Louis, campaigns and was offered consulship by Sept. 19, 1905, Charlotte Ann Lynch; two chil- President McKinley, but declined. Member dren: Violet Angela and Alphonse Ferdinand, Free Bridge Committee, St. Louis. Clubs: Mil- Jr. Has practiced in St. Louis since Sept. 1, lion Population, Damon (a club of Pythians), 1906; gave up general practice Jan. 1, 1909, Hunting. a hunting Willow Slough Owns to specialize in diseases of the nose, throat lodge on the Mississippi River, and a launch and ear; clinician iu nose, throat and ear de- thirty-six feet long. Author: A Few Thoughts partment Washington University Medical Friends (containing poems, essays for a Few School and MuUanphy Hospital since 1906. Recreations: and excerpts of speeches), 1906. Democrat. Roman Catholic. Member Ameri- fishing and motoring. Office: reading, hunting, can Medical Association, Missouri State Med- Carleton Bldg. Residence: 4128 Morgan 702 ical Association, St. Louis Medical Society, Street. St. Louis Oto-Laryngological Society. Recrea- DAME, James Ebenezer, lawyer; born, tions: literature and athletics. Office: 816-818 Princeton, Ind., Dec. 29, 1S72; son of Daniel Metropolitan Bldg. Residence: 3808 W. Pine Webster and Agues (McMillan) Dame; gradu- Boulevard. ated from Wabash College, Crawfordsville, DAMHORST, Henry, insurance; born, St. Ind., A.B., 1895; A.M., 1903, Washington Uni- Louis, May 2, 1865; son of Herman and Fran- versitv, St. Louis, LL.B., 1899; married, Lila ces (Grone) Damhorst; educated in St. Nicho- Belle 'Gelwicks, of St. Louis, Nov. 29, 1910; las (parish) School till 1877, Brinker Acad- one son: James E., Jr. Engaged in general emy, Denver, 1877-78, Smith Academy, Wash- practice of law in St. Louis since 1901; has ington University and Jones Commercial Col- associated with Fred S. Hall, in firm of Hall lege; married, St. Louis, Sept. 19, 1888, Alice & Dame, since Jan. 1, 1906. Member St. Louis Hafferkamp; one daughter: Edith Josephine Bar Association, St. Louis Alumui Association Frances (Mrs. Albert J. Werber). Traveled of Delta Tau Delta (secretary). West End abroad, 1885-87; bookkeeper and cashier for Business Men's Association (chairman legis- Adam Boeck & Co., 1887-91; engaged in gen- lative committee). Democrat. Member United eral insurance business since 1891. Member Presb^'terian Church. Recreations: tennis and Tower Grove Turn Verein, B. P. 0. Elks. canoeing. Office: 705 Olive St. Residence: Recreations: riding and driving. Office: 604% 5940 Julian Ave. Chestnut St. Residence: 3453 Crittenden St. DAMERON, Ernest Patten, dental surgeon; DANA, George Davis, stove manufacturer; born, ^larionville, Lawrence Co., Mo., Nov. 9, deceased; see A'ol. 1906. 1873; son of John Haywood and Estelle (Slaughter) Dameron; A.B., Marionville Col- DANA, J. D., treasurer Commonwealth Trust lege, 1892; completed course in Spalding's Co.; born, Lisbon, Me., Mar. 21, 1877; son of Commercial College, Kansas City, Mo., 1893; Frank W. and Emma J. (Davis) Dana; edu- D.D.S., Western Dental College, Kansas City, cated in public schools and graduated from Apr. 2, 1898; married, Kansas City, April, Lewiston, Me., high school, 1895; then at- 1900, Cora B. Nixon. Has practiced dentistry tended Phillips Andover Academy, Andover, in St. Louis since May, 1898. Professor ma- Mass., graduated, 1896; entered Yale Univer- teria medica and therapeutics. Dental Depart- sitv, 1896, graduating with degree of A.B., ment, Barnes Uuiversitj', 1906-07. President 1900; entere"il Harvard Law School, 1900; ad- National Dental Association; member board mitted to practice law in Massachusetts, 1902; of governors National Mouth Hygiene Asso- married, Jacksonville, 111., Sept. 20, 1902, ciation; member ^Missouri State Dental Asso- Clara Robb Brown; two children: Richard, ciation, St. Louis Dental Society, St. Louis Robert Brent. Removed to Missouri, 1903; Societ}' of Dental Science, Delta Sigma Delta secretary Sligo Furnace Co., Sligo, Mo., 1903- fraternity; honorary member Tennessee State 05; came to St. Louis, 1905, where has been Dental Association. Democrat. jNIethodist. engaged in the iron business and associated Served in Third Regiment Band, Missouri Na- with various real estate syndicates.
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