Council Meeting Agenda
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Council Meeting Agenda 22 February 2021 A Quality Rural Lifestyle - in a vibrant, caring and sustainable community To All Councillors You are hereby notified that the next meeting of the Upper Hunter Shire Council will be held on Monday, 22 February 2021 in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS commencing at 5.00PM, for the purpose of transacting the undermentioned business. This meeting will be recorded and those in attendance should refrain from making any defamatory statements. There are to be no other recordings of this meeting without the prior authorisation of Council. GREG MCDONALD GENERAL MANAGER 1. PRAYER 2. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY 3. APOLOGIES / APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE BY COUNCILLORS 4. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES - Ordinary Council Meeting held on 14 December 2020 - Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 14 January 2021 - Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 21 January 2021 6. DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST 7. MAYORAL MINUTES A.02.1 RECOGNITION OF LENGTH OF SERVICE ................................................................................. 1 8. REPORTS STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS ............................................................................................. 2 SCR.02.1 CORPORATE SERVICES COMMITTEE ................................................................................ 2 SCR.02.2 DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMMITTEE ............................................... 9 SCR.02.3 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES COMMITTEE ...................................................................... 18 COMMITTEE/DELEGATES REPORTS ........................................................................................ 25 C.02.1 AIRPORT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE .................................................................................. 25 C.02.2 MERRIWA TOURISM AND PROMOTION COMMITTEE .............................................................. 3 3 C.02.3 AUSTRALIA DAY COMMITTEE MERRIWA DISTRICT ................................................................ 36 C.02.4 MERRIWA AGED HOSTEL COMMITTEE ................................................................................ 39 C.02.5 MURRURUNDI AUSTRALIA DAY WORKING PARTY ................................................................ 67 C.02.6 ARTS UPPER HUNTER ....................................................................................................... 71 DEVELOPMENT REPORTS .......................................................................................................... 81 D.02.1 PLANNING PROPOSAL 1/2019 TO REZONE LAND TO IN2 LIGHT INDUSTRIAL ......................... 81 D.02.2 NATURAL DISASTERS CLAUSE - UPPER HUNTER LEP ....................................................... 119 ENVIRONMENT/HEALTH REPORTS ......................................................................................... 126 E.02.1 HEATWAVE MANAGEMENT PLAN ...................................................................................... 126 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION REPORTS ................................................................................. 130 G.02.1 HUNTER JOINT ORGANISATION ......................................................................................... 130 G.02.2 RELOCATION OF THE SCONE VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE ............................................ 136 G.02.3 REQUEST FOR REFUND OF FEES - SPORTS USER GROUPS ANNUAL FEES DUE TO COVID-19 .. ................................................................................................................................. 144 G.02.4 REQUESTS FOR DONATIONS ............................................................................................ 152 POLICY MATTERS ...................................................................................................................... 156 H.02.1 POLICIES FOR REVIEW ..................................................................................................... 156 H.02.2 SCONE TAFE SALE - COUNCIL POSITION .......................................................................... 163 INFRASTRUCTURE REPORTS .................................................................................................. 166 I.02.1 GRANT APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................................... 166 I.02.2 REQUEST FOR RURAL WATER CONNECTION - DURHAM HOTEL .......................................... 172 NOTICES OF MOTION ................................................................................................................ 175 NM.02.1 NOTICE OF MOTION ......................................................................................................... 175 QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE ....................................................................................................... 176 QWN.02.1 QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE ........................................................................................... 176 CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS ........................................................................................................ 179 CR.02.1 TENDER NO 31/2021 - CAMPBELLS CORNER ROOF REPLACEMENT ................................... 179 CR.02.2 SCONE OUT OF SCHOOL HOURS ...................................................................................... 180 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING OF UPPER HUNTER SHIRE COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY 14 DECEMBER 2020 IN THE SCONE COUNCIL CHAMBERS COMMENCING AT 5.00pm PRESENT: Cr Maurice Collison (Mayor), Cr Kiwa Fisher (Deputy Mayor), Cr Sue Abbott (via Zoom), Cr James Burns, Cr Ron Campbell, Cr Lorna Driscoll and Cr Lee Watts. APOLOGIES / APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE BY COUNCILLORS: It is noted that Cr Ron Campbell has requested leave of absence from 17 December 2020 to 25 January 2021 IN ATTENDANCE: Mr Kristian Enevoldson (Acting General Manager), Mr Mathew Pringle (Director Environmental & Community Services), Mr Nicholas Havyatt (Director Infrastructure Services), Mr Wayne Phelps (Finance Manager) and Mrs Robyn Cox (Executive Assistant). CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES: RESOLVED that the minutes of the ordinary Council meeting held on 30 November 2020 be adopted with the amendment that it be noted that Cr Abbott resigned from the Upper Hunter Library Services Advisory Committee. Moved: Cr L Driscoll Seconded: Cr K Fisher CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST: G.12.6 Requests for Donations Cr Lee Watts declared a pecuniary interest / less than significant conflict for the reason that she is the Manager of Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre, the organisation requesting a donation. Cr Watts advised that she would leave the meeting and take no part in discussion or voting. CR.12.3 Australia Day Committees – 2020 Awards Cr Maurice Collison declared a non pecuniary interest / less than significant conflict for the reason that he is a relative of one of the nominees. Cr Collison advised that he would remain in the meeting but take no part in discussion or voting. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: G.12.5 Scone Regional Airport – Wildlife Hazard Management Peter Willard – attended via Zoom Kaye & David Monro – attended in person Robin Wills – attended in person – PowerPoint presentation provided Scott Bridges – written submission provided – was also in attendance Sandy Warburton & Sarah Lorden – written submission provided RESOLVED that Standing Orders be suspended to deal with Item G.12.5. Moved: Cr J Burns Seconded: Cr L Driscoll CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Upper Hunter Shire Council held on Monday 14 December 2020 Page 1 of 11 G.12.5 SCONE REGIONAL AIRPORT - WILDLIFE HAZARD MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Kristian Enevoldson - Acting General Manager AUTHOR: Joanne McLoughlin - Property & Business Coordinator AMENDMENT TO THE RECOMMENDATION: That Council: 1. endorse the Wildlife Risk Assessment report; 2. adopt the Wildlife Hazard Management Plan and control measures; and, 3. construct the airside perimeter fence to a height of 1.8m along the rural properties and 1.5m along the residential properties with no barbed wire at all. Moved: Cr J Burns Seconded: Cr R Campbell FORESHADOWED MOTION That Council defer the matter until next year for further consideration. Moved: Cr S Abbott Seconded: Cr L Watts LOST The amendment becomes the motion. RESOLVED That Council: 1. endorse the Wildlife Risk Assessment report; 2. adopt the Wildlife Hazard Management Plan and control measures, including airside perimeter fencing; and, 3. construct the airside perimeter fence to a height of 1.8m along the rural properties and 1.5m along the residential properties with no barbed wire at all. Moved: Cr J Burns Seconded: Cr R Campbell CARRIED FOR AGAINST Councillor Burns Councillor Abbott Councillor Campbell Councillor Watts Councillor Collison Councillor Driscoll Councillor Fisher Total (5) Total (2) Standing orders were resumed. SCR.12.1 DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMMITTEE RESPONSIBLE OFFICER: Kristian Enevoldson - Acting General Manager AUTHOR: Mathew Pringle - Director Environmental & Community Services RESOLVED That Council: 1. adopt the minutes of the Development & Environmental Services Committee meeting held on 8 December 2020. Moved: Cr J Burns Seconded: Cr R Campbell CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Upper Hunter Shire Council held on Monday 14 December 2020 Page 2 of 11 2. DESC.12.1 – approve Development Application No. 82/2020 to regularise the use of an inground swimming pool at 24 Alfred Brown Lane, Parkville, subject to the conditions of consent in Attachment 2 to the report.