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Girl Scout Leader Magazine Fund rai8ers from coat to coast me clecmmg up with Saiety First Aid Kit. That's becauae every home and auto needs one. Safety First Aid X:tt is crammed with emergency first aid wpplles... antiaeptlc w1pe, adhesiw tape plastic strips, fiDt c:Nam, cmd JDOJe. There's eft!l a "M!Ntllf : Rescue Bze~:atbe'l'" Girl Scout Summer 1983 FEATURES OSUSA's Annual Report: A Review of '82 7 ~ A Message from the National GIRL SCOOTS executive Director 9 President Nurturing Tomorrow's Leaders 11 Mrs. Orville L. Freeman Career Education, Oirl Scout Style 12 National Bxecutive Director The Tangible Rewards Frances Hesselbein of Volunteering 14 Assistant National Career Pathing 16 Executive Director, Communications Leadership: What Is It? 18A Rhoda Pauley (i] Director of PubUcations Women Who Make the Most of It 19 Kyle Warren Ahrold Career Mart 21 Managing Editor Patricia Stoddard The Learning Revolution 23 Graphics and Design Happy Anniversary Director 25 Michael Chanwick Macy Honor Roll 26 Advertising/Circula tlon Manager The Oold Award Honor Roll 33 Lou Ethel Roliston Assistant Editor Marianne llaw Edltorial Assistant DEPARTMENTS Colleen Floyd Circulation Assistant President's Message Millie Freeman 2 In the News 4 Production Manager Mensaje de Ia Presidenta 30 carolyn Cagglne lle: Sources 31 Production Assistant Madeline R. Kraner Glr1 ~out Leilder oiS.,., 0017 ·~71 t lo published quanerl) b) Oirt Scouts or Sub!Krlpllo~: $4 )Uri) 4 t•weso· $~tor all destinaUOns ootslde L.S. and the U.S.A 830 Third A\cnuc. ~e~~< York. N.l 10022 Cop)rlght 1983 b) Olrt Scouts posses$loou· Sl Senior Olrl '<outs Chang., or address 1\ rite Olrl Scout Leader. of the United States of t.mcrlc.1 All rights re:~erved. This publication may not be 830 Thord t.venuc. New York. NY 10022; Include old and new address. as "ell as reproduced. stored In a retr l~vdl system or lrdnsmitted In ~ohole or In pan. In any counciL troop. nnd ldenliOcallon number. Allow 8 ~oeeks for change. Vol. 60, No. 2, fonn or by eny means, clctto onlc. mcchunlcal, photocopying. recording. or Summer 1983. otherwi:~e without the prior written permission or Oirl Scouts of the United States of Nllerlca Send stamped xtf·~ddressed en•etope ~vlth unsolicited manuscriptS, phOto$. or an Otrl Seoul Leado•r cannot be roponsible for such material In its otnces or In transit. Second eta's posta~ paid at :1e.. Yorl\ Cit) and additional mailing ornccs I President's Message Leading tomorrow's leaders, the subject of this special issue, embodies one of Juliette Low's strongest convictions. The time to raise girls' sights, to help them envision all the marvelous opportunities ahead, she believed. is when they are very young-before self-limiting stereotypes can take hold. Dr. Ken­ J neth Hoyt, of the U.S. Department of Education v.:armly attests to our career education materials' success: 'Trom Dreams to Reality, .. he wrote us, "has made a greater contribution to the reduction of se.'\·stereotyping as a deter· rent to freedom of career choice for girls and v.omen than any other single publication!" High praise like that, commendations from other top career education specialists, and the success of our Career Education in Schools project are all highly encouraging. We know that most of our young Girl Scouts are expecting to hold paid jobs during at least part of their lives, so it is vitally important that the adults In their lives help them to explore the world of work realistically and earl). Girls need to consider carefully what aptitudes, skills, and early training they will need, if the) are going to find in their chosen work the same degree of satisfaction they rind in their families and in com· munity service. You and I know that volunteer service adds an important dimension to our lives. The personal enrichment we find in Girl Scouting often means, as I've heard many volunteers say, that we get e\ en more than we give-in inner The time to satisfaction and in other, quite concrete ""avs. For example, many of the skills we acquire-in human relations, leadership. administration, child psy­ raise girls' sights chology, management-are marketable skills that add to our value as present or potential paid workers. In Girl Scouting, too, \\e can move into volunteer is when they are career opportunities that can give us more prestige. room to grow, and per­ very young-before sonal fulfillment than most paid jobs. It's also true that many paid jobs distance us from contact with a wide self-limiting variety of interesting women and men who share our community or national goals. Volunteer service helps fill that gap superb!) \\ell, I believe. Peter stereotypes can Drucker, the noted management expert agrees: Growing numbers of women in the workplace no longer have the close ties \\tth their communities they take hold. had when they stayed at home," he says. but )OU Girl Scouts give \\-Omen that important sense of community that. some\, here along the way, has been lost." Most of us have chosen lives that have more than one important dimen­ sion. Some of us are wives and mothers and patd workers and service vol­ unteers. Some of us have chosen to be full·time \\ ives and mothers; others put most of our energies into our careers. The girls we lead will surely make equally varied decisions. The key word, and its a beautiful one, is "choice." What we all, and especially you leaders, are tl) ing to give our young Girl Scouts is the blessed awareness that the} do ha\ e choices. The Girl Scout experience should help girls to realize that l'fe is full of difficult decisions and that the ability to make considered, wise chotees is the ke} to the self· directed, happy, and satisfying futures we \\Ish for them all. A great, great summer to you all-until ne.xt time! Sincerely, rc: -1-~ "'rs. Orville L. Freeman ational President 2 Girl Scout Leader/Summer 1983 What an easy sell! PAPER8MATE® Raise $144 to $2640 and more selling America's most popular pens. E\>erybody use:; p~n s! That's why nationally advertised Paper ~l a te Pens are such a best seller. Th.~y ·re first quality smooth writing pens your prospects won't pass upl !:'...... n ONLY <:. 1 no A REAt VALUE Designed exclusiwly for groups like you n; , our fund r.user's "LUV-PACK" contains three ball point pens \\i th prot.::..: th-e ..:aps. )ou sell each Pap~r ~late Pack for only Sl.Ocl. You keep 50c per llack for )'Our group. 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Box 2029 HomeAddress _ _____________ __Qther Phone( Thscaloosa, AL 35403 City State Zip _ _ _ _ Authorized Signature Scheduled Sale Date _ _ distributed exclusively by P.lyment due 30 dol!• alter p/~n ned ~date or alter m:t'ipt ofsh ipment "hi<l><,er is l~ti!r. All orders sub)f'ctl/1 <"-'dit ~ppro1oal. PM 125 11\1 $htp freit/11 prepaid for )'OUr con,.,mence. Al/ol. for nominal freil{ht chaf[kS when eslimabnl{ptrJ/its on ord<rs /es$ than 10 ca;es. The Award Company of America Clear all mone~ -earn eng plan~ with vour council finance commrttee or lone troop committee In the News , GSUSA to Till~ Add New WONDEl{ WOMAN Membership Standard in 0 ~ October 1984 At its November 8, 1982, meeting in Albuquerque, N. Mex., the GSUSA National Board of Direc· tors adopted the motion: THAT effective October I, 1984, Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.
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