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We proudly present the exciting history of our family over seven generations.

It starts with Marcus JEITTELES and his wife Julie (née Steinbach), parents of....

The Jaray-Boys

Sigmund Jaray Sandor Adolf Jaray & & Mathilde (née Jaray & Therese (née Eckstein) Therese (née Schönberg) Ludwig)

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Family-Tree Family tree composed by Big bad Ron & Little wicked Christiane. Computer-Kids





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Costumes and properties by little r.

Music accompaniement by the entire chorus of Jaray Vienna boys choir and cinematography by Kodak & co.

Please help us to continue this project and send us as many pictures and information as you have.

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity History

Family Life at the Jarays The House of Jaray - Vienna

The Firm Written by Ron de Jaray in 1999.

Years of Triumph Corrections and additions to the history were made by Christiane Grunert in The Dynasty stumbles 2001. Exodus

The Destination Please send any corrections to Christiane Grunert. AUSTRIA-HUNGARY



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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity The House of Jaray

Family Life at the Jarays Sigmund Jaray

The Firm was born Sigmund Jeitteles in 1838 in Temesvar (Timisoara) Romania, which

Years of Triumph at the time was in the Austrian Hungarian empire. Sigmund had two brothers

The Dynasty stumbles Alexander (Sándor), and Adolf, and three sisters Ida, Cilli, and Nelly. Since at

Exodus the time of this writing we know little of his sisters who presumably married

The Destination and changed names, we're left only to follow the trail of the Jaray brothers

for whom documents are more easily available.


Startseite Austria's history Summary of our site was influenced by its position along the great migration route between Asia Impressum and Europe, and by the interaction of Roman, Slavic, and Germanic cultures.

The history of Austria began during Charlemagne's rule. He defeated the

Avars of Hungary and on the banks of the Danube formed the eastern

section of the Holy Roman Empire, the Ostarichi, later anglicized to Austria.

In 976, Leopold von Babenberg, ruler of Austria, moved the capital around

the country, finally settling on Vienna.

Leopold III. Babenberger Stammbaum (Detail), Stift Klosterneuburg, 1489/93

In 1246

the Hapsburgs emerged to establish the most famous dynasty in Europe. The

20 emperors and kings of the Hapsburg line ruled the Holy Roman Empire

until its abolition in 1806, and ruled Austria itself until 1918. The Hapsburg

Empire stretched from Spain in the west to the Netherlands in the north, Italy

in the south and Balkans in the east.

City of Vienna "Friedrich II. der Streitbare in der Schlacht an der Leitha" (last Babenberger), Babenberger-Stammbaum, Stift Klosterneuburg, 1489/93

The age of Baroque

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permeated Europe and Austria adopted the style with enthusiasm. The next

century saw Empress Maria Theresia reform government, education and

finance and her successor Joseph II elevated Vienna into the golden age of

music. Haydn and Mozart were succeeded by Beethoven and other


Maria Theresia and on her right side Josef II., Painting by J.H. Füger, 1776

The Jeiteles (Jeitteles)

family emerges as a family of scholars in Prague. Prominent in medicine, and

the cultural arts. Aloys Jeitteles wrote the words to Beethoven's "An die

Ferne Geliebte", and much has been written of Dr. Jonas Jeiteles (1735 -

1806), chief physician of the Jewish community hospital. The medical

achievement which most earned him the name "Father of the Prague

Enlightenment" was his propagation of Edward Jenner’s smallpox vaccination

in the face of Jewish and Christian prejudice. He inoculated his own daughter

and 1500 other patients, and in 1784 after an audience with Joseph II, was An die ferne Geliebte Op. 98, Ludwig van Beethoven, text by Aloys the sole Jewish physician permitted to treat patients "without consideration Jeitteles of their religion".

The Jewish Encyclopedia describes the Jeiteles family from 1629 to the

1860’s, with numerous publications & accomplishments. It includes a family

tree beginning with Moses Simon (1629) to the grandsons of Dr. Jonas in

1860’s. Even if we are not sure if those Jeiteles are related to us we shall try

to follow this family forward.

According to a letter of


parents of Sigmund, Alexander and Adolf were MARCUS JEITTELES,

a furniture trader, and Julie née Steinbach.

In 1844, Magyar (Hungarian) became the official language. The Magyar

people wished independence from Austrian rule and in 1867, a compromise

reached by Emperor Franz Joseph resulted in the dual monarchy of Austria

and Hungary.

With Magyar being adopted as the new official language, people began

changing surnames to the Magyar pronunciation. As a result, the Jeitteles

name in our branch of the family was changed to "Jaray" (pronounced

Yaray). Sigmund, Alexander and Adolf Jeitteles and their three sisters, all saw

their surname changed from Jeitteles to Jaray. Their cousin Malvine Jeitteles

from another branch of our family saw her name become Jetley.

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity Age of Prosperity

Family Life at the Jarays AGE OF PROSPERITY

The Firm The 19th century was the "Golden Age" of prosperity. The old city walls of

Years of Triumph Vienna came down, and were replaced by the Ringstrasse and splendid new

The Dynasty stumbles buildings. It was an age of elegance in music, waltz, theatre, art, decoration,

Exodus sculpture, tapestry, and every other possible desire a prosperous nation could

The Destination demand. Im Café Griensteidl, Aquarell Völkel, 1896

Allgemein: Sigmund Jaray, Startseite age 28, married to Mathilde Eckstein, began his career as a tapestry maker. Summary of our site He was artistic and skilled in architectural design. His brother Sándor was Impressum even more artistic, a master of design and color in tapestry, and of gold leaf.

These skills were required in Vienna, so these two Jaray boys left from

Temesvar to check things out. It appears Sigmund and Sándor commuted

between Vienna and Temesvar in the early days since Sigmund's sons Max

(1868), Sandor Jr. (1870) and daughter Gisela (1872) were all born in

Temesvar, while the last two sons Karl (1873) and Alfred (1875) were both

born in Vienna.

Sándor Járay

came to Vienna in 1868 and started his business as a gilder under the name

Alexander Jeitteles at Grüngasse 21. On the second of August, 1868, he

married Therese Ludwig in the “Wiener Stadt-Tempel”. Therefore Therese

became Jewish in July 1868. They had three daughters Antonie (1869), Julie

(1870) and Karoline (1871) and also a son named Karl (1878) who were all

born in Vienna. In 1871 he changed his name to Sándor Járay, working now

at Fleischmanngasse 5. Whether he and his family became Catholic at the

same time we don’t know yet.

Sándor and Sigmund

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found Vienna most anxious to receive their skills. Close brothers, they worked

together, yet it appears they also set up independent firms. Sigmund moved

his family to Vienna in late 1872. Sándor had already established himself as a

tradesman and tapestry maker for the Imperial Palace of the Kaiser with his

gold leaf skills, and his gift for decoration. A book found at the bookstore of

the Imperial Palace, Vienna, "Kaiserliche Interieurs" refers to Sándor Járay

and has several references and pictures of rooms he decorated in the palace,

and some names of artists who worked along with him, including brothers

Ernst and Gustav Klimt.

Interior decoration in Vienna in the late 1800's and early 1900's was the

ultimate expression of art requiring architecture, design, painting, tapestry,

sculpture and gold leaf work. The Jaray boys were in their element. When

firms such as theirs accepted a job, they took on everything, from furniture,

sculpture, paintings, wall coverings, etc., down to the smallest detail such as

the cutlery and even the salt & pepper shakers.

Gold leaf, hand painted ceilings, and exquisite furniture were commonplace

among the rich, while more average hand carved wood furniture was in

demand by the working man. Sándor was regarded as "the" specialist in

exquisite Baroque decoration. The book "Gustav Klimt and Emilie Flöge" by

Wolfgang Fischer, mentions "Herr Sándor Járay" as the heavy going interior

designer in the money swanker’s salons until the massive changes in

Viennese art began occurring around 1900.

Other artists were coming on stream by 1900 headed by Gustav Klimt, and

the secession movement. Students from the Art Academy, often taught by

architect Otto Wagner, were making statements. Artists like Klimt, Schiele,

Olbrich, Hoffmann, Gerstl, and among them were also included Sigmund's

two sons Max and Sandor Jaray. Max attended the Academy with some

distinction in 1887, and Sandor Jr. won a scholarship with his statue

"Somnambule" in 1899 allowing him to study for a year in Rome. Sandor

exhibited his works widely at the time, sculpting busts in marble, bronze and

wood. His life size bronze of actor Josef Kainz sculpted in 1911 is located in

the 18th district at Josef-Kainz-Platz, opposite the “Türkenschanzpark”. His

marble monument of Franz Liszt is located in Eisenstadt. He currently has a

monument to Theodor Herzl located at the entrance to the Tel Aviv Law

school, and his beloved sculpture "To Zion" currently stands at the entrance

of The Museum of Art, Bin Harod, Israel. The Nazis confiscated Sandor’s

studio in 1938, and aryanized the gallery he and his wife Lea owned in 1939.

The Jaray family (his grandson Ron) is searching for the many works stolen

and subsequently lost.

Realizing wealth has the ability to change hands quickly, Sigmund felt a

second division of his firm could furnish the homes of a wider range of

people. His main focus was exquisite Biedermeier style furnishings, so he

decided to establish a separate division dealing exclusively with the furniture freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 7/98 needs of the average worker. He became very successful, and was granted

the title "K.u.k." (By appointment to the Kaiser). During WW I, because of it's

highly skilled workers, the Sigmund Jaray furniture factories were converted

to manufacture some of the first European airplanes.

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity Family Life at the Jarays

Family Life at the Jarays FAMILY LIFE AT THE JARAYS

The Firm Sigmund by all accounts and photographs enjoyed his family. He and

Years of Triumph Mathilde encouraged their children in art, music, theatre, and insisted on

The Dynasty stumbles their education. As Sigmund's business flourished, so did his family. The

Exodus Jarays were fashionable. There were parties and family gatherings in which

The Destination Sigmund and his brother Sándor and their families would socialize with

artists, musicians, actors, dignitaries and educators, including Sigmund Freud

and even the Imperial Family. In the evenings, the Jarays would walk the Allgemein: central square, as Viennese families do today, enjoying coffee and creams at Sandor (the sculptor) and Startseite Sigmund Freud the "Sacher Hotel" and other cafe's which still exist to this day. Summary of our site

Impressum Sigmund and Sándor's brother Adolf,

born in 1846, joined them in Vienna in 1877 and married Therese Schönberg.

The children Juliette, Karl, Felix and Paul were born in Vienna, Rudolf in Budapest.

Adolf started as a gilder, coal merchant and trade representative. In 1881 he

set up a factory for the production of leaven. In 1897 he also set up a factory

for machine-boxes and in 1901 his business included a wine-trade. Beside

this he was very popular with a fine singing voice. Though a Jew, he was an

invited soloist at St. Stephan's cathedral in the square.

Adolf Jaray

The Jaray family

grew in numbers, until Jaray cousins were prominent everywhere. They were

popular with artists, musicians and actors. As Sigmund and his brothers

prospered, opportunities opened for their children. Jaray offspring excelled at

art, music, architecture, design, and sculpture. Music was important in their

homes and each child was schooled on a stringed instrument.

They had bright, inquisitive and inventive minds, so Sigmund and his

brothers paid for the best schools, often sending their children to study in Karl Jaray (1873 Vienna - 1920 London or Paris. As youths, they were allowed to work in their father's or Vienna) uncle's design shops or factories, and to mingle with the skilled tradesmen.

They were always encouraged to practice whatever skills or abilities they

had. Young Sandor loved acting and sculpting, while his brother Alfred,

fascinated with electricity, became an electrical engineer and inventor.

Although they were encouraged to pursue their dreams, Sigmund had a not

so secret desire that all his children eventually be in the family business. As a

result, art, design and architecture were heavily sprinkled among other

chosen studies.

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 9/98 When young Sandor,

a talented artist, appeared too much involved with his acting, Sigmund found

ways to bring him back to his art and sculpture, believing these skills to be

more valuable in the family firm.

Sandor's studio

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity The Firm

Family Life at the Jarays THE FIRM

The Firm The book "Möbel des Jugendstils" by Vera J. Behal, available at the Vienna

Years of Triumph Academy of Fine Arts bookstore, contains information on Sigmund Jaray with

The Dynasty stumbles photos of some of the furniture he built for the average worker. The

Exodus grouping offered in her book is one which won an award as the best

The Destination grouping under 300 Kronen. Otto Wagner was one of the judges. In

appreciation of this award there appears in the book a letter from the

archives, written by Sigmund on his company letterhead, and donating this Allgemein: entire grouping as a gift to the museum. Startseite

Summary of our site Passages from the book as translated from German go as follows;

Impressum Sigmund Jaray,

1838 - 1908 came from Temesvar, and founded his tapestry firm in 1870. In

the 70's he had a tapestry and decorating firm at Bräunerstrasse 3 (next to

Graben), where he had a big furniture showroom exhibiting different styles.

At the world exhibition of 1873, he won a medal of excellence. On February

27, 1877 he set up the independent firm "Sigmund Jaray Tapisserie", and in

1885 his firm is recognized in the business directory of decorators.

On April 7, 1891, Sigmund Jaray was appointed Tapestry maker to the Bräunerstrasse 1 Imperial Palace, and his firm was given the title "K.u.K. Hof-Tapezierer". The

firm expanded quickly as evidenced by the taxes paid. In the 20 years from

1872 - 1892, The firm's taxes increased from 52 1/2 Gulden to 210 Gulden,

basically doubling in size every 5 years.

In 1892, the company was transformed into a firm of associates, the only

associate being Max Jaray, Sigmund's eldest son (1868 - 1920). Max had

studied at the Vienna Academy of Fine Art from 1887. He did his practical

work in Paris with Sigmund’s good friend Sam Bing. After Paris he worked as

a designer for his father. His brother Karl also worked in the firm, though not

as an artist. On July 16, 1895, Max officially became a director of the


At the end of the 1890's

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all divisions of the company except the factory were moved to Heugasse 70,

Vienna III (now Prinz-Eugen-Strasse). The building housed furniture displays,

drawing and design workshops, tapestry manufacturing, and private offices.

The factory remained at Quellenstrasse 15, Vienna X.

The house Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 70 was built for Sigmund Jaray by architects

Helmer and Fellner. Two of their prominent projects were for instance the

Burgtheater and the Wiener Konzerthaus. Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 70 (former

Heugasse 70) Sigmund and Mathilde lived there as well as their sons Max and Karl with

their families.

In 1907, Sigmund and Max were both awarded the title of Imperial Furniture

maker and "K.u.K. Möbelfabrikanten". To mark the occasion they arranged

for a special exhibition in their showrooms in the Heugasse called "Interiors,

Exquisite Furnishings, Old Gobelins and Pieces of Art". (Gobelins were

exquisite tapestries). In the factory on Quellenstrasse at the same time, they

organized another exhibition titled "Average Furniture Arrangements".

Shortly thereafter, Sigmund died (1908). Max Jaray continued the firm until

1920 (when he also died), together with his brother Karl who became an

Associate and Director. After Karl died a few months later in 1920 the firm

went into trusteeship, managed by Hugo Marle until 1922 when Felix Jaray, a

cousin of Max (Adolf's son), took it over. In 1933 it was dissolved.

At the turn of the century Sigmund often worked off the plans of his architect

Rudolf Hammel. Few other architects from Sigmund's drawing workshop

attained the same notoriety, though Max Jaray also did designs. In 1899 he

employed Albin Aldesie, a graduate from the Vienna Academy, and in 1910,

architect Heinz Konings was head of design. At the same time architects

Kondor and Rudolf Wimmer were employed.

Both Sigmund and later Max became distinguished members of the

Association of Interior Decorators, and participated in all the exhibitions.

After that they organized exhibitions regularly in the Austrian Museum. In

1902, they exhibited at the World Exhibition in St. Louis. At the World

Exhibition of Furniture in London 1902, the Jaray firm exhibited "Old

Viennese Interiors" from around 1830. Under "Rooms of Historical Style" at

the London Exhibition 1902, Sándor Járay displayed a Biedermeier bedroom

from the imperial court with great success. He also set up an exact model of

a Baroque library and in order to make it look authentic, he asked permission

of his friend the Kaiser to borrow the chandeliers from the Schönbrunn


In 1899, Sigmund had received second prize in a competition organized by

the Austrian museum and afterwards he donated his entire exhibit to the

museum. This became the first modern creation in the museum's collection.

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity Years of Triumph

Family Life at the Jarays YEARS OF TRIUMPH

The Firm The thirty years from 1870 to 1900 were prosperous for the Jarays. The family enjoyed influence and success. By

Years of Triumph the 1890’s, the Jaray children began making their place in society, marrying and starting families of their own.

The Dynasty stumbles

Exodus It began in 1892, with Sigmund and Mathilde's daughter Gisela, aged 20, marrying 31 year- old Budapest

The Destination merchant Joseph Stricker, son of Salomon Stricker and Rosalie Ries. Their first child Franz Stricker was born on

February 4, 1897, and was followed by another son Ernst on July 18, 1900.

Allgemein: Julie, Sándor and Therese’s second daughter was next. In 1897 she married the merchant Karl Seifert, son of Startseite Johann Heinrich Seifert (Seifert-Billard) and Rosa Bauer. Their first child Emma Seifert was born on January 23, Summary of our site 1898. On January 13, 1900 Friedrich was born, followed by Elisabeth on May 13, 1902. Impressum

In 1900, Sándor and Therese’s eldest daughter Antonie married Karl Bayer. Their first child Gertrude was born

on February 5, 1901, followed by Ernst(May 20, 1902).

Shortly after, Sándor’s only son Karl, also an architect, married Valerie, mother of Maria and Hans Jaray. Later

he was married to Lili Marberg. Maria was born on April 20, 1901. Sandor “der Alte”, as Sigmund’s brother was

now affectionately called, became a grandfather for the seventh time as his son Karl had a son Hans born on June

24, 1906. Hans later became one of Vienna's best-known actors. Hans went to New York during the Holocaust

where he became a matinee idol and made films with Henry Fonda, Billy Wilder and Merle Oberon. Hans eventually

returned to Vienna and now rests in an honor grave with a key to the city of Vienna.

Sigmund’s son Karl married a year later. He and Emma Fuchs, daughter of Ferdinand Fuchs and Ernestine

Schnabel, had a summer wedding on August 11, 1901, and their first boy Richard was born on December 3, 1902.

Francis (Franz Ferdinand), their second son, was born on March 11, 1906.

Celebrations were interrupted in 1902 with the death of Mathilde, Sigmund’s wife. She died unexpectedly, and

currently rests in the Jewish cemetery at the edge of town. Sigmund was 62 at the time.

In 1903, Sigmund’s eldest son Max married Elsa Brand, daughter of Jakob Brand and Babette Käufler. A year

later, October 28, 1904, their son Peter arrived, followed by a sister Mathilde on September 11, 1908, named

after her grandmother.

In 1905 Sigmund’s two sons Sandor and Alfred married, as well as Adolf’s son Felix.

Sandor Jr. married Karoline von Nagy-Buck, and their son Stephan was born March 1, 1906.

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 13/98 The youngest son Alfred, an electrical engineer and inventor, married Fanny Hirsch, daughter of Carl Hirsch and

Pauline Bing at a huge ceremony April 9, 1905. Pauline Bing was sister to Sam Bing, whose art gallery "La Maison

de L'Art Nouveau" in Paris is credited with giving the Art Nouveau movement its name. Carl Hirsch and Sam Bing

were brothers in law and business partners in Sam Bing & Co. In addition to importing Asian artworks, and having

among other lines the exclusive European Tiffany distribution, they owned a button factory (before the invention of

Zippers). Fanny Hirsch's sister Else was married to Baron Felix Pollack-Parnegg, director of Hermann Pollack & sons.

By this time, according to a letter by Herbert Jaray in 1962, the families were so influential a separate edition of the

paper was published on the marriage of Alfred and Fanny depicting family members on both sides in gossip

columns and caricatures. Alfred and Fanny had two sons, George born in London April 24,1906, and Herbert in

Vienna February 5, 1909.

Adolfs’s son Felix, married Mimi Pollack, and they had an only son Walter, born in 1906.

In the same year, Adolf’s second son Karl, a professor of reinforced concrete at the University of Prague, married

Grete Hirsch, Fanny’s cousin. They had three children, Mariedl born 1907, Rudolf born 1909, and Karl born in


In 1914, Adolf and Therese’s youngest son Paul married Olga Jehle. Like his cousin Alfred he was an engineer. He

made a name for himself and is written up extensively as an inventor and designer in the automotive and aviation

fields. Paul's aeronautical designs are still used today in both cars and airplanes. They had three children, Hansi

born February 1,1915, Peter born June 12, 1918 and Werner born September 15, 1920.

Adolf's son Rudolf and his daughter Juliette both died very young of T.B., Sándor’s (“der Alte”) third daughter

Karoline also died too early in 1913.

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity The Dynasty stumbles

Family Life at the Jarays THE DYNASTY STUMBLES

The Firm The family suffered with the loss of Mathilde in 1902. Business was going

Years of Triumph well, and a young generation of Jarays was arriving on the scene. Suffering

The Dynasty stumbles from diabetes and arteriosclerosis, Sigmund felt quite comfortable

Exodus transferring his business empire to his sons Max and Karl. They each excelled

The Destination in different areas of the company, and the business thrived under their

leadership. The other two boys Sandor and Alfred had long since denounced

any management interest in the family firm, yet both were successful in their Allgemein: own right. Sandor was a popular sculptor, exhibiting portrait busts and other Startseite groups of his work in Vienna, Munich, and Rome. He was sought-after for Summary of our site prestigious commissions and was earning a handsome living. Impressum

Alfred, an electrical engineer, enjoyed being around other young inventors.

Though he lived at Reisnerstrasse 31, in Vienna III, he loved London,

eventually buying a home there. At first he lived at 7 Torrington Square

(1898) by the university, where he was a frequent contributor to the patent

office. Several patents are registered in Alfred’s name. In 1904, at age 29, he

became director of the British Vacuum Co., a firm believed to be established

by a group of investors including his father Sigmund, and his uncle Sándor,

to market a new invention called the vacuum cleaner. A year later, 1905,

Alfred married Fanny Hirsch, the daughter of Carl Hirsch (a wealthy

industrialist) and his wife Pauline Bing, (sister of Sam Bing). Fanny's only

sister Else was married to Baron Felix Pollack von Parnegg, who later in 1915

after Alfred's death from pneumonia became guardian to Alfred and Fanny's

two sons George and Herbert. Alfred and Fanny inherited Fanny's dad Carl

Hirsch's interest in Sam Bing & Co. and Alfred's share of Sigmund Jaray's


February 2nd, 1908,

Sigmund Jaray, age 70, died. He currently rests with his wife Mathilde in the

family plot at Zentralfriedhof, Vienna, Tor 1 (Gate 1).

The Struggles of the next dozen years resulted in much of Sigmund's and

brother Sándor's accomplishments being undone. The Jaray family would

remain stunted for another complete generation. Sigmund's grave

First came the death of Alfred of pneumonia in 1915. He rests in the family

plot at Zentralfriedhof, Vienna (Tor 1), Vienna. George and Herbert, ages 9

and 7 had now lost both grandparents and their father.

On the tenth of July, 1916, Sándor “der Alte”, age 71, died. He rests with his

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 15/98 wife Therese, his children Karoline, Antonie and Karl as well as his grandson

Hans at Hietzinger Friedhof, Vienna (Gruppe 13).

In January 1920 Max Jaray died unexpectedly in a climbing accident on the

Matterhorn leaving Peter and his sister Mathilde, ages 15 and 11. Peter died

in an accident at age 20. Max and Elsa rest with their son Peter at

Evangelischer Friedhof, Vienna/Simmering (Tor 4).

Also in 1920, Karl died in the flu epidemic in August, leaving two teenage

boys, Richard and Francis, ages 17 and 14. He rests in the family plot at

Zentralfriedhof, Vienna (Tor 1).

This was a severe blow to the family business, as the outbreak of WW I in

1914 required business adjustments, and Max relied on Karl's ability. Karl,

among other things, ran the division of the company called "Flugzeug &

Propellerfabrik" (1916 -1919) which built some of the world's first airplanes.

Engineers employed in this firm included both Julius Kolin and cousin Paul


No Jaray was left, being capable of running the family business. Sigmund's

grandsons were all too young. A generation of Jaray brothers had died

prematurely, leaving Sandor and Gisela, both of whom were ill equipped to

run the family business. Old Sándor’s only son Karl and Adolf’s sons Karl and

Paul (he moved to in 1923) were also not in the family business.

The firm was placed in the trusteeship of a gentleman named Hugo Marle,

until it was finally rescued by Adolf's son Felix in 1922. By then, it had lost

much of its presence as an industry leader and floundered in a changing

economy. Though Felix struggled with the company for the next decade, it

was eventually dissolved in 1933.

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity Exodus

Family Life at the Jarays EXODUS

The Firm When the events of 1938 approached, it was evident for the rest of the family that they needed to get out of

Years of Triumph Vienna, and with notable exceptions they scattered in every direction, ending up in London, Sydney, Melbourne,

The Dynasty stumbles , Toronto, New York, and Buenos Aires.

Exodus From the old generation there was only Adolf left, who died May 28, 1939 at age 92. He and his wife Therese, who Lodz ghetto died in 1936, are resting in the family plot. Emma and Richard Jaray

Josef Stricker Gisela died July 20, 1939. Whether she was taken to a concentration camp we don’t know. But we know now from

The Destination a list of Holocaust victims that her husband Josef Stricker as well as Karl’s wife Emma and her son Richard were

deported to Litzmannstadt (Lodz) and were killed in 1942. Gisela currently rests with Sigmund & Mathilde. Her two

sons Franz and Ernst fled to Chicago. Emma’s second son Francis fled to London with his wife Pauline and their Allgemein: daughter Tess. Startseite

Summary of our site Sandor's son Stephan was arrested and sent to Dachau and later to Buchenwald. Fortunately he was released after

Impressum 9 months on a sponsored visa the family was able to arrange for him to Australia. Sandor with his second wife and

long time companion Lea Bondi, whom he married after his first wife Karoline died in 1936, fled to London. Sandor

died in exile July 5, 1943. Sandor Jaray is the only one of Sigmund and Mathilde's sons not currently resting in the

family plot. Sandor currently rests in Golder's Green, London.

We don’t know what happened to Max’s daughter Mathilde who was married to Hans Raabe. They had two children

Erika and Christian. The last information is that she went to Berlin while her husband was registered in Vienna until


Alfred’s son George was at this time already in Canada. His mother Fanny and his brother Herbert fled to London

and later to Australia.

Adolf’s son Paul already moved to Switzerland in 1923. His brother Karl first fled to London with his wife and

children and later he moved to Buenos Aires. His brother Felix fled to London with his wife Mimi and son


Only “old” Sándor’s children stayed in Vienna. Julie died in Vienna January 11, 1940 and her brother Karl in August

1944. There were only three of this branch who emigrated to the US. Karl’s children Hans, who returned to Vienna

in 1948, and Maria. Julie’s daughter Elisabeth fled with her husband Paul Margulies while her sister Emma and

brother Friedrich stayed there with their families. The children of Antonie, Sándor’s oldest daughter, Gertrude and

Ernst Bayer also stayed in Vienna.

Those who managed to emigrate faced discrimination and poverty starting over in countries which didn't take kindly

to European immigrants. They had no relatives, suffered internment, had language problems and few friends.

London and Australia were overtly unsympathetic to European refugees. In London during the war, German and

Austrian refugees were interned, and opportunities to earn a living were limited, if they existed at all.

Communications and foreign travel were extremely difficult even if the money was available. These were the

conditions our family faced.

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After the war, Austria as well as Vienna was divided into four zones and ruled by the four armies of occupation

under the command of the High Commissioners Clark (USA), Konjew (UdSSR) McCreery (Great Britain) and

Béthouart (France). Even when Austria got a new parliament in November 1945, any thoughts of returning to a

homeland were futile. The Jarays continued their independent lives in separate countries, living without benefit of

relatives for the next 60 years. It wasn't until 1995, when the second generation of emigrant Jaray families reached

maturity, that they were ready now to began to reunite. Aside from Sigmund's sisters and their families, (whom we

would of course like to locate), there currently exist two branches of Sigmund and Mathilde's children missing. The

families of Gisela's two sons, Franz and Ernst Stricker, where we know that they fled to Chicago and passed away in

1965 and 1966. Those families have yet to be located.

Hopefully these cousins will eventually surface.

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity Lodz ghetto

Family Life at the Jarays The following pictures are part of the documentation


The Dynasty stumbles a project of

Exodus Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes (DÖW) Wien Lodz ghetto

Emma and Richard Jaray

Josef Stricker

The Destination Between October 15 and November 2, 1941, about 5,000 Jewish people from Vienna arrived in Lodz. More than 78

% of them were more than 45 years old, more than 41 % were more than 60 years old and almost 9 % were past

70 old. Far more than half of them were women. The people deported from Vienna had considerable difficulty in Allgemein: organizing their daily survival in the ghetto. They were housed in mass accommodation, and suffered from the Startseite inadequate hygiene. Only for a short time could the Viennese Jews alleviate hunger by selling valuables they had Summary of our site brought with them. Within a few weeks, the mortality rate among the Viennese Jews increased drastically. By May Impressum 1942, 771 of them had died of hunger, disease, and exhaustion.

It was very difficult to find work in one of the numerous enterprises in the ghetto in order to at least gradually

improve the miserable conditions of life, as unemployment was very high among the Polish Jews in the ghetto


(Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes – DÖW)

The Gestapo building in Lodz ghetto (DÖW Wien)

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Map of Lodz ghetto (DÖW Wien)

Introduction of Jewish women from Austria into the Lodz ghetto (DÖW Wien)

Street in Lodz ghetto (DÖW Wien)

Circle letter sent to all "members of the ghetto staff", ordering them to keep silent about events in the ghetto,

October 20, 1941

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity More on Emma and Richard Jaray

Family Life at the Jarays Emma and Richard's last address in Vienna was

The Firm Wien 2, Schrottgiessergasse 1/20 Years of Triumph

The Dynasty stumbles They were deported to Lodz/Litzmannstadt on October 15th, 1941.

Exodus At this time Emma was aged 65 and her son Richard nearly 39. Lodz ghetto

Emma and Richard Jaray Emma Jaray Josef Stricker

The Destination



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DÖW Wien, 2001 Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes

Richard Jaray

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DÖW Wien, 2001 Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity More on Josef Stricker

Family Life at the Jarays Josef Stricker's last address in Vienna was

The Firm Wien 9, Hörlgasse 4 Years of Triumph

The Dynasty stumbles He was deported to Lodz/Litzmannstadt on October 28th, 1941.

Exodus At this time he was aged 80. Lodz ghetto

Emma and Richard Jaray Josef Stricker Josef Stricker

The Destination



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DÖW Wien, 2001 Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity The Destination

Family Life at the Jarays THE DESTINATION

The Firm Few families can claim such a beautiful and historically preserved destination

Years of Triumph as Vienna. Of course the Jeiteles were originally in Temesvar but the Jarays

The Dynasty stumbles are really rooted in Vienna. We can still walk in the very footsteps and eat at

Exodus the very same restaurants as our forefathers, see the homes they lived in,

The Destination search for family information at museums and in the archives. We can see

Timisoara/Temesvar their handwriting on marriage or birth ledgers, and visit their spiritual Burgtheater remains resting in the Jewish cemetery.

Allgemein: Getting to and around Vienna is easy. The airport is on the highway to

Startseite Budapest, so if plans include Budapest (approximately 250 km.), it's perhaps

Summary of our site best to rent a car at the airport and go to Budapest first. Return the car to

Impressum the Vienna Airport and take a cab to your hotel, or the bus which takes you

to the Hilton where you can catch a cab. Most of the cabs are Mercedes

sedans. All the hotels and tourist destinations and the cemetery are on the

subway, which is clean, easy, and inexpensive. A 3 day pass for 2 people can

be purchased from your hotel for about $6, (1998) and maps are free.

You'll want to visit

Josef-Kainz-Platz in the 18th district, where Sandor's life size bronze statue of

Josef Kainz playing Hamlet is located across from the Türkenschanzpark. To

get there, take a cab from the end of the underground line. It's only a $5

ride, and since there's not much else there, you may have the cab wait while

you take pictures. You'll notice Sandor signed the bottom of the bronze and

the date (1911). I found myself looking at numerous other bronze statues on

my travels trying to locate more of his works. We know there are more so

keep your eyes open.

There's also

a large marble monument of Franz Liszt sitting on a bench, which Sandor

unveiled amid international acclaim in 1936 in Eisenstadt. I couldn't find it as

I didn't know where to look, and didn't visit Eisenstadt. The only clue is a

building in the background of the picture with the name "Krankenkasse".

You'll likely find more of Sandor's work if you make a trip to Trautenau

(Trutnov), which is located in the Czech Republic. When Sandor was

stationed there in WW I, he and other noted artists served as grave memorial

artists from 1916 to 1918. That’s how Austria protected its cultural elite from

potential harm.

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 26/98 If you contact

Ms. Weiss, Israelitische Kultusgemeinde, 1010 Wien, Seitenstettengasse 4, Tel: 136298, Fax 5331577, she'll help

you find births, death information etc. Donations are appreciated and if you are lucky she may even pull out the old

church record books for you to look at. It was exciting to see the handwriting of our relatives on marriage and birth

records. It's in the center of town and quite easy to find.

You may also like

to go to the Rathaus, which is the town-hall. I'm told they have the old lists

of residents and information on almost everyone. I didn't get there, so it's up

to you.

Volksgarten and Rathaus, Jan. 2003

Most of Vienna

is easy to walk. The buildings and museums are magnificent. The station of

the underground “Stephansplatz” by the big Cathedral is almost the center of

the square and a good place to start. From here, you can walk to the

Imperial Palace, see the parliament buildings, and walk the same

cobblestones as our ancestors. The palace they helped decorate is now a

museum, and the Academy of Art is still there. The Karlsplatz station beside

the Historical Museum was designed by Otto Wagner, a family friend and

teacher at the Vienna Academy of Art during the time Sandor & Max Stephansdom (Wilfried Gredler- Oxenbauer) attended. Otto also taught Gustav Klimt, and Egon Schiele and Richard

Gerstl. The Sigmund Freud family and the Jaray family were also close

friends in Vienna.

In the third district,

close to the center of Vienna, is a wonderful canal (Donaukanal). You can

walk along the canal to Weissgärberlände 38, Wien III, Sandor JR’s home

along the waterway past the famous 100 yr. house. Sandor's apartment

(from which the Nazis stole art) was here. Apparently taken from the wall of

his and Lea's home was a work by Egon Schiele "Portrait of Wally" which was

frozen in New York and has became one of the more famous pieces of

pilfered holocaust art.

Weißgärberlände 38

The Jaray

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furniture showrooms were located at Heugasse 70. This street is the border

between the III and the IV district and is now called Prinz-Eugen-Strasse.

Our factory was at Quellenstrasse 15, Wien X (tenth district).

I didn't visit Alfred's home at Reisnerstrasse 31, Wien III, or locate Karl’s or

Max's home, or Sigmund's, but you might like to put these on your list. You

should be able to locate other addresses from Ms. Weiss, or from the

Rathaus. Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 70 (former

Heugasse 70)

The Jewish cemetery

is extremely large, old and overgrown. Many families were completely wiped

out and are long forgotten. Others have returned to restore family

monuments. You may wish to take clippers or a small spade if possible and

be prepared to search and seek help from Mr. Pagler * at the gate. It's

advisable to arrange some advance help if you can. I found Max's monument Sigmund's grave located in Tor IV with help from the gate man. I borrowed a spade from a

flower shop and planted some flowers. I only discovered that Sigmund and

the rest of our family are located in Tor I from Ms. Weiss the day after I had

visited the cemetery. I was to fly out the next morning and sadly couldn't

return to the cemetery. I plan to return again and hope to locate and

possibly attempt restoration of the monuments (with the help of my brothers

and cousins). I think it would be nice if we could have Sandor resurrected

and placed in the family plot with his brothers and parents in Vienna where

he belongs. He died in exile in 1943. Hopefully we can someday achieve

these objectives as I personally believe it would put our family properly and

comfortably to rest with the dignity they deserve. And perhaps this will offer

future generations a destination to help discover their heritage.

Ron de Jaray, Vancouver

* Ten years ago, 72 year-old catholic Walter Pagler founded the Society

“Schalom”. His aim was to save the Jewish part of Zentralfriedhof at gate 1,

which at that time was completely declined. Until today he and a team of

volunteers, as well as soldiers of the Austrian army, invested about 400.000

working-hours in a partly restoration.

Mag. Pagler and Schalom can be contacted at: Mag. jur. Walter Pagler Verein

Schalom Auhofstraße 136 A-1130 Vienna, Austria.

“The House of Jaray – Vienna”

was written by Ron de Jaray in 1999.

Corrections and additions to the history were made by Christiane Grunert in 2001.

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity Timisoara

Family Life at the Jarays Timisoara is the regional capital of Timis.

The Firm Population: aprox. 450.000

Years of Triumph Area: 130,5 km²

The Dynasty stumbles


The Destination



Allgemein: History

Startseite The city, founded in 1212 by Hungarians, was destroyed in 1242 by the Summary of our site Tatars. Captured by the Turks in 1552, it became the trade center of Turkish Impressum Hungary until 1716, when it was recovered by Prince Eugene of Savoy.

In 1779 the capital of Banat belonged to Hungary but according to an edict

of Joseph II. it remained a free royal city. After the revolution in 1848 (10

years after Sigmund was born) the Banat was united with the Serbian

Voivodina and in 1860 it became part of Hungary again.

Austria held it until, through the Treaty of Trianon, it went to Romania in Prinz Eugen, J.v.Schuppen, um 1720 1921.

Temesvar, also called "Little Vienna" cause of his highly cultural life, was a

community where Rumanians, Hungarians, Germans and Jews lived together

in peace until World War II.

It was the third town in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, after Vienna and

Budapest, having a permanent theatre season. Old City House

Some of "first performances":

18.06.1811: Fidelio by Ludwig van Beethoven

11.02.1841: Anna Bolena by Giacomo Donizetti

09.02.1855: La Traviata by Guiseppe Verdi

24.02.1865: Faust by Gounod

13.01.1866: Tanhäuser by Richard Wagner

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The Opera House was built in 1882 by the famous architects Helmer and

Fellner (in 1890 they built the house Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 70 for Sigmund

Jaray and his family). In 1920 it burned down and the new building was

constructed by architect Duliu Marcu.

One more interesting detail: Opera House

Temesvar was the first town in the Austro-Hungarian Empire with public

illumination (1760 - lamps with oil and grease and in 1857 with gas).

Among the many churches within the city are the Roman Catholic and Greek

Orthodox cathedrals, as well as several synagogues. It is the seat of a Roman

Catholic and Romanian bishop.

The Metropolitan Romanian Cathedral

Temesvar 1890-1900

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The House of Jaray

Age of Prosperity Temesvar 1890-1900

Family Life at the Jarays I would like to thank Ioan Holender, Director of the Vienna State Opera, for

The Firm his generosity to let us take some copies of his collection of pictures.

Years of Triumph Born in Temesvar in 1935, Ioan Holender is still very proud of the city of his The Dynasty stumbles forefathers. Exodus The old opera house of Temesvar The Destination The originals are coloured postcards and show different places of the old

Timisoara/Temesvar Temesvar between 1890 and 1900. At this time Sigmund, Sándor and Adolf were already in Vienna. We believe that their parents Marcus and Julie

Jeitteles/Jaray stayed in Temesvar. Allgemein:


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Bridge over Bega

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Hotel "Marrokaner", Hauptplatz

"Polytechnik", Railway since 1858

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St. Georg-Platz

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) Personal Details

More on Adolf Jaray Sigmund Jaray (1838-1908)

More on Sandor Jaray More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Alfred Jaray

More on Paul Jaray

More on Hans Jaray

More on Tess Jaray

Entries in books / records

Allgemein: Sándor Járay (1845-1916) Startseite More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) Summary of our site


Adolf Jaray (1846-1939)

More on Adolf Jaray

Sandor Jaray (1870-1943)

More on Sandor Jaray (junior)

Alfred Jaray (1875-1915)

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More on Alfred Jaray

Paul Jaray (1889-1974)

More on Paul Jaray

Hans Jaray (1906-1990)

More on Hans Jaray

Tess Jaray

More on Tess Jaray

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More on Sigmund Jaray

Sigmund's children More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) Sigmund Jaray was born Sigmund Jeitteles in 1838 in Temesvar (Timisoara)

More on Adolf Jaray Romania, which at the time was in the Austrian Hungarian empire. Sigmund

More on Sandor Jaray had two brothers Alexander (Sándor), and Adolf, and three sisters Ida, Cilli

More on Alfred Jaray and Nelly.

More on Paul Jaray At age 28, married to Mathilde Eckstein, he began his career as a tapestry

More on Hans Jaray maker. He was artistic and skilled in architectural design. His brother Sándor

More on Tess Jaray was even more artistic, a master of design and color in tapestry, and of gold

Entries in books / records leaf. These skills were required in Vienna, so these two Jaray boys left from

Temesvar to check things out. It appears Sigmund and Sándor commuted

between Vienna and Temesvar in the early days since Sigmund’s sons Max Allgemein: (1868), Sandor Jr. (1870) and daughter Gisela (1872) were all born in Startseite Temesvar, while the last two sons Karl (1873) and Alfred (1875) were both Summary of our site born in Vienna. Impressum Sigmund and Sándor found Vienna most anxious to receive their skills. Close

brothers, they worked together, yet it appears they also set up independent

firms. Sigmund moved his family to Vienna in late 1873.

Interior decoration

in Vienna in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s was the ultimate expression of

art requiring architecture, design, painting, tapestry, sculpture and gold leaf

work. The Jaray boys were in their element. When firms such as theirs

accepted a job, they took on everything, from furniture, sculpture, paintings,

wall coverings, etc., down to the smallest detail such as the cutlery and even

the salt & pepper shakers.

Gold leaf, hand painted ceilings and exquisite furniture were commonplace

among the rich, while more average hand carved wood furniture was in

demand by the working man.

Realizing wealth has the ability to change hands quickly, Sigmund felt a

second division of his firm could furnish the homes of a wider range of

people. His main focus was exquisite Biedermeier style furnishings, so he

decided to establish a separat division dealing exclusively with the furniture

needs of the average worker. He became very succesful and was granted the

title „K.u.k.“ (By appointment to the Kaiser). During WW I, because of it‘s

highly skilled workers, the Sigmund Jaray furniture factories were converted

to manufacture some of the first European airplanes.

The book "Möbel des Jugendstils"

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by Vera J. Behal, available at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts bookstore,

contains information on Sigmund Jaray with photos of some of the furniture

he built for the average worker. The grouping offered in her book is one

which won an award as the best grouping under 300 Kronen. Otto Wagner

was one of the judges. In appreciation of his award there appears in the

book a letter from the archives, written by Sigmund on his company

letterhead, and donating this entire grouping as a gift to the museum.

Passages from the book as translated from German go as follows:

Sigmund Jaray, 1838 - 1908 came from Temesvar, and founded his tapestry

firm in 1870. In the 70‘s he had a tapestry and decorating firm at

Bräunerstrasse 1 (next to Graben), where he had a big furniture showroom

exhibiting different styles. At the world exhibition of 1873, he won a medal of

excellence. On February 27, 1877 he set up the independent firm „Sigmund

Jaray Tapisserie“ and in 1885 his firm is recognized in the business directory

of the decorators.

On April 7th 1891, Sigmund Jaray was appointed Tapestry maker to the

Imperial Palace, and his firm was given the title „K.u.K. Hof-Tapezierer“

In 1892, the company was transformed into a firm of associates, the only

associate being Max Jaray, Sigmund‘s eldest son (1868-1920). Max had

studied at the Vienna Academy of Fine Art from 1887. He did his practical

work in Paris with Sigmund‘s good friend Sam Bing. After Paris he worked as

a designer for his father. His brother Karl also worked in the firm, though not

as an artist. On July 16, 1895, Max officially became a director of the


At the end of 1891

all divisions of the company except the factory were moved to Heugasse 70,

Vienna III (now Prinz-Eugen-Strasse). The building housed furniture displays,

drawing and design workshops, tapestry manufacturing, and private offices.

The factory remained at Quellenstrasse 15, Vienna X. At this time Sigmund

got the title „k.u.k. Hof-Tapezierer und Decorateur“.

In 1907, Sigmund and Max were both awarded the title of Imperial Furniture

maker and „K.u.K. Möbelfabrikanten“.

To mark the occasion they arranged for a special exhibition in their Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 70 (former Heugasse 70) showrooms in the Heugasse called „Interiors, Exquisite Furnishings, Old

Gobelins and Pieces of Art“ (Gobelins were exquisite tapestries). In the

factory on Quellenstrasse at the same time, they organized another

exhibition titled „Average Furniture Arrangements“.

Shortly thereafter, Sigmund died (1908).

Max Jaray

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continued the firm until 1920 (when he also died), together with his brother

Karl who became an Associate and Director.

After Karl died a few month later in 1920 the firm went into trusteeship,

managed by Hugo Marle until 1922 when Felix Jaray, a cousin of Max, took it

over. (Felix was the second son of Adolf, Sigmund‘s and Sandor‘s youngest

brother). In 1933 it was dissolved.

Max Jaray (1868 Temesvar - 1920 Vienna)

Sigmund's children

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More on Sigmund Jaray

Sigmund's children Sigmund's children

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.)

More on Adolf Jaray

More on Sandor Jaray

More on Alfred Jaray

More on Paul Jaray

More on Hans Jaray

More on Tess Jaray

Entries in books / records



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Max Jaray (1868 Temesvar - 1920 Vienna)

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Sandor Jaray Jun. (1870 Temesvar - 1943 London)

Gisela Stricker (née Jaray) (1872 Temesvar - 1939 Vienna)

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Karl Jaray (1873 Vienna - 1920 Vienna)

Alfred Jaray (1875 Vienna - 1915 Vienna)

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) More on Sándor Járay (Sen.)

Sándor's children Sándor Járay was born Alexander Jeitteles in 1845 in Temesvar (Timisoara)

More on Adolf Jaray Romania. Very young he moved to Vienna and married Therese Ludwig in

More on Sandor Jaray August 1868 in the „Wiener Stadt-Tempel“. Therefore Therese became

More on Alfred Jaray Jewish in July 1868. Later, probably in 1872, he and his family became

More on Paul Jaray Catholic.

More on Hans Jaray He worked as a gilder and started his business under the name „Alexander More on Tess Jaray Jeiteles“ in 1869. Their eldest daughter Antonie was born in Vienna July Entries in books / records 1869, followed by two sisters Julie (1870), and Karoline (1871). His only son

Karl was born in 1872.

Allgemein: He changed his name in 1871, working now at Fleischmanngasse 5. Startseite

Summary of our site Sándor was a master of design Impressum and color in tapestry and of gold leaf. He worked together with his brother

Sigmund but he must have left Temesvar earlier to establish himself as a

tradesman and tapestry maker for the Imperial Palace of the Kaiser with his

gold leaf skills and his gift for decoration.

A book found at the bookstore of the Imperial Palace, Vienna „Kaiserliche

Interieurs“ refers to Sándor Járay and has several references and pictures of

rooms he decorated in the palace, and some names of artists who worked

along with him, including brothers Ernst and Gustav Klimt.

Sándor was regarded as „the“ specialist in exquisite Baroque decoration. The

book „Gustav Klimt and Emilie Flöge“ by Wolfgang Fischer, mentions „Herr

Sándor Járay“ as the heavy going interior designer in the money swanker‘s

salons until the massive changes in Viennese art began occurring around


At the World Exhibition

of Furniture in London 1902, the Jaray firm exhibited „Old Viennese Interiors“

from around 1830. Under „Rooms of Historical Style“ at the London Exhibition

1902, Sándor Járay displayed a Biedermeier bedroom from the imperial court

with great success. He also set up an exact model of a Baroque library and in

order to make it look authentic, he asked permission of his friend the Kaiser

to borrow the chandeliers from the Schönbrunn Palace.

Sándor „der Alte“ as he was now affectionately called, since Sigmund named

his second son after his brother, became a grandfather for the seventh time

as his son Karl, also an architect, had a son Hans born in 1906. Hans later

became one of Vienna‘s best known actors. He and his sister Maria (1901),

like many other members of the Jaray-family, left Vienna in 1938.

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 42/98 Sándor‘s daughter Antonie who married Karl Bayer, a general, had two

children - Gertrude (1901) and Ernst (1902).

Julie his second daughter married Karl Seifert, a merchant (son of Johann

Heinrich who built the Seifert billiard-tables) and they had three children -

Emma (1898), Friedrich (1900) and Elisabeth (1902).

Karoline, Sándor‘s third daughter, died very early at the age of 42.

It seems that with the death of Sándor in 1916 (eight years after Sigmund

died) his business couldn‘t be continued. His son Karl was not in the

company, and Sigmund‘s two sons Max and Karl, who ran the company of

their father at that time, both died in 1920 which left no Jaray capable of

running the family business.


1130 Wien, Lainzer Tiergarten

The Hermesvilla (built 1882-1886 by Karl von Hasenauer) was a gift of Kaiser

Franz Joseph to his wife Elisabeth.

Most of the gold-plating was made by Sándor Jaray.

Pictures taken by W.Tschapka, 2003.

Kirchensalon at Hermesvilla

Sándor's (Alexander's) children

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) Sándor's children

Sándor's children

More on Adolf Jaray

More on Sandor Jaray

More on Alfred Jaray

More on Paul Jaray

More on Hans Jaray

More on Tess Jaray

Entries in books / records



Summary of our site


Antonie Bayer (née Jeitteles/Jaray) (1869 Vienna -1923 Vienna)

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Julie Seifert (née Jeitteles/Jaray) (1870 Vienna - 1940 Vienna)

Karoline Jaray

(1871 Vienna - 1913 Vienna)

Karl Jaray (1878 Vienna - 1944 Vienna)

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) More on Adolf Jaray

More on Adolf Jaray Sigmund and Sándor's brother Adolf, born in 1846, joined them in Vienna in

Adolf's children 1877 and married Therese Schönberg. The children Juliette, Karl, Felix and Paul

More on Sandor Jaray were born in Vienna, Rudolf in Budapest. Adolf started as a gilder, coal

More on Alfred Jaray merchant and trade representative. In 1881 he set up a factory for the

More on Paul Jaray production of leaven. In 1897 he also set up a factory for machine-boxes and

More on Hans Jaray in 1901 his business included a wine-trade. Beside this he was very popular

More on Tess Jaray with a fine singing voice. Though a Jew, he was an invited soloist at St.

Entries in books / records Stephan's cathedral in the square.



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Adolf and Therese Jaray

Adolf's children

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More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) Adolf's children

More on Adolf Jaray

Adolf's children

More on Sandor Jaray

More on Alfred Jaray

More on Paul Jaray

More on Hans Jaray

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Rudolf Jaray (1874 Budapest - 1905 Cairo)

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Karl Jaray (1878 Vienna - 1951 Buenos Aires)

Felix Jaray (1880 Vienna - 1953 London)

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Paul Jaray (1889 Wien - 1974 St.Gallen)

Juliette Jaray (1877 Vienna - 1897 Vienna)

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) More on Sandor Jaray

More on Adolf Jaray Sandor Jaray was born in 1870 in Temesvar, son of Sigmund Jaray. Around

More on Sandor Jaray 1905 he married to Karoline von Nagy-Buck, and his only son Stephan was

Sculptures born in 1906 in Berlin. In 1936 Karoline died and shortly after he married Lea

More on Alfred Jaray Bondi.

More on Paul Jaray Many artists were coming on stream by 1900 headed by Gustav Klimt and

More on Hans Jaray the secession movement. Students from the Art Academy, often taught by

More on Tess Jaray architect Otto Wagner, were making statements. Artists like Klimt, Schiele,

Entries in books / records Olbrich, Hoffmann, Gerstl, and among them were also included Sigmund‘s Sandor Jaray Jun. (1870 Temesvar - 1943 London) two sons Max and Sandor Jaray. Max attended the Academy with some

distinction in 1887 and Sandor Jr. won a scholarship with his statue Allgemein: „Somnambule“ in 1899 allowing him to study a year in Rome. Sandor Startseite exhibited his works widely at the time, sculpting busts in marble, bronze and Summary of our site wood. Impressum

His life size bronze

of actor Josef Kainz sculpted in 1911 is located in the 18th district at Josef-

Kainz-Platz, opposite the Türkenschanzpark. His marble monument of Franz

Liszt is located in Eisenstadt. He currently has a monument to Theodor Herzl

located at the entrance to the Tel Aviv Law School, and his beloved sculpture

„To Zion“ currently stands a the entrance of The Museum of Art, Bin Harod,


The Nazis confiscated Sandor‘s studio in 1938 and aryanized the gallery he

and his wife Lea owned in 1939. Sandor‘s son Stephan was arrested and sent

to Dachau and later to Buchenwald. Fortunately he was released after 9

months on a sponsored visa the family was able to arrange for him and his

wife Molly to Australia. Sandor with his second wife and long time companion

Lea Bondi fled to London. Sandor died in exile July 1943. He is the only one

of Sigmund and Mathilde‘s sons not currently resting in the family plot.

Sandor currently rests in Golder‘s Green, London.

More of his work

His family

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More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) Sculptures

More on Adolf Jaray

More on Sandor Jaray


More on Alfred Jaray

More on Paul Jaray

More on Hans Jaray

More on Tess Jaray

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1870 Dancing Harlequin (bronze)

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ca. 1900

1910 Nude Couple Talking

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1910 Castanet


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Kaiser Wilhelm II. und Kaiser Franz Josef I. Egyesült erövel - Mit vereinten Kräften

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Franz Liszt (1811-1886) Dem großen Sohne des Burgenlandes - seine Heimat

Ballspielerin (bronze)

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Trance (marble)

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Beethoven's hand

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Totenmaske Karl Kraus

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) More on Alfred Jaray

More on Adolf Jaray Alfred Jaray was born in 1875 in Vienna, he was the youngest son of

More on Sandor Jaray Sigmund and Mathilde. At age 30, he married Fanny Hirsch, daughter of Carl

More on Alfred Jaray Hirsch (a wealthy industrialist) and his wife Pauline Bing (sister of Sam Bing*).

More on his work Alfred, an electrical engineer, enjoyed being around other young inventors.

More on Paul Jaray Though he lived at Reisnerstrasse 31, Vienna III, he loved London,

More on Hans Jaray eventually buying a home there. At first he lived at 7 Torrington Square

More on Tess Jaray (1898) by the university, where he was a frequent contributor to the patent

Entries in books / records office. Several patents are registered in Alfred‘s name. In 1904, at age 29, he Alfred Jaray (1875 Vienna - 1915 Vienna) became director of the British Vacuum Co., a firm believed to be established

by a group of investors including his father Sigmund, and his uncle Sandor, Allgemein: to market a new invention called the vacuum cleaner. Startseite

Summary of our site In 1906 Impressum his first son George was born in London and in 1908 his second son Herbert

in Vienna.

Much too young, at age 40, Alfred died of pneumonia in 1915. Fanny‘s only

sister Else was married to Baron Felix Pollack von Parnegg and after Alfred‘s

death he became guardian to the little boys George and Herbert.

The Baron died in 1932, and Else, the Baroness, in 1938. They had no

children and George was the closest male to inherit the title. But since he

was in Montreal Canada (where French is the predominant language) and as George Jaray (Since 1938 de Jaray) (1906 London - 1977 Toronto) titles in Canada are not really respected, he inserted the french version into

his name - „de Jaray“.

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Alfred Jaray (1910)

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His family

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More on Adolf Jaray

More on Sandor Jaray

More on Alfred Jaray

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More on Paul Jaray

More on Hans Jaray

More on Tess Jaray

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Both 1901 how they used to clean houses in those days

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) More on Paul Jaray

More on Adolf Jaray Paul Jaray (1889-1974)

More on Sandor Jaray Hungarian, born in Vienna, he pioneered aerodynamism in the first part of

More on Alfred Jaray the twentieth century.

More on Paul Jaray He designed the new generation of with a tear drop shape instead

More on his work of the long narrow cylinder of the first dirigibles.

More on Hans Jaray With he experimented on automobiles bodies in a wind tunnel and,

More on Tess Jaray later on, designed special bodies for Benz, Adler, Hanomag, , ....

Entries in books / records The Tatras 77 and 87 were his only automobiles with a success story and

apparently he was not involved with the Volkswagen or Mercedes 170 H

which followed his patents. Allgemein: Anyhow, Chrysler for the Airflow and Peugeot for the 402 were obliged to Startseite pay royalties to Paul Jaray. Summary of our site In the late twenties he left for Switzerland and created his own consulting Impressum Company STROMLINEN KAROSSERIE GES. in Zurich

Jaray, Paul, b. Vienna, March 11, 1889, d. St. Gallen (Switzerland), Sept. 22,

1974, enginieer. Moved to Germany soon after his studies in Vienna and

Prague, where he worked as an aircraft designer in 1913/14 and planned the

Zeppelin airships LZ 38 to LZ 126 1914-1923. In 1919 planned a wind tunnel for a zeppelin, for decades studied specific questions of this field of work,

especially streamlined automobiles.

Lived in Switzerland from 1923 until his death. Also played a major role in the

development of the bicycle in 1920s.

(Encyclopedia of Austria - www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop)

Paul Jaray, with his "J-Rad",

wanted to utilize the theories of aerodynamics in the field of bicycle-

constructions. His aim was to minimize the air resistance.

In 1922/23 the Hesperus-Werke at Stuttgart produced about 2000 of those

bicycles in three different versions, designed by Paul Jaray. Mostly in the

Netherlands they were successful. J-Rad 1922, Hansi and Peter Jaray 1923 the production was stopped, when deadly accidents occurred as a

result of material faults.

In his curriculum vitae Paul made a notice on this, which makes clear that it

was not a question of bad construction, but unreasonable economies by

buying raw material of poor quality.

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More on Adolf Jaray

More on Sandor Jaray

More on Alfred Jaray

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More on Hans Jaray

More on Tess Jaray

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Paul Jaray - Zeppelin Werke (second from the right)

Zeppelin Werke Paul Jaray (in the middle)

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Automobile Exhibition 1922 Paul Jaray (third from left) inventor of the streamline and the new Jaray-Streamline-Maybach

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Maybach Zeppelin

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Ley T6 nach Jaray (1923) - Ehepaar Sussmann

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Cooperation with Alfred Ley (Arnstadt)

Ley T6

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testing collission with pedestrian - Dixi


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VMD Sesselrad

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) More on Hans Jaray

More on Adolf Jaray Jaray, Hans, b. Vienna, June 24, 1906, d. Vienna January 6, 1990,

More on Sandor Jaray Kammerschauspieler, director, writer. 1925-1930 acted at the Volkstheater,

More on Alfred Jaray 1930-1938 at the Theater in der Josefstadt (under Max Reinhardt), 1938

More on Paul Jaray emigrated to the USA, 1938-1948 worked in Hollywood and New York. In

More on Hans Jaray 1948 returned to Vienna, joined the Volkstheater, from 1951 at the Theater

Hans as famous actor in der Josefstadt (1986 honorary member), played mainly parts in light

More on Tess Jaray comedy. 1960 head of the school of dramatic art „Reinhardt-Seminar“. Film

Entries in books / records productions.

Works: comedies: Ein feiner Herr, 1932; Ist Geraldine ein Engel?, 1933;

Allgemein: Liebesheirat, 1937. Novel: One Day Missing, 1949. Autobiography: Was ich

Startseite kaum ertraeumen konnte, 1990.

Summary of our site (Encyclopedia of Austria - www.aeiou.at/aeiou.encyclop) Impressum


The Largest Cast of Film Personalities Ever Assembled

David Ragan

JARAY, Hans (d. 1990, age 83) Handsome Viennese actor better known for

his work on the stage, where he was long a matinee idol, than for his screen

roles; appeared in The Loves of Jeanne Ney, Unfinished Symphony (one of

the several times he portrayed Franz Schubert), The Affairs of Maupassant,

Letzte Liebe (Last Love), Der Pfarrer von Kirchfeld (The Pastor of Kirchfield),

etc.; had one memorable role in Hollywood in Lydia, in 1941, as the blind

concert pianist whose youth-to-age love for Merle Oberon was romantically

unrequited; last, after a long absence from the screen, played a character

role in director Billy Wilder‘s Fedora; also a playwright (Was Geraldine an

Angel?) and director of stage comedies.

Hans as famous actor

His family

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More on Alfred Jaray

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Hans as famous actor

More on Tess Jaray

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Hans Jaray and Lili Darvas

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1949 Goethes "Clavigo"

1950 Salzburg, Raimunds "Verschwender" with Judith Holzmeister

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1971 Bahrs "Konzert" with Susanne Almassy

1979 Hans Jaray as "Kaiser Franz Joseph I. von Österreich"

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) More on Tess Jaray

More on Adolf Jaray Phaidon

More on Sandor Jaray Dictionary of the Twentieth-Century Art

More on Alfred Jaray Jaray, Tess. British painter, b. 1937. She studied at the St. Martin‘s and the More on Paul Jaray Slade Schools. She has had one-man shows at the Grabowski Galleries, More on Hans Jaray London, 1963; Hamilton Galleries, London, 1965 and 1967. She has More on Tess Jaray participated in exhibitions throughout the world, and she is represented in More of her work many public collections in Britain and elsewhere. Her work is allied with Post- Entries in books / records Tess Jaray (born 31.12.1937 Vienna) Painterly Abstraction, an essentieally American movement which has had

considerable influence in Britain; in it she experiments with perspective.

Allgemein: 20th Century - PAINTERS and Sculptors Startseite Summary of our site by Frances Spalding

Impressum (Dictionary of British Art Volume VI)

JARAY, Tess b. 1937

Painter and printmaker. Born London (actualy she was born in Vienna as we

know). Studied at St. Martin‘s School of Art, 1954-7, and Slade School, 1957-

60. Awarded a travelling scholarship, 1960 and a French Government

scholarship, 1961. Since 1959 included in mixed exhibitions. 1963 first solo

exhibition at Grabowski Gallery. 1964-8 taught at Hornsey College of Art.

Commissioned to paint a mural for British Pavilion, Expo 67, Montreal. 1980

visited Australia. 1984 taught at the Slade School. 1984 solo exhibition of

recent paintings at the Whitworth Art Gallery. Manchester University and a

retrospective exhibition of graphic work at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford.

Wakefield city centre pedestrian zones and Cathedral precincts

Since 1991 consultant artist Tess Jaray has been involved in the re-design of

all major pedestrian areas in the city centre surrounding the Cathedral. Her

designs to date include a new floorscape, seating, lighting columns, bins and


(RSA Art for Architecture)

More of her work

Her family

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) Some of Tess works

More on Adolf Jaray

More on Sandor Jaray

More on Alfred Jaray

More on Paul Jaray

More on Hans Jaray

More on Tess Jaray

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Birmingham Centenary Sq.

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Wakefield city centre

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) Entries in different books

More on Adolf Jaray I would like to thank my father Walter Tschapka for his great work on this

More on Sandor Jaray part of the web site. He spent many hours at Vienna's town-hall, looking

More on Alfred Jaray through all the books and records to find entries referring to Jeiteles and

More on Paul Jaray Jaray.

More on Hans Jaray There are two entries in 1869 and 1870 under the name Jeiteles Alexander More on Tess Jaray (later Sándor Járay). Entries in books / records According to a letter of Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien, the name was

written JEITTELES with double T. Allgemein: Startseite The fathers - Sigmund, Sándor and Adolf Summary of our site Click here to get a list of all entries found in different books in Vienna's town-hall. Impressum

The sons - Max, Karl, Karl, Karl and Felix

Click here to get a list of all entries found in different books in Vienna's town-hall.

Don't get confused by the three Karl's but Sigmund, Sándor and Adolf had a son named Karl.

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Sigmund, Sándor and Adolf

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) Sigmund, Sándor and Adolf

More on Adolf Jaray Entries in different books (Vienna city-hall) referring to Jeiteles and Jaray

More on Sandor Jaray

More on Alfred Jaray Jaray Sigmund (1838- Járay Sándor (1845-1916) Járay Adolf (1846-1939) 1908) More on Paul Jaray Erste Eintragung (first entry) Erste Eintragung (first entry) 1869 unter Erste Eintragung (first entry) More on Hans Jaray 1874. Bis (until) 1871 - dem Namen (under the name of) 1877. Bis (until) 1871 - Jeiteles Jeiteles Sigmund. Jeiteles Alexander. Seit (since) 1871 - Adolf. Bis (until) 1893 Jaray More on Tess Jaray Járay Sándor. Adolf ohne Gravis (without grave accent). Entries in books / records 1869 Jeiteles Alexander - Vergolder (gilder), V., Grüngasse 21

1870 Jeiteles Alexander - Vergolder Allgemein: (gilder), V., Grüngasse 21 Startseite 1871 Járay Sándor - Vergolder (gilder), IV., Summary of our site Fleischmanngasse 5 1872 Járay Sándor - Vergolder (gilder), IV., Impressum Fleischmanngasse 5

1873 Járay Sándor - Vergolder u. Modelleur (gilder and modeller), IV., Fleischmanngasse 5

1874 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier Járay Sándor - Vergolder u. Modelleur (upholsterer), I., Graben 14 (gilder and modeller), IV., Fleischmanngasse 5

1875 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier Járay Sándor - Ges. d. Fa. Sándor (upholsterer), I., Kohlmarkt Járay & Comp. Vergolder u. Modelleur, 7, Privat: I., Bräunerstrasse IV., Fleischmanngasse 5 2

1876 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier Járay Sándor- -Ges. d. Fa. Sándor (upholsterer), I., Kohlmarkt Járay & Comp. Vergolder u. Modelleur, 6 und 7 IV., Fleischmanngasse 5

1877 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier Járay Sándor- -Ges. d. Fa. Sándor Jaray Adolf - Vergolder (upholsterer), I., Járay & Comp. Vergolder u. Modelleur, (gilder), I., Krugerstrasse 3, Bräunerstrasse 1 IV., Fleischmanngasse 5 Kohlenhdl. (coal merchant), II., Kaiser Joseph-Strasse 32

1878 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier Járay Sándor - Vergolder, Priv. Inh. Jaray Adolf - Vergolder (upholsterer), I., (gilder, private owner), IV., Wiedner (gilder), I., Krugerstrasse 3, Bräunerstrasse 1 Hauptstrasse 51 Jaray Gebrüder - Kohlenbestellungs-Bureau (coal merchants), I., Bräunerstrasse 1

1879 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier Járay Sándor - Vergolder, Priv. Inh. Jaray Adolf - Vergolder (upholsterer), I., (gilder, private owner), IV., Wiedner (gilder), I., Krugerstrasse 3, Bräunerstrasse 3 Hauptstrasse 51 Agent (trade representative), Jacobergasse 8

1880 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier Járay Sándor - Vergolder (gilder), VII., Jaray Adolf - Vergolder (upholsterer), I., Dreilaufergasse 6 (gilder), I., Krugerstrasse 3, Bräunerstrasse 1 und 3 Agent (trade representative), III., Krieglergasse 15

1881 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier, Járay Sándor - Vergolder (gilder), VII., Jaray Adolf - Vergolder Möbel-Niederlage Dreilaufergasse 6 (gilder), I., Krugerstrasse 3, (upholsterer, furniture Agent (trade representative), warehouse), I., III., Krieglergasse 15, Depot f. Bräunerstrasse 1 und 3 Wiener Bäckerhefe (warehouse for Viennese leaven), III., Löwengasse 1

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 87/98 1882 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier, Járay Sándor - Vergolder (gilder), VII., Jaray Adolf - Vergolder Möbel-Niederlage Dreilaufergasse 6 (gilder), I., Krugerstrasse 3, (upholsterer, furniture Agent (trade representative), warehouse), I., III., Krieglergasse 15, Depot f. Bräunerstrasse 1 und 3 Wiener Bäckerhefe (warehouse for Viennese leaven), III., Löwengasse 1

1883 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier, Járay Sándor - Vergolder (gilder), VII., Jaray Adolf - Erzeugung von Möbel-Niederlage Dreilaufergasse 6 Bäckerhefe (production of (upholsterer, furniture leaven), III., Löwengasse 1 warehouse), I., Bräunerstrasse 1 und 3

1884 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier, Járay Sándor - Vergolder u. Modelleur Jaray Adolf - Erzeugung von Möbel-Niederlage (gilder and modeller), IV., Wiedner Bäckerhefe (production of (upholsterer, furniture Hauptstrasse 20 leaven), III., Löwengasse 1 warehouse), I., Bräunerstrasse 1 und 3

1885 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier, Járay Sándor - Vergolder u. Modelleur Jaray Adolf - Erzeugung von Möbel-Niederlage und Fabrik (gilder and modeller), IV., Wiedner Bäckerhefe (production of (upholsterer, furniture Hauptstrasse 20 leaven), III., Löwengasse 1 warehouse and factory), I., Bräunerstrasse 1 und 3

1886 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier, Járay Sándor - Vergolder u. Modelleur Jaray Adolf - Presshefe- Möbel-Niederlage und Fabrik (gilder and modeller), IV., Wiedner Verschleiss (pressed leaven, (upholsterer, furniture Hauptstrasse 20 retail trade), III., Löwengasse warehouse and factory), I., 1 Bräunerstrasse 1 und 3

1887 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier, Járay Sándor - Tischler, Vergolder u. Jaray Adolf - Presshefe- Möbel-Niederlage und Fabrik Modelleur (carpenter, gilder and Verschleiss (pressed leaven, (upholsterer, furniture modeller), IV., Wiedner Hauptstrasse retail trade), III., Löwengasse warehouse and factory), I., 20 1 Bräunerstrasse 1 und 3

1888 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier Járay Sándor - Tischler, Vergolder u. Jaray Adolf - Presshefe- u. Möbelhandlung Modelleur (carpenter, gilder and Verschleiss (pressed leaven, (upholstery and furnishing modeller), IV., Wiedner Hauptstrasse retail trade), III., Löwengasse house), I., Bräunerstrasse 1 20 1 und 3

1889 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier Járay Sándor - Tischler, Vergolder u. Jaray Adolf - Presshefe- u. Möbelhandlung Modelleur (carpenter, gilder and Verschleiss (pressed leaven, (upholstery and furnishing modeller), IV., Wiedner Hauptstrasse retail trade), III., Löwengasse house), I., Bräunerstrasse 1 20 1 und 3

1890 Jaray Sigmund - Tapezier Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Hoflieferant, Jaray Adolf - Presshefe- u. Möbelhandlung Tischler u. Modelleur (purveyor to the Erzeugung (production of (upholstery and furnishing royal household, carpenter and pressed leaven), III., house), I., Bräunerstrasse 1 modeller), IV., Schleifmühlgasse 2 Reisnerstrasse 26 und 3

1891 Advertisement: Jaray Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Hoflieferant, Jaray Adolf - Presshefe- Sigmund - k.u.k. Hof- Erzeuger von kunstindustriellen Erzeugung (production of Tapezier u. Decorateur, Decorations- und Luxus-Möbelarbeiten pressed leaven), III., Ameublement und (purveyor to the royal household, Ungargasse 36, Central-Depot Decoration. Hält großes producer of industrial art, decorations d. Wiener Bäckerhefe (central Lager von Möbeln in allen and luxury furnishings), IV., warehouse for Viennese Stylarten. Verdienst-Medaille Schleifmühlgasse 2 leaven), III., Ungargasse 36, Wien 1873 (purveyor to the royal household, upholstery and furnishing house), I., Bräunerstrasse 1 und 3

1892 Advertisement: Jaray Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Hoflieferant, Jaray Adolf - Presshefe- Sigmund - k.u.k. Hof- Ritter des Franz-Joseph-Ordens , Erzeugung (production of Tapezierer, Decorateur u. Erzeuger von kunstindustriellen pressed leaven), III., Kunst-möbelfabrikant, Decorations- und Kunst-Luxusmöbel- Ungargasse 36, Central-Depot Waren u. Fabrikshaus Arbeiten im eigenen Haus (E) (purveyor d. Wiener Bäckerhefe (central sehenswürdige to the royal household, producer of warehouse for Viennese Expositionshalle (E) industrial art, decorations and luxury leaven), III., Ungargasse 36 (upholstery and furnishing furnishings, E = proprietor), V., house, E= proprietor), IV., Griesgasse 12 Heugasse 70

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 88/98 1893 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Hof- Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Hoflieferant, Járay Adolf - Presshefe- Tapezierer, Decorateur u. Erzeuger von kunstindustriellen Erzeugung (production of Kunst-möbelfabrikant (E) Decorations- und Luxus-Möbelarbeiten pressed leaven), III., (upholstery and furnishing (purveyor to the royal household, Ungargasse 36, Central-Depot house, E= proprietor), IV., producer of industrial art, decorations d. Wiener Bäckerhefe (central Heugasse 70 and luxury furnishings), V., Griesgasse warehouse for Viennese 12 leaven), III., Ungargasse 36

1894 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Hof- Advertisement: Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Járay Adolf - Presshefe- Tapezierer, Decorateur u. Hoflieferant, Ritter d. Franz Joseph- Erzeugung (production of Kunst-möbelfabrikant (E) Ordens, Atelier f. Kunstindustrie- pressed leaven), III., (upholstery and furnishing Decorationsgegenstände etc. im eigenen Ungargasse 36, Central-Depot house, E= proprietor), IV., Haus (E), V., Griesgasse 12 d. Wiener Bäckerhefe (central Heugasse 70 warehouse for Viennese leaven), III., Ungargasse 36

1895 Advertisement: Jaray Advertisement: Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Járay Adolf - Presshefe- Sigmund - k.u.k. Hof- Hoflieferant, Ritter d. Franz Joseph- Erzeugung (production of Tapezierer u. Decorateur. Ordens, Atelier f. Kunstindustrie- pressed leaven), III., Etablissement für complete Decorationsgegenstände etc. im eigenen Ungargasse 36, Central-Depot Ameublements. Haus (E), V., Griesgasse 12 d. Wiener Bäckerhefe (central Expositionshalle und Muster- warehouse for Viennese Interieurs, sowie die Ateliers leaven), III., Ungargasse 36 mit Maschinenbetrieb für Tapezier-, Tischler- und Bildhauer-Arbeiten im eigenen Haus, IV., Heugasse 70

1896 Advertisement: Jaray Advertisement: Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Járay Adolf - Presshefe u. Sigmund - k.u.k. Hof- Hoflieferant, Ritter d. Franz Joseph- Fettwaren (E) (pressed leaven Tapezierer u. Decorateur. Ordens, Atelier f. Kunstindustrie- and grease-articles, E= Etablissement für complete Decorationsgegenstände etc. im eigenen proprietor), III. Ungargasse 54 Ameublements. Haus (E), V., Griesgasse 12 und III., Strohgasse 5 Expositionshalle und Muster- Interieurs, sowie die Ateliers mit Maschinenbetrieb für Tapezier-, Tischler- und Bildhauer-Arbeiten im eigenen Haus, IV., Heugasse 70

1897 Jaray Sigmund - Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Hoflieferant, Járay Adolf - Presshefe u. Gesellschaft d. k.u.k. Hof- Kammerlieferant Sr. Hoheit Erzherzog Fettwaren (E) (pressed leaven Tapezierer und Otto, Atelier f. Möbel u. Kunstindustrie- and grease-articles, E= Kunstmöbelfabrik (E) Dekorationsgegenstände (E), V., proprietor), III. Ungargasse 54 (Association for upholstery Griesgasse 12 und III., Strohgasse 5, and furnishing factory, E= Maschinen-Kistenfabrik (E) proprietor), IV., Heugasse (machine-boxes factory, E= 70 proprietor), V., Straußengasse 12

1898 Jaray Sigmund - Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Hoflieferant, Járay Adolf - Presshefe u. Gesellschaft d. k.u.k. Hof- Kammerlieferant Sr. Hoheit Erzherzog Fettwaren (E) (pressed leaven Tapezierer und Otto, Atelier f. Möbel u. Kunstindustrie- and grease-articles, E= Kunstmöbelfabrik (E) Dekorationsgegenstände (E), V., proprietor), III. Ungargasse 54 (Association for upholstery Griesgasse 12 und III., Strohgasse 5, and furnishing factory, E= Maschinen-Kistenfabrik (E) proprietor), Gesellschafter (machine-boxes factory, E= (associate) Max Jaray, IV., proprietor), V., Straußengasse Heugasse 70 12

1899 Jaray Sigmund - Gesellschaft d. k. Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Hoflieferant, Járay Adolf - Presshefe u.k. Hof-Tapezierer und Kammerlieferant Sr. Hoheit u. Fettwaren (E) (pressed Kunstmöbelfabrik (E) (Association Erzherzog Otto, Atelier f. Möbel u. leaven and grease-articles, for upholstery and furnishing Kunstindustrie- E= proprietor), III. factory, E= proprietor), Ges. Max Dekorationsgegenstände (E), V., Ungargasse 54 und III., Jaray, IV., Heugasse 70 Griesgasse 12 Strohgasse 5, Maschinen- Kistenfabrik (E) (machine- boxes factory, E= proprietor), III., Rochusgasse 17, Vertretung f. Fettwaren Fabrik (representation for grease-articles), III., Rochusgasse 17

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 89/98 1900 Jaray Sigmund - Gesellschaft d. k. Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Hoflieferant, Járay Adolf - Presshefe u.k. Hof-Tapezierer und Kammerlieferant Sr. Hoheit u. Fettwaren (E) (pressed Kunstmöbelfabrik (E) (Association Erzherzog Otto, Atelier f. Möbel u. leaven and grease-articles, for upholstery and furnishing Kunstindustrie- E= proprietor), III. factory, E= proprietor), Ges. Max Dekorationsgegenstände (E), V., Ungargasse 54 und III., Jaray, Ges. Karl Jaray, IV., Heugasse Griesgasse 12 Strohgasse 5 70

1901 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Hof- Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Hof- und Járay Adolf - Presshefe- Tapezierer und Kunstmöbelfabrikant. Kammerlieferant Sr. Majestät D. Expedit und Weinhandel Öffentliche Gesellschaft seit 1. Juli Kaisers, Lieferant Sr. k.u.k. Hoheit (shipping of pressed 1895 Sigmund Jaray, Max Jaray, Karl Erzherzog Otto für Möbel, leaven and wine-trade), Jaray (letzterer zeichnet nicht), Wohnungseinrich-tungen und III., Strohgasse 5 (Public association since July 1, 1895 Dekorationsarbeiten, V., Griesgasse Sigmund Jaray, Max Jaray, Karl 12 Jaray the latter doesn't sign), IV., Heugasse 70

1902 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Hof- Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Hof- und Járay Adolf - Presshefe- Tapezierer und Kunstmöbelfabrikant. Kammerlieferant Sr. Majestät D. Expedit und Weinhandel Öffentliche Gesellschaft seit 1. Juli Kaisers, Lieferant Sr. k.u.k. Hoheit (shipping of pressed 1895 Sigmund Jaray, Max Jaray, Karl Erzherzog Otto für Möbel, leaven and wine-trade), Jaray (letzterer zeichnet nicht), IV., Wohnungseinrich-tungen und III., Strohgasse 5 Heugasse 70 Dekorationsarbeiten, V., Griesgasse 12

1903 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Hof- Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Hof- und Járay Adolf - Presshefe- Tapezierer und Kunstmöbelfabrikant. Kammerlieferant Sr. Majestät D. Expedit und Weinhandel Öffentliche Gesell-schaft seit 1. Juli Kaisers, Lieferant Sr. k.u.k. Hoheit (shipping of pressed 1895 Sigmund Jaray, Max Jaray, Karl Erzherzog Otto für Möbel, leaven and wine-trade), Jaray (letzterer zeichnet nicht), IV., Wohnungseinrich-tungen und III., Strohgasse 5 Heugasse 70 Dekorationsarbeiten, V., Griesgasse 12

1904 Advertisement: Jaray Sigmund - k. Advertisement: Járay Sándor - k.u. Járay AdolfPresshefe- u.k. Hof-Tapezierer u. Decorateur. k. Hoflieferant, Ritter d. Franz Erzeugung (E) (production Etablissement für complete Joseph-Ordens, Atelier f. of pressed leaven, E= Ameublements. Expositionshalle und Kunstindustrie-Decorationsgegen- proprietor), III., Muster-Interieurs, sowie die Ateliers stände etc. im eigenen Haus (E), V., Thomasplatz 1, Ges. d. mit Maschinenbetrieb für Tapezier-, Margaretenstrasse 96. Nachmias & Co Presshefe- Tischler- und Bildhauer-Arbeiten im Commanditgesellschaft Vacuum Verschleiss, III., eigenen Haus, IV., Heugasse 70. Cleaner Sigmund und Sándor Barmherzigengasse 33 Commanditgesellschaft Vacuum Járay, Teppich u. Möbelreinigung Cleaner Sigmund und Sándor (limited partnership Vacuum Járay, Teppich u. Möbelreinigung Cleaner, carpet- and furniture- (limited partnership Vacuum cleaning), I., Wollzeile 40 Cleaner, carpet- and furniture- cleaning), I., Wollzeile 40

1905 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Kammer- u. Járay Adolf - Priv. Hoftapezierer u. Kunstmöbelfabrik, Hof-Lieferant, Atelier f. Möbel u. Beamter (private official), IV., Heugasse 70, Fabrik (factory), Kunstindustrie-Gegenstände (E) XIV., Hadikgasse 116 X., Quellenstrasse 15, Vacuum (studio for furniture and objects Cleaner, Teppich- u. Möbelreinigung d'art industrial), V., (carpet- and furniture-cleaning), III., Margaretenstrasse 96 Ob. Weißgerberstrasse 10

1906 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Kammer- u. Járay Adolf - Priv. Hoftapezierer u. Kunstmöbelfabrik, Hof-Lieferant, Atelier f. Möbel u. Beamter (private official), IV., Heugasse 70, Fabrik (factory), Kunstindustrie-Gegenstände (E) XIV., Hadikgasse 116 X., Quellenstrasse 15, Vacuum (studio for furniture and objects Cleaner, Teppich- u. Möbelreinigung d'art industrial), V., (carpet- and furniture-cleaning), III., Margaretenstrasse 96 Ob. Weißgerberstrasse 10

1907 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Kammer- u. Járay Adolf - Priv. Hoftapezierer u. Kunstmöbelfabrik, Hof-Lieferant, Atelier f. Möbel u. Beamter (private official), IV., Heugasse 70, Fabrik (factory), Kunstindustrie-Gegenstände (E) XIV., Hadikgasse 116 X., Quellenstrasse 15, Vacuum (studio for furniture and objects Cleaner, Teppich- u. Möbelreinigung d'art industrial), V., (carpet- and furniture-cleaning), III., Margaretenstrasse 96 Ob. Weißgerberstrasse 10

1908 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Kammer- u. Járay Adolf - Priv. Hoftapezierer u. Kunstmöbelfabrik, Hof-Lieferant, Atelier f. Möbel u. Beamter (private official), IV., Heugasse 70, Fabrik (factory), Kunstindustrie-Gegenstände (E) XIV., Hadikgasse 116 X., Quellenstrasse 15, Vacuum (studio for furniture and objects Cleaner, Teppich- u. Möbelreinigung d'art industrial), V., (carpet- and furniture-cleaning), III., Margaretenstrasse 96 Ob. Weißgerberstrasse 10

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 90/98 1909 Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Kammer- u. Járay Adolf - Priv. Hof-Lieferant, Atelier f. Möbel u. Beamter (private official), Kunstindustrie-Gegenstände (E) XIV., Hadikgasse 116 (studio for furniture and objects d'art industrial), V., Margaretenstrasse 96

1910 Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Kammer- u. Járay Adolf - Priv. Hof-Lieferant, Atelier f. Möbel u. Beamter (private official), Kunstindustrie-Gegenstände (E) III., Ob. (studio for furniture and objects Weissgerberstrasse 10 d'art industrial), V., Margaretenstrasse 96

1911 Járay Sándor - k.u.k. Kammer- u. Járay Adolf - Gesch. Hof-Lieferant, Atelier f. Möbel u. Leiter der Vacuum Cleaner Kunstindustrie-Gegenstände (E) Comm.Ges. (managing (studio for furniture and objects director of Vacuum d'art industrial), V., Cleaner), III., Ob. Margaretenstrasse 96 Weissgerberstrasse 10

1920 ist Max Jaray als Inhaber der Sigmund Jaray Kunstmöbelfabrik genannt. Sein Bruder Karl als Gesellschafter.

(1920 Max Jaray is mentioned as owner of Sigmund Jaray Kunstmöbelfabrik. His brother Karl as associate)

Eintragungen über die Söhne des Sigmund Jaray, Sándor Járay und Adolf Járay folgen auf einer separaten Seite.

(Registrations refering to the sons of Sigmund, Sándor and Adolf are on a seperate list)

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Max, Karl, Karl, Karl and Felix

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More on Sigmund Jaray

More on Sándor Járay (Sen.) Max, Karl, Karl, Karl and Felix

More on Adolf Jaray Sigmund Jaray's son Sigmund Jaray's son Sándor Járay's son Adolf Járay's son Adolf Járay's son Max Jaray (1868- Karl Jaray (1873- Karl Jaray (1872- Karl Jaray (1878- Felix Jaray (1880- More on Sandor Jaray 1920) 1920) 1944) 1951) 1953)

More on Alfred Jaray

More on Paul Jaray 1898 Max Jaray - Karl Janus More on Hans Jaray Gesellschafter des Jaray - Sigmund Jaray, IV., Technischer More on Tess Jaray Heugasse 70 Beamter, V., Griesgasse 12 Entries in books / records 1899 Max Jaray - Karl Janus Gesellschafter des Jaray - Sigmund Jaray, IV., Industrieller Allgemein: Heugasse 70 Zeichner, V., Hundsthurmstr. Startseite 87

Summary of our site 1900 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Janus Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Jaray - Impressum Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Technischer Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70 Beamter, V., Griesgasse 12

1901 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70

1902 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70

1903 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70

1904 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Jaray - Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Möbelfabrikant, Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Gesellschafter des Heugasse 70 III., Gerlgasse 6 Sándor Járay, V., Wehrgasse 3

1905 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Jaray - Felix Jaray - Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Möbelfabrikant, Handelsagentur, Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Gesellschafter des XIV., Hadikgasse Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70 Sándor Járay, I., 116 Schwarzenbergpl. 6

1906 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Jaray - Felix Jaray - Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Möbelfabrikant, Handelsagentur, Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Gesellschafter des XIV., Hadikgasse Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70 Sándor Járay, I., 116 Schwarzenbergplatz 6

1907 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Jaray - Felix Jaray - Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Möbelfabrikant, Handelsagentur, Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Gesellschafter des XIV., Hadikgasse Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70 Sándor Járay, I., 116 Schwarzenbergplatz 6

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 92/98 1908 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Jaray - Felix Jaray - Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Möbelfabrikant, Handelsagentur, Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Gesellschafter des XIV., Hadikgasse Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70 Sándor Járay, I., 116 Schwarzenbergplatz 6

1909 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Jaray - Felix Jaray - Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Möbelfabrikant, Handelsagentur, Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Gesellschafter des XIV., Hadikgasse Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70 Sándor Járay, I., 116 Schwarzenbergplatz 6

1910 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Jaray - Rat Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Fabrikant, V., Möbelfabrikant, Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70 Schönbrunnerstr. Gesellschafter des 46 Sándor Járay

1911 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Hans Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Jaray, Kmzl. Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Rat - Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70 Architektur- Atelier für Wohnungskunst, V., Bräuhausgasse 6

1912 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Hans Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Jaray, Kmzl. Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Rat - Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70 Architektur- Atelier für Wohnungskunst, V., Bräuhausgasse 6

1913 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Hans Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Jaray, Kmzl. Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Rat - Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70 Architektur- Atelier für Wohnungskunst, V., Bräuhausgasse 6

1914 Max Jaray - Karl Járay - Karl Hans Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Jaray, Kmzl. Sigmund Jaray, IV., Sigmund Jaray, Rat - Heugasse 70 IV., Heugasse 70 Architektur- Atelier für Wohnungskunst, V., Bräuhausgasse 6

1915 Max Jaray - Karl Járay Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt Sigmund Jaray, IV., Prinz- Sigmund Jaray, Rat, Architekt Eugen-Str. 70 IV., Prinz-Eugen- - IV., Str. 70 Gußhausstrasse 15

1916 Max Jaray - Karl Járay Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Gesellschafter des Gesellschafter des Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt Sigmund Jaray, IV., Prinz- Sigmund Jaray, Rat Architekt Eugen-Str. 70 IV., Prinz-Eugen- - IV., Str. 70 Gußhausstrasse 15

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 93/98 1917 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Jaray Sigmund Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Felix Jaray - Hofmöbelfabrikant, IV., - k.u.k. Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt Prokurist der Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70, Öff. Hofmöbelfabrikant, Rat Architekt Sigmund Jaray Ges. seit 1.Juli 1895: Max IV., Prinz-Eugen- - IV., Firma (Jaray Jaray und Karl Jaray. Str. 70, Öff. Ges. Gußhausstrasse Sigmund - k.u.k. Jeder zeichnet. Prok.: seit 1.Juli 1895: 15 Hofmöbelfabrikant, Felix Jaray. Járay Max Jaray und IV., Prinz-Eugen- Sándor, K.R. k.uk. Hof- Karl Jaray. Jeder Str. 70, Öff. Ges. u. Kammerlieferant Sr. zeichnet. Prok.: seit 1.Juli 1895: Majestät des Kaisers für Felix Jaray Max Jaray und Möbel, Karl Jaray. Jeder Wohnungseinrichtungen zeichnet. Prok.: und Dekorationsarbeiten, Felix Jaray) IV., Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70. Commanditgesellschaft Vacuum Cleaner - Sigmund u. Sándor Jaray, Verkauf u. Vermietung von Vacuum Cleaner- Maschinen, III., Obere Weißgerber Str. 6, Persönlich haftender Gesellschafter Max Jaray

1918 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Jaray Sigmund Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Felix Jaray - Hofmöbelfabrikant, IV., - k.u.k. Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt Prokurist der Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70, Öff. Hofmöbelfabrikant, Rat Architekt Sigmund Jaray Ges. seit 1.Juli 1895: Max IV., Prinz-Eugen- - IV., Firma (Jaray Jaray und Karl Jaray. Str. 70, Öff. Ges. Gußhausstrasse Sigmund - k.u.k. Jeder zeichnet. Prok.: seit 1.Juli 1895: 15 Hofmöbelfabrikant, Felix Jaray Max Jaray und IV., Prinz-Eugen- Commanditgesellschaft Karl Jaray. Jeder Str. 70, Öff. Ges. Vacuum Cleaner - zeichnet. Prok.: seit 1.Juli 1895: Sigmund u. Sándor Jaray, Felix Jaray Max Jaray und Verkauf u. Vermietung Karl Jaray. Jeder von Vacuum Cleaner- zeichnet. Prok.: Maschinen, III., Obere Felix Jaray) Weißgerber Str. 6, Persönlich haftender Gesellschafter Max Jaray

1919 Jaray Sigmund - k.u.k. Jaray Sigmund Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Felix Jaray - Hofmöbelfabrikant, IV., - k.u.k. Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt Prokurist der Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70, Öff. Hofmöbelfabrikant, Rat Architekt Sigmund Jaray Ges. seit 1.Juli 1895: Max IV., Prinz-Eugen- - IV., Firma (Jaray Jaray und Karl Jaray. Str. 70, Öff. Ges. Gußhausstrasse Sigmund - k.u.k. Jeder zeichnet. Prok.: seit 1.Juli 1895: 15 Hofmöbelfabrikant, Felix Jaray Max Jaray und IV., Prinz-Eugen- Commanditgesellschaft Karl Jaray. Jeder Str. 70, Öff. Ges. Vacuum Cleaner - zeichnet. Prok.: seit 1.Juli 1895: Sigmund u. Sándor Jaray, Felix Jaray Max Jaray und Verkauf u. Vermietung Karl Jaray. Jeder von Vacuum Cleaner- zeichnet. Prok.: Maschinen, III., Obere Felix Jaray) Weißgerber Str. 6, Persönlich haftender Gesellschafter Max Jaray

1920 Max Jaray - Inhaber der Karl Járay - Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Felix Jaray - Sigmund Jaray Gesellschafter der Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt Prokurist der Kunstmöbelfabrik, IV., Sigmund Jaray Rat Architekt Sigmund Jaray Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70 Kunstmöbelfabrik, - IV., Kunstmöbelfabrik, IV., Prinz-Eugen- Gußhausstrasse IV., Prinz-Eugen- Str. 70, 15 Str. 70 Werkstätten: X., Quellenstrasse 15

1921 Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Felix Jaray - Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt Prokurist der Rat Architekt Sigmund Jaray - IV., Kunstmöbelfabrik, Gußhausstrasse IV., Prinz-Eugen- 15 Str. 70

1922 Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Felix Jaray - Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt Prokurist der Rat Architekt Sigmund Jaray - IV., Kunstmöbelfabrik, Gußhausstrasse IV., Prinz-Eugen- 15 Str. 70

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 94/98 1923 Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Felix Jaray - Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt Prokurist der Rat Architekt Sigmund Jaray - IV., Kunstmöbelfabrik, Gußhausstrasse IV., Prinz-Eugen- 15 Str. 70

1924 Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Felix Jaray - Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt Gesellschafter der Rat Architekt Sigmund Jaray- - IV., Firma, IX., Gußhausstrasse Roßauerlände 35 15

1925 Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Felix Jaray - Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt Gesellschafter der Rat Architekt Sigmund Jaray- - IV., Firma, IX., Gußhausstrasse Roßauerlände 35 15

1926 Sigmund Jaray - Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Sigmund Jaray Kunstmöbelfabrik, IV., Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt - Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70, Rat Architekt Kunstmöbelfabrik, Fabrik X., Quellenstr. 15, - IV., IV., Prinz-Eugen- Öff. Ges. Elsa und Felix Gußhausstrasse Str. 70, Fabrik X., Jaray 15 Quellenstr. 15, Öff. Ges. Elsa und Felix Jaray

1927 Sigmund Jaray - Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Sigmund Jaray Kunstmöbelfabrik, IV., Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt - Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70, Rat Architekt Kunstmöbelfabrik, Fabrik X., Quellenstr. 15, - IV., IV., Prinz-Eugen- Öff. Ges. Elsa und Felix Gußhausstrasse Str. 70, Fabrik X., Jaray 15 (Therese Quellenstr. 15, JarayV., Öff. Ges. Elsa und Bräuhausgasse Felix Jaray 6, als Alleinbesitzerin)

1928 Sigmund Jaray - Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Sigmund Jaray Kunstmöbelfabrik, IV., Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt - Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70, Rat Architekt Kunstmöbelfabrik, Fabrik X., Quellenstr. 15, - IV., IV., Prinz-Eugen- Öff. Ges. Elsa und Felix Gußhausstrasse Str. 70, Fabrik X., Jaray 15 Quellenstr. 15, Öff. Ges. Elsa und Felix Jaray

1929 Sigmund Jaray - Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Sigmund Jaray Kunstmöbelfabrik, IV., Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt - Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70, Rat Architekt Kunstmöbelfabrik, Fabrik X., Quellenstr. 15, - IV., IV., Prinz-Eugen- Öff. Ges. Elsa und Felix Gußhausstrasse Str. 70, Fabrik X., Jaray 15 Quellenstr. 15, Öff. Ges. Elsa und Felix Jaray

1930 Sigmund Jaray - Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Sigmund Jaray Kunstmöbelfabrik, IV., Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt - Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70, Rat Architekt Kunstmöbelfabrik, Fabrik X., Quellenstr. 15, - IV., IV., Prinz-Eugen- Öff. Ges. Elsa und Felix Gußhausstrasse Str. 70, Fabrik X., Jaray 15 Quellenstr. 15, Öff. Ges. Elsa und Felix Jaray

1931 Sigmund Jaray - Karl Hans Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Sigmund Jaray Kunstmöbelfabrik, IV., Jaray, Kmzl. Rat Architekt - Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70, Rat Architekt Kunstmöbelfabrik, Fabrik X., Quellenstr. 15, - IV., IV., Prinz-Eugen- Öff. Ges. Elsa und Felix Gußhausstrasse Str. 70, Fabrik X., Jaray 15 Quellenstr. 15, Öff. Ges. Elsa und Felix Jaray

freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 95/98 1932 Elsa Jaray - Karl Hans Jaray, Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Sigmund Jaray - Fabrikanten Witwe, Kmzl.Rat Rat Architekt Kunstmöbelfabrik, IV., Prinz-Eugen-Str. Architekt - IV., IV., Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70 Gußhausstrasse 70, Fabrik X., 15. Karl Jaray u. Quellenstr. 15, Öff. Mitbesitzer (Julie Ges. Elsa und Felix Seifert), V., Jaray Bräuhausgasse 6

1933 Sigmund Jaray Emma Jaray Karl Hans Jaray, Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Kunstmöbelfabrik in (E) u. Kmzl.Rat Rat Architekt Liquidation Mitbesitzer Architekt - IV., (Mathilde Gußhausstrasse Raabe, Tochter 15 von Max), IV., Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70

1934 Sigmund Jaray Emma Jaray Karl Hans Jaray, Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Kunstmöbelfabrik in (E) u. Kmzl.Rat Rat Architekt Liquidation, Fabrik Mitbesitzer Architekt - IV., X., Quellenstr. 15, (Mathilde Gußhausstrasse Verkauf an Raabe, Tochter 15 Ankerbrotfabrik AG von Max), IV., Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70

1935 Emma Jaray Karl Hans Jaray, Karl Jaray, Kmzl. (E) u. Kmzl.Rat Rat Architekt Mitbesitzer Architekt - IV., (Mathilde Gußhausstrasse Raabe, Tochter 15 von Max), IV., Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70

1936 Emma Jaray Karl Hans Jaray, Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Felix Jaray, Kmzl. (E) u. Kmzl.Rat Rat Architekt Rat - Möbelfabrik, Mitbesitzer Architekt - IV., Walter Jaray, (Mathilde Gußhausstrasse Architekt, IV., Prinz- Raabe, Tochter 15 Eugen-Str. 62 von Max), IV., Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70

1937 Emma Jaray Karl Hans Jaray, Karl Jaray, Kmzl. Felix Jaray, Kmzl. (E) u. Kmzl.Rat Rat Architekt Rat - Möbelfabrik, Mitbesitzer Architekt - IV., Walter Jaray, (Mathilde Gußhausstrasse Architekt, IV., Prinz- Raabe, Tochter 15 Eugen-Str. 62 von Max), IV., Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70

1938 Emma Jaray Karl Hans Jaray, Karl Jaray, Dr. Felix Jaray, Kmzl. (E) u. Kmzl.Rat Prof., Architekt - Rat - Firma- Mitbesitzer Architekt - IV., XIX., Gesellschafter, IX., (Mathilde Gußhausstrasse Langackergasse Roßauerlände 35, Raabe, Tochter 15 22 Protokollierte Firma: von Max), IV., Jaray Felix Prinz-Eugen-Str. Kunstmöbelfabrik, 70. öffentl. Ges.: Felix Protokollierte Jaray und Ing. Walter Firma: Jaray Jaray, IV., Prinz- Sigmund Eugen-Str. 70 Möbelfabrik, Inh. Mathilde Raabe, Einzelprokura Oskar Friedländer, IV., Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70

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Jaray Alexander, akadem. Bildhauer, III., Landstr. Hauptstr. 88, privat: III., Weißgerberlände 38

Jaray Emma und Sohn Richard, Private, IV., Prinz-Eugen-Str. 70 > II., Schrottgießergasse 1

Jaray Fanny, Private, I., Rudolfsplatz 11 > London (18.5.38)

Jaray Felix, Fa.Ges., Kmzl.Rat, IX., Roßauerlände 35

Jaray Franz Ferdinand, Ing. Mechanikermeister, Entkeimungsfilter, XVI., Römergasse 27, Privat: XVIII.,

Buchleitengasse 37 > London (26.7.38)

Jaray Hans, Schauspieler, I., Herrengasse 4 / Stg.1 > Paris > New York (10.5.38)

Jaray Karl, Dr.Prof., Architekt, XIX., Langackergasse 22

Jaray Karl, Architekt, IV., Gußhausstr. 15

Jaray Stephan und Elsie May > Australien

Jaray Valerie, Private, IX., Porzellangasse 48

Jaray Walter, Ing. Architekt, IV., Prinz-Eugen-Str. 62 > New Zealand

Jaray-Marberg Lili (Elsa), Hofschauspielerin, I., Elisabethstr. 14

Margulies Paul und Elisabeth, IV.,Technikerstr. 5 > USA (3.11.38)

Raabe Mathilde mit den Kindern Erika und Christian, III., Reisnerstr. 29 > Berlin (1.11.38)

Stricker Joseph und Gisela, IX., Hörlgasse 4


Jaray Alexander, akadem. Bildhauer und Leah, III., Landstr. Hauptstr. 88, privat: III., Weißgerberlände 38 > London


Jaray Emma und Sohn Richard, Private, II., Schrottgießergasse 1

Jaray Felix, Fa.Ges., Kmzl.Rat, IX., Roßauerlände 35

Jaray Karl, Dr.Prof., Architekt und Margarete mit den Söhnen Rudolf und Karl (Mariedl und ihr Mann Wolfgang Stein >

Buenos Aires), XIX., Langackergasse 22 > London

Jaray Karl, Architekt, IV., Gußhausstr. 15

Jaray Valerie, Private, IX., Porzellangasse 48

Jaray-Marberg Lili (Elsa), Hofschauspielerin, I., Schubertring 10

Stricker Joseph und Gisela (verst. 20.7.39), IX., Hörlgasse 4


Jaray Emma und Sohn Richard, II., Schrottgießergasse 1/20

Jaray Felix, Fa.Ges., Kmzl.Rat, IX., Roßauerlände 35

Jaray Karl, Architekt, IV., Gußhausstr. 15

Jaray Valerie, Private, IX., Porzellangasse 48 > USA

Jaray-Marberg Lili (Elsa), Hofschauspielerin, I., Schubertring 10

Stricker Joseph, IX., Hörlgasse 4


Jaray Emma und Sohn Richard, Private, II., Schrottgießergasse 1/20 > 15.10.1941 Deportation nach Litzmannstadt/


Jaray Felix und Mimi, IX., Roßauerlände 35 > London

Jaray Karl, Architekt, IV., Gußhausstr. 15

Stricker Joseph, IX., Hörlgasse 4 > 28.10.1941 Deporation nach Litzmannstadt/Lodz

In Wien geblieben sind (those family members stayed in Vienna):

Bayer Ernst und Gertrude (Kinder der Antonie Bayer, née Jaray)

Jaray Karl, Architekt, IV., Gußhausstr. 15 freezeWebsite_jarayfamily-net.pdf 97/98 Seifert Julie (née Jaray, verst. 11.01.1940), VII., Kirchengasse 48

Seifert Emma mit Tochter Eleonore, VII., Kirchengasse 48, ab 1940 – IV., Technikerstr. 5

Seifert Friedrich und Aloisia mit den Söhnen Michael und Gerhard, V., Bräuhausgasse 6

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Sigmund, Sándor and Adolf

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