Songs re-written:

For the Beauty …

For the rainbow’s beauty cast after floods of human tears, arks of safety in the past, -- claiming faith and conquering fears

God of all, to you we raise -- this our hymn of grateful praise.

For the joy of human love – partners named by church and state, allies here and friends above who, with joy, have silenced hate –

God of all to you we raise – this our hymn of grateful praise.

For the church with open doors, for the pews where all may rest, for each child by love restored, once outside, now home and blessed –

God of all, to you we raise -- this our hymn of grateful praise.

Woke Up this Morning with my Mind

I woke up this morning with my mind -- stayed on Jesus I woke up this morning with my mind -- stayed on Jesus I woke up this morning with my mind -- stayed on Jesus Hallelu, hallelu, Hallelujah.

I'm singing a rainbow with my mind -- stayed on Jesus I'm singing a rainbow with my mind -- stayed on Jesus I'm singing a rainbow with my mind -- stayed on Jesus Hallelu, hallelu, Hallelujah.

We opened the doors up in our church -- stayed on Jesus We opened the doors up in our church -- stayed on Jesus We opened the doors up in our church -- stayed on Jesus Hallelu, hallelu, Hallelujah.

Just as I am

Just as I am, your holy child, my truth so fragile, undefiled, I turned to you and then you smiled – O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Just as I am though others curse, and label me – profane, perverse. Now -- all your love, my universe. O Lamb of God, I come, I come.

Breathe on Me, Breath of God (a transgender hymn)

Breathe on me breath of God, and make my gender true. Return my earthly shape again, to that which pleases you.

Breathe on me, breath of God, teach me to trust my heart, A woman’s song or man’s bright eye, True to your matchless art.

Jesus the Light of the World

1) Hark, the herald angels sing. Jesus, the light of the world. And we join in worshiping. Jesus, the light of the world.

Refrain: We’ll walk in the light, beautiful light. Come where the dewdrops of mercy shine bright. Shine all around us by day and by night. Jesus, the light of the world.

2) Joyful, rainbow people, rise. Jesus, the light of the world. Earth’s compassion, glorious skies. Jesus, the light of the world. [Refrain]

3) Christ brings hope to all today. Jesus, the light of the world. And asks us now to lead the way. Jesus, the light of the world. [Refrain]

Improv on the Beatitudes from Matthew

Blessed are the queer in spirit -- for theirs is the home and harbor of God.

Blessed is anyone who mourns one single friend or a whole family lost, for there is comfort in, through, and after the tears.

Blessed are those who are coming out tomorrow, for they will inherit themselves.

Blessed are those starved for change parched for legal rights, terrified of a rollback of gains achieved terrified by this administration -- for every congress call, email, rally, parade, information table, knock on the door, will be satisfied.

Blessed are the Open and Affirming, reconciling, more-light, room for all ... places, where folks tentatively wander in to scuffed pews, worn carpet, an old hymn or a praise song … and sanctuary.

Blessed are the purely gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, queer, questioning, gender non-conforming -- the pure in heart, in the old and the next word, in every language. God sees them and they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, long ago and always, they are the children of God.

Blessed are those who lose a job, or see a smile freeze, those slapped by unexpected insult in the “name of Jesus,” or wondering where they can use a bathroom. Rejoice and be glad -- for reviled and rejected has a gospel pedigree. It’s called resurrection.

You are the pride of the earth. If pride loses its spine, it slumps for everyone.

You are the rainbow of the world. People will turn to your bright spectrum and say – this is holy.

Prayers for Transgender Awareness

1) God, my life is tossed like a storm and this frail fishing boat, my body, does not steer by the compass in my brain. It seems you are asleep and do not care whether I drown under waves of depression and despair, or crash on the rocks of intolerance and bigotry.

Savior – wake up and control this storm. As you did so long ago in Galilee, say, “peace be still.” Amen (Mark 4:35-41)

2) God, we are people of the rib. We are your transgender (or queer, when not specifically trans setting) children who know male and female – both are sides of your glorious image.

We experienced life as deep sleep until you came to us, until you brought re-definition out of us – flesh of our flesh.

The tearing out of a rib hurts. We hurt. But we also bloom – with a garden-full of blessing and the joy of naming ourselves. (Gen 1,2)

Prayer for those who have died – Transgender Day of Remembrance

God, we acknowledge at this time of remembrance that these were your children [names of those who have died this year] who experienced in their lives the simple joys and sorrows of living, who were called forth like Lazarus, who were born again like Nicodemus, who were a new creation.

We weep that they also experienced alienation, intolerance, persecution, betrayal, that they were killed for being faithful to the life you gave them.

Now they have come to the resurrection beyond division, anguish, suffering or pain. Now they are like angels of God. These beautiful human bodies, like seeds, have fallen to the ground and are raised up as spiritual bodies – imperishable and immortal.

We claim this great mystery in their name. Amen.

Prayer for a Trans-Welcoming Church

God, teach us to be a trans-welcoming church. Help us welcome new women and new men, setting aside the great barriers and the hidden insider-rules. Help us make smooth the rough places – especially gender divided restrooms, activities, liturgies, clubs and traditions. Help us to listen to stories of violation, watch for dangers to our neighbors, advocate for justice.

Bless our attempt to open our hearts and our church, and bless each person who will experience hospitality – not our hospitality, but the hospitality of Jesus Christ, who enters the joy and fragility of human bodies through the wonder of the Incarnation. amen.