sample, reconstruct? Why not deal musically the territory between the and the Time Space with the information storm that we are all living arranger, in the sense that they started creating in? That would after all be the most natural urge new pieces of music with sometimes radically Collapse Royale in any cultural setting: To utilize what is at hand, different circumstances for the involved samples. By Ralf Christensen and to negotiate the most pressing problems of They started creating individual songs. They our existence. tested combinations of samples, composed This is what Den Sorte Skole has done. With drums, bass, solos, making music in a great va- Dear reader and listener, what you have in your modern computer tech, dusty vinyl records and riety of genres. Lektion III (Danish for Lesson III, hands and in your ears right now is this: A result broadband Internet they have listened harder while Den Sorte Skole means The Black School, of incurable crate digging, a pathological pas- and searched longer for music and connections the darkly authoritarian school of a, thankfully, sion for vinyl and an unstoppable need to cut it than most. They have moved with stealthy con- lost time) is very far from the hip hop offset of all up and reassemble it in new ways. viction towards a new way of creating meaning Den Sorte Skole. Yes, the approach might be In the feverish hands of Den Sorte Skole the and composing music out of what they stum- that of hip hop, sampling this, scratching that, vinyl of the past has been broken up and glued bled upon out there. but the resulting songs fit better into other back together into something beyond time and genres, if not into one entirely of its own. space. Through the art of sampling they have The work usually started with a loop and created Lektion III, a work of both then and now, Frankenstein songs then hours upon hours of listening their way mostly now. through the archives. They made more than Too much respect for music history is the The concept was simple in thought, but proved 200 sketches before they started working it deadliest poison for our music culture. It soaks to be a staggering task in real life for Den Sorte all toge-ther into one long composition of 26 music in a heavy nostalgic syrup that inhibits Skole’s Martin Højland and Simon Dokkedal. tracks divided into six parts – in a wide range of free movement. It shackles in chains Over their now ten year long career, the two tempos, keys, genres, weights, moods, instru- of tradition and copyright laws inhibiting them Danes have been sampling without any bound- mentations. from reacting to the maladies of our souls and aries, but this time around they decided to limit They’ve altered the involved compositions the politics of our world. themselves in the most unlimited way: Their to such a degree that is doesn’t make sense In the end, being disrespectful towards our third was to be built only from samples to talk about or mash-up, it is compo- heritage is the best you can be as a from before they were born – and from all over sition based on single musical performances – and so were the musicians of the past, cause the world. matched from a number of very different that’s how music has made great leaps for- So Dokkedal and Højland’s first task – in record grooves. And somehow it fits. It’s radical ward, caught up with the times, even let us get the beginning together with Martin Fernando juxtaposition and recontextualisation. Beautiful a glimpse of the future. Jakobsen who was part of the initial phase of Frankenstein songs. Perfectly shaped Dada. So. Consider the times we in. Everybody the project – was one of searching, digging, Pan global pop art. Sonic archaeology. Folk is soaked in music history and the vast expan- downloading and listening. They spent months music of the future. A trans global, time warped ses of recorded music are accessible to common and months in the abstract caskets of our band of supposed strangers, sounding sur- woman and man. We are possibly witnessing the bottomless online-treasure trove and the very prisingly like they are from a splintered family most monumental change in music culture since real crates of second-hand record shops. The finally being reunited. A Swedish guitarist joins recording equipment came around. It hasn’t just goal being to dig as deep as possible in order to hands with a French clarinettist, a Lebanese transformed us into curators in our own YouTube recover obscure vinyl gems. string section and a Greek singer. museums, with our personally tailored Spotify The next task was one of listening and edit- Den Sorte Skole matched harmonics, playlists, it has changed the way we listen to ing: They tested for loops and listened intensely melodies and rhythms from many different music and perceive history and geography. for those very rare spots on a recording where sources, so what you will listen to is gatherings Everyone – at least in the Western world – the , synth or piano stands out naked from of musicians playing in entirely fictitious rooms has the perfect tools for dealing with this. Some other instrumentation, where a vocal flows free- across time, space, nationality, genre, religion, by clicking more passively through libraries of ly or the drummers enter into a break in solitary culture – based on more than 10.000 sam- sonic memory, others by interacting through confinement. They sampled all these parts and pled pieces of sound lifted off more than 250 , mash-ups and sampling. categorized them in an enormous archive. The different original songs from 51 countries on six end result: An immense archaeological library continents. A Turkish rock band finds comfort in So why not approach music in a modern of instruments and musicians at their disposal. the company of Italian, American and Scottish creative way, utilizing the tools at your finger- Then began the herculean task of actually drummers, a Moroccan string section, a singer tips? Why not dissect, copy-paste, edit, re-edit, making Lektion III. It was the task of exploring from The Bahamas and thunder from Brazil.


Finally, they bought the original vinyl records, amounts of uploaded music. And blog sites compositions would not have come into exis- become part of the vernacular up here). Sample this, sample that copyright restrictions, without prejudice. whenever the original source they had been like Blogger also freaked out and closed many tence if it wasn’t because of the kind of access There is after all no way around the fact that ”That doesn’t hold up in court when you sample working on was an mp3. And if that proved accounts. This meant that the music bloggers that these blogs granted back then. these gentlemen come from Copenhagen, The art of sampling is the foundation of Lektion ABBA’s “Dancing Queen”, so the album was impossible they had help from music lovers all lost their cyber warehouses and the contents After 19 January 2012, it would’ve been im- Denmark. But the general mind set is that all III, ain’t about it. It’s the proud tra- called back and destroyed. And it was. over the world who recorded and uploaded of them. possible for anyone to make Lektion III without music is created equal, and that there is no dition of collage turned into sonic surgery of It’s also worth noting the significance of their vinyl records in high sound quality. Among the notable music blogs were Holy an insane budget that would allow for buying such thing as an epicentre of global culture. molecular precision. Musicians today are kings epochal records of the mid 1990’s: British Granted, there have been compromises. Warbles, which like many other blogs linked to countless out of print and super rare records as Lektion III is detonated from all over the map in of control in a way that could Portishead’s Dummy (1994) and Tricky’s Simon Dokkedal was born in 1979 and Martin Megaupload and thousands of from well as huge research capacities of an institu- a lateral and decentralized orgy of sound. And only dream of (“Machines have less problems”, (1995) and American DJ Shadow’s Højland in 1980, and not all sample sources especially, what we in the west call, The Third tional scale. it’s certainly not subscribing to as he said) when he and his employees sampled, Endtroducing... (1996). date back to before those days. They didn’t World. And we’re not talking the current K-pop Dokkedal and Højland did it before the a marketing label, as it emerged at a meeting treated and recontextualised Campbell’s soup The two former founding artists manage to find or couldn’t afford to buy all the of Seoul or the latest South-African house mu- great firestorm of the music blogs; with a grand on 29 June 1987 at The Empress of Russia. cans or images of Marilyn Monroe and Elvis understood how to employ a single sample recordings on vinyl. And they have also added sic, but records that have been out of print for sense of timing they secured the realization of After the success of Paul Simon’s 1986 Presley. There’s a precision in the tech of today with strong emotional impact inside quite a some bass synth of their own onto a few tracks. years, even decades. Impossible to find or very their time space collapse royale. album Graceland, this pub housed a that probably wouldn’t interest the Dadaist traditional song structure. The latter was a But Lektion III is an uncompromising work in its expensive to buy from collectors on eBay. In meeting of independent record executives and movement, the great re-inventors of collage. full-blown sampler work. Stretching the impor- own right, a fully realized idea of a world with other words, music that was lost to the public. journalists with a genuine interest in music from But the pop artists and Dadaists are none the tance of finding the right vinyl, the cover even no boundaries and no distances, of imaginary And now lost again. “In a very real sense, Fourth World Music outside the European and American cultures less ancestors of sampled music. showing a vinyl record store. Those were the bands in ecstatic collapses of space and time. it’s like the Library of Alexandria burning down – and in selling it. Unfortunately, the meeting And certainly there are also examples of days before the broadly available Internet, and x 1,000. Or 10,000. No one really knows,” the Lektion III is true world music – in the more orig- resulted in a marketing label that suggests that great samplerdelic music before Den Sorte DJ Shadow aka Josh Davis told me back then music blogger, Bodega Pop, wrote eight days inal sense of the term that was coined by the Western culture is in the centre of the universe Skole. American hip hop took up the gaunt- about his favourite record store, which hede- The great copyright firestorm after the takedown. German composer Georg Capellen in 1906. looking out upon the remaining world. Ever let during the 1980’s, culminating late in the clined to name. Instead telling me about climb- Other music blogs came close to being He called it “weltmusik” and imagined the mu- since then “world music” has thus meant music decade with the arrival of potent and cheap ing through mountains of records in the cellar Lektion III is not only a time and space eradicated in the great copyright firestorm. sic of the Orient and the Occident combined. from outside the Western world. digital samplers. Just listen to the overpowering of the store, once even finding a bat skeleton. oddity, it’s also a strange specimen in the Amongst others, The Vault: Japanese Music Den Sorte Skole has of course widened Maybe the best description of Lektion assault of the senses of The Bomb Squad’s pro- DJ Shadow created the album in a time that evolution of recorded history. And it could not Junkies Unite housing more than 5,000 obscure their scope to an entirely pan-global outlook, III is “Fourth World Music”, a term coined by ductions on the classic Public Enemy albums today might seem limited both in terms of sam- be made today. Japanese records and tapes that for the most more closely related to when the term became American trumpeter and composer Jon Hassell Yo! Bum Rush the Show (1987) and It Takes a pling sources and the level of technology. But, Traditionally, you can claim that recorded part were completely out of print – and most of English thanks to Robert E. Brown. He was a “‘to describe the possibility of music in global Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back (1988). And, nonetheless Shadow’s groundbreaking melan- history has been evolving towards higher tech- them lost again in the Megaupload takedown. doctor in music ethnology at UCLA after having terms beyond First World, beyond Third World, from the following year, De La Soul’s Three Feet cholic hip hop rock symphonies are relatives nical levels and ever growing possibilities and And there was Madrotter with over 2,000 studied drumming in South India. In 1961, he beyond High-Tech Art classical, beyond pop.’ High and Rising and The Beastie Boys’ Dust of Lektion III – especially when you consider complexities. At least you can argue that the out of print Indonesian records, an invaluable started lecturing at Wesleyan University where He’s described fourth world as an ideal blend Brothers produced Paul’s Boutique, employing Den Sorte Skole’s vinyl archaeology and their hygiene, precision and the constant possibility resource for anyone interested in, maybe he came up with the term “world music”. of traditional music from around the world myriads of sources in ecstatic diverse ways. compositional approach to sampling. of undoing have resulted in quantum levels of carrying out scientific research about the Three decades later at a lecture in Chicago with Western forms and modern electronics, There have also been valuable contributions freedom in the recording process of today. culture of the region. in 1991, he described world music as a micro- forming a kind of contemporary from in the more arty if not avant-garde part of the But Lektion III could not be a project started Another great music blog, Mutant Sounds, cosm and said: “The basic idea is to view mu- ‘unknown and imaginary regions’,” as Richard music scene. Canadian John Oswald has been The Big Chill in 2013. This thorough rifling through and find- has just halted operations this month. While sic, derived from many disparate cultures, from Kadrey writes on Hassell’s homepage. doing it the hard way, on reel-to-reel tape ing inspiration and obtaining knowledge from another prime mover, Ghost Capital, is still a vantage point beyond culture, with the entire It’s music that doesn’t create hierarchies, recorders in his project. As the lawsuits against John Oswald, The JAMs music blogs could not have unfolded today. there, but with a considerable number of world as the receptacle and the human race as but admits to a central perspective – that of A phrase he coined in 1985 where he also and Negativland suggest, it can be a bumpy You see things have changed. The Internet is dead record links. a whole the instigator responsible for the phe- the musicians. described his transformative works as “audio legal ride to sample. not as generous as it used to be. Especially What these bloggers did was just petty theft nomenon of music.” Lektion III is a child of a world the size of piracy”. Amongst others, he rearranged and By the early 1990’s a big chill had cast its not after the FBI closed down the cyberlocker of intellectual property, you might say. Well, ask a dot. There is no distance between countries manipulated music from AC/DC, Tim Buckley spell over the art of sampling music. The final service Megaupload on 19 January 2012, and yourself who has lost anything because of these He also said that music ethnology was the or eras on the Internet. There are still lingual and . The latter treatment result- freeze in hip hop came when the American New Zealand’s police ransacked the mansion of blogs? There’s no money to be made, since study of music anywhere at any time. Which barriers, cultural factors, personal history and ing in the court ordered destruction of the en- rapper did the wrong thing at the Megaupload’s owner, Kim Dotcom the day after. there are no copies in circulation to be sold on could be a perfect description of Lektion III, search algorithms that send us down culturally, tire circulation of his 1989 album Plunderphonic. wrong time, in the year of 1991. Without per- The legality of Dotcom’s operation aside, or offline. Instead, these blogs kept this music only with the addition that in this case it’s nationally and individually influenced paths, The American group Negativland has been mission he sampled the Irish singer- the consequences of the lockdown were accessible to the public. They were invaluable “limited” to recorded music. for sure. But at least in theory, we are living in a making their sound collages for decades, also Gilbert O’Sullivan’s “ (Naturally)” devastating for global music culture. Not only historic, annotated archives, immensely valu- Yes, granted, Lektion III is still made from multicultural world without any kind of distance getting sued by ’s label . on his track “Alone Again”. There was a lawsuit, were every single file (even fully legal ones) able resources for music lovers, ethnologists a Western perspective, and you might also or barriers. Den Sorte Skole tries to put that And British The JAMs – later KLF – declared on and a hammer that came down hard. It was stored on Megaupload’s servers impounded, and cultural historians. notice that many of the foundational loops are into practice. their album 1987 (What The Fuck Is Going On?) the judge Kevin Thomas Duffy who slammed it the other major cyberlocker services such as And Den Sorte Skole depended heavily European, American or Jamaican (an island (1987): “All sounds on this recording have been down in court, and ordered the entire circu- Rapidshare, MediaFire or Depositfiles panicked, on blogs like these during their research for which has had such a fundamental impact on captured by The JAMs in the name of Mu. lation of the album I Need A Haircut featuring fearing legal repercussions and erased huge Lektion III, and their transglobal, time zapping the northern hemisphere, that is has almost We hereby liberate these sounds from all “Alone Again” destroyed.


That was the most radical verdict in the history stories. In the global village, the world is our In 2005, a final nail was hammered in you are showing the greatest respect for the music that has by now soaked and changed guide is also a homage to some of the most of hip hop, even overshadowing the out of court heritage and every song has the potential the coffin that currently contains the art of music you deal with. Because you treat it our culture. Our everyday tools are the amazing important contributors to Lektion III – complete settlement De La Soul made “only” paying for local adaptation. American sampling. The U.S. Court of Appeals actively, filter it through your temperament and cut-edit-and-paste machines at our fingertips, with mini portraits of the artists and of the $ 1,700,000 for the uncleared sampling of for The Sixth Circuit determined that it was invest your personality in it. There is nothing and our natural resources are the access to records that deliver the most imposing, even The Turtles’ “You Showed Me” on their illegal to sample when the hip hop outfit N.W.A. as deadly for the life of music than too much massive amounts of culture. And this isn’t only foundational samples of the compositions. “Transmitting Live From Mars” offThree Feet The Second Enclosure sampled less than two seconds from the intro to respect for its history. a practical dimension of how music is being They deserve the attention and the credit. High and Rising. That’s $ 141,666.67 per sam- Funkadelic’s ”Get Off Your Ass and Jam”. Three “Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal,” created in many a youngster’s room. It’s also So, come on, dive in, suspend the disbelief pled second, thank you very much. The copyright law tells us otherwise. For many notes and they were out – even though they had the legendary composer Igor Stravinsky said. the virtual reality we breathe in, where infor- and sample the world of Den Sorte Skole with But, it all contributed to the big chill that decades we’ve experienced what the American pitched the sample to a different key and mixed “Thou shalt not steal” the judge in the milestone mation comes at us in enormous amounts and an open mind. Good luck. was cast and is still in effect today. Almost professor of law, James Boyle calls The Second it deep down into a short part of “100 Miles and sample case of Gilbert O’ Sullivan versus Biz at lightning speed. The creative act of dealing from one day to another the carefully crafted Enclosure Movement. “It sounds grandiloquent Runnin’”. You have to listen real hard to spot it. Markie said. with this overwhelming aspect of our lives of myriads of samples disappeared from hip hop. to call it ‘the enclosure of the intangible com- The verdict effectively meant – and still So you wanna approach our musical com- course has massive artistic relevance. Ralf Christensen Naming their next album De La Soul Is Dead mons of the mind,’ but in a very real sense that means – that you have to get permission for the mons as if they were exactly that? You want Just like when Andy Warhol appreciated and Copenhagen, April 2013 was a way of putting it for the New York trio. is just what it is. True, the new state-created smallest, most insignificant, even almost inau- them to be a common good, a collective imag- dealt with the emergence of mass media and While Beastie Boys instead started playing property rights may be ‘intellectual’ rather than dible sound byte you use on a release in USA. inary field of cultural heritage we should all consumer culture in his works. He was sued for — rock instruments on their follow-up to Paul’s ‘real,’ but once again things that were formerly Every sampled sound has to be cleared with the be able to enjoy and actively relate to – as it’s his creative theft and modifications of other Boutique, which is estimated to contain around thought of as either common property or non owner’s of the copyright. been the case all the way down through most of people’s photos. But his pop art proved to Knowledge is spread quite freely and rather unevenly 300 samples. Paul’s Boutique now stands as commodifiable are being covered with new, or In Den Sorte Skole’s home country, musical history? Forget it! survive and influence our times much more online. Here’s some of the sources of information that a classic in hip hop. newly extended, property rights,” he writes in his Denmark, the only sampling case that ever Why didn’t Den Sorte Skole just clear all than the originals. Consider that for a second. have helped me in my research: So you wanna sample a piece of popular 2003 article The Second Enclosure Movement reached a verdict was in 2011. The Danish outfit the samples in advance, you might ask? Well, And, add to that the fact that this has also been The music bloggers of Mutant Sounds, Ghost music, huh? You wanna comment on our culture and The Construction of The Public Domain. Djuma Soundsystem was found guilty of illegally they actually approached the Danish branch the case with sampler music works from Public Capital and Bodega Pop. The writers at, and history, discuss it, juxtapose or recontextu- The first enclosure movement started in the 17th sampling Turkish Attilla Engin’s song “Turkish of IFPI – the International Federation of the Enemy, Beastie Boys, De La Soul and DJ Shadow. and Wikipedia. And the authors of sleeve notes alise it, bring it into a modern setting where century when the commons of Great Britain got Showbiz” on their track “Les Djinns”, and they Phonographic Industry – and asked for So the question is simple: Are the works of on the following records: it becomes something different, reflecting upon privatized and enclosed, marking the beginning were ordered to pay around €135,000 in a collective clearance of all the samples used Lektion III transformative? Have they com- Hathor (France 1973), In My Own Time (USA 1971), our time in an unexpected way? You wanna of the industrialisation of farming. damages and legal costs to the rights holders. on Lektion III. IFPI refused, kindly but firmly. posed something new out of something old? 3 Hürel (Turkey 1976), Percussions In Colors (Japan stand on the shoulders of giants as the In the immaterial realm the second The trial has been followed by a non-disclosed Instead, Den Sorte Skole was asked to clear all Or are they just copying mindlessly, replicating 1978), Urværk, Noir, Blau (Denmark 1974), Pioneers – The Isaac Newton put it in the 17th century, when he enclosure has had real effects on creativity: settlement, but the harshness of the original ver- the samples individually. the sin of lesser artists as Stravinsky pointed Beginning of Danish (Denmark 2008), explained how he had been able to see further Characters from hundreds of year old fairy dict and the lack of understanding of the art of So why didn’t they do that, you might ask? out. Well, I’ll let you answer that question your- Black is the Color of My True Love’s Hair (USA 2009). than most? You wanna see further too, thanks tales have been trademarked by Disney, and sampling in the courtroom can prove to be quite Because, it’s close to impossible. Or rather: It self, dear reader. to the cultural and scientific heritage we all the copyright protection term for music is being discouraging for any sample artist in Denmark. would cost a lot of money, maybe millions of Thank you. stand upon? Forget it! extended all the time both in the USA and the dollars. And it might take a decade to find the It’s also worth noting that the artists and EU, effectively preventing important works from rights holders and negotiate the deals. Dive in, keep track the rights holders who sue people for sampling entering the public domain, for example the Keep calm and keep the iron shirts on There are three types of rights holders on their music, are creators of or in possession performances of Elvis Presley. any sample: Those respectively owning the So here we are. Faced with an uncompromising of music that has done exactly the same thing Even the songs of left-wing folk singer-song- This is the copyright climate that Den Sorte rights to the composition, the recording and the work of sampler art. Super detailed and grand – just with different equipment and in different writer Woody Guthrie are now owned by a pub- Skole are operating in, and in the face of this record in question that it’s released on. If there scale samplerdelica. A testament to a blog ways. lishing firm – although Guthrie once modified they have just kept calm and kept their iron happens to be words on the sample or many culture that is lost. And a sublime Babylon of Rolling Stones stole from , and so did the copyright in a songbook from the late shirts on. They don’t hide their sources of or writers of the sampled work it instruments and voices, if you ask me. . Grunge bands lifted from Black 1930’s: “This song is Copyrighted in U.S., under sampling on Lektion III. It’s all listed, it’s all will multiply the rights holders accordingly. And It’s hard to keep track of what is what Sabbath and Pixies. Elvis Presley stole from Seal of Copyright #154085, for a period of 28 commented, because they believe that music is then some rights holders might even say no to on Lektion III. But in the track notes, I’ll try to rhythm and blues artists, and Woody Guthrie years, and anybody caught singin’ it without something to be shared, altered and re-created granting the rights, or ask for a five or six figure help you, guiding you through each track as from Leadbelly. Stravinsky transmitted folk our permission, will be mighty good friends of – that sampling is also a tribute to the artists compensation and even 50% of the royalties, they progress – with a great amount of insider music through his compositions, and so did ourn, cause we don’t give a dern. Publish it. being sampled, and that they will also benefit quite a normal demand in these cases. With knowledge dropped by the executors them- Beethoven. And Bach rearranged Vivaldi. Write it. Sing it. Swing to it. Yodel it. We wrote it, from being sampled. That was certainly the easily more than ten different sample sources selves, Den Sorte Skole. Why should we not interact with our that’s all we wanted to do.” case when James Brown’s dwindling career was on most tracks offLektion III, try doing the mul- It is Martin Højland and Simon Dokkedal’s heritage and modify what is being thrown at The current owners of the rights to Guthrie’s revived thanks to widespread sampling espe- tiplying math on that kind of royalty demand. firm belief that the sampled artists on Lektion us? Like people used to do when travelling songs disagree. And, so do many other rights cially in the 1980’s. What exactly is lost if we prohibit these III are being paid respect through the sampling musicians brought new music to our villages, holders, defending their copyright as if it was You could also argue that by appropriating creative criminals from doing their dirty deeds, – and it is their hope that people will dig deeper where the folk songs were adapted and material property that you could steal and thus and crossbreeding the hell out of music and you might also ask? Well, for one this album into the careers of these artists, inspired by the customized to the local circumstances and make disappear. thus creating something fresh and personal, obviously. And, in general a new way of making present album. So the following track-by-track



PART A . TRACK 01 as an unshaven, yet angelic presence under Dub details from UK/Ghanesian dub collective the roof of a giant song. African Head Charge and a distorted electric Texier was a French bassist, who played guitar break up the conversation and push RIFORME with Don Cherry and also was a member of the Riforme towards a new orchestral build up. psych/folk/prog rock band Total Issue. On his The curtain rises and the very first sample solo debut album, he explores bowed droning The electric guitar stems from the song “Send gives birth to the name of the first track: The double bass, folk melodies, improvisations It For Tomorrow” from the band Tobruk. A band Italian composer Piero Umiliani’s (1926-2001) and his own voice. formed by a bunch of Brazilians who usually piece “Riforme” from his 1974 album Mondo called themselves Light Reflections. But, they Inquieto builds an epic tension and a majestic A mist of flute and strings spread around the released their 1972 psych rock album Ad Lib promise with its droning, as well as signature vocals of Henri Texier. under the name Tobruk. Brian Anderson was melodic strings. The instruments are lifted off a piece of the songwriter and lead singer of the band ac- The title of Umiliani’s album – meaning female Japanese acid folk from the 1976 album cording to the credits on the vinyl album cover, restless world – seems to suggest the scope of Mother Sky – Morita Doji’s second album. Doji but his real name was Andre Barbosa Filho. Den Sorte Skole’s album: To create a Babylon of (born 1952) retired already in 1983, after releas- And, that was not the only longing for American sound and references, but also to impose a new ing seven albums in eight years. But here she’s culture: The songs were all sung in English as kind of order and communication in this chaos. back as a melancholic ghost – in the shape opposed to the ongoing Tropicalia movement Even the cover of Umiliani’s album might of the track “Best Spring”– creating an air of in their home country. tell us what they are also aiming for. On ground longing and of an opening out to a larger space level, under a heavily barbed wired fence, we surrounding the track. Drums courtesy of Polish drummer Czeslaw see a plane leaving an enclosed area: Sample Bartkowski enforce the build up, and then artists leaving behind the restrictions of original The whole, vast symphony of samples evapo- Riforme breaks down into an indefinable eerie recordings thanks to modern day technology. rates, sort of takes off into the distance, jungle of digital insects, machine birds and Umiliani performs here under the pseudonym and a lute takes over together with a deep actual animals – built out of German/Austrian M. Zalla, and in his heyday was an accom- droning bass changing the mood of the open- band Co-mix’s tropical pet shop sounding plished composer of film scores – like his more ing track. A darker more haunting presence synth, a field recording from Amazonas by famous colleague Ennio Morricone, though in lets itself be known. Brazilian band Ney Matogrossa and a space a slightly more sleazy direction, nevertheless synth from the legendary Italian sound exper- exploring the possibilities of merging and The lute is lifted from a collaboration between imentalist Sermonizer. Finally Riforme tran- classical in new ways. Be it in a spaghetti the French singer (born 1939), scends into a dreamy airy space where chimes western or a soft porn movie. her long time musical partner sprinkle their glass snow over the track. and Art Ensemble of Chicago around the album Riforme (Den Sorte Skole’s track) is based Comme à la Radio from 1969. Fontaine was The chimes are taken from “Aurore”, on a symphonic foundation, and builds higher, an important figure in the French underground. a song from French Igor Wakhevitch’s 1973 furthering the symphony with additionally She crossed boundaries and explored poet- album Hathor – Liturgie Du Souffle Pour La epic samples. After the opening, a male choir ry, ignoring the demand for rhyming. And on Resurrection Des Morts. Wakhevitch (born 1948) from German band Popol Vuh emerges in the this album she, along with her collaborators, was a student of both the great composer background together with strings from Italian connected to music from North Africa and the Olivier Messiaen and of the pioneer of musique composer Egisto Macchi as well as strings Middle East. concrète, Pierre Schaeffer. As a teenager, he and rhythm guitar from the German folk singer It’s the lute of Albert Guez that is subtracted won first prizes both for his piano playing and Sibylle Baier. from the track “Tanka 1” and from the wildly for his musical analysis (in Messiaen’s class). innovative equations of a lady and her conspir- He had his formative years during the Then a male voice carries Riforme onto ators who created a weird, expansive, genre de- rebellion, especially the May 1968 riots a different plain, expanding the composition fying bird in French pop with Comme à la Radio. and protests. The transgressive culture of the horizontally. The sample is from Henri Texier’s Fontaine continued doing so for decades and era was a creative fuel as was the influence of solo debut album Amir (1976). In one of many has collaborated with musicians like , English psychedelic and out- following cases of incisive sonic surgery, Den Sonic Youth, Archie Shepp, Grace Jones and fits of the late 1960’s like and Soft Sorte Skole has only borrowed the voice from Jean-Claude Vannier. Machine. Early on, Wakhevitch mixed mystic, the title track of his album. They’ve time- occult, spiritual ideas into his music, here on stretched, layered and pitched it; recast it Hathor being inspired by Kabbalistic writings.


In the final minute of Riforme it’s the chimes of It was released in 666 copies by the French “Someday” from the band’s 1971 album, Especially in the 1980’s, Palma became very Dewey Corley & Walter Miller and a synth bass- As the beat drops we are suddenly in the Wakhevitch’s composition that visit upon our label Bain Total and consisted of tracks Etcetera. Laghonia was a part of the Peruvian popular in the singjay-style, combining singing line from Italian composer Stelvio Cipriani. Himalayas. Male and female singers merge ears and tickle our imagination. with titles such as “Anal Rape”, “Death psychedelic/prog rock scene of the late 1960’s and toasting in intoxicating forms. The name surprisingly seamless with the dubby groove, By Cunnilingus” and “Hydrobeast Cock /early 1970’s – a surprisingly fertile scene in of the style itself indicates the vocal dexterity The horns are taken from the track “Jo Joe” from even surfing like mad decent deejays on the Decapitation Machine”. which Laghonia played an important role. With required to succeed: A singer and a deejay Thrice Mice’s self-titled album from 1971. A sex- , setting the roof on fire. The imaginary Etcetera, they moved closer to a more complex – which is the local term for a person singing tet from Hamburg out of the German of Formula Dub has exploded PART A . TRACK 02 The American band Satya Sai Maitreya Kali song writing style with influences from bands or toasting to , Jamaican and progressive jazz-rock scene, they played beyond its Jamaican origins, delivering a mingles in with a guitar in the background like King Crimson and Jethro Tull. tracks – combined in one. melodic rock songs full of improvisations, sax beautiful example of how the art of sampling at the same time as Tietchens. duets, effects and big horn sections. can make parts of the world, thousand of STAKLENIH Finally, Food and Shelter delivers another The beat of Milo is pieced together from On another not sampled part of “Jo Joe” you kilometres apart, dance with each other. Then come the drums. Samples from the droning layer, a discrete piece of corroded multiple sources: Drums from American mu- can hear the leading soloist Wolfgang Buhre try- The vocal harmonies are from the song Leaving Riforme behind, we move into space American synth punk band Food and Shelter as distorted synth from the track “Surveillance” off sician Little Steven, Food and Shelter again, ing to copy the style of Ian Underwood from The “Kore, kore coat mereya Purana” lifted out of its with a dubby bell from African Head Charge well as a classic have been run their 1984 album Square Dance. An album with Portuguese prog rock band Petrus Castrus and Mothers of Invention – who were an important original context on the 1975 album Festivals of and a cosmic synth from Igra Staklenih Perli. through a sampler for those squeaking effects. catchy pop songs shoulder to shoulder with American soul band Young-Holt Unlimited, source of inspiration in the German under- The Himalayas. This Nonesuch Records release The drumbeat creates a weird blend of time, experiments. Square Dance was chains from Nigerian psych band BLO, ground, especially in krautrock in those days. contains recordings from the festivals of the The latter is a live recording of “Gusterov Trg spaces and non-spaces. A mix of analogue released, not in a cardboard cover, but i speeding car sounds from Belgian composer Indian Himalayas, the Himachal pradesh (Lyzzard Square)” marking the outer limits samples and present day sounding beat pro- a piece of sheet metal. In a radio interview Robert Altaber and a guitar riff from Cuban (province), which, at that time, incorporated of Den Sorte Skole’s second track Staklenih. gramming also expanded by an 8-bit lead synth. in 1984, the lead singer Russel Jessum said legend Arsenio Rodríguez. many distinctive local traditions and more than An ambient travel lifted from a psychedelic/ that during production someone got cut on PART A . TRACK 04 20 dialects. Back then; three million people progressive band from in the former It gets even more layered and heterogeneous the sheet metal and some of the copies were Milo soon makes a sudden break when the lived in this mountainous region the size of Yugoslavia, now . The recording is from when Higelin & Areski lends another sensibility released with blood on them. beat runs into a brief wall of brass built by Switzerland. Soft Explosion Live featuring a performance to the mix in the shape of a melancholic vocal Willie Colon – immediately followed by the FORMULA DUB This song is from a festive wedding at the from 1978 (released in 1991) at the Medical from “Je Veux Des Coupables” off their epony- crazed horns from German jazz rock group big August festival in the town Chamba in the College at Belgrade University. mous 1969 album. Thrice Mice, disturbing the cosy atmos- Triston Palma also opens Formula Dub, this time north-western district of the same name, near Igra Staklenih Perli is Serbian for “The Glass This is a duo comprising of PART A . TRACK 03 phere, sounding like a saxophone chasing a with a bleeping reggae effect. Higelin & Areski Kashmir. The title of the song means “Puran’s Bead Game”, the famous novel by Hermann and Areski Belkacem, the aforementioned mu- chicken for the slaughter. The beat returns and enter with the shakers, while ’s brown coat”, and in the song a girl teases her Hesse, and their music is inspired by psyche- sical partner of Brigitte Fontaine. He plays all an acoustic guitar line – heavily rebuilt courtesy melodic from “Formula Dub” – deliver- friend, Puran, claiming that his coat has many delic and as well as krau- instruments on the album, while Higelin delivers MILO of Den Sorte Skole – accelerate into a frenzied ing the title of this composition – is reproduced skipped stitches due to a greasy sewing ma- trock. Founded in 1976, the band gained a cult his voice, including the hoarse vocal here. dialogue with itself. by Den Sorte Skole. And with this an imaginary, chine. The song is old, but here, it is performed following in Belgrade thanks to their concerts at The songs are sad and deal with dehu- Milo opens with spacey bleeps trailing off into expansive and wildly inclusive sound system by a young band that uses – for this region – the Studentski Kulturni Centar, a youth cultural mization and lack of communication. On this the distance from Swedish Ståålfågel and The guitar is lifted from Celina Gonzáles kicks into gear. exotic instruments such as maraca and harmo- mainstay during the communist era. So here we sample, he sings, “Nous sommes très fatigue” a classic reggae dub effect from Triston Palma (born 1928) and her 1982 album Yo Soy El nium, usually found on the plains of the south. have an aura of youthful hippiesque resistance – “we are very tired.” (born 1962). Palma’s voice follows and leads us Punto Cubano, more specifically from the song Hudson (1946-84) was known as “The Dark opening Staklenih. all the way to the heavy drop where the beat “Paisajes Naturales”. Gonzáles is little known Prince of Reggae” for his tight, stripped down In between the vocal parts of Formula Dub Then – two thirds into the track – Staklenih takes slams together with a piano loop also borrowed outside of her native , but has been riddims, centred around the groove of the bass a towering Indian horn rises and shimmers, A centre and a driving force emerge in the yet another turn with a subtle piano piece from from the Jamaican singer/deejay. around since the 1940’s and is considered one and the drum. He was an important figure in the and reaches for the farthest perimeters of this song with a sturdy guitar loop around which American composer Pierre Raph and acoustic of the greatest vocalists in Afro-Cuban music. development of dub music, working with great dubby transnational cosmos. , Nepal the Yugoslavian synth circles still faster, like guitar samples from the French bass player The Palma samples are taken from “Time Is So She and her husband Reutillio Dominguez toasters and singers such as Delroy Wilson and and India in the house. All at once. a fly to a light. The sample is lifted off “Tina, Ich Henri Texier’s album Amir. Hard” off his 1982 albumShow Case in a Roots gained a considerable following outside Cuba, U-Roy. He produced his first record at the age It’s from the 1963 soundtrack to the Indian Liebe Sie” from the German avant-garde musi- Radics . The Jamaican reggae but were prevented from performing interna- of 14. After finishing school, he started an ap- movie Leader. An album featuring Mohammad cian Asmus Tietchens (born 1947). The latter is a heavily rebuilt loop where Den singer/deejay started his recording career as tionally after the revolution in 1959. Dominguez prenticeship in dentistry and he used the earn- Rafi (1924-80), considered to be one of the These foundational loops come from Sorte Skole has created a jumpy dialogue be- an eight year old with “Love Is A Message” died in 1971 and Gonzáles continued perform- ings from this to finance recording sessions. greatest Indian playback singers of all time. subversive and noisy origins: The track is from tween several pieces of a guitar solo creating produced by legendary Bunny ‘Striker’ Lee who ing in new constellations, for example with her From ‘72 and onwards he concentrated on Spanning a career of almost five decades, 1984, from the prolific cassette tape compila- a sense of acceleration in the track. See originally helped develop dub music. son Rene Lima’s band, Campo Alegre. his own singing career, releasing dark works he delivered the singing that the actors in tion Sex & Bestiality. Consisting of four cassette Riforme for further info about Texier. The album is mixed and partly recorded such as Entering The Dragon and Flesh Of My Bollywood lip-synced to. He could sing in all tapes in a video box, it gathered some of the in the equally legendary dub inventor King The mood changes towards the end of Milo, Skin, Blood of My Blood (both 1974), albums that India’s national languages and performed finest noise/industrial/avant-garde music of The Peruvian psychedelic progressive folky Tubby’s studio in Kingston, Jamaica. Tubby and leading up to the next composition. The horns earned him his nickname. The sampled track an estimated 26,000 songs heard in at least the time. It was dedicated to Throbbing Gristles rock band Laghonia enters down below with Scientist were among the people doing the from Thrice Mice are back with a sharp hal- “Formula Dub” is from 1981, from the album 76 movies, lending his voice to many famous founder Genesis P. Orridge and the cover image a synthetic organ drone from a time of hippie engineering. lucinatory impact together with a whale-like Playing It Cool & Playing It Right. Indian actors especially in the 1960’s. This peak was of a challenging sexual nature. fantasies and druggy dreams, off the track stretched out vocal sample from American in his career followed a hiatus from music in the


late 1950’s when Rafi believed that singing was PART B . TRACK 05 at Sorbonne University in Paris. Ever since then Damon The Gypsy – as he is also called – goes faithful sideman Lenny Kaye all write about the a heavenly, treated electric guitar, creating a a sin and moved to London. It was his sons who she has been studying, and with great virtu- by the birth name of David DelConte, and his American singer, 12-string guitarist and drifting feeling of deep longing, bridging into persuaded him to go back to recording songs. osity, performing “Oriental” Christian chants record is something of a lost gem, originally player who was part of the 1960’s folk revival the next track Fai Yen. GOLE GANDOM mostly preserved in Greek, Syrian and Arabic released in 1969 and finally re-released in in . Halfway through Formula Dub the track catches manuscripts and through oral tradition, bring- 2005, revealing a beautiful electric psychedelic She came to The Village in the early 1960’s, Karelia is a band led by Paroni Paakkunainen its breath, taking a rhythmical break. A piano We enter the second part of Lektion III with ing about an understanding of the connection folk with Middle-Eastern influences. and she played alongside giants like Bob Dylan and Edward Vasala who mixed local folk music loop emerges amidst a male choir from Popul the sound of footsteps courtesy of Takahashi between the traditions. By that time the original record would be and Fred Neil. Lenny Kaye describes her voice with progressive rock and acid rock – bring- Vuh and dub effects from African Head Charge Mizutani, mysterious leader of the Japanese She is also the founder of L’Instituit offered for as much as $3,000 on eBay. like this: “ much horn as vocal chord, amut- ing Finnish music into the Flower Power era and Igra Staklenih Perli. It’s from the Japanese rock group Les Rallizes Denudes. The Dutch International de Chant Sacré (International ed trumpet or alto saxophone that slid down to- with a vengeance. The guitar sample is from jazz group Count Buffalo & The Jazz Rock group Chris Hinze Combination enters with Institute of Holy Songs) in Paris, focusing on The acoustic guitar loop from Damon is wards the bluish”. It is probably because of her “Surumarssi Optaatus” off their 1971 album Band’s cover version of the traditional English a giant slow motion bass riff hammering research into ancient sacred song. accompanied by rattlesnake percussion from strange singing and her rural twang that she is Suomi Pop 2. folk song “Greensleeves”. vibrating steel poles deep into the track. Scottish musician David MacCallum followed unknown to wider audiences, and because she In this intermezzo, some listeners might be A deep bass texture from English composer by another divinely shrill horn sample from didn’t write her own songs, which was other- reminded of American DJ Shadow’s ground- The bass is taken from the song “I Like To Feed” Colin Towns follows the vocal and a piano Mohammad Rafi and some sneaky percussion wise the brand of the singer- of that breaking 1996 album Endtroducing that also off the 1974 albumSister Slick. The Chris Hinze marks the beginning of the end of the track from Igor Wakhevitch. time. Here her voice is absent, only the violin is PART B . TRACK 07 employed a midnight blue piano in a grand Combination was the main Dutch perpetrator with a descending shimmering melody line. heard, but it lends the aura of a great musician sampled universe. It’s certainly an album and of fusion, and this flamboyantly funky album Then a giant breaks through the underwood. and personality. a turntablist that Den Sorte Skole and Lektion III cemented its position. The piano is taken from “Gole Gandom” from The seven mile high voice built of asphalt, thun- FAI YEN are relating to. The band name derives from the outfit’s 1968, which also lends its title to this track. der and doom is that of legendary Screamin’ Screamin’ Jay then returns to kill it one more flautist, but Den Sorte Skole has isolated anoth- It’s from the American multi-instrumentalist Jay Hawkins (1929-2000). The vocals are lifted time before Den Sorte Skole throws us into Notice how beautifully Karelia’s “Surumarssi The moonlit piano break also opens Formula er instrument, thus creating their own kind of Lloyd Miller’s compilation A Lifetime in Oriental from “(She Put The) Wamee (On Me)” off his another furnace of fury. German artist Günter Optaatus” and its treated electric guitar weave Dub up for Satya Sai Maitreya Kali to enter the fusion when the next sample emerges. Jazz. Dr. Miller (born 1938) is also a scholar, 1954 album Screamin’ The Blues. Maas turns up the heat with electronics sound- into this next track – although there is a change contemplative night mood of this last part. especially within Persian and Afghan music, Hawkins is famous for his savage operatic ing like a tortured just before a terri- of key. It’s as if the entire stereo image looses The drifting male vocal is taken from the Wood percussion from the legendary American receiving a doctorate in from deliverance and demonic theatrical stage pres- fying yet beautiful, scorching violin emerges. a hundred pounds. song “Sam Pan Boat” off the 1972 albumInca . jazz drummer Max Roach enters. Then some the University of Utah. When he was 17-years ence. A man possessed, an early shock rocker. In this context, it has been layered and pitched studio talk from the American band Chameleon old his family moved to Teheran, Iran, but at He studied classical piano as a child, learned This infernal violin sample derives from Fille Qui The first new sample to enter Fai Yen is a guitar by Den Sorte Skole so that it engages in Church (who had a 24-year old Chevy Chase the age of 18 Miller left for Beirut, Lebanon and to play the guitar in his twenties and wanted to Mousse’s “Antinomique” off their only album loop taken from an old unidentifiable Greek 7” a canon with itself, the singer not only being as a member) creates a totally different sense later for the German jazz scene and nightlife. become an opera singer. Failing this goal, he Trixie Stapleton 291 from 1972. record. Finger picked acoustic guitar at its fin- a tenor, but also transformed into bass bear of space. This space is again immediately He returned to Teheran in 1970 and spent seven became one of the most remarkable soul and It’s a mysterious group from the French est. A cello from Polish jazz band Paradox and and helium mouse. expanded further by strings of Arabic descent years there writing his PhD thesis “Music and rhythm and blues singers of the 20th century, underground of the 1970’s. An experimental a brushed acoustic guitar from the band of Thai The core of Satya Sai Maitreya Kali is circling around the bassline from The Chris Song in Persia” while also studying Persian mu- shaping the to come. His 1956 hit outfit referred to as the “French Faust”, after the singer Ream Daranoi blend in while the French American: Craig Smith (here calling himself Hinze Combination. sic and Iranian folk music under the supervision “I Put A Spell On You” is an all-time classic. krautrock pioneers. They were also a leftwing theatre group Chêne Noir brings an angelic Maitreya Kali) worked together with Chris Ducey of local masters. collective in Paris and released their only album female choir and a synth deep into the mix. to create sunny psychedelic folk music full of It’s one of those moments where the collapse of Hawkins’ singing and screaming and some gui- through the label Futura that unfortunately ran wide-eyed hallucinations and dreams of peace time and space, tradition and geography is the tar riffs blend perfectly with the driving rhythm into financial trouble. So, only ten to twelve Shortly after Cyril Diaz & His Orchestra follows and spiritual flights. most fascinating. Across thousands of kilo- group built from drum and percussion sam- copies were released. Until the late 1990’s when with a sampling of a wavy male choir from the Earlier on, Smith wrote songs for The metres, two decades and extreme differences in PART B . TRACK 06 ples from British soul band The Foundations, CD versions started to emerge. track “Voodoo” off the 2011 compilation EPCyril Monkees, Andy Williams and Glen Campbell culture, these two sampled instruments merge Nigerian afrobeat legend Fela Kuti, American Diaz & His Orchestra. and used his song writing royalties to travel the together in a crystal clear embrace – the Dutch latin and soul band Pucho & The Latin Soul Another drum sample from Czeslaw Bartkowski Diaz is from Trinidad where he was a well world and finance the release of the two Satya bass and the Lebanese strings shedding light on DID YOU EVER Brothers, Jamaican reggae band Twinkle adds to the slightly medieval orchestral feel established tenor sax player, inspired by Sai Maitreya Kali albums Apache and Inca. You each other, back and forth in time and space. Brothers and the Australian band Melissa. of this passage before Damon’s rhythm guitar Coleman Hawkins, doing instrumental calypso can even hear some spaced out field record- We move into the treacherous underwood of and Lloyd Miller’s piano return. recordings and backing all the top calypso ings and talks from these travels between the The strings and the ensuing majestic solo the blues, with foreign influences shining like A percussive break follows and then Karen A few seconds later Did You Ever takes musicians. He left Trinidad in 1962 for USA and songs. On the cover of Inca they thank “Lord vocal are from the opening song “Magnificat” knives of sunlight between the tree trunks. Dalton comes around with a violin sample yet another turn: Damon’s rhythm guitar lets then Canada, and stayed a defender of the and Lady Lennon” as well as Neill Young (their on Soeur (or Sister) Marie Keyrouz’ album bringing a folky feeling of rural America into go and is replaced by a handpicked acoustic roots of the calypso tradition. misspelling). Cantiques de L’Orient. The title of this track stems from the opening the song. It’s lifted from “Katie Cruel” from the guitar loop from Turkish singer-songwriter On this recording from 1959, originally Again Stelvio Cipriani adds the bass foun- She was born in 1963 in Lebanon and raised sample, the foundational loop created from now widely praised album In My Own Time Selda. Her countrymen in Okay Temiz bring released on the album Caribbean Cruise With dation and Formula Dub ends in a dreamy gui- in the Maronite Church, an Eastern form of the a rhythm guitar off the lost and found album from 1971. The authors of the cover notes from some muted electric guitar riffs into the mix The Cyril Diaz Orchestra, he drew on Haitian tar solo also borrowed from Satya Sai Maitreya Catholic Church. In 1991 she earned a joint Song of a Gypsy by American Damon. the re-release speak for themselves: Nick and Colin Towns adds a deep bass texture. tradition, the voodoo culture of Haiti sharing Kali’s “Sam Pan Boat”. doctorate in musicology and anthropology Cave, Devendra Banhart and Patti Smith’s On top of this, the Finnish group Karelia plays similarities with Trinidad’s shango worship.


The American ensemble Elisabeth Waldo Group The drummer of the legendary Japanese PART B . TRACK 09 Brazilian singer-songwriter Guilherme beat as if it was one drummer handling one PART C . TRACK 10 furthers the conversation with violin and percus- instrumental rock guitarist Takeshi Terauchi Lamounier almost immediately blends in with . But it’s not. It’s the beating of several sive elements before the unknown Greek delivers adds drums to Ream Daranoi’s singing, thus some finger snapping shortly before Indonesian drum kits by different hands, people, sticks, a full-blown Greek theme on the nation’s own completing the border crossing sample mania OVERTIME singer and band Waldjinah & Orkes Bintang sensibilities, in different ages and from a variety TOMTEN string instrument, the bouzouki. A theme worthy of this track. Surakarta enters with flute and song – creating of countries. The samples for this Frankenstein of the master composer Mikis Theodorakis with Overtime kicks off with knives and an acoustic a strange, haunting feeling of an Asian lady drum kit are from seven sources: Australian The third part of Den Sorte Skole’s adventure its jagged, playful melodic verve. guitar dancing a dark ominous dance. It’s the singing the blues. jazz band Galapagos Duck, American multi-in- opens with a romantic quirky two minute piece sound of blades of steel sliding against each strumentalist Abner Jay, American bands Roky with an acoustic guitar loop all the way through. Fai Yen then takes a jazzy twist with acoustic PART B . TRACK 08 other. Usually not a very pleasing sound, but British composer Simon Boswell joins in with Erickson And The Aliens and Stained Glass, It comes from the Swedish band Hot Boys and and brushed drum skins and the horns here it becomes an efficient rhythmical tool. some deep strings and Guinea’s all-female American rhythm and blues singer Jimmy their song “Tomten” off their 1974 albumVarma of Paradox mingling with electric guitar chords The sample is taken from the 1981 piece group Les Amazones de Guinée creates an Hughes and again BLO and Les Baxter, Smörgåsar. And the entirety of Den Sorte Skole’s and smoky vocal samples from krautrock CERVELLO “Pas De Cadeau” from the French musical col- electric guitar break in Waldjinah’s singing. track is in the time signature of 3/4. pioneers Can. lective Un Drame Musicale Instantané. Founded A little later, German synth experimentalist This bundle of rhythmic nerves creates a feeling Hot Boys is centred around the poet Thomas The opening, foundational loop here is built in 1976 by Jean-Jaques Birgé, Bernard Vitet and Conrad Schnitzler delivers a synthetic bassline. of a slyly syncopated collective, of a large Tidholm, best known for his writing, but here The Can samples are taken from the song from the band Cervello’s “Scinsione (T.R.M.)” off Francis Gorgé and focusing on collective cre- gathering weighing in. A feeling that is being hooking up with members of the bands Träd “She Brings The Rain”, not the version from the the album Melos. ation and on constant renewal of the concert Then, Munir Bashir grabs his oud and blows a furthered when Old Regular Baptists start sing- gräs och stenar (Trees, grass and stones) and 1970 album Soundtracks, but a version record- Cervello was an Italian prog rock band from form. They have mixed acoustic and electronic gust of traditionalist Iraqi desert wind into Den ing their haunting and building choir of “I Am a Arbete & fritid (Work & free time) for an album ed two years earlier later brought to the public Naples featuring saxophones, flutes, bass, instruments, some of them homemade, such Sorte Skole’s bricolage universe. This sinewy oud Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow.” of folk-rock and about a long lost . on the mysterious release Zhengzheng Rikang. drums and vocals. Their music was influenced as a huge using frying pans and flower solo from Bashir (1930-97) is sampled from “Du’a The song is from the album Classic Can was a Cologne based band founded by Mediterranean folk, and had a clear original pots as a keyboard, a trumpet made of reed, – Invocation” off his 1995 albumMéditations . Mountain Songs from Smithsonian Folkways, a The following uplifting yet blue piano chords are in 1968, working with a spontaneous approach flavour with no less than four separate flautists. plexiglass flutes, a fire organ and of course The Iraqi virtuoso introduced the oud – collection of mountain ballads from communi- also sampled from Hot Boys, and they mark the to music, drawing inspiration from especially Melos from 1973 was a concept album based knives. Gorgé left the outfit in 1992, but Vitet a string instrument similar to the lute – as ties of North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee. change just before four layers of samples drop Frank Zappa in USA, but creating their own on Greek mythology, and it became Cervello’s and Birgé are still fully operational as a duo a solo instrument to Western audiences and The Old Regular Baptists is also a Christian simultaneously. This completely undermines atmospheric slightly psychedelic, jazzy and only release. They broke up the same year. Here working with a great number of collaborators. also spent his life documenting, preserving and denomination based mainly in the coal- the romantic Swedish waltz that sounds like it’s later also funky krautrock. They have since they are, reunited in digital fiction by Den Sorte defending his musical heritage – also fighting mining country of the Southern Appalachian dragged down into an eerie treacherous under- reformed twice and the core members Holger Skole. Cut up, looped and pitch bent into a The handpicked acoustic guitar dancing with against the misrepresentation of it. Mountains of USA. They perform lined-out, world. Where it stays for the rest of this track. Czukay, and , all haunted echo chamber full of aural confusion. the knives in a jumpy feisty loop is from the Bashir was born into a family of musicians non-instrumental, congregational hymnodies – still interact with forward thinking musicians of song “Overtime” from the American folk/blues and his father started teaching him to play the a type of song written for praise or prayer. The first of the four samples: P.L.J. Band lends today. It’s their second lead singer Pedro Santos’ splashes water into the mix with singer-songwriter Malvina Reynolds (1900-78). oud when he was five. One year later, he was Old Regular Baptists’ singing is considered the title words from “I See People” off their 1982 who sings here. “Áqua Viva” from the 1968 album Krishnanda. A song released for the first time in 2007 sent to the Music Institute of Bagdad where he the oldest English-language religious music in album Armageddon. This album is considered Santos Rio (1919-93) was a percussionist, com- although originally written in March 1977 in found his passion for the traditional music of oral tradition in . some of the best Greek prog rock ever. Then, Ream Daranoi of Thailand returns, this poser and inventor of percussive instruments support of a bill introduced in the California his home country. They certainly add a feeling of a long lost It’s an electric and acoustic mix of folk and time with her alluring vocals in full bubbling who created a wildly unclassifiable album full Assembly, outlawing mandatory overtime. In 1953, he moved to Beirut where he America to the mix, and it’s also interesting rock, and only 300 copies exist now, due to the bloom lifted from the song “Fai Yen” off the com- of Brazilian tradition and innovative percussion In her lifetime, Reynolds was an intense soon accompanied the legendary Lebanese to hear how their strangely jubilant sadness fact that the album was immediately forbidden pilation The Sound of Siam – Luk Thung, influenced by African tradition. political activist and artist raging against eco- singer Fairuz. In the early 1960’s, he moved starts soaking this track while the choir ex- in Greece because of its blasphemous lyrics. Jazz and Molam from Thailand 1964 -1975. It’s a wildly bubbling piece of original pop logical disaster (ahead of her time) and human to Budapest and studied at the Franz Liszt pands from the male opening choir to include All albums were ordered destroyed, and when It’s from a time when Thai musicians drew even by the standards of this era when the conformity, dreaming of bankers and diplomats Conservatory, later earning a doctorate in the female singers. it was re-released it was based on a vinyl re- inspiration from Western sources, especially Brazilian Tropicália movement was realizing going to war, praising the Black Panther Party. musicology. He returned to Bagdad in 1973 cord, since the master tapes were also lost. jazz, surf rock, but also from the music of Latin their creative cannibalism by crossing national She had a heart of gold and songwriting of steel. when the Iraqi Ministry of Information appoint- Shankar Jaikishan enters to finish Overtime America and Africa. Miming the rapid demo- tradition with foreign influences. Reynolds was mostly known for her song- ed him to its culture committee, but he left for with a haunted sample of horns and strings Belgian jazz rock group Placebo adds a wobbly graphic and cultural change that Thailand writing for others such as Pete Seeger and Harry good in 1991 during the dictatorship of Saddam from “Tere Bina Aag Yeh Chandni” off the bassline to the singing. French prog rock band underwent in this period. Samples of sirens from British band The Belafonte – most famously in recent years for Hussein. He died in Budapest in 1997. 1951 soundtrack Awára. This recording simply Arcane V supplies clarinet and strings. Here, Ream Daranoi does something unu- European Sound Stage Orchestra and New the song “Little Boxes” used as intro music for sounds like spooky old times. sual, as the cover notes reveal: Imitating a hot Zealand’s blues rock band The Human Instinct the TV Series Weeds, sung by a vast array of in- An army of drum kits has been under the knife This Indian duo consisted of Shankar Singh The fourth and final sample in this drop comes and bothered Bollywood songstress. “Fai Yen” as well as percussion from American jazz terpreters during the seasons. Here, her political for the drumbeat that emerges in the middle Raghuvanshi (1922-87) and Jaikishan Dayabhai from the legendary singer Fairuz dropping meaning “Cold Fire”. And she sings (translated): fusion band The Weather Report, French spirit mixed with the sound of knives creates a of Overtime. It’s trademark drum programming Panchal (1929-71). They composed for the Hindi by – but only in spirit, since it is a foundation “Does anyone know about the cold fire, burning bassist Francois Rabbath and American sonic promise – or threat – of political activism. from Den Sorte Skole: Single kick and snare film industry and had their heyday in the 1950’s of strings, not her voice that’s sampled for this at my heart?” composer Les Baxter mark the beginning “Knives out” as Thom Yorke of sings. drum beats, vocal moans, beats on a tambou- and 1960’s. The movie Awára – or The Vagabond occasion. The sample is from “Bessan” off the of the end for Cervello. rine and hand claps are sampled and edited one ­– is a tale of cruel fate and marital disaster and 1972 album Jerusalem In My Heart. by one, and then constructed into a coherent apparently the most watched movie in history.


Nihad Haddad aka Fairuz (born 1935) is a guitar, ukulele, tuba, trombone, harmonium “Sou Triste Por Te Amar” from their 1968 album PART C . TRACK 12 Young-Holt Unlimited delivers a cymbal and a poet – of the satirical kind – himself. It is also Lebanese legend and one of the most admired and many other instruments, even a psalm Os Brasas. Italian library music group I Gres drums for said that as a child, he was very good at imitat- living singers in Arab culture with a wide audi- book. Westrupp’s tuba gains almost hymnal Os Brasas was a Gaucho band from the Den Sorte Skole’s humongous drum pattern ing humans, animals and birds. ence also in the Western world. heights further into Karlchen. pampas of Brazil, originally named The Jetsons HÜREL that thrust a rolling syncopated drive into the She was born into a Syrian Orthodox family, Some of the duo’s most famous songs were and formed by guitarist Luis Vagner Rodrigues track, enforcing the feeling of a huge rock tune As if he just held his tongue for a while, Exuma and entered the Lebanese and Syrian airwaves to be found on Trips und Traume, including in 1960. Inspired like many other young The final track in the third part of Lektion III, throughout. Once again David McCallum adds comes back in singing and swinging again at a time when Egyptian music with songs “Nimm einen Joint, mein Freund” (“Grab a Joint, Brazilians of that time by The Rolling Stones, Hürel, arrives with stomping determination, his rattling percussion to the mix. – before Hürel finishes off with a fertile, pensive around half an hour dominated. Her songs My Friend”) and “Laßt uns auf die Reise gehn” The Beatles and The Kinks. Their debut album but will soon reveal a complexity of strings and entanglement between Turkish and Arabic cul- were much shorter, sweet and composed (“Let’s go on a trip”). Os Brasas was inspired by rock, but also the beats with hundreds of small guitar samples Halfway through, Exuma’s voice tears up the ture in the form of a duet between Archach and by her husband. Latin genre, bolero. It was full of naive romanti- and even more sampled drum beats coming mix with his coarse vocal lifted from “Mama Loi, the Turkish musician Fikret Kızılok. Her career began while Lebanon was Dave Holland Quartet lends the samples for the cism, but also richly layered guitars and vocals. together in an intoxicating mix. Papa Loi” off the eponymous 1970 album. struggling with its newly won independence percussive foundation for the waltz of Witthüser All band members were born in 1948, The song gains a haunted ghostly quality with The acoustic guitar chords are taken from and her career is closely linked to the history + Westrupp. A myriad of percussive elements and went to Sao Paolo as teenagers swiftly The foundational rhythm guitar loop and the his charismatic rusty carburettor of a voice. Kızılok’s song “Güzel Ne Güzel Olmussen” of the country. She refused to take sides in the are sampled from the track “Q & A” off the 1973 making it onto TV and some main venues. sampled guitar riffs and kick drums are taken “Sun is shining in the night/Zombies walking (“How Beautiful You Became”) from his strongly divided conflict of the 1970’s, and only album Conference Of The Birds and rearranged Unfortunately, their debut album was also from Turkish group 3 Hür-El and their track in the broad daylight.” But, the guitar strings eponymous 1970 album. performed abroad in this period, singing about into a 3/4 rhythm by Den Sorte Skole. going to be their only one. In 1969, an amplifi- “Madalyonun Ters Yuzü” (Turkish for “The Other maintain a light mood suggesting that there Fikret Kızılok (1947-2001) was introduced to a unified Lebanon. Her singing at this time could The album’s liner notes describe how birds er burnt out during a concert in Curitiba, and Side of The Medal”) off their eponymous self- might be hope in the acknowledgement that music in secondary school at Galatasaray High be heard as a form of political activism, and would gather outside Holland’s London apart- upon returning the band learnt that their entire titled 1976 album. life is fucked up no matter what. School, Istanbul and his first instrument was the the themes such a life in the mountain villages ment in the morning and sing with each other, second album had been deleted in the record- Exuma alias Macfarlane Gregory Anthony accordion. He later switched to the guitar, and made them accessible to her fellow countrymen. which explains the title of the album. ing studio Continental by mistake. 3 Hür-El is a trio consisting of three brothers, Mackey (1942-97) was a Bahamian singer and in the beginning of his musical career Kızılok She still lives in Beirut, refuses to do Holland (born 1946) is an English double bass- That was apparently too much for the Onur (bass), Feridun (saz-guitar) and Haldun musician who created a mix of calypso, reggae played in the band Cahit Oben 4 that declared interviews and sings the Passion for Good ist, bandleader and composer. He played with, youngsters and they split up. Hürel (drums, percussion). Before this band folk, African tradition and inspirations from to be influenced by The Beatles, even covering Friday at church every year. amongst others, Chick Corea, Keith Jarrett and they formed various other groups with inspira- carnivals and . songs by them. He made music influenced by Miles Davis, appearing on the latter’s albums, On top of Os Brasas’ guitar loop Baligh Hamdi tions from Cliff Richard and The Shadows. But, He performed in small clubs in Greenwich western popular culture until 1969. That year Later on, German folk duo Witthüser & Bitches’ Brew and In A Silent Way. from Egypt adds a quarter-tone pattern on around 1970 they got involved in beat music Village, New York City in the 1960’s and was he went on a long trip through Anatolia and Westrupp and French composer François de guitar and The Elisabeth Waldo Group from USA and started making their own local version discovered by manager and producer Bob met with the legendary folk musician/poet Roubaix add guitars drifting in the background Sermonizer delivers some rattling dub/echo ef- mixes in a final perfect perfume of exotica. of this, called anadolu (Anatolian) rock. Wyld. He changed Mackey’s name to Exuma, Aşık Veysel – a blind artist who lived in a small while Günter Maas adds metallic noise effects fects. Then, Meic Stevens enters with his vocal They also started building their own instru- taking the name Daddy Ya Ya for himself and village in the middle of Turkey, playing bağlama before a harmonica sampled from an unknown from “Ghost Town” (1969), adding a feeling of This last sample of strings, flute and percus- ments. Feridun created a saz-guitar by combin- calling the rest of the loose collective of singers (an ancient stringed instrument) and writing po- Lebanese source carries Tomten to the end. weirdness to the mix. “Why are the sidewalks sion comes from “Tun-Kul” off the 1959 album ing an electric saz and an electric guitar. And, and musicians The Junk Band. ems. The trip changed Kizilok’s life and music, green in a ghost town?” he sings. Maracatú ­– Mystic Music and Sounds of The Haldun built a drum kit out of darbukas – a per- and when he came back to Istanbul he turned The Welsh psych-folk singer and guitarist South American Jungles. cussion instrument used in Turkey, North Africa Together they created not so much songs as his back on western influences, focusing on his is a legend in his home country, mostly insisting Waldo was an acclaimed violinist who and the Arabian Peninsula – made by the cop- incantations – a wilderness of tribal percussion, roots instead. The same year he released a sin- PART C . TRACK 11 on singing in his native tongue. And being got drawn to the music of ancient America, per masters of the Beyazıt Bazaar in Istanbul. orgasmic chants and crazy horns – with Exuma gle that included a cover version of ”Uzun ince called “the 1960’s Welsh psych-Dylan” and forming a musical ensemble that composed These instruments added to the sense of a clash singing like he had graveyard soil in his lungs bir yoldayim”, a famous song from Asik Veysel. compared to Pink Floyd’s Syd Barrett. music based on impressions from a lost time. between East and West, between Anatolian tra- and playing an acoustic guitar like it was a The title is Turkish for “I’m going on a narrow, KARLCHEN Strangely enough, his singing takes on the On Maracatú, this results in mystical and exotic dition and folk music and a Western psychedelic skeleton while ratting his ankle bells, junk bells, long road”. When Veysel died in 1973, Kızılok quality of a Jamaican deejay due to the elec- music derived from Latin American Indians rock emphasized by fuzz and wah wah pedals elephant bells or sacred foot drum. stopped making music for two years. Like Tomten, Karlchen has the time signature of tronic treatment by Den Sorte Skole. from Columbia, , Panama. on both bass and saz-guitar. Kızılok became famous in Turkey, and over 3/4 and the feeling of a waltz. Archach enters the oasis that emerges after the years he released many albums influenced Witthüser + Westrupp (1969-73) is the source In the middle of Karlchen the track snaps open In the early 1970’s the band had several top Exuma stops singing, enjoying the space with by Anatolian traditions. He stuck to the idea material for the guitar and tuba that drives the with stray transverse flute and horn. And then ten hits. Because of their use of Turkish melo- a string solo originally found on “Temment that artists should be sincere in their work and first almost two bumpy, bittersweet minutes of the rhythmic structure slyly changes from 3/4 dies and moods they managed to reach out to Noujdi” from the early 1980’s. never forget their roots. this track. More specifically they are sampled into a more regular 4/4 beat, Den Sorte Skole even the distant regions of their country. Archach was founded by Moulay Ali He was a communist and also released po- from the song “Karlchen” off the 1971 album using the same samples to create two different They were also the most popular band Chouhad. Born in 1957 in Issafen in the Souss litical songs from the middle of the 1970’s and Trips und Traume. Bernd Witthüser and Walter rhythm patterns. in the eyes of the Turkish TV broadcasters, Valley in southern Morocco, where he also onwards. In 1999, he even released the album Westrupp were apparently known as “the since they were the only long haired band that founded the band in 1979. They play pastoral Mustafa Kemal – Devrimcinin Güncesi – Mustafa cosmic buskers” by their fans, and they called This is followed by a drop into the second part agreed to cut their hair. Berber music with a modern edge and some se- Kemal being Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the themselves “W&W’s pop cabaret”. Witthüser of Karlchen centring around the laid-back gui- rious regional rhythms. Ali Chouhad grew up in Turkish Republic, and the later part of the title played guitar and mandolin and Westrupp tar loop from Os Brasas (1960-69) song a poetically inclined family, and became quite meaning “A Revolutionary’s Diary”.


PART D . TRACK 13 Indian Carnatic – Jazz. Composed, arranged The loop is lifted from the track of the same broke off his law studies to pursue a career as and Water – Electronic Music For Children, as if it was made for this particular gang of and led by Indian T.K. Ramamoorthy (born 1922) name off the 1960 albumEden’s Island where a professional musician at the age of 22. After both from 1968. The soda sound of the latte players from Denmark and the US. The sample and recorded in Madras in 1969. A swinging mix Ahbez recites his poetry and songs over a back- starting as a singer he turned to com- sampled for this occasion. is from Lucas’ eponymous solo album from GOWLA of Western jazz instrumentation and improvi- ground of exotica music. posing and would soon deliver many hits to 1975, from the song “Sonny Boy Blues.” sation (bass clarinet, sax, piano, double bass, Ahbez was a Californian singer-songwriter Arab singers, for example to the legendary Lucas was from Detroit and played guitar The fourth part of Lektion III opens with rolling trumpet, drums) and South Indian Carnatic and musician active in the 1940’s - 60’s with an Egyptian singer Oum Kalthoum in the late and sitar, even studying the latter with Ravi thunder on the horizon – brought from Brazil, tradition, most notably the ragas of Indian extraordinary lifestyle, considered to have been 1950’s. For the next two decades he was one of PART D . TRACK 15 Shankar. He was a session-player for Detroit’s from Ney Matogrosso and the American 1956 classical music, also full of improvisation only influential on the hippie movement. the most productive and popular composers of own, legendary label Motown, where he also Audiophiles Records’ release Echoes of the based on local tradition. This album was one He grew up as a Jewish boy in Brooklyn, the Arab world, drawing upon Egyptian folk and played the sitar. He only made one solo album, Storm. In front, a piano emerges in a rolling of the few times he worked as a bandleader. and ended up having a traditional Christ-like classical music as well as contemporary music, EN LILLE EN and died in 1991. loop giving the feeling of attacking and retreat- Ramamoorthy matured in the Indian film appearance, in sandals, white robe, long hair even using electronic keyboards. ing ocean waves under a duvet. The sample studios of Southern India, composing more and beard, often standing on street corners In this sample, Hamdi delivers the Arabic The fizzy soda loops from Island Girl continue American trumpeter Don Cherry enters the is lifted from 17 Pygmies’ song “Hollow Lands” than 700 soundtracks in a vast array of styles. in Hollywood, giving lectures on Oriental flutes and strings and through these, Den Sorte into En Lille En – Danish old time slang for hav- mix with a whiff of a trumpet, Solis Lacus adds from their debut album Jedda By The Sea (1984) mysticism. He also wrote the song “Nature Skole moves us from the Indo Jazz feeling of ing just one drink of the alcoholic kind. a muted layer of percussion and Max Roach and has been hurled backwards and forward In this case, Den Sorte Skole rearranged Boy” that ended up as a jazz standard after Gowla into an Arab Jazz setting in Island Girl. slides in with more percussion in the back- by Den Sorte Skole. Ramamoorthy’s piece into a full blown Indo having been a number one hit for eight weeks The soda sounds are immediately accompa- ground, keeping the general feeling of the song Jazz burner, adding a flute sample from for Nat King Cole in 1948. Legend has it that Halfway through the track, the krautrock nied by an acoustic guitar that provides a cosy, slow, introspective, old. 17 Pygmies was founded in 1982 when Jackson German I.D. Company and drums and bass when Cole’s manager, Mort Ruby, went out to masters of the German band Faust expand the bouncy loop for the whole of the song. Del Rey of Savage Republic started jamming from aforementioned Solis Lacus and Placebo. secure the rights for the song, he found Ahbez drum track, and later American The Distant It’s a loop that – at least in Danish ears – Throughout En Lille En Igor Wakhevitch provides and looking for a more subtle sound with mem- And, at the end Shankar Jaikishan provide a camping with his wife under one of the L’s in the Galaxy adds some bubbly sounds squelching springs memories of older times when a bar was a longing shiny synthetic texture from “Matines” bers of other bands in a garage in L.A. shimmering Indian sitar. Hollywood sign. and some synthetic needles pricking through something smoke filled, beer stained and brown. off his 1971 albumDocteur Faust – a commis- A new band came out of this, creating It turned out that Ahbez had handed out the mix. Finally, a soda water is opened and It’s lifted from “Drøm En Lille Drøm Om Mig” from sioned electro acoustic work for a ballet. For atmospheric folk-pop, gothic experimental The duo Shankar Jaikishan – also sampled for different shares of the publishing rights, so he poured several times in a fizzy loop. 1967 – a cover version of the classic “Dream A further details about Wakhevitch see Riforme. and tribal percussion – later on and to this day, Overtime – composed prolifically for the Hindi almost didn’t make any money. At least not until Little Dream of Me” – by Danish Gitte Hænning. moving in a myriad of directions. film industry, but here it is worth noting their Nat King Cole’s widow gave him back all the The soda sounds are sampled from the track Hænning (born 1946) broke through in her Halfway through En Lille En, the Baka Pygmies important role in developing Indo Jazz. rights many years later. “Lemonade” from one of the pioneers of Danish home country at the age of eight, singing deliver some beautiful muted song that fits in, ”Gowla” picks up pace when the quintet Solis Especially with the 1968 album Raaga-Jazz Even after their son was born, Ahbez and his electronic music, Bent Lorentzen (born 1935). a duet with her father with the bizarre title as if they just stepped into a worn out blues bar Lacus adds syncopated drums from “Utopia” style, which is considered to be the earliest wife kept living outside with sleeping bags, bikes He studied musicology at the university in “Giftes med farmand” – “Marrying Daddy”. to join the gang. They didn’t. The Baka are an off their eponymous 1975 album. The drums Indo Jazz recording. Here, the duo created 11 and a juicer as their dearest property. He was a Aarhus and at the Royal Academy of Music in A cover version of a German schlager. ethnic group inhabiting the south-eastern rain- create a sense of direction and momentum jazz songs based on Indian Ragas (one of the legend in Hollywood because of his lifestyle, and Copenhagen. In 1966, while teaching music Early on, she also won over the public as forests of Cameroon, as well as The Republic underneath the piano loops. central tonal frameworks for improvisation and he claimed to survive as a vegetarian on three theory at the Academy of Music in Aarhus, a singing actress in a number of Danish of Congo, Gabon and Central African Republic. Solis Lacus was the first group formed by composition in Indian classical music) using dollars a week. He died after being hit by a car. he started a course in electronic music held at comedies, and her career is built on popular They are known for their dense contrapun- the acknowledged Belgian pianist Michel Herr, saxophone, trumpet, bass, sitar and tabla. The School of Engineering. Early on he created music in the lighter department, also participat- tal communal improvisation. The French- a pioneer of European electric jazz in the vein Den Sorte Skole has lifted a single sitar As in Gowla, Belgian quintet Solis Lacus adds electronic and musique concréte pieces. ing in the Eurovision Song Contest. Israeli ethnomusicologist Simha Arom even of Herbie Hancock’s Headhunters. The Belgian piece from the song “Raga Bhairav” offRaaga- the spacious backdrop of drums, this time in The early work “Interferences” from 1967 Parallel to this, she has nurtured a minor stated that the level of polyphonic complexity quintet played a subtle, liquid, spacey jazz rock Jazz style, the glittering spider web of strings sync with the loop of Eden Ahbez. was a serial electronic composition built out of career as a jazz singer and she has sung and of the Baka and other related ethnic groups and shared the same vision as their country- serving as a perfect veil opening up into the high end machinery of those days: Tone gene- recorded in Danish, German, Swedish, Finnish, such as the Mbuti was only matched in Europe men Placebo – who are sampled earlier on next track, Island Girl. Then a whistle blows in from the East, from rators, modulators, filters and reel to reel tape Dutch and Norwegian. And, she is even more in the 14th century. Lektion III and later in this track. Egypt, from what sounds like an outdoor set- edited into little pieces – then reassembled. popular South of the border, in , which The vocals are lifted off the “Hut Song” Solics Lacus is also a dark feature on Mars ting, creating a clash of spaces. Something that The 1968 musique concrète-piece became her home already in the 1960’s. collected for the 1977 album Cameroon - Baka – “The eye of Mars” – characterized by its can be inevitable in sampling works, and gives “På Opdagelsesfærd i Pianoets Indre og Ydre Pygmy Music – Musical Atlas Volume 21 Unesco change of appearance both in shape and size PART D . TRACK 14 the sense of many simultaneous sonic worlds, Verden” (“On An Exploratory Travel In The Inner On top of Hænning’s guitar loop American Collection 1977. due to dust storms. drawing the attention to how diverse sources and Outer World Of The Piano”) was a search blues vocalist and harmonica player Junior (and cultures) can actually coexist in harmony. and a use of the sounds of a piano edited and Wells enters with a talk about “finally making it Following the Baka Pygmies, the Indian duo Then Gowla finally makes a decisive move ISLAND GIRL The sample is from “Qissat Hob”, a Baligh reassembled in new ways. It was not a popular home” and about the blues, adding to the sense Shankar Jaikishan lends a steely vibration towards jazz: Another piano plays some chords Hamdi composition lifted from the 1989 album piece in the overwhelmingly conservative of lost times and age-worn charm. from a saw from one of their compositions, and a horn surfs on the waves, the chords and Eden Ahbez (1908-95) maps out the ground Belly Dance: Hommage A Baligh Hamdi. circles of compositional music at that time. German duo Les Vampyrettes (a collaboration the beat. The piano as well as the horn is of the for Island Girl with the opening loop of gently Baligh Abdel Hamid Hamdi Morsi (1932-93) Lorentzen also made educational Ted Lucas takes over with a brittle acoustic between former Can member Indian jazz variant, Indo Jazz, from “Gowla” off stabbed piano and circling percussion, staying was born in Cairo, Egypt. He learned to play the records with the albums Elektronmusikkens blues guitar solo, weaving its way through the and legendary producer Conny Plank) joins in the 1969 album Fabulous Notes and Beats of the in a jazzy territory, but changing the key. violin at nine and a few years later the oud. He Materiale (The Material of Electron Music) samples in such a congenial way that it sounds with a watery effect, and French group


Saint Tropez delivers a glockenspiel shimmering PART E . TRACK 16 PART E . TRACK 17 Rebecca Pan aka Pan Wan Ching (born 1931) is It was created by the American industrial El-P moved on to become a prolific solo artist like sunlight on a calm lake. The geographical a well-known Chinese actress and pop singer, musician John McSweeney (born 1955) aka as a rapper and an overwhelmingly creative mix gets even more complex without Den Sorte which is not audible here under the surgical knife John Zewizz. Listening to the industrial pioneers producer and also established the influential, Skole losing their grip on the composition when OLD ORDER MAGNETIC of Den Sorte Skole, leaving only molecules of the in the late 1970’s influenced but now defunct label Definitive Jux. the Malinese blues master Boubacar Traoré original to stutter dust particles into Magnetic. his musical development deeply, and today he adds to the melancholia with a second acoustic The People from the Chhhokhor Valley keep Dark convulsions take over Lektion III. The Pan moved to Hong Kong in 1949 and has released hundreds of cassettes, vinyls, CD’s Following Company Flow, Brazilian singer-song- guitar. Fitting in so perfectly that it – as with the speaking, jangling bells and blowing horns Haters bring in the sound of fire placed deep in began singing in a band from which she even- under many names such as Sleep Chamber, writer Luli e Lucina adds a break of rattling bells Baka people – creates the feeling that he just into the short and menacing soundscape of the mix by Den Sorte Skole to add texture and tually broke off, starting on her solo cabaret Green Sex, Cult ov The Womb. before Australian artist Total Disease delivers entered the bar, with a guitar over his shoulder Old Order – the opening track of the fourth subtle intensity. It’s sampled from “Fire 5” off act. This made her a star in the 1960’s where The Women of The SS project came about a watery bubbly texture upon which Den Sorte to join the band over there in the smoky corner. part of Lektion III. their 1986 debut album In The Shade Of Fire. she sang a variety of pop songs in Mandarin, while he was working on Sleep Chamber. Skole delivers a squelchy militant synth bass We’re still in Bhutan thanks to a recording Founded in 1979, The Haters played a pro- English, Italian, French, Spanish, Thai, Japanese He didn’t feel the music was fitting for this pro- beat built from a sample by French group Then Laxmikant-Pyarelal enters, first with a from the 1971 album Tibetan Buddhist Rites lific role on the modern noise scene. The group and more. Her Mandarin/English interpretations ject, so he invented a new one. He was writing La Chorale. The sampled track of the latter is yearning string section, later with a choir join- From the Monasteries of Bhutan. A collection of is centred around the Hollywood-based media of “Rose, Rose, I Love You” and “Ding Dong very sexual lyrics at the time, he recalls on his “Untitled” from the 1985 cassette tape compi- ing in a flight towards the sky. This is where the recordings made by John Levy, a Londoner and artist, writer and film maker G.X. Jupitter-Larsen Song” were among her big hits. blog At that time he was lation Sex & Bestiality. For further details on this homogenous sound of this track is advertently an ethnomusicologist living in Bhutan, con- usually rounding up local experimental musi- She also starred in Pai Niang Niang – The also into dominant women in uniforms, which compilation see Staklenih. broken, and the complexity of sources blown verting to Tibetan Buddhism. He took cians and artists wherever The Haters perform. Legend of the White Snake, which was the first brought him to the idea of women in Nazi gear. wide open. This sample doesn’t fit the cosy a Nagra Stereo reel-to-reel recorder with him In The Shade Of Fire contains ten noise compo- original Mandarin musical on the island, mark- Zewizz goes to considerable length to Magnetic almost becomes during acoustics of the other samples, it’s a larger into exile, and he put the music of the monas- sitions based on sounds of things falling apart ing the start of the musical theatre industry in explain that this does not have anything to do these minutes with its pumping and writhing room, they can even fly upwards it seems. And teries and temples down on tape, as well as or being destroyed. In the liner notes, Jupitter- Hong Kong. She has also acted in movies by the with Nazi sympathies or anti-Semitism, only bass, only with a hard marching beat instead of it creates a beautiful multiverse in the song, samples from more mundane settings and the Larsen writes about the idea of ’destroyed mu- acknowledged Hong Kong director Wong-Kar with sexual fantasies. For the first Women Of complex rhythms. The militancy is furthered by still being harmonically coherent. The sample folk music of the country. The sampled track sic’: “Wherever you hear something blowing up, Wai, amongst others In The Mood For Love. The SS tape he even found a Russian Jewish drums, handclaps and heavy breathing lifted is from “Background Music 1” from the original in question, “Monks, A Clown, Crowds and or the crackle of fire, shattering glass, or metal girl to recite the lines. “She was totally aware from a track by American singer-songwriter soundtrack to Vijeta (1982). Instruments”, is of the latter kind. crashing, the pink noise coming off an empty Tickling our ears in the higher frequency of my concept,” he recalls. “She knew it was a Eddie Kendricks and another mechanical snare A popular Indian composer duo Laxmikant channel from a television set, or paper being area, we find a sample from legendary sexual fetish and had nothing to do with HATE or drum from Sozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv. Shantaram Kudalkar (1937-98) and Pyarelal At the bottom of the mix, Dorothy Carter deliv- ripped, you will know that you are hearing the British industrial group Coil that has been cut anything subversive.” Ramprasad Sharma (born 1940) composed ers textures of horns from “Tree of Life” off the main and most inspirational aspect of up and rearranged into a rhythmic structure Finally a sample from the British band White music for more than 600 Hindi movies from 1978 album Waillee Waillee. A mystical corre- ‘destroyed music’”. This is an idea, which is by Den Sorte Skole. Shortly after the orgasm, Company Flow Noise – with the electronic pioneer Delia 1963 to 1998. spondence is set up between Bhutan life and related to musique concrète’s utilization of the enters with a looped scratch sample that Derbyshire (see later on under O Babuaa) – lures Laxmikant was born into extreme poverty. an American musician interpreting American sounds of reality, as well as the Italian futurist’s As a rude awakening from the cramping fist sounds like a muddy whipping – from “The us into the next track with a rapid clicking sound His way out was through learning the mandolin and Celtic traditions. love of the sounds of war and modernity. of bass, Les Vampyrettes rings the schoolyard Fire in Which You Burn” off their landmark somewhere between a frog and a cicada. and starting to perform and organise Indian Carter (1935-2003) started studying clas- Apparently, Jupitter-Larsen has also bell and tears up the stereo spectrum. The 1997 album Funcrusher Plus. classical music concerts. Pyarelal was the son sical piano at the age of six and performed written three novels and invented his own bass returns only to witness another wrecking Company Flow (1992-2000) was founded of an acknowledged trumpeter who taught him contemporary, folk, traditional and medieval number system. shortly after. This time by another bass from in Queens, New York City by rapper/producer the basics of music. He started practising the music on a number of instruments such as the Indonesian callung master Calung Darso El-Producto or El-P, rapper/producer Big Juss PART E . TRACK 18 violin for eight to twelve hours a day from the hammered dulcimer and the zither. On Waillee American jazz musician Phil Ranelin adds stretched into an industrial expanse of low fre- and DJ/producer Mr. Len. They are one of the age of eight. When his family’s economy fell Waillee she draws on American and Celtic tradi- chinas to the mix while French electro pioneer quency, coupled with a fast spider movement most influential hip-hop outfits of the late apart he was forced to work as a studio musi- tions to create hymns to nature, resulting Philippe Doray/Asociaux Associés deliver the over the keys of a piano by Italian composer 1990’s, bringing dense, complex lyrics and LE BRIN cian. They met at Sureel Kala Kendra, a music in both hypnotic drones and hazy folk songs. scorching bass that sounds like soft earth- Tonio Rubio. American band Melvins adds to challenging, irregular beats as well as weird, academy for children. quakes and liquid asphalt in the convulsions the discomfort with marching drums blended claustrophobic and also spacey productions The cramps stop, but the darkness doesn’t go Javanshir Guliyev from Azerbaijan adds what of birth in the low end of our hearing range. with snare drums from the German anti-capital- to the plate of experimental hip-hop. away. A synthetic submarine bass moves En Lille En ends with the People from the sounds like an incessant tuning of strings to The bass structure of most of Magnetic is built ist collective Sozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv They also made their label Rawkus an menacingly about, providing the shifty foun- Chhhokhor Valley in Bhutan talking, jangling the mix, and Dramnyen Choshe delivers the from a sample off “Contrechant Magnetic” from and a ghostly vocal from a song by Japanese independent hip-hop powerhouse, and showed dation for Le Brin. Each bass note has been their bells and blowing their horns on what in male choir from a Tibetan Buddhist rite in their 1980 album Nouveaux Modes Industriels composer Toshi Ichiyanagi. There is no rest in how to do a proper record deal. They had the surgically cut out from different parts of Brigitte the end sounds like a busy gathering on a main a monastery, again in Bhutan. – an industrial electronic vision of pop shaken Magnetic, only sonic pressure and pumping patience and self-confidence to wait for a deal Fontaine & Areski Belkacem’s “Le brin d’herbe” square. We have left the bar entirely. with free jazz, funk and new wave. eardrums, unrest and menace. that granted them ownership over masters and off their 1977 albumVous et nous and edited publishing rights, gave them 50% of the net into a new structure. The crumbling sounds of a wooden music box Then a woman orgasms, sounding almost like profits from their recordings and didn’t tie them enters courtesy of Rebecca Pan from the song she hesitates or doesn’t want to. It’s lifted from to a multiple album release deal. Phil Ranelin brings the chinas again and some “One Year Ago Today” off the 1970 album I Miss “Trying to Please the SS” off the 1985 cassette haunted chanting. Later followed by a woman You Again. tape Women Of The SS #2 aka Woman Iz Beast. talking, courtesy of Fille Qui Mousse. Enter two


unidentifiable samples: One of a mouth harp multi-instrumentalist playing drums, vibraphone Towards the end of Le Brin a sitar melody lifted PART E . TRACK 19 Studio For Electronic Music in Munich. The dubbed their self-made genre themselves with from Siberia sounding like water drops and one and keyboards. He began in the prog rock from an unidentifiable Indian source mingles Siemens contained some additional the foundation of the Industrial of a Japanese synth that gathers like a deep group Lard Free in 1970, and in 1977 his idea of with the melancholic strings from the title track input devices such as a drawn sound technolo- Records in 1977. The logo was an image of the purple mist around the bass. And last but not “urban sound” – “urbanisme sonore” – crys- of the 1971 album Fakkarouni. Originally, these RISEN gy – photoelectrically generated sounds – that ovens of Auschwitz. least, the drummer from a release by Turkish tallized in the shape of the Urban Sax project. strings accompanied the legendary Egyptian allowed photographic slides to be scanned On their 1980 release , they singer Ersen delivers the muted drums, heavily Engaging in collobrations with amongst others, singer Oum Kalsoum or Umm Kulthum (ap- Continuing the journey, Risen raises the flag using the specially designed “Bildabtaster” deliver a sort of clear message about their pro- rearranged and reworked by Den Sorte Skole. the French musique concrète and electronic prox. 1904-75) whose voice is not to be heard in memory of the old school electro beats of technology. Maas used this to translate several ject: “You should always aim to be as skilful as pioneer Pierre Henry. here but enchanted the whole Arab as well as the 1980’s. The transition takes place through paintings, and the translations were released the most professional of the government agen- Then a remarkably noble vocal takes Le Brin into In their performances, Urban Sax takes into Western world – and still does so almost four a large room filled with a plethora of percus- on the album Klangbilder. cies. The way you live, structure, conceive and the calm waters of melancholia. It’s the voice of account the space and architecture, working decades after her death. sion – not least the iconic cowbell that played market what you do should be as well thought Brigitte Fontaine taken from the aforementioned with the music’s spatial flexibility and it’s po- She was a singer, songwriter and actress, such an important role in many a classic early Finishing offRisen, the almighty industrial pio- out as a government coup. It’s a campaign, it song, “Le brin d’herbe” – soon accompanied by tential for transfiguration of space and reality. born in Tamay ez-Zahayra in the Nile Delta, electro beat. neers in Throbbing Gristle enters with a beatbox has nothing to do with art.” chain slings from Indian Naushad and sub- Urban Sax has played at the opening of the showing remarkable singing skills from an early loop from “Discipline (Berlin)” off their 1979 marine sonar bleeps from the German band World Championship in skiing, the inaugura- age. Her father taught her to recite the Qur’an, Kick drums and a short rap vocal emerge album . Deutsch Amerikanische Freundschaft. tion of the French embassy in Rome and at the and it is said that she memorized in its entirety. courtesy of The Almighty El-Cee’s 12”-single Comfort has never been the trademark of Who delivers the magic here? Den Sorte closing ceremony of a G7 summit. At the age of 12, her father disguised her as a “We Have Risen/School’s Out” from 1987. Throbbing Gristle. From the beginning they PART E . TRACK 20 Skole relies heavily on the aristocrat flow and young boy in order to include her in a singing Not much is known about this rapper apart waged information war and tore reality apart. melodic elegance of Fontaine. But they also Yoshihara’s percussion is lifted from the 1978 troupe that he directed. from that his name is probably Leroy Lott Assembling a new vision of terrifying sound bring Fontaine into a different context where album Percussions In Colors, comprising of only When she got discovered and started build- – if the label of this 12” is anything to go by. collages and brutal performances. LAMUKA her beautiful voice rings out clearer than ever. two tracks. Here it’s “Munari by Munari” lending ing her fame she was looked down upon for be- The producer of the two tracks, Freddy Insults, threats and strobe light were It’s an interesting example of the way progres- its atmospheric percussion to the larger stereo ing an unschooled singer, which she countered Bastone (born 1963), however went on to whipped against the audience at their live Throbbing Gristle’s beatbox loop continues sive art often arises in the moral and juridical image. It is based on the work “Invisible Book” by studying with numerous music teachers as become moderately famous. He’s a DJ and shows. There was surgery in loops on the into Lamuka – the final track of this fifth part grey areas. For more on Fontaine see Riforme. by the Italian artist Bruno Munari made for the well as the poet Ahmad Rami. producer from The Bronx, New York City, screen. Fear. Fury. Disgust. Subversive ecsta- – where it is met by drilling, squelchy electronic composer Toru Takemitsu in 1961. At her long lasting peak she had full control and he has remixed Queen, Frankie Goes sy. Or ”Nothing short of total war”, as it says noises sounding like R2D2 being tortured on Following the first part of Fontaine’s singing, Takemitsu (1930-96) transformed Munari’s over her voice and at the same time an extreme To Hollywood, Judas Priest and Missy Elliott in the inner sleeve for their debut album The fast-forward. The noises are sampled from Étant Popol Vuh comments across the border to the work into a percussion work with graphic nota- emotional impact. “Imagine a singer with the amongst others. Second Annual Report of Throbbing Gristle from Donnés’ track “Les 4 Frappes Sourdes” from the French neighbour with a beautiful blue sitar tion resulting in a square book containing piec- virtuosity of Joan Sutherland or Ella Fitzgerald, 1977. The body and mind were under a sonic 1985 cassette tape compilation Sex & Bestiality. melody. Then Fontaine finishes, and Japanese es of paper cut into various shapes and colours. the public persona of Eleanor Roosevelt and the Yoshihara’s percussion from Le Brin is still and visual and possibly transformative attack. Étant Donnés is a duo formed in Grenoble in singer-songwriter Tatsuro Yamashita follows The white pieces contain suggestive words, the audience of Elvis and you have Umm Kulthum, present, bongo percussion from a release by Shock and awe. 1980 by brothers Eric and Marc Hurtado (born with a rattling wheel sound that marks the black pages contain fragments of music score, the most accomplished singer of her century in Henri Texier enters together with a sample of Throbbing Gristle were apparently formed 1959 and 1962 in Rabat, Morocco). They use emergence of a whole bunch of new samples the red and brown - curved lines accompanied the Arab world”, Virginia Danielson, author of a hammer driving nails into something lifted off on 3 September 1975, the 36th anniversary of words not as carriers of a narrative or as ingredi- that locks into a heavy driving beat, moving by orderly perforations. “The Voice of Egypt: Umm Kulthum, Arabic Song the aforementioned 1956 Audiophiles Records Great Britain’s entry into WWII. Immediately they ents in a pop song, but as hard, often screamed Le Brin forward. In the liner notes, Takemitsu states that and Egyptian Society in the Twentieth Century” release Echoes of the Storm. And a retro-style engaged in a full frontal assault on materialist building blocks of singular semantic power. he wanted to focus on tone and colour in the wrote in an article in Harvard Magazine. drum machine kick and snare drum from society, sexual morals, religion and the bour- Here you find Den Sorte Skole’s choice of This beat is – as heard before on Lektion III – percussion, rather than rhythmic movement. Kalsoum came from a humble musical world a release by American rapper King Ronnie geoisie. They recovered the deepest taboos of sample material underlining the lineage back built from edited samples from several sourc- “Percussions can tick away physical time while of longing violins and makam rhythms, and she Gee adds weight to the beat. society and put it on stage. Pornography, serial to Throbbing Gristle’s invention of industrial es: Drums from a song by British hit maker at the same time depicting eternal metaphysi- ended up in front of full symphonic orchestras. killers, the Holocaust, prostitution. and their passion for taboo. The Sex & Bestiality Johnny Wakelin, a drum roll from French rock cal time”, he writes. By 1928 she was considered one of Cairo’s top Günter Maas enters Lektion III again, this time The band emerged out of the music and art compilation’s many noise artists show the im- band Martin Circus, percussion from Little The percussionist Sumire Yoshihara (born singers, but she went much further and ended with a stuttering synth that immediately makes performance collective COUM Transmissions pact of the TG’s subversive sound and vision in Steven, glockenspiel from Saint Tropez again 1949) started studying the marimba when she up performing hour-long live radio shows that Risen into an overwhelmingly electronic piece. in Hull, . The line-up: The performance the decade after their brutal birth. and industrial bleeps by Piero Umiliani, this was six and began studying percussion at 16. made the whole Arab world stand still. The sample is from “Variationen” off the 1967 artists and musicians and For further details on the Sex & Bestiality time under the pseudonym Moggi. Dancing In 1972 she won the first prize in the Geneva album Klangbilder. Genesis P-Orridge (who later got operated compilation see Staklenih. on top is an industrial imitation of a saxo- International Musical Competition. Over the The role of his sounds in Den Sorte Skole’s into a transsexual human being), the graphic phone played by Frenchman Gilbert Artman following years, she played many concerts in mix would probably come as a surprise to the designer Peter ‘Sleazy’ Christopherson and the After the disruptive and disturbing electronic and a myriad of percussion sampled form Europe and became an important part of late Günter Maas (1923-2010). He was first and electronic explorer Chris Carter. torture at the beginning, Lamuka picks up a Japanese Sumire Yoshihara. contemporary music, for example recording foremost a German painter and sculptor who Their records were norm and ground break- steady pace and becomes a tight electro entity. a composition by Stockhausen. had the idea of translating some of his paint- ing, employing musique concrète strategies on The main sample here is taken from Zazou, Artman’s saxophone piece is taken from his ings into sound. This quest led him to the grand their reel to reel tape records, cutting up and Bikaye & Cy 1’s track of the same name, off their track “Saxophone Machine No. 2” from the old man of German electronic music, Karlheinz assembling sounds from real life and television, 1983 album Noir Et Blanc. 1983 compilation City & Industry. He is a French Stockhausen, who directed him to The Siemens noise, sound effects, found sounds. And they


A groundbreaking African/European fusion The koto is a traditional Japanese string slowly falls apart in the fight against the pro- described like this: “A first generation studio, even post-romantic right. The Alan J. Pakula Morricone adapting Tosca at the same time. between the Congolese singer Bony Bikaye, instrument, considered the most important gramming. At the same time, the tortured synth a third generation digital system, and an ad- movie Klute is about a private detective Macchi’s work was finished, but not staged, the Algerian-born French composer Hector instrument of the country’s musical heritage. from Étant Donnés puts up a final fight, wrig- vanced digital synthesizer.” () who investigates a murder when he died. Zazou and the electronic journeymen Guillaume What we hear here is an excerpt from tradition- gles and squirms around like a glitchy lizard in In 1978, Christiansen also composed the connected to a call girl (Jane Fonda). It gets Loizillon & Claude Micheli in CY1. al – and secular – music from the old Japan of a white noise tin. Then the beat stops, and the piece “Pyramider” for the UNESCO Conference complicated from there. Igra Staklenih Perli enters Lektion III once again, The recording of this mix of fairly traditional the variant called Sankyoku. A lively and very koto stops. And the synth finally fades away in on . this time with something sounding like Darth Central African vocals and abstract electronics rhythmical form of all-instrumental chamber an angrily electrostatic prolonged death scene The violins become more and more insisting as Vader in a contemplative moment. The ghostly constructed on enormous from music performed on koto, samisen (three-string worthy of Sam Peckinpah or John Woo. Eventually, the noise of Christiansen gives way we approach the drop. And the tension is built sounds breathe us into the final part of Alvin, the early 70’s is described on the record label instrument) and skakuhachi (wood flute). to a bliss colouring the sky in warm shades, like ever so slightly higher by some woody tapping where the piano loop by Egil Kapstad Trio is Crammed Discs’ homepage: “Loizillon & Micheli the sun reaching for the horizon. It comes in the from Canadian rock band Montreal and some replaced by another piano loop, lifted from were strange characters: They looked and The heavy bubble beat is built out of an elec- shape of a slowly emerging, digitally treated typewriter keys from American Woody Leafer. Michael Small’s aforementioned “Goldfarb’s talked somewhat like electricians or garage tronic kick drum taken from Conrad Schnitzler PART F . TRACK 21 piano, opening up a world of romantic promise, Record”. It’s another example of a perfect mechanics, they kept plugging and unplugging & Wolfgang Seidels track “Zack Zack” off their wavy dreams, velvet memories. It’s Egil Kapstad Alvin is getting carried by a piano soundwave marriage between two vinyl records. It does not thick wires, used screwdrivers and pliers, had 1986 album Consequenz II. Trio and a piano that Den Sorte Skole has sam- put on repeat, increasing in volume – sound like a different set of music papers are be- a very down-to-earth approach, and used their The drummer Wolfgang Seidel is from ALVIN pled, cut up, filtered and drenched in effects on reminiscent of the minimalist masters Steve ing played by a different pair of hands in a dif- own special vocabulary to describe the incred- Berlin. He was part of the short-lived krautrock their SP 404 sampler. Reich and Philip Glass and of the glitch music ferent room. It sounds like a train of thought has ible sounds they were producing (“Hey, let’s super group Eruption (1970-72) along with From the noise of the predecessor to the noise The source sample is lifted from “Jeg lagde of the 1990’s. This piano might be stuck, but it just drifted off in a slightly different direction. make the Chinese hat more pointed!”). Zazou Conrad Schnitzler and Klaus Freudigmann. of the successor: A grey snow stutters across mig så silde” from the 2009 compilation Black is sublimely stuck. acted like a director, selecting the textures, As a duo he and Schnitzler mainly created the stereo spectrum. It seems to settle in a hall is the Color of My True Love’s Hair. A compila- Alvin reaches a repetitious fever pitch, and A female choir from another Egisto Macchi building up the dramatic action. Bikaye built his electronic music awash with abstract textures, of steel, gains confidence and grows metallic tion that presents the early folk jazz scene of finally the sun climbs over the horizon and an- composition emerges, out of focus, in the parts into the grooves and added layers and noises, pulses clashing in experimental often itself. It jangles around in there in its cubist form Norway 1971-77. nihilates the competition in blinding light: The background, lifting the track gently upwards. layers of vocals. Several other ingredients were conflicting and eerie soundscapes, occasional- before spreading out in a pulsating cloud. The piano trio is led by Egil Kapstad, one piano of Egil Kapstad trio stands alone in all its And, finally the strings of Michael Small return, added as they went along.” ly interspersed with traditional instruments like It’s a sample from the lesser-known Danish of “Norway’s main jazz interpolators of folk analogue untreated glory, in a loop of bliss. increasing the emotional stakes slightly towards The album was received well, some com- percussion and guitar. composer Svend Christiansen’s “Urværk” off the music”, as the sleeve notes say. They play an the transition into Layton. paring it to David Byrne & Brian Eno’s 1981 Conrad Schnitzler (1937-2011) was born in 1974 album Urværk, Noir, Blau, which he shared interpretation of the medieval ballad “Jeg lagde A few bars later, the lone piano is enforced by album My Life In The Bush of Ghosts, others to Kraftwerk’s home city Düsseldorf. He was an with the famous Danish composer and musi- mig så silde”, about a boy who rides to his girl- a heavy foundation of Moog-synth and bass Fela Kuti meeting Kraftwerk on the dance floor. important figure and moved in his own elec- cian Fuzzy – one side of the LP each. friend, who has fallen ill. He finds her dead, and produced by Den Sorte Skole, a kick drum from One could also call it Music of The Fourth tronic ways on the German krautrock scene Svend Christiansen (born 1954) studied mu- expresses his sorrow over several verses – in Japanese prog rock band Trembling Strain and PART F . TRACK 22 World – as the American trumpeter and com- of late 1960’s and the 1970’s. sical science at University of Aarhus and music this sample interpreted through the piano. a top layer of percussion from Italian composer poser Jon Hassell might put it. It’s an idea he He moved to West Berlin in the 1960’s where theory and composition at Music Academy of Egisto Macchi. invented to describe the possibility of a global he was a co-founder of the important Zodiak Jutland at the time. “Urværk” was created from Alongside the slow piano build-up, once LAYTON music beyond the First and Third World, a mix Free Arts Lab, and he studied art under the February to March 1974. It’s a musique concrète again African Head Charge creates a deeper The Macchi sample is taken from of traditional music from across the world great Joseph Beuys. As many other krautrock piece, meaning that sounds from the real world space with rattling percussive dub effects and “Automaticità” off his 1979 albumBioritmi . The dark majestic American band Swans sets and Western forms as well as technology. This musicians he had a deep distaste for the hippie are the only source material. The cover notes American post-punk band For Against flashes Egisto Macchi (1928-92) was still a teenager Layton off with a gunshot. The romanticism could also be an alternative description of movement, and he extended this distaste to the tell us that “Urværk”, Danish for “clockwork”, their tambourine momentarily. when he, in the middle of the 1940’s, moved continues but it’s moved into spaghetti Den Sorte Skole’s III. instrumentation. So there were no flutes, tribal was made on reel-to-reel tape recorders with to Rome to study composition, piano, violin western territory. drums or acoustic guitars, but synthesizers and the only sound source being the tick tock ofa The build-up is enforced by a dramatic roman- and singing, later also studying literature and The electro loop of Zazou, Bikaye & Cy 1 is field recordings in the world of Schnitzler. wind-up alarm clock. This was edited into beats tic string section, courtesy of Michael Small, human physiology. The latter also relating to A foundational loop of rolling acoustic guitar topped with a snare drum and some sound ef- He was an early member of through editing and into tones by dubbing it at lifted from “Goldfarb’s Record” off his 1971 Bioritmi since this album interprets medical and a rough, moaning male choir set the events fects from British John Foxx and some electron- 1969-70 and a founder of Kluster in 1969, leav- high speed and into booms by dubbing it at low soundtrack to the thriller Klute. actions into music. in motion. It’s courtesy of Nico Fidenco & Lida ic noise resembling shots and birds from the ing again in 1971 (the remaining duo changed speed. It’s a piece of distorted sounds, thunder- Small (1939-2003) was an American film During the 1960’s, Macchi experimented Lu from the track “Clayton” offLo Voglio Morto Pakistani Lollywood composers Tafo Brothers. the name to Cluster). He then founded Eruption ing booms, bangs, cracks, bleeps and screech- composer with his heyday in the 1970’s, creat- with musical theatre, and from 1968 he started (1968). An original soundtrack composed by and from 1972 and onwards he performed es cracking up synthetic surfaces, but also with ing emotive and exploratory scores for classics composing for television and films. From 1980, Fidenco for the spaghetti western of the same Halfway through Lamuka the discipline of the under his own name with an eccentric and a sense of melody when the tick tocks are made like The Parallax View, The Syndrome, he focused on composition for the female name, meaning “I want him dead”. Not surpris- beat dissolves into a wobbly thump and hard experimental brand of synth-pop. into tones. Marathon Man and the Schwarzenegger doc- voice in different experimental, electronic ingly a story about revenge. picked strings of the koto arrive. They’re from The music was programmed and recorded umentary Pumping Iron. And of course Klute settings – even adding fireworks. Italian Nico Fidenco (born 1933) was Japanese Keiko Matsuo and Her Ensemble and The koto from Keiko Matsuo and Her Ensemble at Department of Musical Acoustics, Institute for which he made a both elegant and uneasy Up until his death he was arranging La originally a popular singer, but his interest in the track “Miyama Jishi” off the 1971 album18th gets entangled in the quicksand pattern of of Musicology at University of Aarhus in score compositionally related to colleagues Bohème for 16 traditional instruments and four movies led him to become an acknowledged Century Traditional Music of Japan. the German kick drum pattern. The koto tries Denmark. The electronic facilities had been in like Krysztof Komeda and Bernard Herrmann. synthesizers. It was a twin production with soundtrack composer. Parts of this particu- to tear itself free from the structural glue, but use since 1970 and in the cover notes they’re But, it also works in its own minimalist, romantic his colleague, the soundtrack legend Ennio lar soundtrack are classic spaghetti western


soundtracks in the vein of Ennio Morricone with Back in London, they enlisted two more It was a coincidence that Leadbelly was record- Fate would have it that Kama Sutra was taken She left BBC in 1973 and stopped making music Advisory. Recorded at home, this album is an galloping horses, harmonica and male choir. like-minded musicians, Susan and Conrad ed for the first time. In 1930, he got into a fight over by another company, and the album im- shortly there after. original mix of vocals, dulcimer, banjo, But, there is a range of orchestral variations of Archulette, and recorded their album without and pulled a knife and stabbed his opponent. mediately disappeared. But, in the days of the After Derbyshire’s death, 267 reel-to-reel synths and electronic drums, Mr. Young playing the main theme spread across the album. any overdubs. They didn’t have any Moroccan He was convicted for “assault with intent to Internet even lost treasures manage to emerge. tapes and a box of a thousand papers were and recording all instruments. On his version of instruments so they played zither, piano, Bina murder”, given a sentence of six to ten years. found in her attic. It was all given on permanent the old plainchant (chants used in the liturgies Francois Rabbath steps in a little later with organ (Indian hand organ), koto, banjo, oboe The same year the legendary folklorists and Then Dr. Who, or rather the retro-futuristic swirl- loan to the University of Manchester in 2007. of the Catholic Church) “Kyrie Eleison” he uses his hand plucked double bass, and the British and hand drums. They meditated before each field recorders John and Alan Lomax (father ing synths from the theme to this long running tape to build a rhythm. band The Habibiyya answers with koto strings recording, and the result is blissed out medita- and son) visited Angola Prison Farm in search BBC science fiction TV-series, enters. Soon, we enter another dynamic grid of per- and flute. The aforementioned female choir tional and entrancing devotional music. of folk songs to record and met Leadbelly there. It was the Australian-born composer cussive production built by Den Sorte Skole. Pascal Comelade joins Young with some sub- lifted off a composition by Egisto Macchi rises They were immediately impressed with his vivid Ron Grainer (1922-81) who composed this iconic The various percussive sample sources are as tle piano in the same break lifted from “Rue in the background. The first part of Layton culminates when Italian tenor and recorded him performing hundreds of theme. And it was British Delia Derbyshire follows: African Head Charge (again) provides des soeurs noires” off his 1992 albumHaikus It’s a compositional delight in its own right Lida Lu enters, sampled from the earlier men- songs on several occasions – priceless historic (1937-2001) who created the entirely electronic layers of percussion. Nirvana – the British band de pianos. to hear these three pieces of music interlock tioned soundtrack, Lo Voglio Morto, her voice documents of a true giant. arrangement in which it appeared in 1963. from the 1960’s and 1970’s not the American Comelade (born 1955) is a French Catalan so beautifully with each other, finally being put booming with pride and anger. The added dub Grainer who is mostly known for his work one of the 1980’s and 1990’s – delivers a skank- pianist and composer with a body of work that together after having been separated from each echoes only seem to magnify her threat of Layton draws its last breaths with the addition for television and film stated in a 1965 interview ing keyboard. For Against brings in kicks and is difficult to characterize. A richly sprawling other on three different vinyl records for decades. rightful revenge. of thunder in the distance off the Audiophile that the rasping sound in the background of the tambourine, American drummer Max Roach music drawing on influences from traditions Then a strange, unforeseen meeting of kin- Records 1956 release Echoes Of The Storm. The theme represented the dying breaths of those percussion and drums, and American compos- such as tango and musette, krautrock from The Rabbath bass sample is lifted from dred spirits occurs. The meeting of two voices crackling surface noise of the vinyl record in the opposing Doctor Who. He was so impressed er Les Baxter and American singer-songwriter Can and Faust, from The Kinks “Bitume” off his 1963 debut albumThe Sound from two very different continents and two very foreground of the stereo spectrum adds to the with Derbyshire’s work that upon hearing it Eddie Kendricks cymbals, more kick drums, and from the equally unclassifiable work of of The Bass. different times: Sharing the cracking quality of static electricity in the air. he reportedly said: “Did I really write that?” claps and snares. Captain Beefheart. He also explores electronic Rabbath is a French double bass player the tenor and a swaggering pride in their deliv- Apparently she replied: “Most of it.” music, and is fond of the minimalism and rep- born in Syria in 1931 and a resident of France ery, the two voices of Lida Lu and the legendary Derbyshire is one of the mighty female Then, (born 1933) takes over with etition of the American composers Steve Reich since the 1960’s. In Syria, he started to exper- American singer and guitarist Leadbelly seem electronic pioneers of western music history. an uncanny similarity to Waldinjah who held the and Philip Glass. All this is filtered through iment on his brother’s bass, teaching himself cut out of the same peace of noble wood. PART F . TRACK 23 She was born into the working class and proved microphone before. First shifting into a higher orchestras organized by Comelade, often also how to play with the help of French bass player, At least in this dubby treatment courtesy of to be very bright from a young age. She was frequency range, but soon finding the same vel- employing toy music instruments, especially a teacher, composer and professor Edouard Den Sorte Skole. accepted to both Harvard and Oxford in 1956, vety area as Waldinjah. Later circling through toy piano – balancing beautifully between the Nanny’s Contrabass Method. Rabbath was O BABUAA at a time when only one in ten were female at mesmerizing scales while the guitar and bass sublime and the silly. 13 years old at the time. Leadbelly enters this bricolage spaghetti those institutions. She graduated in 1959, with follows her as if they were born in the same On Haikus de pianos, Comelade revisits As he tells, he had the western with a southern flavour taken from his O Babuaa opens with Indonesian singer a MA in mathematics and music, specialising in record groove. These are minutes of the most popular music of the 20th century and per- liberty to do what was considered wrong. song “Grasshoppers in My Pillow” off the 1944 Waldinjah taking us into Asian territory with her modern and medieval music history. beautiful crossbred longing and yearning. forms it in stripped down versions on grand Whenever he found any part of Nanny’s method album Huddie Ledbetter’s Best… His Guitar - muted velvety singing. She joined BBC in 1960 as a trainee assis- Bhosle’s awesome singing is sampled from or toy piano. Songs such as “Smoke On The illogical, he just did it his own way. That way his His Voice - His Piano. tant studio manager with a magic ability to “O Babuaa Yeh Mahua “ off the 1983 album Water”, but also Mexican and French classics, personal style came to life. Huddie Ledbetter aka Leadbelly (1888-1949) American singer-songwriter and writer Andy read the grooves in the vinyl records and put Sadma. The Indian singer was just 11 years old soundtrack music and lesser known masters The Sound of The Bass (American version: – or Lead Belly as he spelt it himself – is one of Zwerling immediately joins in with a crystal the pickup in just the right place. In 1962, she when she performed her first song on a movie like Faust and Robert Wyatt. Comelade has Bass Ball) consists of 12 compositions for only the most influential musicians of the 20th cen- acoustic rhythm guitar loop, built from requested a transfer to the BBC Radiophonic soundtrack, Chala Chala Nav Bala. Since then amongst others collaborated with PJ Harvey, bass and drums. All composed by Rabbath tury in western music. He had a fine tuned ear “The Knife Man” off his 1971 albumSpiders Workshop, which usually was a place people she has been the voice behind generations of Faust, Robert Wyatt and Jaki Liebezeit, the upon finding out about the poor almost for the oral tradition of handing down folk mu- In the Night. were transferred to against their will. It was lip-syncing actresses in Indian cinema – esti- drummer of Can. non-existing range of repertoire for the bass as sic from generation to generation, and he was Zwerling was a music critic for the iconic here that Derbyshire came into her own, creat- mated to be around 20,000 songs in as many a solo instrument. This changed after Francois a master of adapting these songs into his own American music magazine Rolling Stone. He ing music and sounds for almost 200 television as 14 languages. In 2011, she was acknowl- Matthew Young and Pascal Comelade return Rabbath released this bass-defining album. repertoire. He brought these to the world with started publishing there at the age of 15 or 16, and radio shows during her 11 years there. edged as the most recorded artist in music with their beautifully entangled harp and piano his swaggering tenor and primarily a guitar. and at the same time started writing songs. In this period, she also worked with history by Guinness Book of World Records. dance in the coda of O Babuaa. And finally, The Habibiyya sample is taken from their “Koto He unknowingly brought folk music to future When he got a record deal with Kama Sutra they a number of electronic musicians and set up And Western ears have also been pricked: Comelade lays the track gently in bed with Piece” off the 1972 albumIf Man But Knew. generations. You can draw a straight line from – according to Zwerling himself – gave him 64 Unit Delta Plus to support electronic music. She has sung on British rock band ’s some slightly seasick piano notes. The Habibiyya is an example of how travel- Leadbelly to the folk singers of the 1940’s such hours to record the album that would become She assisted in the creation of the electronic number one hit “Brimful of Asha” as well as with ling can detonate life-changing inspiration. The as Pete Seeger and Woody Guthrie and from Spiders In the Night. An album with gentle, weird score for Macbeth for the Royal Shakespeare Michael Stipe of R.E.M. and the master string London underground band Mighty Baby led by these to the folk revival of the 1960’s with Bob acoustic songs blessed with Zwerling’s baritone. Company, and she made the soundtrack for the players of Kronos Quartet. Ian Whiteman went to Morocco in 1971, and be- Dylan as the indisputable icon. And from Dylan Lenny Kaye – Patti Smith’s longtime sidekick – is Yoko Ono film Wrapping Event. And then she came so inspired by local Sufi culture that they the lineage diversifies into both the folk and also featured on the album. made the remarkable album An Electric Storm Matthew Young enters the break between decided to perform the music and even convert rock of the coming generations. with the band White Noise in 1969 – earlier the verses with a harp. It’s taken from “Kyrie to Sufism, a mystical strand of Islam. sampled for Magnetic. Eleison” from the 1986 album Traveler’s


PART F . TRACK 24 Jaipongan music emphasizes drums and Jones and her co-singers stop, and Soft Verdict Before making its final break, Oh Death is Doris Duke had chart success with from fiddles, but also shares instrumentation (gongs abruptly changes the pace and atmosphere, topped with a choir from a composition by the I’m A Loser, but it ground to a halt when the and metallophones) and some formal similari- answering the soulful vocals with a jumpy stair- Frenchman Michel Colombier. record company Canyon Records folded. EXIL ties with Indonesia’s better-known ceremonial case of piano loops. An answer that creates a Her second album A Legend In Her Own Time percussive orchestra music . But, hyper melodic counterpart to Jones’ vibrating Paul McCartney and Wings follow in the break failed to reach the same level of public appreci- Chains rattled by the Nigerian band BLO, jaipongan’s forceful drumming and erotic noble vibrating wood of a voice. with flute, keyboard and some rattling from ation, and when her third album Woman in 1974 menacing strings composed by Egisto Macchi overtones set it apart and made it appealing to The piano loops that create the founda- “Loup (1st Indian on the Moon)” lifted off their didn’t win over the public despite good reviews and ghostly winds courtesy of the Polish band the young. It became very popular in Indonesia tion for several minutes of this track is taken 1973 album Red Rose Speedway. she retired into obscurity – only to re-emerge Ossian open Exil. We have entered a track full in the late 1970’s, early 1980’s, where H. Idjah from “4 Mains” from Soft Verdict’s 1982 album Wings was McCartney’s new band formed shortly with the single “I’ll Make A Sweet Man of unrest, dissonance and conflict. Hadidjah became a star. And ironically, the Vergessen (German for “forgotten”). in 1971, the year after The Beatles dissolved. (Out Of You)” in 1981. jaipongan craze among the young created Soft Verdict was established by the Belgian It was in the days when McCartney had con- Again, Frenchman Francois Rabbath adds an outrage in Indonesian establishment. musician Wim Mertens as his first project, at the troversies with both BBC and the law. The year Duke is accompanied by a myriad of samples: a double bass to Lektion III. This time it is the age of 28. It was more a collection of musicians before he and his wife Linda encountered String details edited from Egyptian composer main instrument in the mix, pieced together Francois Rabbath’s drummer lends drum rolls needed for every song under the direction of the first of many marihuana busts over the Baligh Hamdi. A bass keeping the slow pace, from his track “Exil” off the 1963 albumThe to the mix, while the Belgian band Nico Gomez Mertens, than a band. And this particular track following years. The same year Wings’ single borrowed from a record by Brigitte Fontaine Sound of a Bass (see Layton for further details). And His Afro Percussion Inc. blends in with per- features only Mertens and Hans François. “Give Ireland Back To The Irish” was banned & Areski Belkacem. Two pianos enter deep in cussion. And so the track ends as it started: Vergessen works with cyclic themes rem- for political reasons by the BBC, and so was the mix, courtesy of the Austrian band P.P. Zahl The American latin jazz band Juan Amalbert’s In a jerky, restless, tense mood. iniscent of especially Steve Reich’s beautiful another single “Hi Hi Hi” due to drug references. and Italian rock trio Logan Dwight. An acoustic Latin Jazz Quintet weighs in with percussion at repetitive works and it also carries influences Red Rose Speedway avoided further controver- guitar from Witthuser & Westrupp drops by for the same time as Rabbath grabs his double bass. from another minimalist, aforementioned Philip sies, although the song “Power Cut” was written a few seconds. A hi-hat from the British band Glass, as well as younger composers such as during the British miner’s strike in 1972. Chaquito Big Band comes along and a drum H. Idjah Hadidjah contributes with a flute lifted PART F . TRACK 25 Michael Nyman and Gavin Bryars. solo from Young-Holt Unlimited enters into a off the title track of her album Serat Salira. Igor Wakhevitch adds birds and bells to the dialogue with the Doris Duke guitar, driving Oh It’s a disturbing spiky flute that pierces Fille Qui Mousse adds the piano notes slow- samples of Paul McCartney and Wings while Death towards the end. eerily through the underwood of percussion OH DEATH ly dancing behind the loops of Soft Verdict. Egisto Macchi enters Lektion III once again, and bass of Exil. Peruvian psychedelic and prog rock band this time with strings deep down in the mix. It’s a melancholic and contemplative finale: Indonesian Hadidjah however is the (here There’s an immediate shift when the power- Laghonia lends a synth texture to the mix and Guitars and pianos breathe blue notes into the unheard) singer of the album, and is especially ful vocal of Bessie Jones opens the door to a German masters Einstürzende Neubauten gen- Then Oh Death takes on a liquid melancholic emerging night sky. Everything ends, and all known as part of Jugala Group. They represent- long gone era and to the final track of Lektion tly adds a rasping blowing wind. quality when Garybaldi’s floating notes are instruments seem tuned into this recognition ed a whole generation who turned their backs III. There’s a feeling of chain gang songs and countered by a beautiful acoustic rhythm guitar of inevitability, leaving one by one. Bolivian on Western and Indian influences in favour of a spirituals. Her and the co-singers’ vocals are In the break the band of American jazz saxo- loop – two very different approaches to the Johnny González Cuarteto De Jazz adds a final distinctive regional sound. lifted from “Oh Death” off the 1975 album So phonist Charlie Rouse enters the subtle con- guitar stretching out and joining hands. sample, a piano, to the mix. It’s played back- Hadidjah performs songs that span three Glad I’m Here: Songs and Games From the struction underneath the piano with a rattling The sample is built from “He’s Gone” off wards and forwards thanks to Den Sorte Skole. genres of regional Sundanese (a mainly Muslim Sea Islands. sound and the band behind the Turkish singer Doris Duke’s 1970 debut album I’m A Loser. The last guitar leaves and then the sole people of Western Java) popular music: The Jones (1902-84) was from Smithville, Georgia Neşe Karaböcek steps in with strings. It’s considered one of the finest deep soul surviving piano – but the reverberation of the concert music styles kliningan and celempun- in southern USA. She sings in a Bahamian records ever, loosely a concept album about instrument stays behind. The last musician on gan, and the dance and music style jaipongan. accent accompanied by handclap rhythms of Then an oasis is opened in Oh Death, so that the darker sides of love and secret relationships board, the drummer, finishes his moves over The two former styles are of a dreamy nature African descent. the atmospheric electric guitar of Garybaldi with gritty soulful vocals from Duke. the drum skins and subsides. We are left behind enhanced by Hadidjah’s ornamented singing In the 1960s, Jones helped form the Georgia can float their large silvery notes over the land. She was born as Doris Curry in 1945 in with the afterglow of the piano and with the rich with melisma. Sea Island Singers. Both solo and in this group They’re borrowed from “Madre Di Cose” from Sandersville, Georgia. She started as a gospel crackling of the vinyl record, the main source The latter style – jaipongan – was adapted her work comprises of both songs and of the band’s second album Astrolabio. singer and moved to New York City when she material of this entire project. And as all vinyl by the renowned composer/choreographer musical games for children recollected from Garybaldi was an Italian rock band, orig- was 18 years old and worked as a session singer records, this one also stops. Dr. Gugum Gumbria Tirasonjaja from the earlier her past. The archive of Association of Cultural inally created under the name Gleemen by as well as a backing singer at the legendary “disreputable” Ketuk Tilu music tradition and Equity, now publicly accessible online, features guitarist Bambi Fossati. They changed their Apollo Theatre in Harlem. She recorded her from movements from the martial arts form many recordings of Bessie Jones by the afore- name to Garybaldi in 1971, and in 1973 they first, unsuccessful single “Running Away from Pencak Silat. He made this adaptation when mentioned iconic field recorder, folklorist and released Astrolabio where the influences from Loneliness” in 1966, and in 1969 she worked the Indonesian president Sukarno in 1961 pro- music ethnologist Alan Lomax. progressive rock were easily detectable. It was with no other than Nina Simone as a backing hibited rock and roll and other western music their second and last album. vocalist on the legendary singer’s live album A genres, and challenged Indonesian musicians Very Rare Evening, recorded in Germany. to revive their own traditions.




Riforme Piero Umiliani Riforme Mondo Inquieto 1974 Italy Formula Dub Trison Palma Time is so Hard Show Case in a Roots Radics Drum Part A Egisto Macchi Lampare Cittá Notte 1972 Italy Part A and Bass 1982 Jamaica Track 01 Doji Morita Best Spring Mother Sky 1976 Japan Track 04 Higelin & Areski L’Inutile Higelin Et Areski 1969 France Sermonizer Sibelius Spiders Sibelius Spiders 1985 Italy Mohd. Rafi Mujhe Dunyawalo Leader OST 1963 India Henri Texier Amir Amir 1976 France Keith Hudson Formula Dub Playing It Cool & Playing It Right 1981 Jamaica Brigitte Fontaine Tanka 1 Comme a la Radio 1969 France Igra Staklenih Perli Putovanje U Plavo (Voyage Into Blue) Igra Staklenih Perli 1979 Yugoslavia Czeslaw Bartkowski Drums Dream Drums Dream 1976 Poland Ajay (4), Jai Mumar Sharma, Popol Vuh On The Way Nosferatu 1976 France Kiraan, Sumeet (2) Kore, kore, coat mereya Purana Festivals of the Himalayas 1975 India Tobruk Send it for Tomorrow Ad Lib’ 1971 Brazil Count Buffalo & The Jazz Igor Wakhevitch Aurore Hathor 1973 France Rock Band Green Sleeves Soul & Rock 1969 Japan African Head Charge Good Things Off The Beaten Track 1986 Ghana/UK African Head Charge Good Things Off The Beaten Track 1986 Ghana/UK Ney Matogrosso Homem De Neanderthal Água Do Céu Pássaro 1975 Brazil Satya Sai Maitreya Kali Sam Pan Boat Inca 1972 USA Sibylle Baier Give Me a Smile Colour Green 1970 Germany Stelvio Cipriani Lettere OST Solamente Nero 1978 Italy Co-mix Sarah in Sahara Boggler – Stars in Stôr E.O. 1982 Germany/ Igra Staklenih Perli Gusterov Trg (Lyzzard Square) (Live) Soft Explosion Live 1978 Yugoslavia — — — — — — Popol Vuh On The Way Nosferatu 1976 France — — — — — — Staklenih Igra Staklenih Perli Gusterov Trg (Lyzzard Square) (Live) Soft Explosion Live 1978 Yugoslavia Part A Asmus Tietchens Tina, Ich Liebe Sie Sex & Bestiality 1985 Germany Gole Gandom Takahashi Mizutani The Last One Solo Works 1970 Japan Track 02 Higelin & Areski Je Veux Des Coupables Higelin Et Areski 1969 France Part B The Chris Hinze Combination I Like To Feed A Smile On Your Face Sister Slick 1974 Netherlands Satya Sai Maitreya Kali Sam Pan Boat Inca 1972 US Track 05 Soeur Marie Keyrouz Magnificat Cantiques de L’Orient 1996 Lebanon African Head Charge Good Things Off The Beaten Track 1986 Ghana/UK Colin Towns Full Circle Full Circle 1978 UK Stelvio Cipriani Lettere OST Solamente Nero 1978 Italy Lloyd Miller Gole Gandom Version III A Lifetime in Oriental Jazz 1968 US Laghonia Someday Etcetera 1969 The Marion Brown Quartet Homecoming Why Not? 1968 US Food and Shelter Surveillance Square Dance 1984 US Max Roach Kujichaglia M’Boom 1980 US Popol Vuh On the Way Nosferatu 1976 France Chamaeleon Church Ready, Eddie? (Waltz For Debbie) Chamaeleon Church 1968 US Henri Texier Amir Amir 1976 France — — — — — — Food and Shelter Square Dance Square Dance 1984 USA Pierre Raph Ville d’ Amiens La Rose de Fer (OST) 1973 France Did You Ever Damon Did You Ever Song of a Gypsy 1969 US — — — — — — Part B Mohd. Rafi Dayya Re Dayya Leader OST 1963 India Track 06 Igor Wakhevitch Sang Pourpre Docteur Faust 1971 France Milo Triston Palma Time is so Hard Show Case in a Roots Radics Lloyd Miller Gole Gandom Version III A Lifetime in Oriental Jazz 1968 US Part A Drum and Bass 1982 Jamaica Colin Towns Full Circle Full Circle 1978 UK Track 03 Ståålfågel Hemma Ståålfågel 1980 Sweden Karelia Surumarssi Optaatus Suomi Pop 2 1971 Finland Thrice Mice Jo Joe Thrice Mice 1971 Germany Selda Katip Arzuhalim Vurulduk Ey Halkim Unutma Bizi 1976 Turkey Dewey Corley & Walter Miller Stuttgart, Ark Wolf’s At The Door: Lost Recordings From Okay Temiz Denizalti Rüzgarlan Denizaltı Rüzgarlar/Dokuz Sekiz 1975 Turkey The Spirits Of The South 1962 US Melissa Getting Through Midnight Trampoline 1971 Australia Arsenio Rodríguez Arsenio Rodríguez Primitivo 1963 Cuba Karen Dalton Katie Cruel In My Own Time 1971 US Willie Colon La Murga Asalto Navideño 1972 US/Puerto Rico The Foundations Am I Groovin’ You Build Me Up Buttercup 1968 US Robert Altaber Les 24 Heures Du Mans V/A Noises 1977 Belgium Fille Qui Mousse Antinomique Trixie Stapleton 291 1972 France Little Steven Leonard Peltier Revolution 1988 US Günter Maas Variationen Klangbilder 1967 Germany Petrus Castrus Batucada Vulgaris Marasmo 1971 Portugal Fela Kuti Wayo (2nd version) The 69’ Los Angeles Sessions 1969 Nigeria BLO Miss Sagit Chapter One 1973 Nigeria Damon The Night Song of a Gypsy 1969 US Celina Gonzalez Paisajes Naturales Yo Soy El Punto Cubano 1982 Cuba Screamin’ Jay Hawkins (She Put The) Wamee (On Me) Screamin’ the Blues 1954 US Food and Shelter Square Dance Square Dance 1984 US Pucho & The Latin Soul Stelvio Cipriani Lettere OST Solamente Nero 1978 Italy Brothers Got Myself a Good Man Jungle Fire! 1969 US Igra Staklenih Perli Putovanje U Plavo (Voyage Into Blue) Igra Staklenih Perli 1979 Yugoslavia Twinkle Brothers Escape From Hell Dub Massacre Part 4 1989 Jamaica Young-Holt Unlimited Wichita Lineman Mellow Dreamin’ 1971 US Czeslaw Bartkowski Drums Dream Drums Dream 1976 Poland — ­— — ­— — — David McCallum House of Mirrors Music - It’s Happening Now! 1967 Scotland — — — — — —



Fai Yen ? Unidentifiable Greek Sample ? ? Greece Tomten Hot Boys Tomten Varma Smorgasar 1974 Sweden Part B Ream Daranoi Fai Yen Leftfield Luk Thung, Jazz and Part C Arcane V Le Beau Blaireau de Rachel Marron Dingue 1979 France Track 07 Molam from Thailand 1964 -1975 1975 Thailand Track 10 Placebo Balek 1973 1973 Belgium Paradox Kokoszka babuni Drifting Feather 1971 Poland Fairuz Bessan Jerusalem in My Heart 1972 Lebanon Chêne Noir Les Oiseaux Chant Pour Le Delta, La Lune Et Le Soleil 1976 France P.L.J. Band I See People Armageddon 1982 Greece Cyril Diaz & His Orchestra Voodoo Cyril Diaz & His Orchestra 1959 Trinidad & Tobago Günter Maas Variationen Klangbilder 1967 Germany The Elisabeth Waldo Group Cancion del Carretero Witthuser & Westrupp Besuch Aus Dem Kosmos Der Jesuspilz - Musik vom Evangelium 1971 Germany (Song of the Carretero) Maracatu 1959 US François de Roubaix Poursuite / Les Pigeons Capucins Dernier Domicile Connu 1970 France Can She Brings The Rain Zhengzheng Rikang 1968 Germany ? Unknown Lebanese sample ? ? Lebanon Takeshi Terauchi Comin’ Home Baby The World is Waiting for Terry 1967 Japan — — — — — — — — — — — — Karlchen Witthuser & Westrupp Karlschen Trips und Traume 1971 Germany Cervello Weather Report American Tango Mysterious Travelle 1974 US Part C Dave Holland Quartet Q & A Conference Of The Birds 1973 Germany Part B The European Sound Track 11 Manduka y Los Jaivas Tá bom tá que tá Los Sueños de América 1974 Brasil Track 08 Stage Orchestra Forewarning B. Tension & Suspense 1967 UK Sermonizer Purpled Sibelius Spiders 1985 Italy The Human Instinct Stoned Guitar Stoned Guitar 1970 New Zealand Stevens Meic Ghost Town Ghost Town 1968 US Francois Rabbath Classical Impromtu No.2 1964 France ? Unkown Japanese Sample ? ? Japan Les Baxter Hot Wind Hell’s Bells 1969 US Os Brasas Sou Triste Por Te Amar Os Brasas 1968 Brazil Cervello Scinsione (T.R.M.) Melos 1973 Italy Baligh Hamdi Mizmar Le Monde Musical de Baligh Hamdi 197? Egypt Pedro Santos Áqua Viva Krishnanda 1968 Brazil The Elisabeth Waldo Group Tun-Kul Maracatu 1959 US Un Drame Musicale — — — — — — Instantane Pas De Cadeau Dix Nous Surprises Pour Noël! 1981 France — — — — — — Hürel 3 Hürel Madalyonun Ters Yuzü 3 Hürel 1976 Turkey Part C Young-Holt Unlimeted Wah Wah Man Born Again 1971 US Overtime Malvina Reynolds Overtime Malvina Reynolds 1970 US Track 12 I Gres Restless I Gres 1974 Italy Part B Un Drame Musicale David McCallum House of Mirrors Music - It's Happening Now! 1967 Scotland Track 09 Instantane Pas De Cadeau Dix Nous Surprises Pour Noël! 1981 France Exuma Mama Loi, Papa Loi Exuma 1970 Bahamas Guilherme Lamounier Freedom Guilherme Lamounier 1973 Brazil Archach Temment Noujdik Unknown 198? Marocco Waldjinah & Orkes Bintang Fikret Kizilok Güzel Ne Güzel Olmussen Fikret Kizilok 1970 Turkey Surakarta Bawa Asmarandana Pamitan (Gesang) Keroncong Cah Ayu 1977 Indonesia — — — — — — Simon Boswell Maggots Phenomena 1985 UK Conrad Schnitzler Afghanistan Consequenz I 1980 Germany Gowla Ney Matogrosso Homem De Neanderthal Água Do Céu Pássaro 1975 Brazil Les Amazones de Guinée Samba A Coeur de Paris 1983 Guinea Part D Unknown Echoes of the Storm Echoes Of The Storm 1956 US Munir Bashir Du’a - Invocation Méditations 1995 Iraq Track 13 17 Pygmies Hollow Lands Jedda By The Sea 1984 US Galapagos Duck Removalists Suite A. In The Making The Removalists 1974 Australia Solis Lacus Utopia Solis Lacus 1975 Belgium Les Baxter Hot Wind Hell’s Belles 1969 US T.K Ramamoorty Gowla Fabulous Notes and Beats of Roky Erickson And The Aliens I Walked With a Zombie I Think Of Demons 1980 US the Indian Carnatic - Jazz 1969 India Stained Glass Fahrenheit Crazy Horse Roads 1968 US I.D.Company He's Out Now I.D.Company 1970 Germany Jimmy Hughes It Was Nice Goodbye My Lover Goodbye/It Was Nice 1965 US Placebo Balek 1973 1973 Belgium BLO Miss Sagit Chapter One 1973 Nigeria Shankar Jaikishan Raga Bhairav Raga Jazz Style 1968 India Abner Jay I Wanna Job I Wanna Job ? US — — — — — — Old Regular Baptists I Am a Poor Pilgrim of Sorrow Classic Mountain Songs from Smithsonian Folkways ? US Island Girl Eden Ahbez Island Girl Eden's Island 1960 US Shankar Jaikishan Tere Bina Aag Yeh Chandni Awára 1951 India Part D Solis Lacus Utopia Solis Lacus 1975 Belgium — — — — — — Track 14 Baligh Hamdi Qissat hob Belly Dance: Hommage A Baligh Hamdi 1989 Egypt Faust BBC Session Break BBC Sessions + 1972 Germany The Distant Galaxy The Distant Galaxy Don Sebesky 1968 US Bent Lorentzen Lemonade Water - Electronic Music for Children 1970 Denmark — — — — — —



En Lille En Gitte Hænning Drøm En Lille Drøm om Mig Drøm En Lille Drøm Om Mig 1967 Denmark Sozialistisches Patienten Part D Bent Lorentzen Lemonade Water - Electronic Music for Children 1970 Denmark Kollektiv Genetic Transmission Leichenschrei 1983 Germany Track 15 Buddy Guy & Junior Wells Somebody Hoodooed White Noise Love Without Sound An Electric Storm The White Noise 1969 UK The Hoodoo Man Intro Newport, Rhode Island 1968 1968 US — — — — — — Ted Lucas Sonny Boy Blues Ted Lucas 1974 US Don Cherry The Whole World Catalogue Scandinavian Radio Sessions 1971 US Le Brin Brigitte Fontaine & Solis Lacus Utopia Solis Lacus 1975 Belgium Part E Areski Belkacem Le brin d'herbe Vous et nous 1977 France Igor Wakhevitch Matines Docteur Faust 1971 France Track 18 Phil Ranelin Vibes From The Tribe (Prelude) Vibes From The Tribe 1975 US Max Roach Kujichaglia M'Boom 1980 US Fille Qui Mousse Esplanade Trixie Stapelton 291 – Se Taire Baka Pygmies Hut Song Cameroon – Baka Pygmy Music Pour Une Femme Trop Belle 1972 France (Musica Atlas v. 21, Unesco Collection) 1977 Cameroon ? Unidentifiable Japanese Sample ? ? Japan Shankar Jaikishan Gumnaam Hai Koi Gumnaam (OST) 1965 India ? Unidentifiable Siberian Sample ? ? Siberia Les Vampyrettes Menetekel Biomutanten 1981 Germany Ersen Güneşe Dön Çiçeğım Dünden Bugüne 1977 Turkey Saint Tropez Je T'aime (Moi Non Plus) Je T'iame 1977 France Naushad Mere Jeevan Saathi (from Saathi) Saathi 1969 India Boubacar Traore Adieu Pierrette Kar Kar 1992 Mali Deutsch Amerikanischen Produkt Der Deutsch Laxmikant Pyarelal Background Music 1 Vijeta (OST) 1982 India Freundschaft Track 19 Amerikanischen Freundschaft 1979 Germany People from the Monks, A Clown, Crowds Tibetan Buddhist Rites From Popol Vuh Mantra 1 Nosferatu 1976 France Chhhokhor Valley and Instruments the Monasteries of Bhutan 1971 Bhutan Tatsuro Yamashita Candy Spacy 1977 Japan — — — — — — Sumire Yoshihara Munari by Munari Percussions In Colors 1978 Japan Gilbert Artman Saxophone Machine No. 2 V/A City & Industry 1983 France Old Order People from the Monks, A Clown, Crowds Tibetan Buddhist Rites From Johnny Wakelin In Zaire In Zaire 1976 UK Part E Chhhokhor Valley and Instruments the Monasteries of Bhutan 1971 Bhutan Martin Circus Pourquoi Acte II 1971 France Track 16 Dorothy Carter Tree of Life Waillee Waillee 1978 US Little Steven Leonard Peltier Revolution 1988 US Javanshir Guliyev Opening Credits, Harvest Celebration OST Ashik Kerib 1988 Azerbaijan Saint Tropez Je T'aime (Moi Non Plus) Je T'iame 1977 France Dramnyen Choshe Song in Praise of Chinese Silk Tibetan Buddhist Rites From Moggi Gadget Tra Scienza E Fantascienza 1965 Italy the Monasteries of Bhutan 1971 Bhutan ? Unidentifiable Indian Sitar Sample ? ? India — — — — — — Om Kalsoum Fakkarouni Fakkarouni 1971 Egypt — — — — — — Magnetic The Haters Fire 5 In The Shade Of Fire 1986 US Part E Phil Ranelin Vibes From The Tribe (Prelude) Vibes From The Tribe 1975 US Risen The Almighty El-Cee We have risen ? 1987 US Track 17 Philippe Doray Part E Sumire Yoshihara Munari by Munari Percussions In Colors 1978 Japan Asociaux Associés Contrechant Magnetique Nouveaux Modes Industriels 1980 France Track 19 Henri Texier Hocoka A Cordes et a Cris 1979 France Rebecca Pan One Year Ago Today I Miss You Again ? China unknown Hammer Driving Nails Echoes Of The Storm 1956 US Les Vampyrettes Biomutanten Biomutanten 1981 Germany Günter Maas Variationen Klangbilder 1967 Germany Calung Darso Murak Paisan Balang Darso ? Indonesia King Ronnie Gee Sweet Susanne Club Mix Sweet Susanne Club Mix 1986 US Tonio Rubio Bass In Action N°1 Rhythms 1973 Italy Throbbing Gristle Discipline (Berlin) 20 Jazz Funk Greats 1979 UK Melvins Second Coming MeLysol 1992 US — — — — — — Sozialistisches Patienten Kollektiv Post - Mortem Leichenschrei 1983 Germany Lamuka Throbbing Gristle Discipline (Berlin) 20 Jazz Funk Greats 1979 UK Toshi Ichiyanagi Untitled Opera "From The Works Part E Etant Donnes Les 4 Frappes Sourdes Sex & Bestiality 1985 Germany of Tadanori Yokoo" 1969 Japan Track 20 Zazou, Bikaye & Cy 1 Lamuka Noir Et Blanc 1983 Belgium Trying to Please the SS Women Of The SS Women Of The SS (AKA Woman Iz Beast) 1985 US John Foxx Metal Beat Metamatic 1980 UK Company Flow The Fire in Which You Burn Fun 1997 US Tafo feat. Nahid Akhtar Shola Sa Bharka Jasoos Vol. 2 1977 Pakistan Luli e Lucina Terra e Lua Amor de Mulher 1982 Brazil Keiko Matsuo and Total Disease Sterile Exuberant Stitching 1991 Australia Her Ensemble Miyama Jishi 18th Century Traditional Music of Japan 1971 Japan La Chorale Untitled Sex & Bestiality 1985 France Conrad Schnitzler & Eddie Kendricks My people…hold on People…Hold On 1972 US Wolfgang Seidel Zack Zack Consequenz II 1986 Germany — — — — — —



Alvin Svend Christiansen Urverk Urværk, Noir, Blau 1974 Denmark Oh Death Bessie Jones Oh Death So Glad I'm Here : Songs and Games Part F Egil Kapstad Jeg lagde mig så silde Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair 1971 Norway Part F From the Georgia Sea Islands 1975 US Track 21 African Head Charge Good Things Off The Beaten Track 1986 Ghana/UK Track 25 Soft Verdict 4 Mains Vergessen 1982 Belgium For Against Broke My Back Echelons 1987 US Fille Qui Mousse Résistance Instinctive Trixie Stapelton 291 – Se Taire Michael Small Goldfarb's Record OST Klute 1971 US Pour Une Femme Trop Belle 1972 France Montreal Infinity A Summer's Night 1970 Canada Laghonia Someday Etcetera 1969 Peru Woody Leafer There Are Drums in My Typewriter ? ? US Einstürzende Neubauten Kollaps Kollaps 1981 Germany Egisto Macchi Automaticità Bioritmi 1979 Italy Charlie Rouse In His Presence Searching Two is One 1974 US Igra Staklenih Perli Gusterov Trg (Lyzzard Square) (Live) Soft Explosion Live 1978 Yugoslavia Nese Karabocek Kole Deli Gibi Sevdim 1978 Turkey Trembling Strain Funural March Fu Ka - Anthem to Raise the Death 1985 Japan Garybaldi Madre Di Cose Perdute Astrolabio 1973 Italy Egisto Macchi Moonsong Voix 1970 Italy Michel Colombier Morning Is Come Again Wings 1970 France — — — — — — Wings Loup (First Indian on the Moon) Red Rose Speedway 1973 US Igor Wakhevitch Aurore Hathor 1973 France Layton Nico Fidenco & Lida Lu Clayton Lo Voglio Morto (OST) 1968 Italy Egisto Macchi Lampare Cittá Notte 1972 Italy Part F Swans Beautiful Child Children of God 1990 US Doris Duke I Don't Care Anymore I'm A Loser 1970 US Track 22 Francois Rabbath Bitume The Sound of a Bass 1963 France Baligh Hamdi Esmaouni 1989 Egypt The Habibiyya Koto Piece If Man But Knew 1972 UK Brigitte Fontaine & Belly Dance Hommage A Baligh Egisto Macchi Moonsong Voix 1970 Italy Areski Belkacem Je Suis Venu te Voir Vous et nous 1977 France Leadbelly Grasshoppers in My Pillow Huddie Ledbetter's Best … P.P. Zahl Dynamos Alle Turen Offen 1978 Austria His Guitar - His Voice - His Piano 1944 US Logan Dwight Logan Dwight Logan Dwight 1972 Italy ? Echoes of the Storm Echoes Of The Storm 1956 US Witthuser & Westrupp Besuch Aus Dem Kosmos Der Jesuspilz - Musik vom Evangelium 1971 Germany — — — — — — The Chaquito Big Band Theme From The Anderson Tapes Spies And Dolls 1972 UK Young-Holt Unlimited Wichita Lineman Mellow Dreamin' 1971 US O Babuaa Waldinjah Bading Luntjat V/A Black Plastic Singing Flats ? Indonesia Johnny González Part F African Head Charge Belinda Off the Beaten Track 1986 Ghana/UK Cuarteto De Jazz Gracias A La Vida Jazz A 4.000 m. De Altura 1968 Bolivia Track 23 Andy Zwerling Knife Man Spiders In The Night 1971 US — — — — — — Ron Grainer/Delia Derbyshire Dr. Who BBC Space Themes 1978 UK Nirvana Lonely Boy The Story Of Simon Simopath 1967 UK For Against Broke My Back Echelons 1987 US Max Roach Kujichaglia M'Boom 1980 US Les Baxter Necronomicon The Dunwich Horror (OST) 1970 US N.B. Eddie Kendricks My People … Hold On People … Hold On 1972 US Subsequent to each track, the sampled Asha Bhosle O Babuaa Yeh Mahua Sadma 1983 India recordings are listed in random order. Matthew Young Kyrie Eleison Traveler's Advisory 1986 US Pascal Comelade Rue Des Soeurs Noires Haikus de Pianos 1992 France — — — — — —

Exil BLO Miss Sagit Chapter One 1973 Nigeria Part F Egisto Macchi Lampare Cittá Notte 1972 Italy Track 24 Ossian Na Wiosnę Setki Kwiatów... Ossian 1975 Poland Francois Rabbath Exil The Sound of a Bass 1963 France Juan Amalbert's Latin Jazz Quintet G.T.'s Theme The Chant 1962 US H. Idjah Hadidjah Serat Salira Serat Salira ? ? Francois Rabbath Impalas The Sound of a Bass 1963 France Nico Gomez And His Afro Percussion Inc. Samba De Una Nota So Ritual 1971 Belgium — — — — — —


Credits Thank you In no particular order deep-felt appreciation is sent to:

Lektion III is composed by Our deepest gratitude and respect goes out to all the sampled artists on The whole crew making things happen, bringing the School to another Those we forgot because we forgot, and not because you were not as Simon Dokkedal and Martin Højland Lektion III. We sincerely hope you will forgive us for not having permis- level: Alexander Nitze, Ralf Christensen, James Hancock, Frederik important as those mentioned! Den Sorte Skole sion and find that your hidden gems have been treated with appropriate Heitmann, Søren Severin, Theis Mortensen, Simon Weyhe, Mathias Nyholm respect and creativity. Hopefully Lektion III will bring you a lot of new fans. and Dark Matters. We feel extremely lucky to have so much talent on Jacob, Klaus, Gitte, Martha, Nanna, Bjørg, Ditte, Mads, Hassel, Rene, Lektion III is released and distributed by board and enjoy all the hours we spent together. Your dedicated and hard Travis and the rest of the CPH Student House crew for generous hosting. Den Sorte Skole ApS Thanks to all the amazing cyber portals of forgotten music. You have work is much appreciated and we look forward to pushing the School even Rikke Hedeager, Klaus Ib Jørgensen, Karl Skibsted, the IMAGES crew, been the generous providers of so much intriguing sound and inspiration. further with you. Peter Hvalkof, Morten Madsen, Karsten Fundahl, Geo Rasmussen and Hybrid Mastering by Most of the links are dead by now thanks to the enforcers of Babylon law. Rasmus Schack for your sincere interest and effort to open up doors for Anders Schumann / Studio C4 When you were all active, we felt like we were part of a very special and Our good friend Cohnny Jazz, for bringing in those killer samples providing us. Statens Kunstfond for helping to keep the ship floating. beautiful moment in the history of musical exchange. Mad respect goes the foundation for Fai Yen and En Lille En. Thank you for all the inspiration Cover and graphic design by out to all the heavy music geeks out there: throughout the years. Barbara & Poul Erik Dokkedal, Mads Rahbæk, Jon Erik, Mikkel Scharff, Søren Severin / Simon Weyhe, Troels Rasmus Jensen, Henrik & Ingrid, Mads Terkelsen, creepscanner, ghostcapital, globalgroovers, profondorossodescargas, Adam Højland for such detailed and encouraging feedback, Martin Bøhm, Jakob Mølgaard, Amdi, Esben & Morten, Smeden, Laust, Introduction and Track Notes by memoryssubmarine, record-fiend, italianfolkmusic, toroyloco, holyfuck- Shatterhands for last minute beat service, Anders Dixen for helping out in Nilas, Albert, Mads Frederiksen, Kristian & Mikkel, Sylvester and Christian Ralf Christensen ingshit40000, magicofjuju, onurlar, turkishpsychedelicrock, heaven- so many ways, TopGunn for keeping Dokkedal up at night, Fragga for fix- Bådbygger, for helping Dokkedal move forward with Betty Viola. ly-grooves, gonzo-archive, toquemusical, prognotfrog, bubblegumsoup, ing the Cubase mothership, Chris aka. Free The Robots for the good times Proof reading by thegrowingbin, thirdfloormusic, snapcrackleandpops, babeblogue, on tour, Pato Siebenhaar, Rasmus Poulsen and Phase 5 for that cosy Lærke & Sally for all the love. Helen Clara Hemsley purayuca, brnuggets, allegory-of-allergies, rootstrata, furorisacrum, evening listening and encouraging feedback, Stefan Storm for sharing ilgolpeeluva, danielprog, tyme-machine, whatsinmyipod, soundtrack- your killer samples with us once again, Schumifar, Jobbe and Mikkel for Johan, Mic, Laust, Malecki, Vinzent, Hagemann, Baloo, Jeppe, Eskildsen, sandmore, 433rpm, commercialzone, cosmichearse, abraxas-soyoung- keeping calm under pressure from the 1-db boys, Rune Skyum for all your Frede and Engel for all your patient and understanding talks with Højland butsocold, bolingo69, capanostrasyndicate, madrotter, braingoreng, support, Andreas Rosforth for still standing by whenever we need you, when a storm of uncertainty caught the School halfway through. luckypsychichut, closetcurios2, varieteunderground, orgyinrhythm, Anna Brink for that late night planning, Sylvester for one solid Ableton oriental-traditional-music, bosquesonoro, creepypowers, rockanthology, solution, Klumben for all the hours side kicking in the studio and being a Karsten, Jeanne, Rosa, Maria, Tue, Snorre, grandma Edith and Adam for continuo, garagetapes, swedishheavymetal, apyrexscholar, hippy-djkit, good friend, Mikkel Vinther and Kristian Skjøth Madsen for much more your unconditional love and support over the years. Olmo, Stine, Anna, psychedelicmaniacs, heavypsychmanblog, dieordiy, guitarandthew- than a few lines can do justice to, Martin Bøhm for keeping the library Jesper, Nanna, Oscar, Lise, Lene, Mogens, Lui, Tenna and Albert for indagain,yurock, jugorockforever, underground-psychedelia, madro- alive, Jux and Jesper for webbing us up, Dough Shipton and Sebastian being the coolest bonus family around. Michael for engaging so pas- tter-treasure-hunt, listentoyourears, lossonidosdemimente, yuforyou, Reier for staying up late listening and loving the beast, Georg, Tue, Blæs sionately in what we are doing. Ole & Maggi for exceptional help with digger-undertheashes, musiquevintage, recordplayer78, musictraveler, and Bjørn for closing the circle of Svinemalkeren. the boys. Marianne for much more than could be put here. Alvin & Milo, unlockedgrooves, errny-progrockplazerna, psychedelicobscurities, old- MuGeDaLi & MikLoMaKlo, for making us believe that Lektion III is actually school-hiphop-tapes, orexisofdeath, strictlyoldschoolhiphop, voodoovault, Léandre S. a.k.a Mr. Fake from The Soundtrackers for providing us with danceable. holywarbles, mutant-sounds ... and many more. a perfect recording of that opening sample by Piero Umiliani. MFT3F for stepping in with that killer aiff-version of ”O Babuaa Yeh Mahua” in the Last but certainly not least Højland sends love, more love and even more — final hour. love to Martha for always being there, always supporting, always wise, always loving and always beautiful. MAD LOVE. A very special thought goes out to our friend and third partner in Den Our dedicated fans – like the Tikster, Daniel and Ole – for making us feel Sorte Skole, El Dedo aka. Martin Fernando Jakobsen. Fernando took part that we have something extraordinary to give. Thanks for all the mes- in the first part of our process, collecting samples for the archive and he sages and kind words. took part in the making of the initial drafts to Did You Ever, Old Order and Oh Death. Big respect for your determined effort and success with bring- ing Turning Tables to another level since our paths split.

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