
U.S. on Maps

Landforms on Maps On physical maps of the United States, you might see the bumps of , the blue lines of , and the of . Let's look at a few of the major landforms to find on U.S. maps.

PebbleGo Database. Copyright © 2020 Capstone Digital. Permission is granted for classroom use. Mountains Two large ranges are in the United States. The run along western from Canada to New Mexico. The are in eastern North America from Canada to Alabama. Rivers Important U.S. rivers form . The Mississippi begins in Minnesota and ends at the of Mexico. It forms the borders of some states. The Rio Grande River forms the between Texas and Mexico.

PebbleGo Database. Copyright © 2020 Capstone Digital. Permission is granted for classroom use. The Great Lakes are found in the northeastern United States. They form some of the U.S. border with Canada. They are Lakes Superior, Erie, Huron, Michigan, and Ontario. Plains The stretch from central Canada south through the center of the United States. This flat area is mostly . Many farmers grow crops on these plains.

PebbleGo Database. Copyright © 2020 Capstone Digital. Permission is granted for classroom use. Glossary Terms border - the dividing line between two places - a large group or chain of mountains physical map - a map that shows the physical features on , such as mountains or lakes - a large, flat area of land with few trees crop - a plant grown in large amounts; many crops are used for food - a natural feature of the land

“U.S. Landforms on Maps.” Social Studies. Capstone, www.pebblego.com. Accessed 21 Apr. 2020.

PebbleGo Database. Copyright © 2020 Capstone Digital. Permission is granted for classroom use.