4TH INTERNATIONAL SCHOLAS CHAIRS CONGRESS University and school. Towards a revival of universities that “go forth” (Cf. VG, 4)

Castelgandolfo Pontifical Villa, Italy June 27th to 29th, 2018 “There is an “urgent need for “networking” between those institutions worldwide that cultivate and promote ecclesiastical studies, in order to set up suitable channels of cooperation also with academic institutions in the different countries and with those inspired by different cultural and religious traditions. At the same time, specialized centres of research need to be established in order to study the epochal issues affecting humanity today”

Pope Francis (, 4d) What is a Scholas Chair? What is the Academic Year of Scholas Chairs? The Chairs are spaces of reflection and action connected in a great network, in which each Scholas Chairs program develops in cycles subject (professors, researchers, students) called Academic Years. The academic year is enriched in the Encounter with the other, of Scholas Chairs starts and finishes with an through bonds that develop between Scholas International Congress in which the projects Chairs and schools from Scholas.Social web site. carried out in different contexts, its impact on the community, level of awareness and Scholas Chairs perform diverse activities: eventually of incidence in public policy are presented. a. Support for educational and social projects: Scholas Chairs provide To this end, all participants worldwide are educational support and expert consulting part of a space for exchange of experiences, for projects placed on Scholas.Social re-discussion of the theoretical principles in platform, directing them to the pedagogical light of the experiences within the framework principles of Scholas. of the International Congress, which gives visibility to the Chairs. b. Didactics: Communication of contents produced by Scholas Chairs (through active These international meetings take place and motivating methodologies). each year, changing country and continent. The academic year ends with a publication c. Research: Professors and students can that includes results of the investigation, elaborate a comprehensive research on the description of the technical model applied, subject proposed by the Chairs. It could good practices and “lessons learned” that will also involve the development of specific arise as a result of the collective construction doctorates. of the group of Universities involved. d. Awareness-raisingandinsertioninpublicpoli The first congress was held at the Pontifical cies:Promotingdissemination,communicati Academy of Sciences (Holy See) from May onandtrainingonthevaluesofthe Culture of 29th to 31st, 2016 with the participation of 40 Encounter in the various areas of society. universities from 14 countries. The following one took place at the Catholic University of Valencia with the participation of high Its goal is to generate concrete cooperation ecclesiastical authorities and academics on experiences and case studies that of Spanish universities. And the third, at will serve as models to apply in different the Harry Truman Institute of the Hebrew contexts, developing synergies between University of Jerusalem from July 1st to 4th, universities, schools and projects; as well 2017 with the participation of 41 universities as to involve students in the process of from 20 countries. comprehensive research and generate actions destined to help the community. Scholas Chairs Program currently involves 47 universities and 19 observer organizations from 21 countries. What is Scholas Citizenship Which are the objectives of the Program? Congress?

Scholas Citizenship is an educational program of Scholas Chairs Congress aims at gathering the Scholas Occurrentes Foundation that aims researchers and academic members of to promote social commitment and participation Scholas Chairs program with religious, of youth, based on their own experiences and diplomatic and government authorities, to concerns, in order to produce positive changes generate opportunities of cooperation and in themselves and their communities. learning considering education as a means for social change. The final objective of these The origin of this educational proposal is the lectures is to promote a concrete cooperation School of Neighbors (“Escuela de Vecinos”) regarding successful experiences and study program created by Jorge Bergoglio as cases that can be considered as models for Buenos Aires , in the pursuit of its implementation in diverse environments. building bridges amongst different schools within the city. This program started after Which are the three topics for the the 2001 economic and social crisis in 2018 Congress? Argentina, incorporating eleven schools of diverse religious communities: Muslim, Jewish, Topic 1: Educating for Fraternal Humanism: Evangelical and Catholic. Students from Innovative education these schools were invited to get together to identify their common concerns and join Topic 2: Laudato Si’ – Social ecology: efforts to solve them collectively. environmental and social sustainability At present, in the City of Buenos Aires more than 60 state-run and private schools are Topic 3: Assisi – Interreligious dialogue for part of the program, both religious and non- sustainable peace religious, from different creeds and from all the 15 boroughs that comprise the city. These three topics emerge from matching Moreover, the program is being developed in the issues that the youth of diverse Scholas all Argentinian provinces with the support of Citizenship editions chose as more important Argentina’s Ministry of Education. in different countries with the most important As a result of ’s request to bring issues shown by Pope Francis in his Encyclical this program to the entire world, promoting Letter Laudato Si’ as well as the Sustainable a culture of encounter between youth Development Goals (SDG) 2030 of the United from around the globe, the experience is Nations. being carried out in Spain, Italy, Paraguay, Haiti, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, the United Arab Emirates and Mozambique, reaching What is the Scholas Chairs Students thousands of students from around the world. International Meeting? With the Interreligious Citizenship Encounter, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Scholas joined together answering Pope During the congress a group of university Francis’ call to create a culture of encounter students coming from different countries of among youth, applying the yearly wisdom of the world will be trained and will debate about the University, with the Foundation’s intuition the problematic Migrants and Refugees. This and expertise. activity was born in the Research Team of Scholas Chairs called: Exchange of students and professors through Erasmus grants or similar scholarships (Internationalization with multiculturality) and the following academics confirmed their collaboration (in alphabetical order): P. Dr. Fabio Baggio CS (Sotto-Segretario Sezione Migranti e Rifugiati, Dicastero per il Servizio dello Sviluppo Umano Integrale, Holy See); Dr. Nadezhna Castellano (Fordham University. Co- Director Education The Seminar will be accompanied by: in Emergencies Course); Prof. Italo Fiorin, (Direttore EIS, Università LUMSA, Italy); Launch of the book “Culture to Unite the People Prof. Márcia Guena Dos Santos (Diretora – The art of the Encounter” from Célio Turino do Departamento de Ciências Humanas, (Olga Kos Institute edition, São Paulo, Brasil); Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Brazil); Prof. Giuseppe Milan (President of the degree Photography Exhibition about “Culture, course in Education Sciences University of ancestral wisdom and communities in Latin Padua, Rovigo, Italy); Prof. Milena Santerini America” from the photographer Mario Miranda (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Milano, (Olga Kos Institute realization, São Paulo, Brazil); former Italian Deputy, General Rapporter of Council of Europe); Ms. Naama Shpeter Arts and Play Exposition, from the plastic artist (Executive Director of The Harry S. Truman Silvia Bove (Province of Mendoza, Argentina) Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel); Fr. Joseph Jeyaraj Swaminathan What is the “I Can!” training program for (Università Pontificia Salesiana, Italy); Prof. Italian educators? Juan Carlos Torre Puente (Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Spain). In 2015, Pope Francis made a call to the world through the encyclical letter Laudato Si’ to ¿What the “Points of Encounter – take care of our “common home”. Through Culture to Unite the People” Seminar is? “I Can!” project, children and youth accept the challenge committing to improve their During the Scholas Chairs International environment by applying “Design for Change” Congress and along with the “Instituto methodology. A project consists in four simple Casa Común” (Common Home Institute), steps: to feel the need or issue; to imagine an encounter will be held with cultural new solutions; to act and build the change; to communitarian organizations coming from share your story to inspire as many people as different Latin American countries. Based on possible. The goal is to create a global chain successful experiences which may be useful of children and youth in order to change the as methodological models to be adapted at world step by step. To achieve this, four basic different realities, they will reflect together on skills are implied (the four “C”s): critical thinking, a cooperation proposal to be expressed at the creativity, collaboration, communication. The Letter of Castel Gandolfo, to be written by the project strengthens self-confidence in the youth. participants. New generations can build a brighter future to mankind. Last May 19th in Rome, FIDAE (the These communitarian organizations that carry Federation of Educational Institutions – Italian out ongoing solidarity actions and give a catholic schools) in collaboration with the CCA concrete answer to their local population will (Congregation for the Catholic Education) and become “POINTS OF ENCOUNTER” addressing OIEC (Catholic International Education Office) service-learning formation activities to launched the project in Italy. FIDAE places its youngsters (“YOUNG CIVIC AGENTS”) who will trust in this project: https://ioposso.fidae.it/ actively involve into deep social commitment website was launched to guide teachers and projects according to their local contexts. create regional training networks and spread the word about “I Can!” project throughout Italy. In Castelgandolfo from June 27th to 29th, the Italian educators will have their first chance to train in the implementation of the methodology. JUNE 27TH

8.00 - 9.00 Registration

9.00 - 9.30 Opening Ceremony

José María del Corral, Director of Pontifical Foundation Scholas Occurrentes Enrique Palmeyro, Director of Pontifical Foundation Scholas Occurrentes Maria Voce, President of the Focolari Movement Francesco Bonini, Rettore Magnifico dell’Università LUMSA, Italy Religious Authorities

9.30 – 10.30 Opening Round Table

Moderator: Dr. Antonio de Martín Puerta (Director of the Institute of Humanities of the Universities San Pablo CEU of Madrid, Cardenal Herrera CEU of Valencia and Abat Oliba CEU of Barcelona)

Prof. Italo Fiorin (LUMSA Postgraduate School in Education for the Development of Civic Society, Italy). Cattedre Scholas

Mons. Angelo Vincenzo Zani (Secretary General of the Congregation for Catholic Education, Holy See). Educare all’umanesimo solidale

Rev. Fr. Prof. Martinien Bosokpale Dumana OFMCap (Catholic University of Congo, DR Congo). The model of the Scholas Chair at the Catholic University of Congo

Dr. Carlos Beltramo Álvarez (Coordinator Area of Education of Character and Affectivity, Project Education of Affectivity and Human Sexuality, ICS, University of Navarra, Spain) La armonía de los tres lenguajes. Fundamentos científicos y alcances pedagógicos de la propuesta del Papa Francisco para la Educación

10.30 – 11.00 Break

11.00 - 13.30 Round Table Topic 1: Educating for fraternal humanism: Innovative Education

Moderator: Dr. Paulo Fossatti (Rector Lasalle University - Canoas, President of the National Association of Catholic Schools, Brazil)

Rvd. Fr. Prof. Mauro Mantovani SDB (Rettore Magnifico dell’Università Pontificia Salesiana, Holy See) Contributo delle Cattedre Scholas alla Veritatis Gaudium

Dra. Nadezhna Castellano (Co- Director Education in Emergencies Course. Fordham University, USA) Quality Education in Emergencies. Innovation & Research on Teachers’ Professional Development

Rvd. Fr. Dr. Michael Smith SJ (Jesuit Refugee Service. Honorary Fellow Australian Catholic University, Australia). Doing ordinary things in an extraordinary situation: ways to provide refugee with professional and post-secondary education

Dr. Andrew Furco (Associate Vice President for Public Engagement. University of Minnesota, USA). Engaging Students as Active Citizens to Serve the Public Good: An Analysis of Research on the Impacts of Service-Learning on Student Development

Dr. José Fernando Calderero Hernández (Professor of “Theory and Practice of Educational Research” and “Life Cycles and Communication in the Family”. Director of the International Seminar on Personalized Education, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja, Spain) Personal Educational Needs

Dra. Paula Luengo (Escuela de Psicología, Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile) Impegno civico, solidarietá e coesione sociale

13.30 – 15.00 Lunch

15.00 – 16.00 Presentation of Scholas.Social program as network of networks

Moderators: Dr. Carina Rossa and Mr. Juan Fresno (Scholas Occurrentes Foundation)

AFN Onlus (Mr. Pietro Parlani, Italy) - New Humanity (Dr. Pierre Benoit, France) - Living Peace (Dra. Corinne Raboud, Switzerland) - OIEC- Catholic International Education Office (Dr. Philippe Richard, France and Br. Dr. Juan Antonio Ortiz Ojeda, Spain) – CIEC Inter-american Confederation of Catholic Education (Dr. Óscar A. Pérez Sayago, Colombia) - World Organization of the Scout Movement (Mgr. Marcelo Guerra Hahn) - Regnum Christi (Dr. Jorge López González, Italy) - Enti locali per la Pace (Mr. Flavio Lotti, Italy) – Institut des Amériques (Dr. Carlos Quenan, France)

16.00 – 16.30 Break

16.30- 18.15 Laboratory Topic 1: Laboratory Topic 1: Initiatives of Scholas Educating for fraternal Educating for fraternal Chairs Research- humanism: Innovative humanism: Innovative Action Team. Topic 1: Education Education Educating for fraternal humanism: Innovative Education

Room A Room B Room C

Moderator: Prof. Moderator: Prof. Moderator: Rev. Fr. Óscar Pérez Sayago Jorge López González Adolfo Lamata Muyo (Secretario General (Delegate of the CMF (Delegate of the de la Confederación General Director of General Superior of the Interamericana de Regnum Christi for Claretian Missionaries) Educación Católica) Educational Centers and Counselor of the Anahuac Network)

Red Solidaria de La evaluación por Claves pedagógicas Diálogo Universitario rúbrica de los proyectos para evaluar el por el Encuentro. Daniel aprendizaje-servicio programa Scholas. Ricci, Marcelo González desde el pensamiento Ciudadanía. Research Magnasco. Federación pedagógico del Papa Team Initiatives de Docentes de Francisco. Carlos to harmonize the las Universidades Novella García, Yolanda broken pact. Yolanda (Argentina) Ruiz Ordóñez, Agustín Ruiz Ordoñez, Domingo Moratalla. Universidad Católica Universidad Católica de de Valencia (Spain); Valencia (Spain) Carmen Rosales Varo, Universidad de Granada. Centro del Magisterio La Inmaculada (Spain); Claudio García Pinto, FUCLAE (Argentina)

La responsabilidad La universidad Programa Aprender en social y ciudadana de como puente entre Red. Learning network las universidades desde las empresas y los programme. Research modelos de vinculación proyectos de Scholas. Team Education comunitaria y con Social. Eduardo D. through Technology. enfoque de derechos Sánchez. Universidad Mariana Clini Diana, humanos. Juan de Belgrano Instituto Crescer Alejandro Henríquez (Argentina) (Brazil); Christina Myers, Peñailillo. Universidad OMNIS Institute (UK). de las Américas (Chile)

Jugar en el Chad. Una L’educazione per lo Deportes con valores. tarea para sus manos, sviluppo integrale La inclusión del para la inclusión. Juan dell’uomo e per lo Voley como un nuevo Tomás Asenjo Gómez, sviluppo solidale deporte del programa. Juan Carlos Torre dei popoli. La Research Team Puente. Universidad collaborazione tra la Education through Pontificia de Comillas cattedra UNESCO e Sports. Daniel Horacio (Spain) la Cattedra Scholas Gentile, Instituto del dell’Università Cattolica Profesorado Técnico del Sacro Cuore di de la Universidad . Domenico Tecnológica Nacional Simeone. Università (Argentina); Francisco Cattolica del Sacro Huertas Delgado, Cuore – Brescia (Italy). Centro de Magisterio La Inmaculada de la Universidad de Granada (Spain).

Proyecto de innovación Proyecto Arcoiris. Pedro Manipolare con il pedagógica interáreas: Rosário, Universidade cuore. Research Team danza y expresión do Minho (Portugal); Education through emocional en alumnos Cleia Zanatta, Art. Benedetta Albini, de enseñanza Universidade Católica Giovanni Lodrini. secundaria. Mª Victoria de Petrópolis (Brazil); Accademia di Belle Arti Vergara Pla, Yolanda José Carlos Núñez, Santa Giulia di Brescia Ruiz Ordóñez Gonzalo Universidad de Oviedo (Italy). Albero Alabort. (Spain); Sonia Fuentes, Universidad Católica de Universidad Central de Valencia (Spain) Chile (Chile).

Tecnología y Acreditación de La via dei concerti. educación: en busca Pedagogía de la Fe. Simonetta Bungaro. de una pedagogía Daniela Salgado, Ana Conservatorio di Musica liberadora frente a Menéndez, P. Ramiro di Trento (Italy) la neocolonización Pellitero, Cristian digital. Cláudia Prioste. Mendoza. Universidad Universidade Estadual Panamericana sede Paulista Júlio de Guadalajara (Mexico) Mesquita Filho (Brazil)

Agentes jovens da casa Discussants: Prof. Juan Discussants: Dr. Emin comum. Pastoral da Carlos Torre Puente Rivera (Dean of the Cultura com Cultura (Universidad Pontificia Faculty of Engineering Cidadã aplicada aos Comillas, Spain) and Computing, APEC Guardiões do Caminho University, Dominican Religioso da Estrada Republic) Real. Josimar da Silva Azevedo. Instituto Casa Comun (Brazil)

Discussant: Dr. Alfonso Prof. Giuseppe Milan Dr. Angelo Paletta. Aguiló (Presidente (President of the (Associate Professor de la Confederación degree course in and Deputy Rector. Española de Centros de Education Sciences Administration Faculty, Enseñanza, Spain) University of Padua, Università di Bologna, Rovigo, Italy) Italy)

18.15 - 19.00 Rectors Forum

Moderator: Franklyn Holguín Haché (Rector APEC University, Dominican Republic)

20.00 Dinner at a typical restaurant in front of Lake Albano (optional) JUNE 28TH

9.00 -11.00 Round Table Topic 3: Assisi - Interfaith Dialogue for sustainable peace

Moderator and discussant: Dr. Gerald Cattaro (Director Graduate School of Education, Fordham University, OIEC representative in the United Nations, USA)

Dr. Alfonso de Toro (Director of the Ibero-American Research Seminar and the Francophone Research Center of the University of Leipzig, Germany) The politics of hospitality and belonging as instruments of peace and justice

Rabbi Daniel Goldman (Instituto de Diálogo Interreligioso, Argentina) Los 10 principios del diálogo interreligioso. Una propuesta desde la Argentina

Dr. Ahmet Öztas (Director of International Relation Office in Ishik University, Erbil, Irak) Religious Diversity in Erbil

Dr. Flavio Lotti (Assisi per la Pace, Italy) Marcia della pace Perugia- Assisi

11.00 – 13.30 Visit to the Apostolic Palace

13.30 – 15.00 Lunch

15.00 – 16.00 Presentation of Scholas.Social Program as promoter of good educational practices

Moderators: Dr. Carina Rossa and Mr. Juan Fresno (Scholas Occurrentes Foundation)

Design for Change (Ms. Mónica Cantón, Spain) - Fundación López Quintás (Prof. D. Alfonso López Quintás, Spain) - Comunidad E.Zay/ Kapelusz Internacional (Mgr. Leonardo Morbelli, Argentina and Prof. Guillermo Salerno, Argentina) – CLAYSS Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario (Dra. Alejandra Herrero, Argentina) - Ajedrez con Panno (Gran Maestro Oscar Panno, Argentina)

16.00 - 16.30 Break

16.30 – 18.00 Laboratory Topic 3: Laboratory Topic 3: Initiatives of Scholas Assisi - Interfaith Assisi - Interfaith Chairs Research - Dialogue for sustainable Dialogue for sustainable Action Team. Topic 3: peace peace Assisi - Interfaith Dialogue for sustainable peace

Room A Room B Room C

Moderator: Mstro. Moderator: Dr. Philippe Moderator: Dr. Zehavit Juan Carlos García Richard (General Gross (Chairholder, Sánchez (Dean Faculty Secretary of the UNESCO Chair for of Engineering, International Association Values Education, Universidad for Catholic Education) Tolerance and Peace, Panamericana, School of Education, Bar Aguascalientes, Mexico) Ilan University and The Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

¿Podemos concienciar Internacionalización The Model of Dialogue sobre la riqueza de la y multiculturalismo and Interfaith Harmony diversidad cultural? Una en las universidades. in Albania. The case of propuesta práctica en la Estudio de caso: La cooperation between Universidad. Francisco Escuela Nacional de the three Albanian Javier Huertas Delgado, Estudios Políticos theological schools. David Caballero, y Administrativos Research Team Interfaith Carmen Rosales Varo. de Rumania. Iordan Dialogue. Ramadan Universidad de Granada. Gheorghe Barbulescu, Çipuri. Tirana University Centro del Magisterio La Ioana Antoaneta Dodi. (Albania) Inmaculada (Spain) Escuela Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Administrativos de Rumania (Romania)

Mujer y migración: Research Team Students A Model for Peace un proyecto de International Exchange. Education and Interfaith aprendizaje-servicio Nicola Andrian (Italy) in Higher Education - A en la casa de acogida dialectical Approach Dorothy Day. Yolanda Between Christian, Ruiz Ordóñez, Carlos Muslim, Jews, Beduin Novella García, Agustín and Druze Students- A Domingo Moratalla. Case study from Israel. Universidad Católica de Research Team Interfaith Valencia (Spain) Dialogue. Zehavit Gross. Bar Ilan University (Israel) and Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel).

Nuevas formas Building Gender Equality Concert of three de violencia entre in Higher Education: cultures. Abrahamic adolescentes-jóvenes The experience of La religions united by a través de las redes Salle University Brazil. music. Research Team sociales. Desde el Tatiana Vargas Maia. Interfaith Dialogue. ciberbullying hasta la Universidad La Salle Mustafa Cenap Aydin, enfermedad mental. Canoas (Brazil) Istituto Tevere (Italy); Ángel Manuel Turbi Temirkhon Temirzoda Pinazo, Carlos Novella Naziri, Arco Forum García. Universidad (Spain). Católica de Valencia (Spain)

Neosecularismo, The Promise of Interfaith Scriptural Reasoning in postsecularismo y Dialogue in Higher Rome. Mustafa Cenap desprivatización Education: Lessons Aydin. Istituto Tevere de la religión en el from a Jesuit, Catholic (Italy). ámbito académico. University in the United Alejandro Williams States. Zeki Saritoprak. Becker. Instituto de John Carroll University Diálogo Interreligioso (USA) (Argentina).

Interfaith Experience in House of One England. Mohammad Project. Arhan Kardas Shomali. Islamic Centre (Germany) of England (UK)

Discussant: Dr. Manuel Interreligious Dialogue Interreligious harmony in Fandila Sánchez and International Albania such as a model Hurtado (Università Security. Ferdinand for Europe. Genti Kruja, della Santa Croce, Italy) Gjana (Bedër University, College University Bedër Albania) (Albania); Isuf Alla, Pontifical Gregorian University (Italy)

Discussant: Prof. Serif Discussant: Prof. Dr. Ali Tekalan (Rector Hüseyin Sert (Vice- North American Chancellor Nile University, USA) University of Nigeria, Nigeria)

16.30 – 18.00 Puntos de encuentro Rectors Forum comunitario. Una experiencia latinoamericana. Testimonios de iniciativas que transforman la realidad.

Célio Turino (Director Instituto Moderator: Franklyn Holguín Casa Común. Former Secretary of Haché (Rector APEC University, Cultural Citizenship of the Ministry República Dominicana) of Culture of Brazil, Brazil)

19.00 - 21.00 Screening of the documentary “Nopoki - yo vengo” followed by a comment by Rvd. Fr. Augusto Zampini, Director of Faith and Development (Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Holy See) and a dialogue with the Director of the film Inmaculada Hoces (Las Cosas Nuevas, Spain)

“Nopoki - yo vengo” (Nopoki- Here I come) narrates the story of an intercultural multilingual University for indigenous people located in the Peruvian amazonian rainforest. Nopoki, a dream of the indigenous peoples, became a reality thanks to the determination and confidence of the franciscan bishop Mons. Gerardo Zerdín. The name means “Here I come” and indeed native people from different corners of the country reach this place to learn, to improve their communities and help them to endure their culture, value their traditions and language. PROGRAM


9.00- 9.10 Opening adress by Jesús Morán Cepedano, Co-President of Focolari Movement

9.10 - 11.00 Round Table Topic 2: Laudato Si. Social ecology: environmental and social sustainability

Moderator and Discussant: Dr. Menahem Blondheim (Director of The Harry Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace, HUJI, Israel)

Rvd. Fr. Augusto Zampini, (Director of Faith and Development. Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Holy See)

Dr. Francisco Carballo (Department of Politics and International Relation of Goldsmiths, University of London. Co-director of Goldsmiths’ Centre for Postcolonial Studies, UK) Universidad y desarrollo, retos y responsabilidades en tiempo del Laudato Si’

Dra. Sílvia Albareda Tiana (Facultat d’Educació, Directora de Sostenibilitat, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Spain) Educación para la Sostenibilidad Integral en la Universidad

Dra. Alejandra Herrero (Centro Latinoamericano de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario, Argentina) Las oportunidades del Aprendizaje-Servicio en el desarrollo sostenible

11.00 - 11.30 Break

11.30 - 13.30 Laboratory Topic 2: Laudato Si´. Laboratory Topic 2: Laudato Si´. Social ecology: environmental Social ecology: environmental and social sustainability and social sustainability

Room A Room B

Moderator: Dr. Mauricio Dimant Moderator: Dr. Maria Assumpta (Coordinator Latin America Unit, Aneas (Department of Methods Harry Truman Institute for the of Research and Diagnosis in Advancement of Peace, HUJI, Education. Faculty of Education. Israel) Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)

Los modelos de Justicia en Mejoramos juntos. Compartiendo el pensamiento económico y buenas prácticas a través de el Desarrollo Humano. Miguel las redes sociales. Experiencias Francisco Gutiérrez, Universidad con el Municipio de Canoas, de Buenos Aires (Argentina) Brasil. Research Team Social Movements. Hno. Paulo Fossatti, Patricia Kayser Vargas Manganz. Unilasalle Canoas (Brazil)

Procesos de Aprendizaje, Programa “A União Faz a Vida”: Innovación y Desarrollo Local. transformando la realidad El impacto de los procesos educativa brasileña. Marcello de aprendizaje e innovación Zanluchi. Sicredi (Brazil) en el desarrollo endógeno y la necesidad de una nueva visión sobre los paradigmas emergentes. Horacio Gegunde, Diego Hurtado, Fabián Borea, Luz Canella Tsuji, Eduardo Mallo, Mónica Porcel. Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora (Argentina).

Esperienza in azienda per The Forest our Life. Research studenti della Carriera Team sustainable development. Economica e dello Sviluppo e Pasquale Policastro. Universidad altre iniziative della Cattedra Szczecin (Poland). Scholas. Fr. Martinien Bosokpale Dumana, Paulin Kalala, Jean- Pierre Lopaka, Hervé N’landu Mayamba, Fanny Semba Kongote. Catholic University of Congo (DR Congo)

Educación para el consumo Currículos innovadores con sostenible en la Educación proyección social a través del Superior. Research Team taller integrativo de hábitat Sustainable development. sostenible. Rvdo. P. Osvaldo Sílvia Albareda Tiana y Mónica Cano Torres. Pontificia Fernández-Morilla, Universitat Universidad Bolivariana de Internacional de Catalunya Medellín (Colombia). (Spain); Angelo Paletta, Bolonia University (Italy); Elsa María Moquete, Pedro Solares y Francisco G. D’Oleo Ramírez, UNAPEC (Dominican Republic); Gabriel Antonio Ferrero, Universidad de La Plata (Argentina)

Seguridad alimentaria, pobreza El centro de innovación rural “La y desarrollo. María de Monserrat Sandalia”. Rvdo. P. Osvaldo Cano Llairó. Universidad de Buenos Torres. Pontificia Universidad Aires (Argentina) Bolivariana de Medellín (Colombia).

Discussant: Susana Pesis Enseñanza de las ciencias (President TESA Foundation, naturales empleando procesos Argentina) biológicos con sentido social en áreas rurales. Rvdo. P. Osvaldo Cano Torres. Pontificia Universidad Bolivariana de Medellín (Colombia).

Discussant: Dr. Nissim Otmazgin (Chair of the Department of East Asian Studies and Associate Director of The Harry Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace, HUJI, Israel)

13.30 - 15.00 Farewell Lunch with Typical Argentinian Barbeque at the Centro Mariapoli gardens

15.00 - 16.00 Veritatis Gaudium and Scholas.Social

Moderators: Dra. Carina Rossa and Prof. Enrique Palmeyro (Scholas Occurrentes Foundation)

SFERA Onlus – Maison de Paix (Dr. Gianni Nicoli, Italy - Prof. Domenico Simeone, Italy) - Journal Cultori dell´Incontro. The scientific periodic publication of Scholas Chairs (Dr. Carlos Novella García, Universidad Católica de Valencia)

16.00 - 18.00 Workshop of commitment with the institutionalization and the research groups of Scholas Chairs Program

Moderator: Prof. Daniel Stigliano (Coordinator Scholas Chairs)

Advisor: Prof. Italo Fiorin (Director EIS, Università LUMSA, Italy)

Closure of academic activities and delivery of diplomas

18.00 Closing ceremony José María del Corral, Director of Pontifical Foundation Scholas Occurrentes Enrique Palmeyro, Director of Pontifical Foundation Scholas Occurrentes His Eminence Mons. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Great Chancellor Pontifical Academy of Sciences, Holy See

General organization: Prof. Daniel Stigliano - Dr. Carina Rossa Scientific Director: Prof. Italo Fiorin (Director EIS, Università LUMSA, Italy) Logistics and services: Lic. Guido Savall - Lic. Sofia Torrendell – Lic. Alessandra Graziozi Technical staff: Mr. Juan Fresno – Dr. Alejandro Lamberti – Dra. Norma Peschard Gutiérrez – Prof. Stella Maris Poli – Prof. Daniel Gentile – Prof. Mario del Verme Communication and Press: Lic. Virginia Priano – Ms. Teresa Leveratto With the collaboration of Agenzia Enphasi I Scholas Chairs Students International Meeting PROGRAM


18.00 Welcome

21.00 – 22.30 Opening encounter


9.00 - 9.30 Congress Opening ceremony (Congress program)

9.30 - 11.00 Opening Round Table (Congress program)

11.30 - 13.30 Round Table: Educational Innovation (Congress program)

15.00 - 17.30 Group activities: sharing the activities developed in preparation to the Congress

18.00 - 22.00 Visit to a Migrant Center ‘Casa Scalabrini 634’ in Rome and Intercultural evening: artistic and cultural presentations from different places on the international network (music, dance, theater etc.)


9.00 - 11.00 Participation in the Round Table: Interreligious dialogue (congress program);

11.30 - 13.30 Visit to the Apostolic Palace (congress program);

15.00 - 16.00 Presentation / reflection on migratory phenomena in the world (Fr. Fabio Baggio CS, Migrants & Refugees Section, Dicastry for Integral Human Development, Holy See);

16.00 – 16.30 break

16.30 - 19.00 ‘Interactive laboratory’ with the participation of migrant citizens of the center visited the previous day. During the workshop we plan to work on intercultural dialogue and education for the future (workshop ‘Up to You’ by the students from Navarra University).

18.00 - 19.30 Meeting of the representatives of the universities of the SCHOLAS CHAIRS (to be confirmed) network (working group on mobility and interculture) for the drafting of the Scholas Chairs project to be submitted to the HORIZON 2020 Call - Erasmus +.

Videoconference with the students of the UNAPEC and Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

21.00 Intercultural evening: Videoconference with the students of the UNAPEC and (to be confirmed) Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. JUNE 29TH

9.00 - 11.00 Group activities: “A close look at day-to-day life in a refugee camp” (Dr Nadezhna Castellano) and “Reflection: Looking at the world with eyes of love” (Fr Dr Michael Smith SJ).

11.00 – 11.30 Break

11.30 - 13.30 Group activities: Reflection (Prof. Assumpta Aneas – to be confirmed) and drafting document / proposal.

15.00 - 16.00 Presentation of the Scholas Social Program (congress program).

16.00 - 18.00 Closing circle of activities with evaluation and document / proposal presentation.


Dr. Nicola Andrian (University of Padova, Italy) – Dr. Simone Consegnati (EIS, Università LUMSA, Italy) – Res. Roberta Lorenzetto (Social Cooperative ‘Porto Alegre’, Italy) - Lic. María Paz Jurado, Mr. Ezequiel del Corral (Scholas) - Dr. Ahmet Öztas, (Ishik University, Erbil, Irak) - Dra. Luz Inmaculada Madera Soriano, Dr. José Omar Tamarez Pérez (UNAPEC, Dominican Republic) - Prof. Domenico Simeone (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Brescia, Italy) - P. Dr. José Víctor Orón Semper, SchP (Instituto Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad de Navarra, Spain) – Dr. Mauricio Dimant (The Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) – Res. Sara Felli (Sophia University, Italy).



Dr. Italo Fiorin Università LUMSA Italy Dr. Angelo Paletta Università di Bologna Italy Dr. Giusseppe Milan Università di Padova Italy Dr. Nicola Andrian Università di Padova Italy Dr. Domenico Simeone Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Italy


Dr. Menahem Blondheim Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel Dr. Mauricio Dimant Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel Dra. Yolanda Ruiz Ordóñez Universidad Católica de Valencia Spain Dr. Carlos Novella Universidad Católica de Valencia Spain Dr. Gerald Cattaro Fordham University USA Dra. Sílvia Albareda Tiana Universitat Internacional de Catalunya Spain Dr. Mustafa Cenap Aydin Istituto Tevere Italy Fr. Dr. Martinien Bosokpale Catholic University of Congo DR Congo Br. Dr. Paulo Fossatti Unilasalle Canoas Brazil Dr. Andrew Furco Minnesota University USA Dr. Ahmet Öztas Ishik University Irak Dr. Hüseyin Sert Nile University of Nigeria Nigeria Dra. Norma Peschard Gutiérrez Universidad Anáhuac Mexico P. Dr. Osvaldo Cano Torres Pontificia Universidad Bolivariana de Medellín Colombia