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INDEX. INDEX. A. Abatement of taxes. See "Taxes." Aberjona river. See "Mystic Lakes." Bill (from the files) to atithorize the Metropolitan Park Commission to com- plete the improvement of the sanitary condition of the, in Winchester, 44; reported adversely, 205; referred to the next General Court, 214. Able-bodied male citizens. See "Labor." Absence, leaves of. See "House of Representatives;" "Municipal Officers." Absentees, voting by. See "Voters." Acceptances (bankers'), investment in. See "Savings Banks." Accidents. See "Industrial Accident Board;" "Industrial Accidents;" "Insurance Companies;" "Motor Vehicles;" "Social Insurance." Accounts and accountants. See "Auditor of the Commonwealth;" "County Ac- counts, Controller of;" "Evidence;" "Municipal Finances;" "Trustees." Actions at law. See "Attorneys;" "Boston, City of" — Courts; "Court Procedure." Acts and resolves. See "General Laws;" "Legislative Documents." Printing of certain, 17. Petition of J. Weston Allen relative to the printing and distribution of the, passed by the General Court, 133; report (leave to withdraw), 638; bill substituted, 650, 724; rejected, 737. Bills (on the preliminary report of the joint special recess committee on state finances): To provide for discontinuing the newspaper publication of the general laws, 161, 167, 174; enacted, 231. Relative to the preparation of the table of changes in the general laws and indices thereof, 206, 214, 225 (amendment); enacted, 254. Number of, passed during the session of the General Court, 939. Actuary, salary of. See "Insurance Commissioner." Acushnet, town of. Petition of David L. Kelley that the Massachusetts Highway Commission complete the state highway in the, 79; report (leave to with- draw), 399; accepted, 416. Acushnet river. Petition of Frank A. Farnham relative to authorizing the Old Colony Railroad Company and the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company to discontinue the operation of a ferry [across the,] between New Bedford and Fairhaven [report by the Public Service Com- mission], 23; resolve reported, 472 (amendment), 736 (new draft); rejected, 745 (yea and nay). Adams, town of. See "Massachusetts Highway Commission." Petition of Cornelius Boothman that party designations in municipal elections in the, be abolished and that primary elections and caucuses be abolished, 56; report (leave to withdraw), 183, 195; bill substituted, 215, 225 (amend- ment), 234; rejected (S.), 499. Adams Temple and School Trust Fund. Petition of the mayor of Quincy that the managers of the, dispose of certain property, 74; report (next General Court), 351; accepted, 363. Adjutant-General. See "Appropriations;" "Baker, John;" "Duranleau, Henri J.;" "Harper Garage Company;" "Ippolito, Frederick R.;" "Militia;" "Putnam, Mrs. W. L.;" "State Guard;" "War Records;" "War Records, Commissioner on." Annual report of the (placed on file), 170. Recommendations of the, 33 (see "State Guard"); so much of the Governor's address as relates to the State Guard, 60; report (no further legislation necessary), 638; accepted, 647; recommitted (S.), 761. For a bill reported see "Militia." Petition of Frederick L. Murray relative to salaries and assistants in the office of the, 107; report (S. next General Court), 544; accepted, 558. Administration, Supervisor of. See "Corporations." Special investigations by the. See "Blind, Massachusetts Commission for the;" "Labor and Industries, State Board of;" "Motor Vehicles" (fees); "Sal- aries;" "War Records." Annual report of the (placed on file), 291. Administration and Commissions, committee on, appointed, 11, 12, 32, 46. Administration of estates. See "Estates;" "Executors;" "Trusts." Administrators. See "Executors;" "Mortgages;" "Public Administrators;" "Trustees." Adult blind, instruction of the. See "Blind, Massachusetts Commission for the." Adulterated articles. See "Health, State Department of" (drugs and food); "Vin- egar." Advertisements. See "Committee Hearings;" "Food;" "Signs;" "Taxes;" "Venereal Diseases." Affirmations. See Appendix No. 5. Aged persons. See " Brockton, Home for Aged Men in the City of;" " Conservators;" "Pensions;" "Social Insurance;" "Taxes." Agents and agencies. See "Insurance Agents;" "Loan Agencies, Supervisor of;" "Police Officers;" "State Aid and Pensions, Commissioner of;" "State Nursery Inspector." Agreements and combinations. See "Commodities;" "Taxation." Agricultural education. See "Agricultural Instruction;" "Agricultural Schools." Agricultural exhibits. Bill (on the recommendations of the State Board of Agricul- ture) to provide state prizes for, 437; Bill (on the recommendations of the State Board of Agriculture) relative to special exhibitions of agricultural products. 743, 791 (new draft), 809 (amendment), 812; enacted, 847. Agricultural instruction. See "Massachusetts Agricultural College." Petition of Denis J. Mahoney relative to authorizing cities to maintain schools of agriculture and horticulture, 48; report (leave to withdraw), 220; recom- mitted, 234; report (leave to withdraw), 436; accepted, 465. Agricultural lands. See "Drainage Surveys;" "Neponset River." Agricultural products. See "Agricultural Exhibits;" "Theft." Agricultural resources. See "Drainage Surveys;" "Massachusetts Agricultural College." Agricultural schools. See "Agricultural Instruction;" "Massachusetts Agricultural College;" "Northampton, City of." Agriculture. See "Market Garden Field Station." Resolutions (S.) relative to the classification of men engaged in, under the fed- eral selective service act, 202, 210; reported adversely, 524; rejected, 541. Petition (S.) of the Hampden County Improvement League for the organization of corporations for aiding and promoting, and country life, 140; Bill (S.) to provide for the appointment in certain counties of trustees for county aid to, 839, 859, 873 (amendment); enacted, 902. Agriculture, committee on. Appointed, 12; requests authority to travel, 97, 47S, 608. Agriculture, State Board of. See "Dairy Bureau;" "Dogs;" "Farm Machinery;" "Sheep;" "State Nursery Inspector;" "Weweantit River." Annual report of the (placed on file), 169. Special investigations by the. See "Drainage Surveys;" "Farm Products;" "Peat." Recommendations of the, 32 (see "Agricultural Exhibits;" "Apples"); report (no further legislation necessary), 750; accepted, 758. Petition of Warren E. Tarbell for the creation of a state department of agri- culture in place of the, 101, 718; report (next General Court), 858; accepted, 867. Petition of Warren E. Tarbell relative to the reorganization of the, and the transfer of its powers and duties to a new board, 149, 181; so much of the final report of the joint special recess committee on state finances concern- ing the consolidation of boards and commissions as relates to the " Bureau of Conservation of Natural Resources, Board of Agriculture, Commissioner of Animal Industry, State Forester, State Forest Commission and Com- missioners on Fisheries and Game," 672; Bill (reported) to establish the State Department of Agriculture, 803, 840, 852 (amendment), 868 (amend- ment); enacted, 902. Aldermen. See "Everett, City of." Alewife brook. Petition of Jay R. Benton for the protection [by the State Depart- ment of Health] of the public health in the vicinity of, in Arlington, Belmont, Cambridge and Somerville, 92; report (leave to withdraw), 310; bill sub- stituted, 329, 337, 345, 443 (S. amendment), 466; enacted, 481. Alewives. Petition of William G. Snell relative to the artificial propagation of [lease of great ponds by the Board of Commissioners on Fisheries and Game], 74; report (leave to withdraw), 397; bill substituted, 418, 590 (new draft); amended and rejected, 612. Alger, Herbert W. [of West Bridgewater], Petition (S.) of Edward N. Dahlborg that, be reimbursed for the loss of a cow, 111; report (S. leave to withdraw), 349; accepted, 363. Algonquin tribe of Indians. See "Annuities." Aliens. Director of educational work for. See "Free Public Library Commissioners, Board of." Petition of Lawrence F. Quigley relative to urging Congress to provide for the drafting of, 36; petition of George J. Bates, 48; petition of Frank Mulveny, 74; petition (S.) of Silas D. Reed, 140; resolutions reported, 246; adopted, 2.56; new draft (S.), 376; amended and adopted, 404. Petition of J. T. Crowley that the granting of licenses to, be prohibited, 56; report (leave to withdraw), 462; accepted, 502. Petition of Edward I. Ivelley that no public service corporation employ, between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-one, 134; report (leave to withdraw), 386; accepted, 403. Petition of J. Weston Allen for the registration of, 118; bill (S.) 572, 664 (amend- ment), 671, 684 (amendment); recommitted, 685; reported adversely, S87; rejected, 903. Order (adopted) requesting the opinion of the Attorney-General as to the constitutionality of the foregoing bill, 830; opinion received, 882. Allegations, publication of. See "Newspapers." Allegiance, oath of. See "School Teachers." Alternative method of appeal. See "Court Procedure." American flag. See "Flags." American Oriental Society. Petition of the, that it hold its meetings outside the Commonwealth, 135; bill reported, 285,. 296, 303; enacted, 362. Amesbury, town of. See "Broderick, James F." Petition of Samuel L. Porter that the water and sewer departments of the, be consolidated, 138; bill reported, 285, 296, 303, 349 (S. amendment), 364; enacted, 381. Amherst, town of. See "Massachusetts Agricultural College." Ammonia and refrigerating plants. See "Refrigerating Plants." Ammunition