Of 379 Institutons Receiving a Questionnaire on Their Paramedical
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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 022 442 JC 680 311 INVENTORY 1967: MASSACHUSETTS HEALTH MANPOWER TRAINING AT LESS THAN A BACCALAUREATE LEVEL. PART I. Training Center for Comprehensive Care, Jamaica Plain, Mass. Pula Date 67 Note-96p. EDRS Price MF-S0.50 HC-$3.92 Descriptors-*HEALTH OCCUPATIONS, *JUNIOR COLLEGES, *MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT, MEDICAL RECORD TECHNICIANS, fvEDICAL SERVICES, NURSES, NURSES AIDES, *PARAMEDICAL OCCUPATIONS, *SUBPROFESSIONALS, THERAPISTS, VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Identifiers *Massachusetts Of 379 institutonsreceiving a questionnaire on their paramedical training programs, 369 replied. They supplied data on 465 courses in 56 job categories. Those conducting the courses include hospitals, nursing homes, highschools, colleges, universities, technical schools, community service agencies, the State Department of Public Health, and an industrial plant. For each job category are given (1) a definition, (2) a detailed description of the curriculum, (3) the teaching staff, (4) a hst of the places offering the course, (5) the cost of the course, (6) in-training payment, if any, for taking the course, (7) length of time required for the course, and (8) ehgibility requirements for the trainee. (HH) U.S.melitillMMIN DEPARIMENTOFFICE OF HEALTH, OF EDUCATION EDUCATION &WELFARE THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCEDEXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSONPOSITIONSTATEDMASSACHUSETTS DO OR OR NOT ORGANIZATION POLICY. NECESSARILY ORIGINATING REPRESENT IT.OFFICIALPOINTS OFFICE OF VIEW OF EDUCATION OR OPINIONS ATHEALTH LESS THANMANPOWERAINVENTORY BACCALAUREATETRAITLEVEL ING fteb 1967 Training Center170 Mortonfor Comprehensive Street Care i Jamaica PARTPlain, ONEMass. 02130 1 MASSACHUSETTS IHEALTH N V E N T O RMANPOWER Y 19 6 7 TRAINING 1 AT LESS THAN ACONTENTS BACCALAUREATELEVEL IntroductionSponsorship of the survey Pages1-2 TheMethodDefinition Situation used ofin trainingconducting the survey 3-5 Location.JobNumberrequirements. categories of courses.Growth. forCosts. whichWhoFunding. Lengthdoes the thecourse Admissionof training.training. trains. Indexof Faculty.institutions of job categories. conductingTable courses listing types 6-7 InventoryListing ofof Jobinstitutions Categories, conducting by Title A.Zcourses. 9-94 theforgivingprefaceunder coursethat eachfacts explainingcategory contentjob concerning category in forthe Massachusetts, a duties thewithsample training a of shortcurriculum.the andjob,descriptivesituation /isting I N'TRODUCTION 1. MassachusettsSponsorshipA survey of at ofthe less health Survey than manpower a baccalaureate traininglevelin markedisoffering already with training availabletwo asterisks. are in listed this area,in the but inventory,institutionssubmitted Foundation,hensivewassetts conducted RegionalDepartment Care thewith by CommunityMassachusetts ofthethe Public Trainingcooperation Colleges, Health: CenterPublic of the theforHealth MedicalMassachu- Massachu-Compre-Asso- includedtotions,after the A the inventory-withmostlynumber in summary the nurseof 391 trainingcoding coursesaide asterisks, wascourses, courses analyzed. underway. but havewere are beenThesenotadded addi- theCommunityciation, Office the Development,of ManpowerEconomic Section Opportunity.and supported of Action byfundsforhave Boston from includedlevel Exceptionshave both beencasework termination madeto the aidesin termtwo and cases,"less someone advancedpostthosethan collegebaccalaureatewhich course beengraphedoverfollows. summarizedsixtyThe form returnsThe pages andcomplete in canoffrom the tablesbe thereport sectionconsulted questionnairesand withtext,"The or detailed Situation"isborrowei in mimeo-analysis, from which Methodtraining:for cytotechnologists. Used in Conducting the Survey the(522-0824170 TrainingMorton or St.: Center522-7810). Jamaica l'or Plain,Comprehensive Mass. 02130.Care, including1967.institutionsA Thesethree-page mental institutionsin Massachusetts hospitals questionnaire included and in special Aprilwas all mailed anddiseasetheMayhospitals,tothe of379insti- Katherineofundercoord.inator; the The theTraining Libbyreportdirection Faith andCenter* was Guss,ofPatricia prepared Suzanne Surveyresearch Nelson, bygreenberg, team: the assistant; assistants.surveyNadiadirector Williams,team caltwo-yearpublictutions;institutes; institutes; regional selectedcolleges; selected thecommunity colleges boardsthe private pane colleges;ofand postvocationalputdic universities; high manywelfareschoolprivatetechnical oftechni- DefinitionTraining: of Training in this survey, was defined as actioneighteenhealthgrants); programsassociations; ofthe the Office lartAst(CAPs); ofother Economiccitiesthe selectedlocal(those Opportunityandcommunity homemakerregionalwith Title community service mentalasso- V ThusProfessionalinstructioningrepeated wereare includednotmore givennurseincluded than many toandonce, more ininserviceassociate the evynthan coded ifone trainingdegreeloosely surveyat a nursetime structured.sincesituations. andtrain-data agencieshomesandtheciations, adirectors withfew including settlementindustrialover of fifty schools visiting houses,firms.teds of were nursenursing Asopportunity added.a andsecondard'eneck:and nursingcouncils; 2, summerTelephone of 1967 as followun well waspersonal conducted interviewstrainingduring inthe respondents.The detailed replies to the survey'sthirty- coursessourceseach jobA vat;preliminaryhad field beenissued to approached. make inreport Octobersure listing all1967 known 393and trainingsent to all pagepanyinganalyzed,eight isquestions texta andcondensation prepared. forty were statisticalcoded of"The thesefOr Situation" IBM tablesfindings. tabulation, with on theaccom. next coursesadditions.therespondents.thirty preliminary medicaland Asincludes The a technologist reportresult, f011owing nine with themore theinventory courses*,inventoryjobdeletion categories andis now ofbasedstibsequent hasthe than465on However,theyresales hadNinety-seven (369thetraining oflatter the and percent 379).were 106 in reportedofOf most thosethese, instanc3s "noqueried 263 training". reported affilia-sentin precedingthe preliminaryThe descriptivethe listing report. textof the of institutionseach jobcategory,in the werenuMbersting nothospitals.From shoulicomplete, 10 - te32% viewed Thereforeof the as replies minimum all references tototals.each question to *inventory,questionnaires These terminated comes and from infrom baccalaureateinformation personalinterviewsupplied degrees. bywith the 3. at less thanThree the hundred baccalaureate and ninety-onel levelTHE are courses being SITUATIONfromcoordinators, 96 - 79% ofurology the courses assistants. vhich trainThey alsofor: give andtoTheinsitutions,conducted worktraincourses in an inhospitals, give estimatedcommunityMassachusetts training nursing6900'health f9rin persons situations,263homes,552 institutions.types eachmental of doctoryear jobs X-rayassistant,mentallicensed technician, healtla practical and aide,medical cytotechnologist, nurse surgical record supplemental technician,technician. nurse courses, dietaryaide, andhospitals dentist Overand offices. nursinghalf the homes, courses another are given quarter in 224in dentalbiomedicalexclusivelyEducational laboratory electronictrain: assistants,institutions,ambulance technicians, dispensingemergency on dentalthe other techniciansopticians, hygienists, hand almosthandfulbyof98 66Publiceducational communityhalf are Health, thegiven institutions,coursespfn,-ice byand the by-an affiliate Commonwealthagencies industrial and mostwithand Departmentboards.ofotherfirm. the othersASince givemedicalembalmers, 91%Community assistants,of nodthe supervisors,servicecourses nursing agenciesfor dentalhomemedical trainadministrators; assistants. secretaries, exclusively: and participationreachesinstitutions, almostThe 55in primarilyevery categoriesless hospital than hospitals, baccalaureateof injob the trainingthe state. scope training are of ptiblichealthcoursesarea representative, aide, healthfor theinformation assistant; homemaker-home community clerk,and conduct healthservice neighborhood 90%aide health of group. the aide,worker, typethenumberlisted facingof asofinstitution ancoursespage index lists conducted onoffers. thepage number 7 fortogether each.of courses withA table theeach on AlmostbaccalaureateLocation Therehalf ofis courses thema wide are throughoutdistribution given in theMassachusetts. of Boston less thanor technicians,ively:Who Does directors theHOspitals executiveTraining of volunteers,and housekeepers, nursing EEGhomes and.hematology train EKG exclus- and. almostGreaternortheasternconcentrated; evenly Boston and distributed thearea, southeastern other where half among the ofMassachusetts state thethe western, coursespopulation areas.arecentral, is pationalsupervisors,inhalationhistology therapy technicians, therapist matrow, ass:kstants, surplementalnurse housekeeping anesthetists, orthoptists, course, aides occu-andtraininglaundry porters, attendedOversame halfdistributionIn classes termsof the of in5054 numberspattern Boston reported trainedapplies,or Greater trained each with Boston, eachyear, one year exception. theand -) threeabout areas,ten percent west, ofnortheast the total and in southwest, each of the Thirty-fourfunds. Of thesepercent 132 of federally all the coursesfunded courseshave federal re- exception.institutionstrained,from 400-500 a preponderanceHere inin each. thetwenty WorcesterThe percent due central to area, theof area the twenty-fivebut total ismostly the are to orandported,sources fede..!al, state, 35of federalarefunds,