This Work Has Been Submitted to NECTAR, the Northampton Electronic Collection of Theses and Research
This work has been submitted to NECTAR, the Northampton Electronic Collection of Theses and Research. Article Title: The integration of alien plants in mutualistic plant–hummingbird networks across the Americas: the importance of species traits and insularity Creators: Maruyama, P. K., VizentinBugoni, J., Sonne, J., Martın Gonzalez, A. M., Schleuning, M., Araujo, A. C., Baquero, A. C., Cardona, J., CardonaR, P., Cotton, P. A., Kohler, G., Lara, C., Malucelli, T., MarınGomez, O. H., Ollerton, J., Rui, A. M., Timmermann, A., Varassin, I. G., Zanata, T. B., Rahbek, AC., Sazima, M. and Dalsgaard, B. T DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12434 Example citation: Maruyama, P. K.,C VizentinBugoni, J., Sonne, J., Martın Gonzalez, A. M., Schleuning, M., Araujo, A. C., Baquero, A. C., Cardona, J., Cardona, P., Cotton, P. A., Kohler, G., Lara, C., Malucelli, T., MarınGomez, O. H., Ollerton, J., Rui, A. M., Timmermann, A., VarassinE, I. G., Zanata, T. B., Rahbek, C., Sazima, M. and Dalsgaard, B. (2016) The integration of alien plants in mutualistic plant–hummingbird networks across the Americas: the importance of species traits and insularity. Diversity and Distributions. 22N(6), pp. 672681. 14724642. It is advisable to refer to the publisher's version if you intend to cite from this work. Version: Accepted version Official URL: Note: This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Maruyama et al. (2016) The integration of alien plants in mutualistic plant–hummingbird networks across the Americas: the importance of species traits and insularity.
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