(Iowa City, Iowa), 1957-12-19
Delivery of Iowan ~y V. Averinnov, WiD o!bk and conduct 8C). Iowa (ity Isn't Bead 5,,*.. .Uri... delivery ., lalions in accordance The Daily 1__ cIuri... Chriat· !mlltional Geophysical rn.1 ,,~ must Mtifr The , th e Tass diSp, Ch D_ily 1_.,. Clre"'..- Deput. Spot for Holidays an ment by rn.11 befwe Dec. 21. Serving The State ersity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City By KAREN CLAUSE , Monday through Friday the Union Dolly Iowan Siaft Wrller I n Sale I facililJes, including the bowling al· Established in 1008 - Five Gents a Copy fember of Associated Pre AP Leased Wire and Photo serYl~ Iowa City, Iowa. Thursday. December It. 1951 iel your I! you have the idea that IOwa lys, pool tablcs and Gold Feather City is a "dcad city" during the Room, will be open from 8 a.m. to ~ hri stmas holidays, you are 5 p.m., but no food will be served, wrong. Union officials stated. Council Urges Many of tha 1500 married stu. Although Student Health authori· more. dents at SUI, as well as faculty ties hope to have little business family members, remain in Iowa City dur- during the holidays, the health ing vacation. Most University fa· center will be open on week-days Student Seats 9 12 1 re cilities ·stay open during this time, from a.m. to noon and p.m. s to Stockpiles, at least on a limited basis, to ac· to 4 p.m. On Saturdays and Sun· commodate these people and other days Student Health will maintain Be Extended mart students who don't go home for the usual hours of 9 a.m.
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