Regents Ok 12-Week Summer Sess"ions "lor State Schools New' Plan Presidents May Lead ai owan Endorse New To Trimester Serving the State and the People of Iowa City Summer Plan Students May Mixed Feelings 5 Cent.s per Copy Saturday, December 16.1961. Iowa City. Jowa Complete College Greet Proposal In Three Years On SUI Campul Iy IARI IUlleR (Combined from L•• sed Wi .... Assi ...... City E" DES MOINES - The Slate Tbe year·round operalioa pIaa Board oC Regents Friday gave the for Iowa's tate-supported ~ nod to a plan enabling students at and unlven;ili was liven the ao­ ••• LB. head Friday with tbe complete 69' SUI. Iowa Slate University. and Van Allen, Former A$sistant ndo menl of the pr ldents 01 the Slate College of Iowa to com· tbe three school involved, but plete their college work in three with mbed feellJlg reported on the years. SUI campus. LB. SUI PretideDt Vlrail Hancher EAK 49~ The plan calls for an optional 12· emphasized the Pf'OlTam Is not a week summer session in addition to trimester pIau_ He &ald. "It Is aD the present two l8-week semesters extension IDd an eqNlDSioa or the 3 LB. $189 at SUI. However, President Han· CAN ummer 8dlvities. If the studentl NICS . cher noted that the plan. iC suc· r pond 10 the year·around studJ cessCul, could lead to a trimester Differ on Space Belt Theory idea, we will be able latu to de­ system. t rmin whether or not a dIaD&e 01 nt Although students may now com· , ay tema to a trimeller, or a four PKG.LB·4 •• r••••• ,7" plete theil' college education in quartu I)' tem is ad !sable." three years by nttending summer A trimeatt'r y tern. opposed bY school. the new program would dis­ Explorer Reports the three presidents, was rejected nt tribute the work more system· at a meetina of the Board of Re­ . PKG.LB·4 7' ntically throughout the year. gents )0 I January . Th. pl.n. pr.sentod by the All lhrt'e president pointed out pro.ldon" of the thr.. st.to col· New Information lhe present plan calling for two Ie.. s, .nd .pprovod un.nlmous· 18·w k mesters and a 12·w~ 12 ummer Ion. Isn 't much of oz. 4t\t ly by tho Board of R... nts in An acad mlc di aareemenl over Friday about the UPI tory when se a PKG. 7' D•• Moin ••• w•• d.vl•• d to moot d "iation (rom the plan the Unl· how d:mgerou th outer Van AI· V n AJlen rei aaed contradietory v raitl ar pr ntly followl",. Incr ...lng onrollmont by plac. len belt is to manned pace nigh latement through th \JDlVt'f· Ing the schools on • more noarly Pr . J. W. taucker o( the State developed Friday betw nOr. sity's News and Inform tioo Serv· Coil Ie of Iowa al Cedar Foil • compl.t. y•• r·oround b.. i •. Jamt's Von AUen and on of hi lce. told The Daily Jowan, "The trl· The summer program will extend former research a i tanls. Dr. Van All n said that ,enernl as· mester nvol" three honer from August through June and be· Frank McDonald. McDonald I se ment o{ th radial Ion hazard me ters with the third 5t.rlint gin opernling in 1963 with courses now with the Federal Space to manned sp e night ha nol tIOmetime in April lind rulllllnl designed for high school seniors. Aiency in Greenbelt, Md. been chanaed, however, since the through the summer. freshmen and sophomores. In 1964, According to a United Pre In· reported J r amount o( elec· tluck r said, "It thiI st.. 01 a full program oC freshman and ternational n ws tory filed In trons in lh outer belt involves non· the aam w didn't f I lhal till sophomore courses will be offered. Wnshington, D.C.. tht' Federal penetrating electrons which do not pre ll ure s were areat ~ plus major courses on the junior Space J\gency revealed new data con\tibul significantly to the haz· to force u into th trlmestu pIaL" and senior level. By 1965. a Cull Ihat ha reversed belle(s about the ard. He id one reatlOn the prWaI. He pointed out, It i incorr t oCfering of upperclass courses will earth's out r radlaLion belt . dents oppost'd the trimester pIaa be provided in most areas of study. to conclud lh t because there r la I Jonuary wa beelU ....... TALL c The "r voluUonary information." At that time. the progress of the a thousand lim fewer electron the plan Ihe school could actually CANS as UPI terms it, was r eived than protons in the outer bell the end up r"ln, I when the ,... ... ·4 89 program will be reviewed and stu· from ExpLorer XlI. which was radiation hazard II a thousand po e of the plan II to m eo­ dent demand may determine whe­ tired Crom Cape Canaveral. Fla .• ther SUI converts to a trimester lime I . roUm nt Incr . H laid."" a Aug. 1 and lopped tron mi ion McDonald. currently at the Gov· lare number o( tud nll tool! ... program. Dec. 6 aft r 122 daYI in orbit. Free Ride ernm nt·. apac night cenler in Kennedy Reviews Troops "anlaae or the third ~ t, c Instructors will not be required The UP] story quoted Dr_ Frllnk Gr nbt'It, Md .. lold Th Dally 11 oz. then we would be maklne JOUd • • •• 4 CANS to stay on {or the summer session, Hitching rides Is an old activity, but not n.cess.rily In honorabl. 1cDonald, a form r assistant pro· Iowan in a lelephon tnlervi w Pruldon' John F. Konnody r.vi.w•• n honer ,uard .. soWlen en U5e or our facllill s. but If they bed according to present plans. and fac· Puorte 89 on •• Wit~ below·xero temper.ture., the temptotion is ,r•• ' to catch lessor and associate re archer at lale Friday niaht that lhe UPJ had hi. arriv.1 Frld.y ot the San Juon. Ric., oir"'. Treepintl summer jobs or other pions. that ulty members outside oC the uni­ that back bumper and m.ke • quick trip. It look ••• If the •• thr•• SUI from 1953-59, as saying thaI quoted him correcLly. the ,uord with the Prnldent I, Puerto Ric. GoY. LAlI. MuMI Marin would drop the third acmest... versity may be recruited. just couldn't r ••ist! -Photo by Arnold I. Turkheim.r Informntlon from Explorer XU He said h h "every respect (I.ft). -AP Wlr ........ rollm nt and we rnllht eDCI lIP The Bo.rd polnt.d out th.t tho showed that the outcr belt constl· (or Dr. Van Allen" but that he be· rvln, 1 . TALL progrom would dom.nd Incr •••. tuted "no hazard to manned space lIeves the outer space belt doe 5 CANS 00 $1 od .pporprl.tlons from the 1963 flight ." not constitute II hazard to manned wllion of tho st.t. LOIi.lature Skeptici m developed here late pace fii,ht. Puerto Rico Welcomes ~~ r::~~!~~re:~~;~f': since tho f.cult, budg.t will be Commission Discusses hifl to the umm r se lioD .... upped by 20 por com, I , ,'- - F·d make plans [rom there," It is hoped that by th\l third (TIll' * * * * * * c year, enrollment in the new sum­ (' and lnformotlO1l (Tiro [Pl Report In Full) Ken ned Y SvlSlt rl ay .c~!~:~:~d.~~~::-t!: TALL Proposed Interchanges Rt'TJOrt, I" Part) tremendously ,rellter nurobert. • • •. 3 CANS mer session will equal one·half the 49 fall enrollment. In the 1961 sum· By ERIC ZOECKLER WASIJINGTON <uP]) - Data SAN JUAN, Po rto Rico "" - Puerto Ricllns poured out. • clamor· Enrollment now at Cedar Falla mer session . 4.700 students were St.ff Writor Radiation detectors designed and from a United State satellite ous welcom Friday (or Presld nt Kennedy as he started his Latin· run about 4,000 during the ye.r enrolled at SUI. compared with built at SUI's Department of Phys- lliunch d la t summer has reo Am rican tour to advance the AlJjance lor Prouest - a project be and 2.500 for an elght·week IUII'I. c an 11,000 enrollment in the 1960 Call , What was designed to be an instructional meeting explaining the Ics and Astronomy and sent Into versed belier nbout the earth's called " the areat adventure of the mer es ion. Under the new .,... TALL semestel·. reasons why (ive interchanges on Inlerstate 80 have been proposed in pace on Explorer XII Aug. 15. outer radiation belt and show. it Am ricas In our lime." Force 811 e. Md. The weather Will t m SCI will be running el,ht· . " 3 CANS the Iowa City area, at times Friday broke into hot d bate betw n some have conlrl'buled to a n· w dl· ' presents no hazard to manned St I h . ht n b· warm and br zy. weiland 12·week summer ,iCS. 49 About half oC the 4.700 were space travel. the Federal Spac opp ng re overDlg 0 IS sio concurrently. graduate students. This a·week Iowa Citians and two repre enta· covery on the compo ilion oC th Agency announced Friday. way to Vent'lu la and olombia. MUM_ Morin sold c,,"" frem Iowa Stale University PrelldeDC summer session, plus the 4·week lives of the Iowa Highway Com- dostination survey polntod out outer Van Allen radiation belt.
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