September 2015 Serving the Mountain Empire Communities of Canelo, Elgin, Patagonia and Sonoita Vol
SEPTEMBER 2015 SERVING THE MOUNTAIN EMPIRE COMMUNITIES OF CANELO, ELGIN, PATAGONIA AND SONOITA VOL. 5, ISSUE 8 By Ann Katzenbach There are no lawn ornaments in ordered—by a lot. When the crop came Summer Lewton's front yard. Most of it in, it overwhelmed them. They gave has been converted to fertile garden onions away and still there were hun- plots from which she grows and sells dreds more, so they decided to sell tomatoes, squash, melon, cucumbers, them. Once Summer got the hang of it, garlic, onions, eggplant, and peppers. she says it was easy. The onions In the back she cares for 40 Rhode Is- quickly disappeared and there was land Red chickens, and there are bee some money in the bank. hives as well, maintained by Summer's Since then the garden has grown husband, Sasha. and evolved into what it is today. Dirty Sasha works long hours in the pro- Girl Farmette has two wells that are duce industry in Nogales, but he's also doing fine with all the rain we’ve had. a partner in the business of farming. The Lewtons have invested in a biode- Summer does a lot of the labor, but gradable manufactured mulch that together they plan and figure out what helps keep the weeds down and they fruits and vegetables to grow, what have an irrigation system and a roto- seeds to buy, when to plant, how much tiller. In between harvests, they plant of each crop to plant, and how to save cover crops to put nitrogen back into on labor and water.
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