Ontario History Scholarly Journal of the Ontario Historical Society Since 1899
Ontario History Scholarly Journal of The Ontario Historical Society Since 1899 Papers and Records [called Ontario History after 1946] Volume VI, 1905 Published by The Ontario Historical Society, 1905 The Ontario Historical Society Established in 1888, the OHS is a non-profit corporation and registered charity; a non- government group bringing together people of all ages, all walks of life and all cultural backgrounds interested in preserving some aspect of Ontario's history. Learn more at www.ontariohistoricalsociety.ca. ®ntario “ibistorical Society. PAPERS AND RECORDS. VOL. VI. TORONTO: PUBLJSHEI)BY'THElSOC[ETY. 1903 KRAUS REPRINT CO. Millwood, New York 1975 ®fficer5, 1904-s05. Honorary President : Tan HONORABLE THE Mrmsmn or EDUCATION. President: GEORGE R. PA'r'rULLo, Woodstock. lst Vice-President : COL. H. C. R/OGER8, Peterborough. 2nd Vice-President: DAVID BOYLE, Toronto. Secretary : DAVID BOYLE (Education Department), Toronto. Treasurer: FEANK YEIGH (Parliament Buildings), Toronto. Councillors : Mna. E. J. Tnompsox, Toronto. H. H. ROBERTSON, Hamilton. MISS JEAN BARR,WindSOr. HIS HONOR JUDGE MACBEIH. London. LIEUT.-COL. EDWARDS, Peterborough. JAs. H. Conn: B.A.. St. Thomas. C. C. JAMES, M.A. Monuments Committee: MR8. E. J. THOMPSON. MISS CABNOCEAN, Niagara. MB. ALFRED W1LLsoN, Toronto. Flag and Commemoration Committee: Mn. G.‘ E. FOSTER, Toronto. Mn. B. CUMBERLAND, Toronto. ‘ Mn. SPENCER HOWELL. Galt. Reprinted with permission of The Ontario Historical Society KRAUS REPRINT CO. A U.S. Division of Kraus-Thomson Organization Limited Printed in U.S.A. CONTENTS I/‘IIAI’. PAGE. I. The Coming of the Mississagas. J. Hampden Burnham - - ~ 7 II. The First Indian Land Grant in Malden. C. W. Martin — — — 11 III.
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