Report No 4110 / 401286 Integrated Environmental Programme of the West Coast District June 2006 19 IN 3 2 D E D N N U U O O NINHAM SHAND F F CONSULTING SERVICES Report No: 4110/401286 INTEGRATED ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME OF THE WEST COAST DISTRICT June 2006 WESKUS DIS TRIKSMUNISIPALITEIT WEST COAST DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 81 Church Street Posbus / P O Box 242 P.O. Box 1347 Moorreesburg Cape Town 7310 8000 Tel: (021) 481 2400 Tel: (022) 433 8400 Fax: (021) 424 5588 Fax : (022) 433 8484 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] WEST COAST DISTRICT IEP Page i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS With grateful thanks for the time and contributions of the following: Title Name Surname Organisation Mrs Feroza Albertus DEAT Mr Trevor Bagus Saldanha Bay Municipality Mr Quintin Balie Swartland Municipality Dr Mandy Barnett CAPE Mr F Bekker CapeNature Mr Johan Bornman Namakwa Sands Mr A.J Bredenhann Berg River Municipality Mr Johan Bredenkamp Citrusdal WUA Mr Jan Briers Dept. of Mineral and Energy Affairs Mr Japie Buckle SANBI Sandveld Task Team/ Cape Nature/ Great Cederberg Mr Johan Burger Biodiversity Corridor Ms Elbé Cloete Cape Nature (Knersvlakte) & Bird Island Mr Marco Coetzee SANParks - West Coast National Park Mr Julian Conrad Mr Adriaan Conradie Dept of Agriculture Western Cape Mr Gary de Kock Cape West Coast Biosphere Reserve/ WCNP Mr Charl de Villiers Botanical Society of South Africa Mr Charl Du Plessis CapeNature Mr Mark Duckitt Cape West Coast Biosphere Reserve Mr Marius Durandt Dept of Agriculture Western Cape Mr Morris Florris CapeNature Mr JJ