Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10 (04): 485-499

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 10 Number 04 (2021) Journal homepage:

Original Research Article

Morphological, Molecular Identification of Tabanidae (Diptera) and Assessment of their Seasonal Abundance in Southwestern, Saudi Arabia

N. I. Elobaid1*, O. M. Daffalla2, S. S. M. Elhasan3, E. M. Noureldin2, F. F. Ali3 and M. A. Abdalla1

1Department of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, College of Veterinary medicine, Sudan University of Science and Technology 2Saudi National Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (SCDC) – Jazan, Saudi Arabia 3Central Veterinary Research Laboratory (CVRL)– Khartoum, Sudan

*Corresponding author


Tabanidae are true and members of the order Diptera, causing serious nuisance to livestock, which leads to considerable production losses and mechanically transmit several significant pathogens. In lack of data of classification and/or identification of tabanids (horse flies), additional to their

seasonal abundance in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the present study was carried out to describe the morphological and molecular characterization of tabanid flies with density variation related. Four times a month, from October 2017 to September 2018,a total number of 457 flies’ samples were collected from

K e yw or ds Jazan region southwestern Saudi Arabia, using Nzi traps. More tabanids flies were

Tabanus, Chrysops, captured during the wet 67.61% (309/457) compared to the dry season 32.39% Haematopota, and (148/457). Four different species of three Tabanids’ genera were identified Stomoxys morphologically using the standard taxonomic keys; two for the first time namely; Hybomitra lurida and Tabanus par, beside Atylotus agrestis and Tabanus Sufis Article Info that were reported before in KSA. Genomic DNA was extracted from Saudi Accepted: Arabian tabanids, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) successfully amplified 12 March 2021 710 base pairs of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) genes. Available Online: Sequence analysis was performed, and three out of four species were identified (A. 10 April 2021 agrestisMW243943, H. lurida MW265638 and T. parMW238412).The product sequences of KSA tabanid flies were aligned each separately against the corresponding GenBank sequences of known specimens and showed that the specimens of A. agrestis and T. par from Saudi Arabia were closely related to that of the Afrotropical region than to the Palaearctic region, whilst the sp. H. lurida

was more sim ilar to that of the Nearctic regions. This is the first report to investigate genetic characterization and phylogenesis of tabanid flies circulating in KSA.


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10 (04): 485-499

Introduction species (camels and goats, e.g.) at a water point (8). The morphological keys and On a world-wide scale, tabanids (horse flies) literature listed by Oldroyd (9) and Yagi (10), are among the major livestock pests, but the have been considered the main keys of relative importance of most species varies identification of tabanids up to date. temporally and geographically (1).Horse flies Nevertheless, a recent method of molecular are poorly known in the Middle East (2), DNA barcoding approaches based on the however, 31 species of the tabanids fauna mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit have been identified and recorded in Saudi 1 (COI) has been increased in popularity Arabia (3). Tabanidae family contains worldwide (11). Gene sequences have been approximately 4455 described species (4), yet used to discover new or previously unknown of these species have veterinary importance as bio-diversities due to its ability to differentiate significant pests of livestock, causing diverse species including insect reductions in weight gain, milk yield and feed- pests. More recently, Morita (12) successfully utilization efficiencies, due to their painful, revised the phylogenetic framework of continuous biting behavior (5).The bites of Tabanidae by employing four sets of genes tabanids are painful, causing extreme including the mitochondrial COI on a data set annoyance and blood loss (up to 0.5 ml per of 110 horsefly species (13).Control of ), with more blood loss following the bite horseflies is extremely difficult (14), but it can due to oozing, local reactions to bites include be attempted using trapping methods and/or dermal nodules and wounds which may serve impregnated screens or using insecticides on as secondary feeding sites for other flies or as livestock. The accurate identification of oviposition sites for myiasis-producing flies tabanids species achieves detection of their (1). Tabanids are mechanical vectors of over victoria capacities to disease transmission, as 35 pathogenic agents of livestock, including well as tailoring their best surveillance and equine infectious anaemia virus, anaplasma control program. Despite the fact that studies marginale, Trypanosoma evansi and on vector ecology are essential for monitoring, Trypanosoma vivax, as well as the agents of understanding, predicting and controlling cutaneous anthrax, tularemia, bovine viral vector borne diseases, relatively few studies leukosis, vesicular stomatitis and hog cholera have been conducted on tabanids in Saudi (6).Most people associate trypanosomosis Arabia and the Middle East as a whole. The with tsetse flies (Glossina spp), but tabanids aim of this study was to identify the tabanids play the most important role in the prevalence species morphologically using taxonomic keys of the disease horizontally (transfer from one fauna complemented by molecular analysis host to another). Generally, livestock suffer based on (COI) barcoding as well as assessing from trypanosomosis that is transmitted their seasonal abundance in different habitats mechanically by several genera of of Jazan region, southwestern Saudi Arabia. hematophagous flies such as Tabanus, Chrysops, Haematopota and Stomoxys which Materials and Methods are endemic in Africa, Asia and South America (7). Immediate mechanical Study area transmission can only occur in a group of (e.g., intra herd transmission) and The present study was conducted in 9 leads to a high incidence of disease in a given governorates of Jazan region (Jazan, Samttah, herd, however, it may occur between herds of Abuareesh, Sabyah, Beash, Al-Darb, Al- the same species (camels) or of different Aridah, Al-Ahad and Al-Khobah). Jazan


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10 (04): 485-499 region, occupies an area of approximately The flies were collected daily after being 40,457 km, is located in the southwest of killed naturally by insolation in plastic bottles Saudi Arabia between 16°-12, and 18°-25, and sorted by separating the tabanids from the latitude north. Bordered on the north and east other Diptera, then kept frozen until they were by the Asir region and the Red Sea on the west transferred to the laboratory for identification along the coastline about 260 km, whereas the and enumeration. Republic of Yemen from the south and south- east. The human population is estimated at Morphological identification of field about 1,603,659 (15). collected tabanids

The region includes more than 3500 villages Classification of collected tabanids was and over 100 islands located in the Red Sea. achieved using standard taxonomic keys that (Fig.1), the geographic features are arranged differentiate between species as described by in deserts, mountain ranges and open-low Oldroyd (9). plains (less than 400 meters above sea level). Molecular description of preserved flies It is drained by several permanent valleys which play a crucial role in providing the PCR targeting (COI) gene was performed to perennial breeding habitats for , and complement the morphological identification several intermittent valleys (16). The Jazan of tabanid flies and determine their region is situated in the subtropical zone and phylogenetic position in comparison to other has average monthly temperatures ranging related taxa. from 25.8°C in January to 33.4°C in July. The average relative humidity ranges between 55% Samples preparation and DNA extraction and 72.5% (17). Annual rainfalls vary according to the area, in the plains, it ranges From each group of morphologically identical between 200- 500m min August and falling specimens, Legs of the insect samples were again in the months of March and April, while homogenized individually in a mortar and in mountains average from 529 to 630mm pestle (mini borosilicate glass chamber length ( The vicinity of the region 60mm / pestle diameter 9.0mm 3.0Ml, Fisher is considered to be a border point to the brand) in 100 μL of Minimum Essential Media Yemen state and African Horne, in addition to (MEM) (manufactured Euro Clone, UK). the seaport, which plays a vital role in DNA was extracted from the stored livestock’s movement in and out of the homogenate using GeneJET Genomic DNA country, and hence, provides the possibility of Purification Kit (Thermo Scientific) following transmission of many infectious diseases. the manufacturer's recommendations. The extracted DNA was stored at -86°C until the Samples Collection next procedure.

A total of 457 adult specimens of the family PCR amplification of tabanid flies DNA Tabanidae (Diptera) were collected from four distinct habitats of Jazan region during the A pair of universal primers, LCOI490 (5- period from October 2017 to September 2018. GGTCAACAAAT CATAAAGATATTGG-3) Tabanids collection was conducted from and HCO2198 (5-TAAACTTCAG GGTGA sunrise to sunset for four consecutive days a CCAAAAAATCA-3) (19) were used to month, using Nzi traps (18). The traps were amplify the standard COI-5 barcodes (i.e. c. installed close to livestock, mostly camels. 650-bp fragments at the 5-terminus of the 487

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10 (04): 485-499 mitochondrial gene for COI; Folmer Search Tool (BLAST) data standardized region). ( (20) and compared to reference sequences of tabanids The PCR was carried out in total volume of 25 isolates detected in BLAST and downloaded μL containing 12.5 μL of GoTag®G2 green from Gen Bank ( master mix ready to use from Promega, 2 μL /genbank/). (20 pmol) of each forward and reverse primers, 2 μL of DNA template and 8.5 μL Phylogenetic analysis nuclease free water. The mix was subjected to initial denaturation at 94°C for 3 minutes, 30 Multiple sequence alignments for COI-PCR cycles of denaturation (94°C, 60 s), primer products were conducted using bioEdit table, annealing (50°C, 60 s, primer extension version A (21). Phylogenetic tree of COI-PCR (72°C, 60 s) and final extension for 5 minutes. products of nucleotide sequences was run In each run, negative and positive controls using neighbor-joining algorithms by Mega7 were included. programme (

The PCR products amplification was analyzed (22). The evolutionary history was inferred by gel electrophoresis (1.5 Agarose in Tris- using the Neighbor-Joining method (23). The Acetate EDTA buffer) staining with ethidium tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths in bromide. The visualization was carried out the same units as those of the evolutionary using Gel Doc XR Imaging System (Bio-Rad). distances used to infer the phylogenetic tree, the evolutionary distances were computed Sequencing of PCR Fragment using the Maximum Composite Likelihood method (24) and is in the units of the number Purification and standard sequencing for COI- of base substitutions per site. PCR products were performed by Macrogen Company (Seoul, Korea). Sequencing Results and Discussion reactions were performed in a MJ Research PTC-225 Peltier Thermal Cycler using a ABI Morphological identification of tabanids PRISM® BigDyeTM Terminator Cycle collected Sequencing Kits with AmpliTaq® DNA polymerase (FS enzyme) (Applied A total of 457 adult specimens of the family Biosystems), following the protocols supplied Tabanidae (Diptera) were collected from four by the manufacturer. Single-pass sequencing distinct habitats of the Jazan region. The was performed on each template using D1 morphological classification revealed a total (forward) primer. of three different genera namely:Tabanus (91.03%), Atylotus (7.88%) and Hybomitra The fluorescent-labeled fragments were (1.09%) with a total of four different speciesA. purified from the unincorporated terminators agrestis, H. lurida, T. Sufis and T. par. We with BigDye®X Terminator™ purification identified tabanid species based on their protocol. The samples were resuspended in morphological features described by Oldroyd distilled water and subjected to electrophoresis (9). in an ABI 3730xl sequencer (Applied Biosystems). Genus Atylotus Osten – Sacken, 1876

Bioinformatics and sequence analysis Description

The sequences were searched for genetic Small to medium sized horse flies, grayish, similarity through Basic Local Alignment yellowish or yellowish-brown, characterized


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10 (04): 485-499 with large heads, bare or pubescent eyes, species have yellowish-brown margin on the sometimes with one narrow band. Males have abdomen or grayish-black to completely black sharply separated areas of small facets from species. Eyes are greenish, always pubescent, the area of large facets from the upper part of usually with three bands, very rarely un- the eyes. Frontal calli in females are always banded or with one or two bands. Ocellar very small, round and reduced, or sometimes tubercles are always present in both sexes. absent. Wings are clear with a very long Wings are clear, slightly pale brown clouded appendix to vein R4 (25). at the base of the wing (26).

Atylotus agrestis Wiedemann, 1828 Hybomitra lurida Fallén1817

A female of this specimen was identified by A female of this specimen was identified by characteristics described by Oldroyd (9).Head: characteristics described by Oldroyd (9). Eyes usually bare, rusty brown in dried Subcallus partly bare and shining; head specimens, with a trace of a single purple band strongly transverse, lower angle between eyes usually visible; in life specimens they are very greater than 90° (view head face-on). In hind pale green with dark spots shining through. view, tergites with broad median stripes Upper and lower calliare circular, light brown, remain shining black, together with some shining. Subcallusis flat; sometimes rises a more lateral areas. little towards the antennae. Genus Tabanus Linnaeus, 1758 Palpi white, rather swollen at the base, drawn out into long points; hairs mostly white with Description many black ones intermingled. Propose orange. Antennae light orange – yellow, first Medium-sized to large, mostly are black to segment with thick whitish tomentum. blackish-gray, or chestnut brown species. Abdomen has pale median triangles and Thorax: mesonotum black in ground colour, sublateral patches, or more or less distinct covered with brownish grey tomentum; very brown side markings. Eyes are bare or slight traces of four brown longitudinal strips. pubescent, without bands or with one to four Scutellumis uniformly brownish. Abdomen: in bands. Females with well developed, large ground colour ashy grey-brown, with two sub- frontal calli specifically shaped and lateral yellowish or orange stripes. Legs: positioned. Fron's size varies from broad to Coxey likes pleura, except that the fore pair is very narrow, without ocellar swelling. yellowish. Femora are yellowish. Fore tibiae: light brown Fore tarsi: dark brown Middle Wings are mostly clear. Antennae consist of tarsi: brown. The rests of the legs are all more or less distinct dorsal teeth to 3rd reddish yellow. Wings: Veins, including costa, antennal segments and the terminal part of the pale yellow, only stigma slightly brownish. flagellum form of four segments. Basicosta Length: Body 14 mm; Wing 11 mm. covered with short hairs (25).

Genus Hybomitra Enderlein, 1922 Tabanus Sufis Jaennicke, 1867

Description A female of this specimen was identified by characteristics described by Oldroyd (9).Head: Medium-sized to large species, thorax and Eyes microscopically hairy; in life bright abdomen always densely pubescent. Most green with four horizontal bands, the middle


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10 (04): 485-499 two deep blue and the others red-brown, the Dorsum orange, without pattern. Venter is lowest one being on the lower margin of the more whitish, with very pale yellow hairs. eye. Frons is very strongly convergent. Calli Legs: Coxey like pleuragreys with whitish yellow: both upper and lower callus hairs. Legs are otherwise yellow to reddish transverse, with an irregular margin, and brown, tarsi a deeper brown than rest. Hairs extending across the frons from eye to eye; the femora yellowish, those of tibiae mixed with two calli are separated in fresh specimens, but black ones. Wings:Quite clear veins and are sometimes joined by rubbing. Subcallus stigma yellow. Length: Body 12 mm; Wing 11 flat, on the upper margin is a divided area, mm. shining yellowish. Palpi plump, tapering sharply to a point, clear with white hairs. Molecular characterization of collected flies Antennae are entirely orange. Thorax: mesonotum ashy grey with three continuous, A partial sequencing was done for twenty five narrow longitudinal stripes of pale grey; PCR-COI product samples (710 bp) scutellum ashy grey. Abdomen: Dorsum dark representing the specimens of collected brown with grey hindmargins and side tabanid flies to supplement the morphological margins, with three rows of grey spots: identification. The sequences analysis median spots triangular, extending to front generated only three species of isolates, were margin of each segment; sublateral spots, on named in three terms of; Saudi Arabia A. all segments. The rows of sublateral spots agrestis, Saudi Arabia H. lurida and Saudi don’t unite into a stripe. Legs: Coxey like Arabia T. par, released in GenBank with pleura. Femora are yellowish grey with white accession numbers; MW243943, MW265638 hairs. Tibiae and tarsi are yellowish. Wings: andMW238412, respectively. BLAST data Quite clear, with stigma almost invisible and showed different identical between the with the veins colorless. Vein R4is a well- sequences of Saudi Arabia isolates and other developed appendix. Length: Body 8 -11 mm; sequences of tabanids selected globally from Wing 8 -10 mm. GenBank, for KSA isolates of A. agrestis sequence produced the 92-99% similarity with Tabanus par Walker, 1858 other tabanids isolate from Mozambique MT231182, Senegal MW013785, China A female of this specimen was identified by KT225291, USA KM243503and Thailand characteristics described by Oldroyd (9). MG426044. BLAST for KSA isolates of H. Head: Eyes in life are brilliant emerald green, lurida sequence showed the 92-94% similarity without bands. Frons is convergent. Calli is with other tabanids isolates such as USA clear yellow and broadly united into an KU875227, Canada JF875803, Denmark elongate, onion -shape. Subcallus often MT410834, Thailand MG426176 and denuded. Palpi yellow, with some black hairs. Myanmar MF804680. BLAST for KSA Proboscis is yellow or orange. Antennae: first isolates of T. par sequence produced the 91- two segments yellow with yellow hairs. 92.80% similarity with other tabanids isolates Thorax: mesonotum and scutellum black in from Central African Republic (CAR) ground colour, with a uniform covering of MK396308 India KM111678 Gabon yellow-grey tomentum. Pleura grey or a little MK396326, ThailandMG426116, and USA yellowish, with long white hairs. Abdomen: KM243535.


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10 (04): 485-499

Table.1 Density variation of Tabanids flies collected among seasons of the year of current study.

Season of Tabanus sp. Atylotus sp. Hybomitra sp. Total collection Collected % Collected % Collected % Collected % Number Number Number Number Wet season 278 89.97 29 9.39 2 0.65 309 67.61 Dry season 138 93.24 7 4.73 3 2.03 148 32.39 Total 416 91.03 36 7.88 5 1.09 457 100

Fig.1 Map of Jazan region showing different governorates.


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Fig.2 Multiple sequence alignment of COI gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 of KSAT. par. Identical bases are shown as dots and sites of variation are shown.


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Fig.3 Multiple sequence alignment of COI gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 of KSAA. agrestis. Identical bases are shown as dots and sites of variation are shown.


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Fig.4 Multiple sequence alignment of COI gene for cytochrome oxidase subunit 1of KSAH. lurida. Identical bases are shown as dots and sites of variation are shown.


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Fig.5 Phylogenetic tree based on the (COI) gene of KSA isolates of tabanid flies with other known different countries. The proportion of sites where at least 1 unambiguous base is present in at least 1 sequence for each descendent clade is shown next to each internal node in the tree. The analysis involved 17 nucleotide sequences and all positions containing gaps and missing data were eliminated, there were a total of 634 positions in the final dataset.

Phylogenetics of Saudi Arabian tabanid while 148 tabanids flies (T. par= 138, A. flies agrestis=7 and H. laurida= 3) were captured in dry season, as summarized in table (1). A multiple sequence alignment of (COI) gene and molecular phylogenetic analysis were Tabanid flies have a passive economic effect performed to demonstrate the relationship and are known worldwide as important between the KSA isolates of tabanids each mechanical vectors of viruses, bacteria, separately with the other global isolates protozoans and helminths, which cause (Figs.2-4), and were tightly clustered together diseases in some wild and domestic animals in phylogenetic tree,as shown in Fig (5). (27,28) in addition to reducing milk production where they commonly live (29). In Seasonal occurrence and relative Saudi Arabia, 31 species of tabanid flies have abundance of tabanids collected been identified and listed (3).In the current study the morphological identification To find out the seasonal abundance and revealed the presence of four species of density variation of collected tabanids, a tabanids flies, two for the first time namely; H. number of 309 (T. par= 278, A. agrestis= 29 luridaand T. par, beside A. agrestis and T. and H. laurida= 2) were caught during wet, sufis which were recorded previously in KSA.


Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2021) 10 (04): 485-499

To confirm and complement the D- Tabanus spp and clade E –T. par and H. morphological results, a partial sequencing lurida of KSA. It is worthy to note that the was done and amplified successfully for genera Atylotus, Hybomitra and Tabanus twenty five PCR specimens targeting 710 bp formed a paraphyletic clade with each other of mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase (Fig.5). Interestingly, T. par (MW238412) and subunit 1 (COI) gene of captured horse flies. H. lurida (MW265638) of KSA branched on The BLAST data searched for nucleotide own clade, this finding maybe explained with sequences and confined only to three species the results reported by Yeates (30) and Morita of A. agrestis (MW243943), H. lurida (12) who mentioned that in most phylogenetic (MW265638) and T. par (MW238412). analyses of tabanid flies and other closely Nucleotide sequence alignment of COI gene related species there are normally showed similarity between the specimens ofT. uncertainties with the position of most species par and A. agrestis from Saudi Arabia to that due to weak support observed from internal of the Afrotropical region than to the relationships. Among others, these studies Palaearctic region, whilst H. lurida specimen strongly suggest that DNA barcoding is a was closely related to that of the Nearctic and promising tool for diversity studies, the Neotropical regions. Yet, our findings of phylogeographic analyses as well as molecular analysis showed higher identity evolutionary studies of specifically between Saudi Arabian tabanids to known as vectors, and thus could provide a globally specimens but differ in species, for instance important tool for controlling pests (13).The KSA Atylotus agrestis (MW243943) seasonal abundance patterns of tabanid flies in corresponds to Atylotus nigromaculatus the study areas of present study showed that (KX946514) from Kenya, Atylotus miser themajority of tabanid flies were collected (KT225291) from china, and Hybomitra during the wet 67.61% (October to February), bimaculata (KM243503) from USA. KSA compared to the dry season 32.39% (Mars to Hybomitra lurida (MW265638) corresponds September), a result which is in line with the to Hybomitra epistates (KJ089802) from findings of Barros (28), Itina (31) and Canada, Hybomitra bimaculata (MT410834) Baldacchino (32) who gained the high from Denmark, and Tabanus tamthaiorum incidence of tabanids was in the wet compared (MG426176) from Thailand. KSA Tabanus to dry season. Temperature, relative humidity par (MW238412) corresponds to Tabanus (RH) and precipitation are factors related striatus (KM111678) from India, Tabanus either separately or interactively to fluctuate fraternus (MT231163) from Mozambique, and the abundance of insect populations. The Tabanus secedens (MK396356) from Liberia. temperature influences the rate of Thus, the need to revise the morphological development of the immature stages and eggs of tabanid flies worldwide is too production, RH interferes with survival rate necessary to be more accurate. The and richness of adult flies (33), while it seems phylogenetic relationships among Saudi that the precipitation influenced tabanids Arabian tabanids were inferred each population by the previous year’s precipitation separately and allied species were tightly in Korea and Croatia (34,35). Issimov (36) clustered into a well-supported tabanids clade reported that, the humidity and ambient by analysis of targeting the (COI) gene, and temperature play a decisive role in the active were distinct genetically from all other global formation and emerging of adult insects in tabanids. The phylogenetic tree showed five Europe, and the most suitable climatic major Clades (A-E), namely, clade A- Atylotus indicators were humidity at 70% and spp.; clade B- Hybomitra spp.; clade C, clade temperature of 27° C for adults, whilst the


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How to cite this article:

Elobaid, N. I., O. M. Daffalla, S. S. M. Elhasan, E. M. Noureldin, F. F. Ali and Abdalla, M. A. 2021. Morphological, Molecular Identification of Tabanidae (Diptera) and Assessment of their Seasonal Abundance in Southwestern, Saudi Arabia. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 10 (04): 485-499. doi: