WHAT IS DRUM CAMP? REGISTRATION INFO EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS DRUM CAMP 2015 PACKAGE DEAL “A” Take a muscial vacation! £ Take any 2 days for just $178 $99! DRUM Drum Camp – a drumming extravaganza… Three or days of rhythmic workshops, June 12-13-14. This is a chance to immerse yourself in rhythm – a musical vacation! PACKAGE DEAL “B” You are welcome to mix & match workshops. £ Take all 3 days for just $247 $129! CAMP Workshops Register by May 29th are open to June 12-13-14, 2015 all levels of for Early Bird Discounts playing experience. Or take any individual workshops: Instruments are provided FRIDAY for all £ Hip-Hop Drumming 6-8 PM $39 workshops, £ including Kalimba (Thumb Piano) 8-9:30 pm $29 djembes, SATURDAY krins, bass £ African Xylophones & Drums 10 am-12 pm $39 drums, xylophones, £ Bass Drums (Dunduns) 1-3 pm $39 bells and SUNDAY shakers. £ Krin & Bass Drums 1:30-3 pm $29 There are also EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT £ Burndi Beat 3-5 pm $39 package deals if you would like to come for several workshops: Take any two days for £ Balafon Rhythms in 6/8 7-8:30 pm $29 just $99, or ALL three days for just $129! www.courtenaydrumcamp.com Workshops held at the Royston Community Hall Register on-line (www.cortenaydrumcamp.com) COURTENAY CONTACT: Monica Hofer or with Monica Hofer (250) 338-1444
[email protected] / (250) 338-1444 www.courtenaydrumcamp.com FRIDAY WORKSHOPS S ATURDAY WORKSHOPS SUNDAY WORKSHOPS HIP HOP AFRICAN STYLE AFRICAN XYLOPHONE & KRIN (LOG DRUMS) An upbeat workshop! If you have ever DRUM ENSEMBLE Krin are slit drums made of of hollowed logs, wanted to learn that Hip Hop rhythm that sounds so played with sticks.