BEAT THOSE WAHOOS! • T Washington and Lee Semi-Wc(!Kly NC\\Spnpcr
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( .. BEAT THOSE WAHOOS! • t Washington and Lee Semi-Wc(!kly NC\\Spnpcr Volume XLVIII LEXINGTON. VIRGINIA, OCTOBER 17, 19 t7 NUMBER 7 Stanfield Replaces Bre,vster University Says Leybum Speaks St nior EC Delegate As Troubadour Director; Saturday Classes To All Freshmen . tFront Page~ Cast Complete Will Be Shorter In Lee Chapel Elections Scheduled New Organizational ~------- No Holiday Nov. 1; Says College Men }.,or Tuesday PlanTo Be Studied ILiterary Club Claaaea Begin At 8 · Have Responsibility Night By Dramatic Group T M k PI On 3 Football Sata. Of Wi nni n ~ Peace -----·----__.~ Floor Committee Veternn Troubadour dirt>ctor 0 aDS a e Short class periods will be held "The Obligalion!l of College Jim Stan!it.>ld took over the Charity Chest Ia Aopointed Meeting To Be Held for Saturday classes on three Men" highlighted tht' kt>ynule of reins oC "The Front Pagt.>" from For Homecomings Troub PresidenL Jim llr·ewstt.>r last In Student Union football weekends this fall and a Univer11ity Dt.>an Leyburn'!l ad Plans Formed night in 11 surpri!'le move by Brews- special schedule will be run for dr~:>ss to the fr~:>qhmnn ns!lembly in A represt>ntive to thn Exernt ive ter, who wiiJ de,·ote himself to the Tht.> Washington Literary So- clns!les on Homecoming Saturday, Lee Ch11pel Thursday niJrht. Committee will be 4'1l'<'t<'d ft om organizational problems of the Drive Will Begin ciety will hold its second meeting ncl.'ording to a memorandum to Summarizing his topic.' in two I the Senior academic cln!!!l nncl the first aemest~r. On November 3 of the yt.>ar M~nday, October 20, the faculty from Dean James G. sentences, he stated, "that a fair Freshman Law Clnfl!l <'omhint.>d on "The organizal set-up needs a complete overhauling," Brl:'l\ stet t(l di ~uss the program for the l~yburn. Classes "ill be shortened measure of the vitality and innt>r Pions for the Charity Chl.'!ll Thursday, Octob(>r 21. The d:~te stated. " I hope to have the Trou- coming yenr, according to Bob for Lhe Vil·ginia game tomorrow strength or n )K'Ople is the man Drive are rapidly shaping up. of the election wall s<>t by thP £x badours once more functioning as Thomp!lon, prt.>sident of the so and for the Virginia Tecb and W il- ner in which they make use of Emmet Eply, chairman of this eculive Committet> nt its lll<'t>ling a unit and not as a moss of indivi- ciety. The meeting will be held liam and Mary games, the mem- the year11 following a grent war, yP:u's drive, emphasizing that the Tuesday night. duals working at cross-purposes." al 5 p. m. in the Litt>rary Society orandum says. whether that wnr end in victory rnmpnlgn is just two weeks away. J oe Blackhurn, Senior LRI\ re No mention was_ made oC nny or defellt; and that the university Stanfield, who last year direct- room of the Student Union build A chart sho" ing the percentagt> presenti\le, will {lre<~itll' at the holiday on the Saturday of the men of th1s country are, t.y thei1 ed "The Petrified Forest" sl't to ing. or pal'licipation of each frater election \\ h<>rt.> the n om ina lions A1·my game at West Point. lll'ivileges, training, nntl inteiiN't, work on the new play immediately. A progrnm consisting of out nity and lhe NFU will be placed and volin~ will take place is not There will be 40 minute clas- the men who 11hould lead thl• "Fortunately the cast is already side spenkel's is proposed Cor this in the University Supply store, definite at this datl', Sht.>p Zin ses beginning at 8 and continuing country in enterpril'es larger than filled," he said, "except for walk- yeer. Thompson said. The pre according to Eply. This year two ovoy, secretary of tht• Student until 11 :20 a. m. on the tht·ee Sat- it had ever beforl' undertaken.'' on parts, •\\ bich 1 hope to fill soon." sidenl cX}JT'cssed his desire to ob- man teams, instead of one, will Body, said thiA wet'k. urdays when are to be Arter the Revolutionary War, M em be rs o! the cast in tain some well-known figures in ramea visit each fraternity house to The Student Body Constitution elude: Peggy Boykin as Molly the literary world to speak to the played out of town. Kick-off time an outstanding handful of men laid ramiharize the members with the calls for the election or ont.> mem in Charlottesville will be at 2:30 the basi!! nnd founded our nation. Malloy, M ~·s. S. S. McNeer as group. purpost> of the Charity Chest. ber from the Senior Acndemtt and p. m. in Scott Stadium. The Vir- After the Civil Wnr, our leaders Peggy Grant, Mrs. Leila Nance Counsellors 11\ ill call meetings of and Ft·eshmnn Lnw dasses, Zin Society Formed Jo 1812 ginia Tech game will be held on h~:>aled national differences ami Motratt as Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Pear their respective dormitory sec ovoy explained. Tht.> dection is The Was.hington Literary So son as Jennie, Vic Dnlmns as Wol November 8 in Lym hbu.rg and the made a place in the world for the tions for the same purpose. usually held at the same time as ciety, which wns organized on the ter Burns, Russ Thomas as Dia William and Mary game in .Roan- United Stoles. Hut nftet· World tho Fres hman class ll'etion, but W&L campus in 1812, confers As has been done in previous mond Louis nnd Delaney Way as oke on •November 16. Wa r I, our ciLizen~ failed to rise Law School i not running on the membership on students and years, the donors will be allowed W oodenshoea Eichorn. A further modification of the to the challenge of pence. They same schedule as the Academic faculty membet·s for outstanding schedule was included in the mem- became absorbed with sclf-in to commit their contributions to Other roles are filled by: Tom school. he pointed out. woPk in liternry, oratorical, or orandum for Homecoming. On the interest and refused to offer our any particular organization which Whitaker, Joe Moffatt.. Leonnrd journalistic fields. Saturday of the 11 a. m. Home- leadership to the world, sand the benefit'! from the drl\•e. lo other Rule 1'o IJ.e Enforced Wild, Don Albin, DeWitt Beckner·, words, it a student does not want · Faculty members of the Society coming game with Davidson, 30- University De!ln. The Executhre C'ommittre em Bob Gilbert, Jack MarLin, ony of his eontl'ibulion to go to ore President Francis P. Gaines. minute classes will begin at 8 a nd phasized ila Intention to sit ictly Robbie Hopkins, Jim Hanks, Hope Of Peace Is U. S. any organization, he may so slnl.t> 0. W. Reigel, nulhor of "~l obliz continue until lO::JO a. m. enforce the Dance Regulntl()nl at Everett Easter, and Bill Boswell. on o furnished card when he con ing for Chaos," and Or. Ollinger Class schedules on the Satur Now following a second World the Homecoming dance, Zino\'OY A study room is being con tributes. Chrenshow, who is now on leave day's o! October 18, November 8, War within n quarter of a cenlut·y, wa rned. s tructed in the upstairs dressing the United Stales stands as the Epley staled that lapel buttons of absell(e to write the University and November 16 will be as fol Student cooperation in the en r oom in the theatre, Brewster an lows: leader, uncertain of her path, have been ordered and that con history !or the Bicentennial cele forcement or these r<'gulalions was nounced, so that student mem that or leadership nnd prog1·ess or tt·ibutor· will receive one of these bmtion. 8:00-8:40, 8:40-9:20, 9:20-10, requested by the Committee, the bers of the cast may study while IJutLons to identify him as a donor. 10-10:40, 10:40-11 :20. her path following the last war. secretary repot·ted. "We hope that off-stage. The schedule on the day of the The peace and hope of the world "In this section of the country there \\ill be no trouble and WI' will Bicentennial Letter lies in U. S. leadership and respon President. Brewster is now work Davidson game will be as fol tuberculosis is more prevalent receive the cooperation we have sibility. ing with the Troubadour Execu Mailed To Students lows: than in any other part. The con had in the past", he snid. tive Committee on a chapter for 8:00-8:30. 8:30-9:00, 9:00- tributions will be used to alleviate College ) len hould Lead the Troubadour organization; he Enclosed wilh a letLer f rom 9:30, 9:30-10:00, 10:00-10:30 the suffering in Rockbridge coun Committee Na med hopes to present this chapter to Pt-esident F. P. Gaines the new An announcement of class Leading up to the collegt' man's ty, and each donor will reap a Floor >eommillec members llll· the entire group for its approval booklel "Toward Our Third Cen- schedule changes for .Monday, Oc obligations he slnted that in this reward in the knowledge that he pointed by the EC include: Joe in the near future, he said.