Bikes, Feet Replace Seats Faucher Condo Heads Group
r 'v \ Faucher heads 44, "M i condo group V By MARY KITZMANN Although no specifics were decided W .- 'r*' llernid l{c|)orter on how to seek the informa tion, Lamson suggested areas to in MANCHESTER - The 13- • ISv Home Delivered vestigate would be the typos of m . XCIX. Na 1$S ^y>, K 's#' member Mayor's Condominium Committee, composed of prominent families being displaced. Another bankers, real estate agents, town of suggestion was discovering where ficials and attorneys and private these people would relocate, as iimiii citizens, last night elected Robert Warren Howland, committee member, noted "a lot ol young Faucher as chairman. families are leaving Maiichesfcr ' Faucher is cochairman of the The second committee, looking at Manchester Citizens for Social how to regulate conversions, includes Responsibility, the group which in Ben Rubin, Kevin O'Brien, town at itiated the moratorium ordinance saying conversions displaced the torney. Nathan Agostinelli elderly and poor. O'Brien noted that laws regulating Forming the condominium com conversions arc in the state Legislature. “Unless the state grants r '- mittee propose alternatives was part ,'%-i-5^'^’V?-' ^ the town authority to act, " he said, 4“ y V’4' ■ of the Board of Directors' action in ■'we are subject to their acts ' *^4 imposing the 90-day moratorium. But Johnson also noted the bill. Noting his own biases, Faucher Senate Bill ‘290. might not pass, and \ nominated William Johnson, presi the committee should be ready to dent of the Savings Bank of propose ordinance action. However, Manchester, as vice chairman. His nomination and that of Diane Wicks, the bill should he voted on by the time the committee's report is due human services director, for The third committee composed of secretary, passed unanimously.
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