1 David Edgar Love 306- 1955 Duff Court Lachine, Quebec H8S 1E9
[email protected] To: Melanie Houle Narconon Certification Committee Trois-Rivieres, Quebec
[email protected] David Edgar Love – Montreal Personal Safety Exanminer Montreal, Canada http://www.examiner.com/personal-safety-in-montreal/david-love “Born on the West Coast of British Columbia, David Edgar Love now resides in the Montreal area. David formed a charitable organization in 1990 and was the Director of a rehabilitation center for substance abuse. He then completed a University of British Columbia Real Estate Course and was employed as a Realtor and Sub-Mortgage Broker for more than six years. David's life is fulfilled doing research on public safety, culture, disease and illness, and strives to help persons with human rights and freedoms issues.” Montreal Personal Safety Examiner ### “I, David Edgar Love, having been a patient at Narconon Trois-Rivieres for five months and then recruited as a staff member for six months, I have thousands of pages of documents concerning the relationship between Narconon and the Church of Scientology. Please feel free to request any documentation you require in this, or any other case you are investigating.” 2 Below, you will see the direct connection between Narconon and Scientology. There is no difference, except in each entities Corporate Name. A Scientologist moves up The Bridge to Total Freedom, or simply "The Bridge", to a state of Clear when they have freed themselves from their "reactive mind". Purportedly, this takes place beyond training sessions in Church of Scientology auditing, and is said to be a lifetime commitment.