THE BROKEN BLADE ( Chronicles of Athas) by Simon Hawke pdf


ISBN: 0786901373 ISBN13: 978-0786901371 Author: Simon Hawke Book title: THE BROKEN BLADE (Dark Sun Chronicles of Athas) Publisher: (May 23, 1995) Language: English Category: Size PDF version: 1631 kb Size ePUB version: 1631 kb Size FB2 version: 1261 kb Other formats: docx azw lrf rtf

Sorak, elfin hero of the author's Tribe of One trilogy, along with his friend and lover, Ryana, embarks on a mission of mercy for his new master, the Sage. Original. 75,000 first printing.

Reviews of the THE BROKEN BLADE (Dark Sun Chronicles of Athas) by Simon Hawke PDF

Skunk Black This book is okay. It's not great, it's not lousy, it's right in the middle. On the one hand the author does a nice job of fleshing out some of the Dark Sun world and he creates some interesting characters. His skills in writing are perfectly fine and enjoyable. Where he completely fails is by not only making his protagonist completely over-powered he also seems to take the easy route. Instead of the character having to use his wits to discover the plots against him, he spontaneously gains the ability to see the future. Simon starts to create some worthy opponents for Sorak to fight at the end of the book but then again grants him superpowers that completely dismiss any danger to the character. It would be like if you were watching "Aliens" and then in the last twenty minutes we find out that Ripley is actually Superman in disguise and is completely immune to anything the aliens can throw at her. So while this book starts out with some potential and isn't a bad read the character is so overpowered we don't feel like he is in any significant danger or even has to really try to defeat his enemies. So, like a summertime movie sequel, it's an okay read but doesn't have a whole lot of merit to it. Darkshaper The continuing/concluding book from the original Tribe of One trilogy. Great read. Only problem I have is I wished there was more to read. Tehn Product delivered promptly, and item was as advertised. Truthcliff never take things for granted cause you never know what you have til you lose it (lost his loving partner) Olma I don't understand how some people can't like this book. I mean what an ending! Some thin kof the character as a super character, no he is not, he had a lot of history and background and in Dark Sun world, even he is not _that_ supreme. This book very good, and no it's not your regular book where the hero destroys all, he loses as much as he wins. I wish the author wrote some more on the story. I hope to see TSR put Dark Sun back to life. Moronydit If you liked The Brazen Gambit and The Darkness before the dawn then you will love this book and you will read it over and over again. This book is superb for all you DARK SUN lovers.I mean Sorak, Ryann, and Cricket make this book great. When you read this book you can see with your own eyes see the carecters do thier actions and see the gift sight and what is really happening at the same time, and thats just the begging i mould tell you the rest but you have to read the book and if you find the book you should by it and happy hunting and reading. Rolorel Great book that is a joy to read. The characters were very interesting, although some might argue that they weren't described in enough detail. The ending was very powerful and finished the book wanting you to read more about Sorak and his future fate. Highly recommended to any Fantasy and Dark Sun fans.

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