COLUMNISTS Accepting All Popes' Teachings Won't Solve Crisis Some Have Argued That the Root Cause Aware Diat Diere Are Any Number of Eccle Been Truly Outstanding
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CATHOLIC COURtER DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER. N.Y. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 26,2002 PAGE 9 COLUMNISTS Accepting all popes' teachings won't solve crisis Some have argued that the root cause aware diat diere are any number of eccle been truly outstanding. Most were ordi of the sexual-abuse crisis in the Catholic siastical skeletons in die closet nary to mediocre, leaving no imprint on Church is the "culture of dissent" within Under pressure from an Arian emper die history of die church, and some were the church. The underlying assumption or, Pope Liberius (352-66) approved die scandalously inept is that, if only Catholics had accepted excommunication of SL Athanasius, the And now to the second question: everything the pope teaches, there would essays in great defender of Cadiolic orthodoxy at "Which papal teachings? be no problem. the Council of Nicaea (325). Not all papal teachings are of equal au- But this begs at least two questions: (1) theology Pope Honorius I (625-38) was excom diority. We cannot automatically assume Which pope? and (2) Which teachings? municated, not by a synod but by an ecu diat every papal teaching is beyond criti One has the impression that at least a menical council — the Third Council of cism or even correction. If we did make few commentators are not referring to Constantinople (680) — for his unwitting that assumption, it would mean diat even' popes in general, but only to die current adherence to the heresy of Monodielit- teaching of every pope must be treated as pope, John Paul II. Indeed, his authorized final session. Moreover, it was Paul VI ism, which posited only one (divine) will if it were infallible, that is, immune from biographer, George Weigel, came close to who, over die course of his 15-year pon in Christ error. saying that in a recent interview on be- tificate (1963-78), promulgated its texts Pope Stephen VI (896-97) was deposed The Cadiolic Church makes no such, a Web site that specializes in reli and approved and mandated all of die from office by a Roman synod for having claim. On the contrary, die church's for gious issues. major reforms which the council had presided over the so-called Cadaver Syn mal teaching on papal infallibility at the Mr. Weigel suggested diat one of die adopted. od, which had placed die corpse of his First Vatican Council (1869-70) clearly surest ways out of this crisis would be via Therefore, why would the current predecessor, Pope Formosus (891-96), on states diat papal infallibility is a partici "a diorough implementation of the great pope's interpretation of Vatican II be any trial on trumped-up charges. pation in die infallibility of die whole vision of die Second Vatican Council as more "audioritative" dian Paul VTs, or Pope Sergius III (904-11) did even church and that it can only be exercised interpreted by this pontificate, which is John Paul n's successors, for diat matter? worse to his predecessor, Leo V, ordering widiin certain limits: (1) die pope must be the audioritative interpretation of the If, on die odier hand, one were to hold his murder. acting as eardily head of die universal Council...." diat Cadiolic fidelity is determined by our Aldiough die Petrine ministry is an es church; (2) he must be teaching about a Leaving aside the ecclesiological im readiness to accept whatever any pope sential component in the life and struc matter of faith or morals (rooted in Scrip plications, one wonders about die histor teaches, not just what John Paul II teach ture of the church, die church has man ture and tradition); and (3) he must ex- ical basis for this view. After all, die coun es, we would be faced widi an enormous aged'to survive for long periods widiout plicidy intend to bind die whole church. cil was presided over for three of its four task of sorting out papal pronouncements even being sure which claimant to die pa Theories are fine so long as they are years by Pope Paul VI. Auxiliary Bishop of various kinds, all die way back to die pal office was die rightful successor of Pe theologically and historically sound. Kardl Wpjtylaplayed, at most, only a mi first century. Anyone widi even a vague fa ter. • •• nor role in it, even after becoming Arch miliarity widi church history, and widi die Of die more dian 260 popes, only a Father McBrien is a professor oftheobgy at bishop of Krakow before die fourth and history of die papacy in particular, is handful are regarded today as having the Unwersity of Notre Dame. Embracing God's call brings the joy of salvation 26th Sunday of the Year (September ba. David learned diat she was die wife of joy of salvation. 29): (R3) Matthew 21:28-32; (Rl) Ezekiel Uriah who was off fighting on behalf of We must never let ourselves become 18:25-28; (R2) PhiUppians 2:1-11. David. In spite of diis knowledge, David blind to our sins, like die elders and the In Sunday's parable of "The Two had Badisheba come to die palace where priests of our Lord's day. Rather, like Sons," Jesus begins by saying, "A man had he made her pregnant David dien com David, we ought to always turn to God. two sons." Right away we know we are in a word pounded diis wrong widi anodier. He or • •• " for drama, for whenever two brothers are for dered his general Joab to put Uriah in a Father Shamon is administrator of St Isaac mentioned in Scripture, a drama is sure to position on die battlefield where he jogues Chapel, Fleming. follow! Sunday would be slain. Jesus says that die father asked his two God sent die prophet Nadian to David. sons to work in bis vineyard. The first son Nadian told him the story of a rich and a Daily Readings says he won't, but then changes his mind poor man. The rich man had many Monday, September 30 and does what his father asked. The sec-, were supposed to be good but did not em-» flocks. The poor man had only one lamb. Job: 1:6-22; Psalms 17:1-3, 6-7; ond son says hell go, but he doesn't go to brace die good when it was offered diem. When a visitor came to die house of the Luke 9:46-50 work. The point our Lord wanted to make The prostitutes and tax collectors were rich man, radier dian serving a lamb Tuesday, October 1 was, what we say isn't as important as what die "first son" in Jesus' parable. from his great flock, die rich man took Job 3:1-3, 11-17,20-23; we do. When Jesus confronted die elders and die lamb of die poor man and served it to Psalms 88:2-8; Luke 9:51-56 The parable is about integrity. We priests, they responded by conspiring die visitor. David was outraged. He said, Wednesday, October 2 should mean what we say. What we do widi die Romans to put him to death. "The man who did diis deserves to die!" Job 9:1-12, 14-16; Psalms 88:10-15; should match what we say. The story of David and die prophet Nadian said, "You are die man!" Matthew 18:1-5, 10 Jesus pointed out die hypocrisy of Nathan is much like our Lord's parable. David realized he had sinned against Thursday, October 3 many of die elders and priests of his day. David was die "good son." He was a po die Lord. Then he wrote die beautiful Job 19:21-27; Psalms 27:7-9, 13-14; He told diem diat tax collectors and pros et who wrote most of die Psalms. He was 51st Psalm in which he pleaded for God Luke 10:1-12 titutes would enter die kingdom of heav die boy hero who slew Goliath widi notii- to give him back salvation. God heard Friday, October 4 en before diem. ing but a slingshot. God chose him to be David's plea and forgave him! Job 38:1, 12-21, 40:3-5; Psalms Jesus was not saying diat tax collectors die long of Israel. But David was not per We have in these stories two reactions 139:1-3, 7-10, 13-14; Luke 10:13-16 and prostitutes were better dian the el fect to sin. When Jesus confronts the elders Saturday, October 5 ders and priests. He was saying diat when While his troops were away in batde, and priests, diey harden dieir hearts and Job 42:1-3, 5-6, 12-17; Psalms tax collectors and prostitutes heard his David stayed at home. One day while plot his execution. When Nathan con 119:66,71,75,91, 125, 130; message, diey turned from evil and did walking on die roof of his palace, he saw fronts David, his heart is touched, he con Luke 10:17-24 good. They were better dian those who a woman bathing. Her name was Bathshe- fesses his sins and God gives him back die Air. y Your Money Deserves the Best! den-See Makes The Difference Dominic's ^ the Catholic Courier... 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