TPS /Lean Seminar, 28 Sep.~02 Oct. /2018, M.P.E.C. at Yangon Toyota Way & Toyota Production System Part 1 Satoshi Kuroiwa (
[email protected]) Managing director Association for Support of ESD 21 Former Visiting Professor, NIT and KIT Former Toyota Corp. Introduction Outline of ESD21 Economic Sustainable Development for21st Century 1. ESD21 ; Abbreviation of our Association - Non Profit Organization founded in 2010 - Corporate Member: 70 Individual : 120 cf. -Toyota Tsusho -Kojima press, -USP, etc. 2. Mission -“Kaizen(TPS) & Innovation(IT)” of the people for business competitiveness. - Practical philosophy of “ Sanpou-Yoshi” (三方よし:Seller, Buyer, Society). 3. Activities (1) Various support services based on TPS(Toyota Production System) , and IT (Information Technology). (2) Special projects and events Ex. Collaboration with SEDA (NGO in Myanmar) Part1, contents 1.Introduction 2.Why should you learn TPS/Lean system 3.Toyota’s ”Monozukuri “ , Toyota Way and Toyota Production System (TPS) TPS=Toyota Production System <Speaker’s profile> “Monozukuri”= Manufacturing - Worked for Toyota for 34 years and had experience in the car production preparation engineering together with IT engineering - Specialized in Factory Automation and IT enhanced TPS (1980~2000) - Involved in associations related to Japan’s IT strategy organized METI - Visiting professor of Nagoya /Kyusyu Institute of Technology(2004~’16) - Now, working for NPOs, such as ESD21, APSOM and TMS &TPS certification institute Introduction Structural change to the global economy Almost issues brought by ICT evolution and digitalization Key Issues ICT= Information & Communication Technology 1. Globalization of economy 2. Environment and energy issues 3. Change of the industrial structure 4. Brexit and US.