Crooked Circle’ Hm 'Special to the Herald* DONNA
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m HUNAN LOVE LEADS IX ‘HOT PEPPER’ FAST COMEDY SCANDAL SMASHES ROMANCE DONNA SCHOOL WHO’S SMOKING? AFFAIRS ARE AND THRILLS HONOR ROLL ANIMALISTIC IN*• NEW HIT IS ANNOUNCED; *Animal Kingdom’ It ‘Crooked Circle’ Hm 'Special to The Herald* DONNA. Jan 28.—The honor roll Bated On That Ben Lyon In Male of the Donna high school for the. first half of the school year 1932-33 Opinion Lead lias oeen announced. The following 36 students arc taking four or more subjects and Have made an average The first picture to "The Crooked Circle'* latest grace the the of 90 or above: Josephine Bailey, •creen of the new R.-K -O. Roxy ! World Wide picture which shows Barbara Baskin. Viola Baumgart. theatre in Radio City. New York. j Sunday and Monday at the Queen Marie Busby. Belva Mae Crabtree, "The Animal Kingdom" co-starring Florence Dockter, Jean Dockter. Ann theatre, has much to recommend it Harding and Leslie Hoaard. Nancy Ewing, Bet tv Maxine Farns- to of screen opens today at the Rivoh theatre. seekers diversion. worth Dorothy Ftck Diana Fish- San Benito for a two days run at It is a most ingenious concoction man. Gladys Guinn. Elda Heilman. regular admission prices. Not since comprising the best elements of a Mary Iwai. Clarence Johnstone. "Holiday" has Ann Harding had Newlyn Kennedy. Clara Allen Lynch. such a fine crook drama, a mystery play, a attraction to demon- Geraldine Matteson. Jack Oshman, atrate her dramatic ability. -The shock-thriller and a most hilarious Joseph Reynolds Eleanor Rose- Animal Kingdom", R-K-O Radio comedy all in one clever story burgh. Muriel Rude. Lydia RuUeclg**. pictures' adaptation of Phillip Bar- Daniel Salmas Ed Schlotzhauer. Ben Lyon appears as a wealthy Even love gets a ntp when Eobert Armstrong left, talks in the nation- ry’s sensational is not an play, " Pauline Schlotzhauer Iola S]*er. animal amuteur criminologist and a mem- wide expose of The Billion Doha r Scandal picture coming soon. story but, a modern dram* Mary Elizabeth Tomlinson. Rosa- ber of the ‘Sphinx'* club, whose deriving its title from the point of mond Towns. Jane Truax. activities engender the Ul-will of Betty view of the central feminine char- Edna Mae Vincenz. Bruce Weaver, ‘The Crooked Circle.” a acter. whose opinion is that most mysterious LON E BEAUTY ON ISLAND Sarah Louise Walter underworld Weaver. Weav- men and women, their organization. Despite despite lofty I er, Jr., and Dorothy Mae Yerger. threats and warnings the young pretentions in affairs of the heart, At it The 56 students receiv- again—this time in evening clothes! Edmund Lowe and Victor man to a following often are animalistic goes reputedly haunted rather than '• as ed honorable mention for having<*w*s WH MIHHIHHMMHnvw & McLaglen Quirt and Flagg do some more scrapping, and now it's | house, known as “Melody Manor” wise, tender or human. Others in made an average of 85 or above on Lupe Velez as the prize. The trio have the leading roles in "Hot Pep- and then things start happening Croucho Marx makes tiie hot re- support of Miss Harding and Les- three or fewer subjects or 85-89 on per.'’ the new Fox comedy, showing Friday and Saturday at the Capi- rapidly. Not even the furniture of tort to the proieamor who suggests lie Howard are Myma Lov. William four or more subject#: Omega Agan. tol theatre. Brownsville this weird house is exempt from his would be sweeter minus Cargan and Neil Hamilton A Uni- Billy Ambrose. Georgia Mat Bailey. speech the part played in providing thrills 'Horse Feathers.” the versal comedy, “Lights Out”, with Ruby Bailey. Louise Boyce. Alleene his cigar. With Ralph Spence as the author. latest laugh-riot of the Four Jimmy Gleason. Paramount’s "Hol- 1 Burch, Betty Jean Burden. Jack the spectator is not surprised to find Marx Brothers comes lywood on Parade" and Pathe News ULTSTAXD1XG FILM Cantwell. Charles Chesser. Harold Thurday each chill balanced by » and to the Queen theater complete the program. hearty Chumbley. Nell Clark. Hortensia Friday laugh, most of their provided by the Cordova. Peggy Cotton. Alice Ein- “A Successful ; superb teamwork ol Zasu Pitts and Calamity" mg. Garland Farmer. Ruth Find- Twins 107 cen vym i James G.eason. comprise per ley. Loraine George. Cherles Gerst. the babies born in the Un eel Tuesday and Wednesday brings to Enacted by a notable cast among Drexei Gibson. Charlotte Graham. fatales cent of these the Rivoli screen at bargain prices whom may be not .*d such nanu*> as Twenty per Frances Guin. Hessmaii. arc said twins of the identi- of 5. 10 and 15 cents another hit Irene Purcell. Raymond Hatton, C Dorothy to be Dorothy Hope. George Huser. Jua- cal from the Warner Brothers studio. Henry Gordon. Berton Churchill,, type. nita Hyder. Martha Iwai. Lois Jean. Mr. George Arliss In "A Successful Rose or Karns and many others., Anita Jewell. Hazel Kami Calamity*'. The celebrated star “The Crooked Circle” starts at a Vevryl Baker. Edna Baumgart. Elvira plays the role of an American fin- rapid iiace. which is maintained un- Billie Helena ancier of international til the final fade-out. Baumgart Bowling reputation Lotz, Lucile who finds his millions his Ramsey, Prudence keeping Rickertson, Jewel family away from him because of Savage. Raymond Self. Lillian Sheldon. Lewis Shows. the many things they permit his Lillian Wife and children to do with their Stacey. Edward Stayshal Truck Robert Steele. Sut- time. Mr. Arliss contributes an- Markets Mary Margaret Lillian other of his faultless performan- phen. Thompson. Dolly Todd. Inez Todd. Alvin Tracy. James Tur- ces to "A Successful Calamity". The j Sales to jobbers reported Frida \. ner. Ruth Walden. John Webb. supporting cast includes such stage Jan. 27: Martha Webb. Eva Mav Williams, and screen favorites as Mary Astor Cabbage: (Texas round let- type Esther Wills, Ann Wood and Bud- Evalyn Grant Mitchell, tuce crate* Knai^p. unless otherwise stated.) Wood Hardic Scott dy Albright. Randolph Philadelphia fair to good quality M* and Hale Hamilton. $1.25. Cleveland lev mostly very CAN’T C HANGE HIS MIND sales $1.25-1.50,. Detroit $125 to "Cock of the Air” TROY. N. Y—William E Roe- $-40 to 1.50 to Pittsburgh $ .25 buck thought he would like a wall $140 to 1.50, Putsurbgh $1.25 to Another sensational picture by Richard Arlen discovers a beautiful woman, the “Panther Woman’ on his property, but after he had 1 50. Cincinnati few sales to 1 25. the of "Hell's $1 ■ it he didn't like producer Angels." Kathleen Burke», the only female on an island ol beust-men. in the built it and started Howard "Cock of the Air” St. Louis $1.30 to 1.50. New York, to tear it down. Hughes H. G. Wells “Island of Lest at the Ca- But David E. Wade, $1.12 1-2 to i.25 Boston *1.75. story, Souls”, showing Sunday starring Chester Moms and Billie his neighbor whose projiertv is on Beets. <T*xa.i lettuce half pitol theatre. Brownsville. Dove opens at the Rivoli Thursday Ann Harding puies Leslie Howard in his struggle a gams, his wife's crates a higher level, protested that th« unless for 2 days at family ni$it prices of domination in "The Animal Kingdom". RKO-Radio photoplay from otherwise stated.) Philadel- removal of the wall would wreck $1 to M0. Detroit, $1.15 35 cents for your entire family. Philip Barry’s stage success, showing Sunday and Monday at the Ri- phia mostly walk and drainage system wluch to L25. best voli theatre. San Benito. Chicago $1. to 1.15. VETERAN OF STAGE he had installed beside the wall "Speed Demon” Pittsburgh 85c to $1.00. Boston best They took the case to Supreme $1.25. New York 40c to $1.00, St. Court Justice Pierce H Russell and n vourself “Speed Demon," Columbia s out- Lous 90c to $1.00. Wade received an to a banquet board motorboat with injunction pre- racing story Carrots: (Texas lettuce half Roebuck from the of humor — William Collier and Joan March venting removing Jr., Remarkable Casts Feature crates unless otherwise stated.) St. wall. Chills Served Is the attraction at the Rivoli Sat- Louis 90c to 1.00. Philadelphia *1 to with a speedy Wheeler Oakman. Robert urday. 1.10. Chicago 85c to 1.00. Detroit dessert of Ellis and Frank Sheridan in appear Recent Hits To Be Shown fair 85 to 95 c Pittsburgh 90c to thrills and hil- the cast The Rivoli supporting $100. Boston mostly $1.15 to 125. arious mirth. offers again midnite guest preview, New York 93c to $100. those attending the 9 o'clock show At Average auction prices of grape- Saturday may remain for the mid- Wtfma/m Capitol During Week fruit sold Friday. Jan 27: nite preview as guests of the man- — -e* Chicago: Texas 720 boxes. Gen. Hoy T Dia» agement. Coming to the Capitol theatre shipwrecked on an island belonging average $2.32. Florida 732 boxes. Gen. average $1.81. Sunday and Monday, opening with to a crazed nobleman whose single “CONOCES A TU Cincinnati: Florida 2197 boxes. Residents a midnight show is fetich is CROOKED Saturday night, When Valley hunting big game Gen. average $2.64. Florida 1165 MUJER” the screen version of H. G. Wel»s Hear Address On killing no longer thrills nun. this boxes. Gen. average 2.13. Con I surging rhapsody of romance, ad- demented sportsman releases his St. Louis: Texas 1102 boxes. Gen. CARMEN LARK AREITH shipwreck guests and hunts them average $328.