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THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. B-10 FRIDAY. MARCH 30. lOM THE PASSING SHOW \— if % •, «P ! Gray Flanneled Hero ajjrr: i- - 1 Vivid Screen Figure By JAY CARMODY Sloan Wilson’s “Man in the Gray Flannel Suit.” the popular s Bw •' ¦.Bppwjr manifesto of the white collar class, is a corking movie. Indeed the film version of Mr. Wilson’s searching look at life at the American middle level is a dramatic enhancement of the original. The picture, starring Gregory Peck and Jennifer Jones, which opened at the Palace today, confirms every suspicion that it would make the perfect movie i script. THE MAN IN THE GRAY FLANNEL SUIT,, a 20th Century-Pox release, pro- Its hero is a Marty who works duced< by Darryl P. Zanuck. directed by Nunnally Johnson, screenplay by Nun- on Madison avenue and lives in nally; Johnson, from the novel by Sloan job i Wilson, music by Bernard Herrmann, suburbia. For all his better at] the Palace Theater more address, and fashionable The Cast this man too is an innocent at Torn Rath Gregory Peck would; !Betsy* Jennifer Jones the mercy of forces that ! Hopkins L. unwary Marla Predrlc March corrupt and defeat the or Marisa Pavan * fight'i ! Judge Bernstein Lee J. Cobb ¦ ,¦« those too morally weak to Mrs. Hopkins 1 Ann Harding Caesar Gardella Keenan Wynn back. Hawthorne Gene Lockhart His sharp, sympathetic percep-! Susan Hopkins Gigl Perreau | Janie Portland Mason tion of these values in the orig- i Walker Arthur O’Connell inal has Nunnally Bill Ogden Henry Danlell » enabled John- i Mrs. Manter Connie Gilchrist An electronic monster! JBf son not only to endow the film' !Edward Schults Joseph Sweeney | Descher Barbara . Sandy A tost super-race! with life’s every-day values butj ! Pete Mickey Maga •W Jf a tendency, Mahoney Kenneth Tobey %. A captive to mask those with Florence Ruth Clifford if RlkMm blonde fpßlllPf H^B, toward falseness. In Cinema-! Miriam Geraldine Wall Johnson Alex Campbell goddess! IMK B/ Scope and color, Tom Rath is an iFreddie Jerry Hall jy JH Sergeant Mather Pl' Every Egghead groping for money jiPolice Jack ! Dr. Pearce Prank Wilcox to pay the bills, the wisdom to bej Miss Lawrence Nan Martin a good father, Bvron Holgate Trls Coffin and the knack of Bugala William Phillips being husband-lover to a worthy |IPPP' girl. finds himself in competition His experience is a vividly with men on the make and, etched this-is-vour-life for the worse still, seemingly required ¦B ’wm HR ilpfl gray-flanneled men. As PBPBI jHHHH mass of to become a “yes” man to the m JVM HH wm C such, it is a -movie not to be ÜBC's big wheel. missed. ; His effort to get ahead at! ** * * ithe falling; JHHfBBSBSi office finds him I / % JSm, V His role as a man of the peo- ;, L M BKSmmmM ~.H J .JB m ms ;farther behind at home where; W %/$ , Wim&mmJMBkk Ml mk t fi# pie who want to be decent and! jhis wife seethes with suspicion «i live decently, no more and no! that something happened to less, is one of Peck’s richest and him during the war that made ends up one of his most winning. him different. This is a mess It is, of course, the dominant; to try a man’s soul. The screen- ene in “The Man in the Gray' script’s revelation of the trial’s Flannel Suit.” Not, however, to every tormenting twist gives the the submergence of the others. verdict a neat suspense even to » The wife, the children, the tele-' those who read the book. LOVE OF ALEXANDER'S LIFE tycoon who employs Tom Claire Bloom plays the half-Persian girl whose beauty vision ** * * Rath, his ulcerous colleagues at; conquers the conqueror of the world in “Alexander the United Broadcasting, the girl “The Man in the Gray Flan- Great.” The Robert Rossen cinema spectacle Is today’s new with whom he had a wartime |nel Suit” is a movie that moves screen attraction at Loew's Capitol Theater. affair in Italy—all these come —on commuters’ trains, up and 1 j vividly into the narrative. idown skyscraper elevators, on Johnson who directed the 20th' 'suburban Connecticut’s rural planet Century-Fox production, also roads.1 It Is dramatically useful wrote the screenplay, economi- movement, suggesting the ten- cally but never stingily, sion of a chap with the pro- prniniMMN ** * * fessional problem of getting on, ; HOLLYWOOD ((¦> For those who missed the best the family one of telling his wife WARREN STEVENS S— • • selling novel, its hero, Tom Rath, about the girl in Italy during By ShEILAH GRAHAM IBBY.THE ROBOT ST HUME 3SSS oswmao* Is quite a guy. When the story the war. Mo FRED McLEOD WILCOX oduced by CHOLAS NAYFACK •» PlCTudf begins, he has a dignified, gray At the center of this move- flannel job with one of those ment, Peck is an arresting fig- ; M foundations which distributes; ure. He has fought a war for StQrts TODAY .. Open 10:45 wealth to others than its em-' decency only to find on his re- Finds a Genius d? FnJb&f ployes. | turn to civilian life that he must Audrey When his $7,000 salary leaves I keep fighting. In scene after; ¦j The honeymoon of their se- Bogey has decided the only way his wife restive at the shabby jii searching scene, the battle could ll rene highnesses, Prince Rainier to stop him is to have one her- Jbtub of living, goes!: The big' will COLUMBIA level their Tom not be more intense. ;!and Princess Grace, include self! at for SIO,OOO to United Broad- scenes: That in which he says ; a yacht stopover in Naples, If "Tension at Table Rock” is F Street 12th. RE. 7-1000 casting. This is more money but “no”' to the tycoon about the whence the newlyweds will mo- as good a western as I hear it it is also more soul-searing. Tom latter’s1 big project and the more tor to Rome and Vatican City is, Dick Egan will emerge from, | dramatic one in which he re- for a private audience with the it a zillionaire. He has a big veals to the wife that he left Pope. The ceremonial pageantry percentage of the movie. On WHERE an illegitimate son behind in there will be that accorded a the same set I found Dorothy Italy. reigning monarch. Malone in a tight period dress AND WHEN ] Peck’s subdued, solid portrait Audrey Hepburn believes her complaining “I ate too much for Current Theater Attractions of1 Tom Rath is but one of sev- agent. Kurt Flings, is a “genius” lunch, and look, it shows!” Both and Time of Showing eral< expert jobs on the Palace because he was able to take Dotty and Dick say it isn’t so screen. Fredric March has sel- “Funny Face.” Star Fred As- about the romance rumors. THE LOVES, THE GLORIES, Stage i dom been better than as Hop- ¦ taire, its director, producer and Yet another movie for Anita “Glare,” she jumps National—“Damn Yankees”; kins,! the ÜBC big wheel who sold writer all from Metro to Para- Ekberg. After p.m. his soul to big business and mount so she could be its lead- into “The Judas Kiss” for Robert 8:30 think Shubert—Dark. doubts1 its wisdom. ing lady. “I should it Fellows who owns most of her The women’s performances are 1 would have been easier,” said contract. And that’ll make him 'W Screen , equally potent, Jennifer Jones’ ’ Li’l Audrey, "for me to have rich, too. Ambassador “Anything : as the ruefully restless wife: and : gone to Metro—but apparently, ** * * THE LEGEND OF THE Goes"; 1:20, 3:25, 5:25, 7:30 and Marissa! Pavan as the six weeks’ ’ that wasn’t possible." There’s; Fredric March and wife Flor- 9:35 p.m. sweetheart of the hero in the i a deal cooking for Ingrid Berg- ence Eldridge, all set zo pile into Capitol “Alexander the I heartbreaking loneliness of war- • man, Charles Boyer and Robert their car and drive home to Great”; 10:30 a.m., 1:10, 3:55, time Italy. Ann Harding as ; Mitchum to star in “Wait for Connecticut, “decided to wait 6:45 and 9:35 p.m. Mrs. Hopkins and Gigi Perreau i Tomorrow.” It’s about a king : until all the slush from the snow Colony “Theodora, Slave as the tycoon’s sullen, embit- and a press agent. Ingrid clears away.” No place like Empress”: 6:35, 8:10 and 9:45 tered daughter tire two other is desperately anxious to see California in the winter. ¦ Daughter Jenny Ann, Sally Forrest, of TITAN p.m. ' standouts. and writes And tired the WHofsELIEVED Columbia “Forbidden Plan- These, with Lee J. Cobb’s por- her almost every day. New York weather, has returned ** * Hollywood. et”; ,11:25 a.m . 1:30, 3:30, 5:35, trait of the toweringly * to live and work in virtuous * * 7:40 and 9:45 p.m. Judge Bernstein, add up to a The British loved Gary Cooper 1 ?* Dupont “Too Bad She’s i galaxy of performances that ; as Billy Mitchell. With; ; Joel McCrea, who has been Bad”; 1:25, 3:30, 5:30, 7:40 and should provide candidates for ¦ Humphrey Bogart telling all and in this picture business a long, 9:45 p.m. 1956’s Academy awards. sundry about his operation, Mrs. See GRAHAM. Page B-ll Keith's—“ Song of the South”; 10:35 a.m., 12:50, 3:10, 5:25, 7:40 and 9:55 p.m.