VRAM 84(6) #428695 Tanakamiyama A Classic Japanese Pegmatite District anakamiyama, 太神山, sometimes written 田上山 2002). The literature of the Tanakami-fudo temple (Shu- (Mt. Tanakami; roughly 600 meters in elevation), gendo sect), which was built in 859 on the top of Tanakami- T lies just east of the city of Kyoto, on the southern yama, suggests that the name of this mountain, 太神 (tana end of Lake Biwa, in Shiga Prefecture (fig. 3). It is part of + kami = great + god), is related to Amaterasu-omikami, a large area of eroded hills that is underlain by Tanakami the sun goddess of Japanese mythology (Ashkenazi 2008). A Granite (figs. 1 and 2). Known as the Tanakami region or contrary etymology simply Tanakami, it is one of the most important specimen- JOHN RAKOVAN is found in Omi Yochi producing pegmatite districts in Japan, along with the Hiru- Department of Geology Shiryaku (1734) by kawa area in Gifu Prefecture and the Fukushima district, Miami University Tokikiyo Samukawa, Ishikawa Prefecture (Nambu 1970). Tanakami is probably Oxford, Ohio 45056 a comprehensive ge- most noteworthy for its production of fine topaz crystals
[email protected] ography of Omi and as the type locality for masutomilite (a manganese- Province. This states lithium mica). MIEKO ONO that tanakami, 田上 Recognized as a classic Japanese mineral locality, Tanaka- Department of German, Russian, (= rice field + above), miyama is also noted for a long history of cultural and envi- and East Asian Languages was originally tani- ronmental significance. In a waka poem (the classical style of Miami University kami, 谷上(valley + Japanese verse that predates haiku) in the book Minamoto no Oxford, Ohio 45056 above), as is writ- Toshiyori Kashu about Tanakamiyama (ca.