1 14 February 2018 Galliford Try
14 FEBRUARY 2018 GALLIFORD TRY PLC - HALF YEAR REPORT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2017 STRONG FIRST HALF PERFORMANCE Financial H1 2018 H1 2017 Change Revenue £m 1 1,495 1,308 + 14% Group revenue £m 1 1,403 1,235 + 14% Profit before tax £m 56.3 63.0 - 11% Pre-exceptional profit before tax £m 2, 3 81.3 63.0 + 29% Earnings per share 56.3p 61.9p - 9% Pre-exceptional earnings per share 2, 3 80.8p 61.9p + 31% Dividend per share 28p 32p - 13% Net debt £m 84.9 113.8 - £28.9m Group return on net assets 4 24.4 % 24.9% - 0.5% pts Pre-exceptional Group return on net assets 5 30.7 % 24.9% + 5.8% pts Linden Homes • Continued progress on operating margin, rising to 18.5%, with no land sales in the period (H1 2017: 18.2% and 16.3% excluding profits from land sales). • Revenue up 7% to £436.8m (H1 2017: £407.6m) from 1,587 unit completions, 1,346 units net of joint venture partner share (H1 2017: 1,491 and 1,319 respectively). Total sales currently reserved, contracted and completed at £879m (H1 2017: £857m). • Good first half sales rate at 0.53 (H1 2017: 0.56); sales rate of 0.65 since 1 January 2018 6 (H1 2017: 0.70 since 1 January 2017). Partnerships and Regeneration • Significant increase in revenue, both organic and from the Drew Smith acquisition, up 55% in total to £223.5m (H1 2017: £144.3m). • Excellent progress on operating margin rising to 4.8% (H1 2017: 3.4%).
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