Concordia Seminary Library, St. Louis Page 1 New Book List As of 4/19/2011 B-BJ [PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY, ETHICS]
Concordia Seminary Library, St. Louis Page 1 New Book List as of 4/19/2011 B-BJ [PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY, ETHICS] Panigrahy, P. K. The theory of zero-existence : Mãyã, the power divine. New Delhi : Sarup & Sons, 2002. (cosl B132.M3 P35 2002) The Cambridge companion to Philo. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009. (cosl B689.Z7 C36 2009) Heyder, Regina, 1966-. Auctoritas scripturae : Schriftauslegung und Theologieverständnis Peter Abaelards unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der "Expositio in Hexaemeron". Münster : Aschendorff, c2010. (cosl B720 .B4 n.F. v.74) Manegold, von Lautenbach, ca. 1030-ca. 1112. Liber contra Wolfelmum. Paris ; Dudley, Mass. : Peeters, 2002. (cosl B734 .M3513 2002) Scepticism from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment. Wiesbaden : In Kommission bei O. Harrassowitz, 1987. (cosl B779 .S3 1987) Erasmus of Rotterdam Society yearbook. Oxon Hill, Md. : The Society, c1981- (cosl B785.E64 A13) Die deutschen Humanisten : Dokumente zur Überlieferung der antiken und mittelalterlichen Literatur in der frühen Neuzeit. Turnhout : Brepols, 2005- (cosl B821 .D493) Humanismus und Reformation : Martin Luther und Erasmus von Rotterdam in den Konflikten ihrer Zeit. Munchen : Verlag Schnell & Steiner, 1985. (cosl B821 .H87 1985) McDowell, John Henry. Perception as a capacity for knowledge. Milwaukee, Wis. : Marquette University Press, 2011. (cosl B828.45 .M43 2011) Scruton, Roger. The uses of pessimism and the danger of false hope. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010. (cosl B1649.S2473 U83 2010) Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976. Seminare Hegel-Schelling. Frankfurt am Main : Vittorio Klostermann, c2011. (cosl B3279 .H45 1976 v.86) Why Kierkegaard matters : a festschrift in honor of Robert L. Perkins. Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, 2010.
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