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Some Chicago Buildings Represented by o 1 a b i r d


UNDOUBTEDLY there is such a thing as ianism of their aspect. The introduction Chicago architecture, separable from of the skeleton construction greatly pro- architecture in Chicago. Even apart from moted this appearance. The uprights the modern and unacademic per- were thinned absolutely to the structural formances of a few pioneers, the minimum of the iron post, and in expres- ordinary building of the ordinary sion, as Lowell said about the early architect in Chicago differs from buildings of Harvard, the business build- the like building elsewhere, at least ings of Chicago "looked like business to the Eastward. The business architect- and nothing more." That is where they ure of Chicago is a little older, though differed and differed to their advantage, not much, than the "Chicago construc- from the mercantile architecture in the tion." It did not begin immediately after East, and they have continued so to differ. the fire. Typical buildings, such as the The Eastern man erecting an edifice for Rookery, were at least a decade later. the use of his business feels in a manner While walls were still walls and had to bound to make it a proclamation of his be built and not merely veneered, the commercial success. He wilfully spends business buildings of Chicago were al- more money on it in the way of decora- ready distinguished by the grim utilitar- tion, which so often does not decorate, 5-o 314 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD.

than would be needed to accomplish its taking its way \Yestward, and that if you practical purpose. All this, for thirty want to see a business building reduced years at the least, the projector of the to it's simplest expression, you must go business building in Chicago has regard- West, even from Chicago, to Portland or ed as mere nonsense. In the judgment Seattle. of the Chicagoan, the Easterner needs to The Chicago architect of the present, "scrap" a good deal of his academic by his own admission, is endeavoring to learning. Speaking of office buildings, induce his client to spend more money the Westerner believes that the first than the bare needs require for the pur- function of every commercial building is pose of making his building an ornament to pay. The real basis of the venture is to the city. It is really to be hoped, in financial. From this point of view he the interest of architecture, that he may entirely disapproves of much of our not succeed. For not only has the busi- "swell" "bow-wow" building. He re- ness part of Chicago the expression fers to many of our buildings, for in- which belongs to the struggle for life, stance on Broad Street and lower Broad- not only does it look like exactly what it way in New York, which carry on their is, but also it is a basis and background fronts thousands of dollars worth of en- for the buildings to which a higher de- richments, with an incredulous smile. gree of elaboration and ornamentation These particular buildings, though aca- is proper. It is in those bare and barn- demically well done, would be, he knows, like structures that the practice of the not only an impossibility in Chicago, but most successful architects of Chicago unthinkable there. Were a bank presi- has mainly lain, and in selecting for il- dent in that city to perpetrate a financial lustration of their work one of the most joke of this character, his friends would successful architectural firms of Chicago, proceed post haste to ask for a writ "de it is in the bare and untrained business lunatico inquirendo." building that the bulk of this tremen- Undoubtedly this is a good thing for dous volume of their work, approximat- architecture. A commercial building ing a value, as one hears, of a hundred should simply answer its purpose. Any- million of dollars, necessarily consists. thing beyond that is irrelevant, incom- William Holabird, born in Dutchess petent and impertinent. But when the County, N. Y., September 11, 1854, humblest of practical uses issues in the graduated from St. Paul High School, loftiest of those St. in 1871 entered buildings, towering over Paul, Minnesota, ; to which architectural adornment is West Point in 1873, remaining till 1875, proper, the strain, both upon owner and when, in September of that year, he re- architect, is great. Nevertheless, the ar- signed and came to Chicago to study his chitect who sticks to his text gets his re- chosen profession architecture. In the ward. He gets it, if not in the aspect of same year he entered the office of W. L. his building, in the aspect of the city of B. Jenney, and remained there for a which his building is a part. The heart number of years, when he formed a part- of Chicago "looks like business" to an nership with O. C. Simonds, a well- extent to which no city to the Eastward known landscape gardener, and under of it even approaches. Chicago archi- the firm title of Holabird & Simonds tects indeed say that the course of grim- began an independent practice. ness and bare utilitv in architecture is Martin Roche, born in Cleveland, THE WORK OF HOLABIRD & ROCHE 315 THE SOUTH HALF OP THE MONADNOCK BLOCK, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. BS31 IriliBP IS


re- flooded with The uprights and Ohio, August 15, 1855. His family light. the floor lines are diminished to the ut- moved to Chicago in July, 1857, where his life. most. The front is a mere sash frame he pursued the earlier studies of He showed a decided inclination for the with huge square panes, of which the his from the and artistic, and as far as was within shape, accruing uprights the the cross would an arch- power, applied himself to cultivating pieces, horrify same. In May, 1872, he entered the office itect who practiced his art academically it revolt one architect of a of W. L. B. Jenney, where he remained In fact did in York to until 1881, when he made a partnership commercial building New with Messrs. Holabird & Simonds, add- that extent that he covered his front is with a trellis of two "orders" in ing his name to the firm. So as seen, story Mr. Holabird and Mr. Roche gained order to dissemble the shape of the open- another for a their early training in the same office. ings. And project sky- Mr. O. C. Simonds withdrew from the scraper is now under consideration in combination in 1883 to practice in his New York in which the architectural and is order of three stories. That profession of landscape-gardening, unit an the firm's name became Holabird & would not suit Chicago at all. The open- Roche. ings here are undisguised and undis- There is not an In January, 1896, Mr. E. A. Renwick, sembled. unnecessary of who had been closely allied with the feature except the useless thickening firm since 1882, was made a partner, and the floor line above the second so to-day the firm is composed of Mr. story, which, by the way, does the Holabird, Mr. Roche and Mr. Renwick. building no good, unless we accept This is the present firm of Holabird the block over the center of the & Roche, whose offices are located, with principal front, which appears to an appropriateness which is believed to be superimposed merely for ornament, be wholly uncalculated, in Root's old and which does not effect its purpose. monumental . This This simplicity, it appears, is revolting firm of Holabird & Roche is one of the even to the designers who found them- oldest and most honorable in Chicago. selves forced to do it, for in other sim- It has the enviable distinction for the ilar buildings in which they felt that they Easterner of having perpetrated more had more leeway, they took it without buildings devoid of intentional "archi- hesitation. There is the Mandel Build- tecture," than has anyone else. ing, for instance, in which the facts oi Consider the Chas. Netcher Building, the case are modified by converting tht one of the big stores of Chicago. Here front into a columnar composition o1 is the architectural embodiment of the two story base, ten story shaft and thre< "Chicago Idea" in commercial architec- story capital. But does it really lool ture. Would anybody venture upon any better for the variations? Unles such extreme plainness in a like erec- those three upper stories have some dif tion in New York or Boston? Evidently ferent use and function from those o the essentials are all supplied and evi- the square openings below them. ih< dently only the essentials. "architecture" is a "suggestio falsi "The prayer of Ajax was for light" which detracts from the appearance o and Ajax must have been the owner of grim reality that belongs to the simple a big store. This Netcher Building is building. Perhaps the tall arcade of th THE REPUBLIC BUILDING, S. E. CORNER OF STATE AND ADAMS STS. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. rrrrrrrrcc rrrrrrrrcE rcrrrrrcrc cnrrrnmr rrrrrrrrr


lower stage of the Rothschild Building dicts a primary mechanical requirement. has more logical justification, since the Top-heaviness is always an objectionable first story of a big "department store" element in architecture. may and sometimes must be much loftier Much more successful as objects of than the stories superimposed upon it. architecture than any of these are the On the other hand nobody could reason- two fronts on Michigan Avenue, of ably quarrel with the division into bays which one, the University Club, trans- of the Stoddard-Dayton Garage, nor cends the trammels of a business build- with the arcuation of the upper story, ing, being in fact a club house, which which conceivably again has some differ- not only admits but demands a more ence in purpose from the stories below. elaborate and domestic treatment than The piers are thinned to the utmost and belongs to a strictly business building. the openings expanded to the utmost. The other, however, the Monroe Build- is a It is still a strictly business building and ing, strictly business building and a shows nothing incompatible with its uses. very admirable example of its kind, hav- This is equally true of the Woodmen of ing no more ornament than fairly ex- the World Building in Omaha. It is il- presses the structure. Whether, simply as the logical, it is true, to crown with capitals, administrator of an investment, so as to convert them to the proportion the architect is justified in a gable roof of classical columns, the uprights of the instead of continuing his walls to the two lower stories, since these uprights usual uncouth parallelepiped may be evidently are not stopped by the capitals, questionable, but at any rate the sensi- but are continuous throughout the whole tive spectator will thank him for having height of the building. On the other found the variation permissible. hand, the reinforcement of the corners While we have to praise those bare of the pavilions as compared with the business buildings for being what they "curtains" corresponds to a mechanical look like, or looking like what they fact, since the corner post has evidently are, we must admit that an architect more to carry than has one in the course with a soul above buttons must find it of the wall. The difference is much ex- very tiresome to be condemned to do aggerated, of course, for architectural an interminable series of them, or at effect, but it by no means interferes with least to be condemned to do nothing the primary purpose and the real expres- else. sion of the building. Our present subjects have had their The very attenuated Gothic of the escapes from the monotony of this sky- North American Building cannot be scraping "line." They have had them called in successful, not only because the even the heart of Chicago, which is, grove of pinnacles in which the uprights of course, primarily the region of busi- sprout at the top are too much devel- ness buildings. Nevertheless, there are for the character of the other even in the heart of oped occupancy buildings, . of the building, but also, and what is a Chicago. For example, there are hotels, more serious defect, because the attenua- in which the limitations imposed upon an tion of the posts at the bottom, compared architect are by no means so stringent as with their comparatively full-clad ap- those of the business buildings. The pearance above, make the building more Hotel Sherman and the Hotel La Salle massive above than below and contra- are the contributions of our architects THE NORTH AMERICAN BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD.

Floor Plans. NORTH AMERICAN BUILDING. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. K*? in '&$&& Ijffii C^ -- g| "Ilss gglf ,M.J]



Upper Floor Plan.

MONROE 5TREE.T EAST MONROE STREET First Floor Plan. THE MONROE BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILL. Holabird & Roche. Architects. THE CHAS. NETCHER BUILDING (The Boston Store). CHICAGO, ILL. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. THE WORK OF HOLABIRD & ROCHE 331 to this competition. Exteriorly they re- affords a large architectural opportunity. semble each other very much. What is This opportunity has been availed of, possibly more to the point, they equally one may say, pounced upon, by an archi- resemble the Hotel Astor in New York, tect, commonly condemned to business which was built and established before , and, in the present instance, either of them was designed, so that in with impressive results. A rather more this case at least the Easterner may save limited but still impressively large op- his local pride by pointing out that it was portunity is afforded in the more ex- the "New York Idea" which imposed clusive and select quarters of the ladies' itself upon Chicago and not the "Chicago dining room. The ladies' dining room Idea" which imposed itself upon New at the Hotel Sherman, is undoubtedly York. However that may be, the di- a very impressive apartment, and equally vision in each of the three cases is ra- impressive, whether its motive was sug- tional and works naturally out into an gested by the well known corridor of effective triple composition. The great the City Investing Building in New public rooms of the ground stories, nat- York, or whether, as is at least equally urally enclosed in stone, make a base of probable, both have merely the same which there is no reason for exaggera- Italian origin. ting the natural and inherent "scale." The "bar room" is another feature of Then come the six, eight, ten (count the American hotel which it behooves the them yourself) tiers of bedrooms, and architect not to disregard, and where, finally, properly enough and enclosed in pursuant to our usual gregariousness, he a mansard, what they call in England, may be compelled to provide accommoda- the "offices" of the establishment. It is tion for "five hundred drinking as one." a plan which in effect imposes itself for Mr. Sullivan struck what we may call the a modern hotel of the first pretention, keynote of the Chicago bar room, hung and it does not particularly matter where up, as it were, a "barometer" of the pub- it had its origin. In these Chicago ho- lic taste in the Auditorium, more than tels, it must be admitted that it is very twenty years ago. This at least is a "Chi- thoroughly and intelligently carried out. cago idea," upon which subsequent de- More than that the great public apart- signers need not be ashamed to limit ments of the lower stories afford legiti- themselves to executing their varia- mate facilities for large decorative ef- tions, and the variations in the fects. A great dining room, or, if you hotels under notice are executed prefer, "banquet hall," is still one of the with skill and with as respectable main elements of an American hotel of an infusion of individual invention the first class. We are more gregarious as can be expected of anybody succeeding than the English or than Europeans gen- that "easy chief" of decorative individu- rally, and we require accommodations ality. for what Wordsworth describes as "a Such minor features as the views show thousand feeding as one." He is speaking of the entrance looking outward and the of sheep, and we of human beings, but, entrance looking inward of the La Salle, with architectural "accommodation" the it will be agreed, are very well "up" in difference is negligible. The travelling the competitions of like work in the most American is as gregarious as "the successful of American hotels. silly sheep." Such a place necessarily The Blue Fountain Room and the Ger- FIRST SECTION HANDEL BROS. BUILDING, N: E. COR. STATE & MADISON STS., CHICAGO, ILL. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. FIRST SECTION ROTHSCHILD BUILDING, STATE ST., NEAR JACKSON BOULEVARD, CHICAGO, ILL. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL, FOR GIRLS, LAKE SHORE DRIVE, CHICAGO. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. THE WOODMEN OF THE WORLD BUILDING, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. HOLABIRD & ROCHE. ARCHITECTS. 336 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD.

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T FLOOE PLAN First Floor Plan.


Men's Cafe.







Entrance Hall.

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The Main Dining Room.

The Men's Cafe. HOTEL LA SALLE, CHICAGO, ILL. Holabird & Roche, Architects. 352 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD.

The Blue Fountain Room.

The German Grill Room. HOTEL LA SALLE, CHICAGO, ILL. Holabird & Roche, Architects. THE WORK OF HOLABIRD & ROCHE

Parlor of the President's Suite.

Dining Room of the President's Suite. HOTEL, LA SALLE, CHICAGO, ILL.

TTnln'hir-rt jft. T?rvf>Vio 4 r-^Vi i tor-to THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD.

Private Banquet Hall.

Writing Room. THE LA SALLE HOTEL, CHICAGO, ILL. Holabird & Roche, Architects. THE WORK OF HOLAB1RD & ROCHE



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Intersection of Corridors. THE CITY HALL, AND COUNTY BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILL. Holabird & Roche, Architects. O 03 O EH M

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Typical Office Floor. THE MARQUETTE BUILDING. Holabird & Roche, Architects. *<5 2 Jd O H S 3 fg n w ra S 2 ^ F 2^2> t i-^


Panel of Marquette.


Panel of Chicagon.


The Banquet Hall.


man Grill Room in the La Salle are building of similar and equal cells, like equally successful in their several ways, the common . Necessarily its while the ball room of the same, with its apartments differ from one another in succession of elliptic arches and lunettes, magnitude, importance and function, but is one of the most impressive "palation" there is no pretense of expressing these things of its kind that we have to show. differences in the exterior architecture. All these things, you will observe, are What is asserted is that the division de- not in the least embodiments of the noted by the great columns is superior in "Chicago idea." They are exercises in importance to the lower divisions from academic architecture, workings out, ac- which the order is omitted, and this is cording to the skill and ingenuity of the distinctly "not so." The real inequalities modern designer, of motives not devel- are suppressed, and inequalities which do oped in the first instance from the facts not exist are asserted. Of course, this is of the particular case, but adapted to the the contradiction which we always en- particular case from historical precedents. counter in modern examples of monu- It would be absurd to describe the de- mental classic, and, of course, having signer of them as in any sort or sense once noted them, we have to ignore them a pioneer. The highest praise to which and to admit that it makes all the dif- he can aspire is that of a scholarly artist ference how they are done. The present or an artistic scholar, and this praise, as example is very well done. There is un- the illustrations show, he not infrequently doubtedly an awkwardness in the in- attains. In such domestic or quasi-do- fringement of the solidity of the terminal mestic building as our architects have pavilion, caused by the interposition of had to do, a very small proportion of a big window between the capitals of the their total output, the modest and safe pilasters, and indeed by the general scale Georgian which we call "Colonial" has of the openings in this pavilion, which been their chief resort, and it has been should manifestly have been kept as solid adapted and executed in a spirit of as possible. Nevertheless, the thing is comity, which is indeed the badge of the greatly impressive. In "scale" the order style, and with scholarly skill. exceeds anything west of Albany, and No doubt, however, the work of is about twice that of Isaiah Rogers's old Messrs. Holabird & Roche which puts Custom House in New York. This them most in view and gives them their would, of itself, make a building note- rank among American architects, is the worthy anywhere, but it is also to be said huge twin monster of the Cook County that it has been well and faithfully Court House and Chicago City Hall. studied in mass, in scale, and in detail. With this they have supplanted a It is not only much the most impressive similar double erection which was for a thing of its own kind that Chicago has to generation a political, social and archi- show, but one of the most impressive in tectural scandal to Chicago. This is the United States, and in the interior, as strictly an academic study. Nobody can the illustrations show, there is not only pretend that there is any future in this, a faithful study of style, but features anything but the reminiscences of an im- which show an escape from the style memorial past. Even, unlike its classical into vigor of individual invention, and a predecessors, it is a contradiction in richness, which has even elements of terms. In fact it is a steel frame ten-story noveltv in decorative effect. Statistics of the Construction of Chicago's Big Municipal Building (One-half only of the Block)

Compiled for the Chicago Tribune.

Wrecking old City Hall began Aug. 11, and 275 in the service of the Municipal 1908; site cleared April 15, 1909. courts. Those who will be in the building Construction company began work Aipril only a portion of the time, such as inspectors 15, 1909, under contract to complete new for the various bureaus, detectives, and the City Hall by Oct. 15, 1910. Delays caused like, are figured at 600. by labor troubles and investigation of work Statements supplied by one of the chief extended time of completion. engineers for Holabird & Roche to Hollis Two men were killed in wrecking the old W. Field. building; two were killed in the new super- When Chicago's new $5,000,000 City Hall structure. But no skilled worker lost his is thrown wide open to the scattered city of- life. ficers, departments, bureaus, and the myriad A maximum of 750 men on day shift animate and inanimate enginery of Chicago's worked on the new building. city administration that city square bound- More than a score of skilled artisans and ed by La Salle, Washington, Clark and Ran- trade organizations worked upon the new dolph Streets must become a show site to structure to its completion. They were, in the Chicago visitor. detail: Twin brother to the New Cook County Courthouse in which the business of the Trades Maximum Numbers county already is conducted, this $5,000,000 Structural Steel 100 city hall completes the granite facades of Sheet Steel 100 the plat which for so long in the making Carpenters 100 of and of Cook County Marble Workers 135 has become so often consecrated and so Painters 65 often desecrated public grounds. Plasterers 40 Two hundred and four feet high from the Tile Setters 40 sidewalk level to the top of the parapet Machine Movers 25 walls 370 feet long on the La Salle Street Steam Fitters 22 side, and 157 feet wide on Washington and Electricians 22 Randolph Streets, the twelve floors of the Lathers 20 new City Hall aggregate almost thirteen Bricklayers 35 acres of available floor space. Below the Glaziers 20 sidewalks the floors of the sub-basement lies Plumbers 20 thirty-eight feet six inches down, while the Ornamental Iron 14 trench for coal and ashes connecting with Calkers 11 the lines of the Illinois Tunnel Company is Granite Setters 8 forty-eight feet below the feet of pedestrians Roofers 8 in the street. Thus from the uttermost Gas Fitters S depths of the sub-basement to the top of the Cement Finishers 9 parapet walls the height of the City Hall is Approximately 40 per cent, of the $5,000,- 252 feet. 000 cost of the City Hall was paid to work- Are you 'interested in statistics? There ers on the building. are typewriter pages of them which would What the returns of labor were in the hold you. The builders

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Administration Building.

Superintendent's House. COOK COUNTY INFIRMARY. OAK FOREST, ILLS. Holabird & Roche, Architects. 374 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD:

in the steel superstructure. Numerically Building, there were comments that it was there are 162,000 individual rivets tapped an undue expenditure of money, merely in home at white heat by the clattering pneu- view of the fact that the city building hadn't matic riveter, which may have struck twen- been planned. ty-five to forty blows to a rivet. How many "What's the use of completing the unfin- blows in riveting? ished west side of the County Building, cor- "Concrete" is a silent sort of general topic ners and all, when we don't know what the to Architects Holabird & Roche. It cost City Hall will be?" was the question. the city about $5,000 to investigate a pos- These corners were completed, however. sible $127 worth of concrete on a few col- Now after the connecting and approaching umns that afterward were declared to be completion of the City Hall, the observer quite reasonably good under the pure food may look at these corners that only a com- and drug act. Exclusive of the concrete paratively few months ago gave finish to which the investigators dug out, 33,278 cu- the County Building, and find the whole of bic yards of concrete went into the construc- the granite finishings adorning the same tion. northwest and southeast corners of the City For the outer walls and columns of the Hall. building, 180,000 cubic feet of granite, "We had only to take down the granite, weighing 30,000,000 pounds, cover the steel have it cleaned and it went over into the work, while of terra cotta fireprooflng there corners of the City Hall as if the material is a total of 1,240,000 square feet and 150,- had been cut for the purpose wholly," said 000 linear feet of girder covering. Of brick Supt. H. L. Marsh. there are 2,700,000 common, 520,000 hollow As a representative of Holabird & Roche, brick, 400,000 enameled brick, 92,000 gray architects, Mr. Marsh has done much of the faced brick. "sitting up with" this new Municipal Build- These are only a few of the myriad sta- ing. He says that of all the "sittings up" tistical facts concerning the construction of with the work, none brought greater strain the huge new Chicago City Hall, which once than in those summer nights of 1909 when more is to gather under its roof an almost those four great girders on especially built undivided machinery of the city government. wagons, drawn by ten horse teams, began From the rooms on the eleventh floor de- moving from the steel works, far up the voted to the municipal courts, down to the north branch, down by way of Rush Street public comfort station in the basement of Bridge to the City Hall site. the Washington and La Salle Street corner, "Probably no such load ever has been the Chicago citizen must feel his personal put upon a wagon as was that 88,000-pound interest somewhere in the finest type of girder which overhangs the council cham- municipal building in the country. ber," said Mr. Marsh. "We could hope to Of this new City Hall as a reality, an in- move it only in the night, after the last of tersting phase of its design and building traffic virtually was gone from the streets. may be recalled. At the time Cook County Rush Street Bridge was the only bridge on accepted plans and specifications for the which we could cross, and then only after twin County building, the possibilities of a we had laid a steel track for the wheels. new City Hall were intangible, mixed, in- "At the building, one engine hoist has volved and evanescent. been used on every other piece of steel. On In building the County Courthouse, how- this 80,000-pound girder, as on the 75,000 ever, the architects went so far as to take a and the two 70,000-pound girders, two en- chance that when the new City Hall did gines were set and the steel grappled at materialize, it might be of twin construction. each end. With the council chamber on the In the days of the old buildings an alley second floor, two floors in height to ceiling, ran between them from Washington to Ran- and each of these big girders to clear the dolph Streets. The County Building ab- ceiling of the chamber and rising a full sorbed its half of that alley and the archi- floor space to the level of the vault floor, tects and builders arranged on the blank you can imagine how I sat there with cold alley wall for all necessary steel structural chills and hot feverish ness alternating, hop- connections in case the city decided to fol- ing that no accident would occur in either low the county's plans. In the final ac- engine to stop the steady, even raising of ceptance of the twin plans, the builders had those loads. Yet there wasn't a kink in the only to cut into the cement for the neces- handling of one of them!" sary steel anchorages. To the uninitiated these great girders may Incidentally at the time of placing the be said to have come into shape and weight granite corners complete at the northwest to take the place of the steel columns which and southwest corners of the new County had to be displaced in the great chamber THE WORK OF HOLABIRD & ROCHE 375

RESIDENCE FOR MR. MILVILLE N. ROTHSCHILD. 37TH ST. AND MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO. Holabird & Roche, Architects. measuring 65 x 96 feet over all. Steel col- cil chamber is a retiring room, as it is an umns would have been impossible in the entrance room, for the Aldermen. At one chamber. Dropping them at the second floor, end of a long, corridor-like room, 20 x 80 and allowing another floor space to the feet, is a lavatory, and at the other end chamber ceiling and the gallery, gigantic telephone booths. Two great fireplaces are steels were necessary to take upon them set of Bedford stone on the the columns that should continue up in wall of the retiring room, while the partition order to the twelfth floor of such a struc- panels separating it from the council cham- ture. In brief, these girders just over the ber hide each a locker for an Alderman. heads of the coming city councils will >be This retiring room is finished in American supporting the portion of the nine floors oak, with beam-paneled walls. The fire- above at the north end of the building. places especially are considered artistic fea- This north portion of the building housing tures of the room. the council members is the show place of On the La Salle Street side, entered from the new City Hall. the council chamber, are the reception cor- The council chamber proper will measure ridor for Aldermanic visitors, and beyond 43 x 96 feet, with the gallery beyond the this the various committee rooms of the rails of like length and 22 feet wide. The council body. There are fourteen of these trimming is of imported English oak veneer rooms on the main and gallery floors of the and was manufactured in Philadelphia. chamber. Frederick Clay Bartlett is engaged to exe- The Mayor, moving into the central por- cute the mural decorations. The paneling tion of the La Salle Street side, and on the of English oak is "matched" in the sense fifth floor, will command a room 40 x 90 that the same section of the quarter sawed feet, oak-paneled, decorated ceiling, and on wood opens out, book-like, to show the grain this room Mr. Bartlett will lend his art in as one. The ceiling will carry appropriate mural decorations, probably representing decorations in tiles. historic Chicago and its growth to the pres- On the Randolph Street front of the coun- ent. On the same floor he will have the RESIDENCE FOR MR. LAWRENCE D. ROCKWELL, LAKE SHORE DRIVE AND GOETHE STREET, CHICAGO. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. DETAIL OF MAYOR'S CHAIR, COUNCIL CHAMBER, CITY HALL, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. HOLABIRD & ROCHE ARCHITECTS.


RESIDENCE FOR MR. ARTHUR T. ALOIS. 1258 LAKE SHORE DRIVE, CHICAGO. Holabird & Roche, Architects. 378 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. THE OTIS BUILDING, COR. MADISON ST. AND LA SALLE STREET. HOLAI'.IRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. 380 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. heads of the police department, the city con- In the basement are public comfort sta- troller, and corporation counsel all within tions for men and for women, entered at the easy reach. Washington and La Salle Street corner of One of the most interesting of the floors the building. Wildernesses of machinery, is that devoted to the Commissioner of dynamos, motors, pumps and pneumatic tube Health, the Health Department taking three- accessories fill this main basement. In the fourths of the seventh floor, and leaving sub-basement, thirty-eight feet below the the remnant to the Building Department. sidewalks, are the boiler plants necessary In this section devoted to the Health De- for heating the building and .providing hot partment, every feature of the work of the water. Bureau has been anticipated. In the labora- Ten feet below this level the channel for tories equipment alone the. cost is about $15,- taking in coal and removing ashes makes 000. For drainage of chemicals used in connection with the lines of the Illinois laboratory tests, 600 feet of special tile and Tunnel Company. To load the great coal concrete piping has .been installed, for the bins from the tunnel level, conveyors re- reason that the ordinary drain pipes would ceive the fuel from the cars and dump it be eaten out by acids that are discarded. into the .bunkers. From the bunkers this Another of the interesting floors of the coal is fed to the boilers in like manner, new building is the vault rooms, unnumbered while by reversing the machinery, ashes are as to floor but lying between the numbered lifted to waiting cars all without a touch third and fourth floors. On this floor of of hand labor. In case of accident to the steel, containing fireproof steel rooms, are Tunnel Service, coal 'may be received from 47,760 square feet of available locker space. the sidewalk level and ashes raised. In the general arrangement of the great How much the citizen is interested in mat- building from the sidewalk level up, the vari- ters in the Chicago City Hall may be sug- ous departments, 'bureaus and court rooms gested in the 750 telephones that are dis- may be listed as : tributed through it. There are twenty-five Ground Floor City Clerk; City Water branch exchange switchboards, to be in Bureau, and its inspectors and collectors. touch with the old City Hall Call, "Main, Office of the Fire Department Chief. double four seven." Bells and annunciat- Second Floor City Treasurer; Board of ors to the number of 650 are distributed Local Improvements. through the building. Third Floor Election Commissioners. The Noel Construction Company took pos- Vault Floor session of the site of the new building on Fourth Floor City Engineer, Commission- April 15, 1909. The time for completion was er of Public Works. eighteen months, but labor troubles have in- Fifth Floor Controller; Chief of Police terfered. The corner stone was laid on July and Assistant; Mayor; Corporation Counsel. 20, 1909. Into a copper lined box were put Sixth Floor City Attorney; Electrician; copies of the daily papers, names of the city Civil Service Commission; Fire Alarm Sta- officials, and various other contributions from tion. individuals. Incidentally it may be recalled

. Seventh Floor Health Department; Build- that 'when the old building was torn down, Ing Department. no trace was found of the box in the old Eighth Floor Municipal Court Clerk; corner stone and no relic of the dedication Court Rooms. unearthed. Ninth Floor Chief Justice's Room; Court Toll of four lives were taken in the build- Rooms. ing. One man died in the wrecking of the Tenth Floor Board of Examining Engi- old building; one was killed in an excava- neers; Track Elevation Bureau; -Small Parks tion; two laborers were killed in the super- Commission; Library; City Architect; Ex- structure. But no skilled steel worker lost amination Rooms; Civil iService Department. his life, which was a departure from pre- Eleventh Floor Municipal Court Rooms. cedent. Twelfth Floor Penthouse;' Elevators; Now that the new City Hall is ready Water Tanks, Etc. and occupied the growing Chicago idea of Reaching to these floors are fourteen elec- gardens upon Chicago roofs has been taken tric passenger elevators, of which twelve up with reference to the twin building in have a carrying reach of 181 feet; one 'has the City and County Square. a stretch of 196 feet upward, and one 238 The roof area of the City Hall and the feet. Each machine is of thirty-five horse County Building combined approximates two power, lifting 3,500 pounds at 500 feet a acres. Two acres of summer garden in the minute; -two of these are adapted to 5,000 heart of district, and 200 feet above pounds load and travel 200 feet a minute. the hot pavements on a hot sunny day,



-BTILPIHS-TOfi. First Floor Plan.

ri pufiriimLP, pr r rl T J i' TaJ r.J B TfcJ !,] j Rl M M t, H *


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Main Stairway Leading from .Mezzanine Floor to Second Floor. HOTEL LA SALLE, CHICAGO, ILL. Holabird & Roche. Architects. THE OLD COLONY BUILDING. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. WHAT THE NEW CATHEDRAL HAS LEFT VISIBLE OP THE OLD IN SALAMANCA. A Study of Romanesque in Spain Divided into Two Croups

Castile and Leon, and Catalonia-

by M . S i a p 1 e y Photographs by A.C.Byne

THE TERM ROMANESQUE, to designate the Moors had driven up into the north- the architecture that sprang up in West- western corner of the Iberian peninsula. ern Europe between the end of the Ro- This architecture (called by Fergusson man occupation and the Twelfth Cen- "Early Spanish Round-arched Gothic") tury, was adopted in 1825 by French had been developing for some three hun- archaeologists. Previous to that date it dred years up in the Asturias when the had been variously termed Lombard, new impulse came from without. Its Saxon or Byzantine. To avoid such con- coming may be accounted for by follow- fusion it was decided to call it Roman- ing that excellent French maxim Cher- esque since it, like the Romance lan- chez la fcmme; for it was because Span- guages, had a Latin foundation. Fer- ish kings began taking French wives gusson in his chapter on Spain discards that Spanish architecture changed. These this archaeological baptism and calls it princesses brought with them their own "Early Spanish Gothic." But the great bishops and retinues, and secured for Spanish churches of the Eleventh and them the best monasteries in Castile and early Twelfth Centuries have no more Leon; and as the invaders were all Gothic in them than is manifest in any skilled builders they imposed on the other country where builders were ever Spanish their more advanced methods. striving to replace the ancient post and At first they came from the Benedic- lintel roof by the stone vaulted one the tine monastery of Cluny, where the problem which Gothic finally solved to Cluniacs were then building their own perfection. In fact, Romanesque was great Church, a superb specimen of Ro- less tinged with Gothic feeling in Spain manesque larger than any subsequent than in contemporaneous France. Even Gothic cathedral and accounted later one after several French Gothic cathedrals of the wonders of the world. The lavish had been built south of the Pyrenees, Ro- patronage of the arts of building and manesque structures continued to rise decoration practiced by tnis house and and sometimes alongside of the newer the eight hundred monasteries affiliated stvle. So, discarding Fergusson's title with it offended St. Bernard, the most and following the French definition: famous member of the new house of "Romanesque is the architecture that Citeaux, which had been founded to re- ceased to be it still certain of the laxities so St. Roman, though form Cluny ; showed much that was Roman, and Bernard preached and wrote against cur- which was not yet Gothic though it al- rent extravagance in Church building ready showed much that was Gothic," and furnishing, and sent his Cistercians one is justified in classifying the to every land to instil his ideas of sobri- churches to be treated of here as Ro- ety. Thus it happened in Spain, that manesque. after the Cluniacs had enjoyed a certain The style came from France in the supremacy, the new order of Cistercians Eleventh Century. It extinguished a came with their quieter ideas. promising national architecture practiced The Cluniacs had found the Spanish by the remnant of the Visigoths whom hardly yet formed into a nation and pos- 390 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. sessing a church architecture hardly yet Almost every city had its principal virile enough to withstand superior church erected by foreigners, and this French skill, so that they soon planted structure determined the form of less their vigorous Romanesque firmly in the important ones in the same region. This country south of the Pyrenees. It came went on till the reign of Fernando el at a peculiarly favorable. moment. Peo- Santo, who brougnt a new influx from ple were rejoicing in Spain, as every- France, where Romanesque had com- where else, because the world had not pletely given way to Gothic, and had ended in the year 1000, and their grati- them build his three "Teat cathedrals of tude in churches Toledo and Leon. This in was expressed new ; Burgos, was but the circumstance specially propitious the first half of the Thirteenth Century. was the tremendous wave of religious Spanish Romanesque then may be said enthusiasm roused when the Moham- to have lasted througnout the entire medans were driven out of Toledo in Twelfth; in reality it overlaooed Fernan- 1085. Alfonso VI, the victor, having do's perfect pointed Gothic, for churches married (in turn) four French wives, already started in the earlier style merely the many French architect-monks that compromised by adopting certain fea- these to their new tures of the more recent one accompanied queens ; these country were ready to respond to the call churches are generally classed as "Tran- for more churches. sitional." Thus was introduced an architecture Romanesque churches, as to their that had already made great progress in main characteristics, might be described France barrel-vaulting, an accentuated as small, solidly built, bold and of digni- cruciform ground plan and the erection fied simplicity. They have an almost over the crossing, of a polygonal dome martial severity that accorded with the or, sometimes, of a tower of several military spirit of the age. When first stages with arcades and a cap. Sanctu- introduced they were round-arched but aries were square, and the east end was later adopted a slightly pointed form for generally tri-apsidal or sometimes termi- main doorways while retaining the nated in radiating chapels. But although rounded in many of the details. Churches Romanesque was started by French of this period are on the whole remark- monks, and although they kept bringing ably well-preserved (in truth, some of from Burgundy, Aquitaine and Anjou the best doorways are so preserved un- fresh architectural influences, it would be der zealous whitewash that their detail a mistake to suppose that the Spaniards is almost unrecognizable). added nothing of their own to the newly- Whether they are worth studying to- imported style. One feature distinctively day depends on one's personal predilec- Spanish is the exterior gallery peculiar tions. Many an excellent American to and its the architect considers such an Segovia neighborhood ; Romanesque domes of the Salamanca churches are unused type that he need give it no at- due to eastern rela- tention and the it like another, probably ; schools skip over still a tions ; and another are the coupled hurdle. But then may we not earn ribs in the vaulting of San Millan at Se- the process of elimination too far in oui govia, traceable to the influence of the struggle to get only "useful" knowledge: many Mudejars, or conquered Moorish Much of our food is not convertible inU workmen, who helped in the building of blood, yet serves a purpose. It wouk Christian churches. Beyond these few not hurt any architect to know mon features, not even the most ardent ad- about Romanesque even though he ma? in it. mirer of Spanish architecture can claim never build Though it was a styl< that a distinctive Spanish Romanesque that paid no attention to composition, i evolved but it is nevertheless often that the mass is was ; highly happens very beau interesting in its few points of departure, tiful and full of suggestion. Its detai and would probably have resulted in a is na'ive and charming beyond all hope o national style had not French Gothic emulation. We are too sophisticate* " come to it. ever to it it is like swamp repeat ; but a sort o


brain bath to see how the unlettered pop- that this arrangement existed in Spain ulace could yet read their Bible and their (at Salamanca) two hundred years be- local legends in the carved capitals of fore Brunelleschi was born." columns or the arches of doorways. Ro- One may explain this inventiveness manesque produced no monumental by the many curious circumstances that sculpture, but in these minor story-tell- left their mark on Spanish Romanesque. ing forms it created (following Byzan- There are suggestions of the East and tine and early Christian models) a sort of Italy, due, for instance, to the coming of realism that is (paradoxically enough) to Compostela of thousands of Christians often decorative beyond later conven- from every land, and of the horde of tionalism, and which we try in vain to Jew, Armenian and Syrian traders who copy. Spanish Romanesque exemplifies followed to sell them relics and supplies this to a highly interesting degree. all along the road. At any rate, Roman- In larger ways, it exemplifies a wonder- esque came nearer to being Spanish than ful inventiveness and boldness in solving did the Gothic which followed it. Furth- the ever-recurrent roof-question. Its ermore it may be claimed that in no other domes and its vaultings are superb, and country where Romanesque exists has it of and as Senor such harmonious In great variety ; Lamperez, setting. mass the the greatest living authority on Spanish style is severe, fortress-like, medieval, architecture says : "Those who have even half-barbaric. The desolate but praised Brunelleschi for the double dome majestic plains of Castile and Aragon of Santa Maria del Fiore should know accord with it in all these attributes.


Alfonso VI's victory at Toledo as- Santiago (St. James) of Compostela as sured everything north of the Tagus of to Rome, and among them were foreign peace from Moorish invasion. The old kings, princes, noblemen and peasants Castilian towns so long devastated by from Europe and Asia. Many pilgrims war were now ready for repeopling and staid; but whether they staid or went, rebuilding, and Count Raymond of Bur- it kept up a continual current of foreign gundy, Alfonso's son-in-law, brought an influences all over northern Spain. army of settlers in from France to join Santiago was begun about 1074 on a the Spanish colonists. The Castilian cit- grand scale as well it might be, for the ies gradually attained a prosperity and pilgrims donated liberally to it. Its date, security that made possible the erection it will be noted, precedes the great Mos- of numerous remarkable buildings. To lem defeat, and only the peculiar holiness, visit these one may come down from of the shrine and its worshipers could France or, leaving a Mediterranean ves- have made such an ambitious undertak- sel at Gibraltar, start north. By this last ing possible at the time. In plan Santi- route, except for the Gothic cathedral at ago forms a Latin cross with a nave Granada, he has to travel all the way to and aisles of eleven bays and a semi-cir- Toledo before his enthusiasm for Span- cular central apse. As the choir had to ish architecture is stirred be the of ; by crossing occupied by tomb the apostle, the Pyrenees one is at once upon the the coro was placed in the nave, a prece- Castilian Burgos at the west or the Cat- dent followed ever after in all Spanish alonian Gerona at the east, and these Gothic cathedrals as well. But of this splendid old cities are promising fore- magnificent Romanesque structure there tastes of the rich feast that awaits him. is little left, owing to modern "improve- Commencing at the west and omitting ments." Fortunately the splendid Puer- the provinces of Galicia and Northern ta de la Gloria the north portal has Leon which require a considerable de- been spared. But while the cathedral tour to visit, there is a glorious and di- was yet intact, and indeed while it was rect pathway of Romanesque and Gothic building, Santiago cast a mighty Roman- both, as one travels through Castile, Ara- esque blaze over Spain that withered gon and Southern Leon (for although away the timid native Asturian style. Zamora and Salamanca lie off the main At, or rather near, Burgos, the road they are fairly accessible). Burgos, finest Romanesque is the ancient Abbey Avila, Segovia, Sigiienza, Zaragoza, Le- of Silos, but it lies some thirty miles rida, Barcelona, Gerona and Tarragona from the city at the end of a diligence lie on the main road. and a donkey ride which might not be For a chronological survey of Roman- bad if it only fell on one of the five days esque, Santiago de Compostela, almost a >ear when the sun shines in Burgos. at the end of Galicia, should be the However, the cloisters are worth a long starting point. But being very remote, trip to see. The capitals and reliefs are and important rather for the influence from the Eleventh, Twelfth anj early it had than for its present appearance, a Thirteenth Centuries. Some are ex- student who has to consider time and tremely rude and archaic, and seem to money might satisfy his conscience by be copies of ivory carvings. But the reading its history and pushing on direct freer ones show a splendid feeling for to Burgos. Briefly, Compostela, claim- design in spite of their being stories in ing to possess the tomb of St. James the stone. Photographers are not welcomed Apostle, was one of the most renowned by the Silos monks and the only records shrines of Christendom and naturally of Silos we could get were the spoils the first spot chosen for a great cathe- which the Museum at Burgos had man- dral. By the Twelfth and Thirteenth aged to secure. Chief of these is the an- Centuries there were as many going to cient copper altar front. It represents 10-o 394 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD.

dowed. Yet it is severe everywhere, in obedience to the mandates of St. Ber- nard; for it is of the Cistercian or- der and it was built at the time when the Cistercians had ousted the Cluniacs from royal favor in many lands. Baedecker, classes it as following Street, Gothic ; others as "Transitional." It was cer- tainly different from the small and typ- ical Romanesque cathedral which Bur- gos possessed at the end of the Twelfth but also it is different Century ; very from the typical Gothic one which was started to replace the former in 1221. Bishop Mauricio of Burgos who had ex- amined several fine French Gothic cathe- drals was determined to eclipse the royal, nunnery; so he urged Fernando the Saint to build him a cathedral in the latest French manner. In the lancet windows of Las Huelgas, in its small octagonal lantern over the crossing and in the carv- ing of the north transept porch and


Christ and his apostles in a row of round-arched arcading with pierced shafts and capitals. The figures are in enamel of delicate color, the heads and architectural details in copper relief. The borders were once studded with precious stones. It is disputed whether this piece of work was made at Limoges or in Spain. The archives of Santiago cathedral give the names of many Span- ish enamelers who worked there in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries, and we know that the Moors were making enamels in Cordova far earlier. In Burgos is the royal nunnery of Las Huelgas, founded about 1180 by Alfonso VIII and his English queen Eleanor. From the first only noble ladies were ad- its mitted to La Huelgas ; abbess was THE UNDISFIGURED ROMANESQUE often a princess, and it was richly en- DOOR OF ZAMORA CATHEDRAL. A STUDY OF ROMANESQUE IN SPAIN. 395 cloister, the germs of its mightier Gothic neighbor may all be found. The south cloister of Las Huelgas, however, is purely Romanesque with round arches carried on coupled shafts with finely carved caps. So is the low unpreten- tious steeple. Yalladolid is the next city south of but its has all Burgos ; Romanesque been swept away excepting the much altered Santa Maria la Antigua. From Valla- dolid the train runs to the great junction of Meidna del Campo and thence to the cities of Southern Leon, of which Sala- manca, Zamora and nearby Toro are the most interesting and accessible. It may be worth mentioning that two. different railroads operate in this section, and on one of them a book is useless mileage ; thus Salamanca cannot be reached from Medina direct, but only via Zamora each way not a pleasant prospect on a line


whose average speed is thirteen miles an hour. But' discomforts to the contrary, Salamanca's wonderful Catedral Vieja, or Old Cathedral, must be seen and seen first. Even the most jaded tourist must ac- knowledge being impressed as he ap- proaches this renowned town. It is in the centre of a vast treeless plain, scorched in summer, swept by icy blasts in winter, stretching in tawny monotony towards distant snow-clad summits; and out of this plain the only thing that rises is "Golden Salamanca" with its mighty domes. It seems peculiarly congruous' that a great Romanesque cathedral, first cousin of Byzantine churches, should have sprung up in this Crimean-like landscape. THE OUTER GALLERY OF SAN MARTIN All this region was bare indeed after IN SEGOVIA. Moors and Castilians had battled on it 396 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. for three centuries so Count French are not ; Raymond domes supported by brought many Basques, Gascons and pierced arcading and are consequently other Frenchmen to help the Spanish re- dark, while this one is splendidly lighted. people the ancient city; his Burgundians Senor Lamperez is inclined to disclaim seem to have planned the first churches the Perigueux influence altogether. on the but he had Burgundian system ; scarcely Bishop Jeronimo, points out, were these started when Jeronimo of spent some time near the Silos monas- Perigueux in the Aquitanian side of tery, which building once had a lantern to of similiar to erected France came be bishop Salamanca ; quite Salamanca's, the upper portions of the churches then about the middle of the Eleventh Cen- building proceeded on Aquitanian lines. tury, and due to the close relations be- Perigueux, it must be remembered, was tween Silos and Monte Casino (mother where, in the first half of the Eleventh house of the Benedictines where a school

' -Mllall'&^^ * I iL


Century, a vast church with five cupolas of artists from Constantinople was kept had been erected in imitation of the up). It is not improbable that Bishop Church of the Holy Apostles in Constan- Jeronimo may have seen the Silos dome tinople an admirable union of Byzan- and have planned to have one like it in tine and Syrian influences with Roman. his own see; although as he died in 112C As the most striking feature of the Sal- he never saw its completion. Whatever amanca Old or Romanesque Cathedral is its origin, it is "a rare feature treatec its dome, raised on an arcaded octagonal with rare success and complete original- stage, it is supposed that the impulse for ity." Street wrote that he had nevei it came from Perigueux. Yet neither seen "any central lantern more thor Aquitaine nor Burgundy can show any- oughly good and effective from even as Eastern or as for the of view." Small wonder that ou thing ingenious ; point A STUDY OF ROMANESQUE IN SPAIN. 397

own Richardson saw in it an admirable lower round-arched and the upper prototype for the tower of Trinity cusped. Above, on the inside, the dome Church, Boston. is ribbed. To resist the thrust four Many conflicting dates are given for heavy pinnacles are built outside, also a the foundation and consecration of this stilted second dome over the first this cathedral, but all we know is that it was latter arrangement being the one used

in progress throughout most of the by Brunelleschi ; only, the Spanish in- Twelfth Century. It is 175 feet in stance looks distinctly Eastern; the length and so massive that it has always Italian one is a perfectly Renaissance been known as Fortis Salamantina. The form. groining is quadripartite throughout, but The old cathedral was abandoned as a apparently the plan was originally to place of worship when the new was close nave and transepts with wagon- built; but its strange Eastern flavor, its


vaulting, for there is no support in the noble proportions, its many instances piers for groining ribs, which are re- where the coming Gothic ''casts its shad- ceived by little secondary, after-thought ow before," its remarkable works of art, corbels over the main capitals. These all combine to make this deserted temple corbels have statues in front of them as a spot to linger in. if to mask the fact. Had this change Of the exterior very little is left visi- not been made the church might have ble by the braggart new cathedral, but looked very like San Martin, also in Sal- what there is stirs one's soul. For lovers amanca, or like many another Burgun- of exquisite masonry nothing could be dian church met with in Spain. But as finer than this apse, turret, and dome the plan was suddenly changed we find (called Torre del Gallo from its iron the groining ribs and the superb dome weather-cock). The stonework is sim- with its double story of arcading, the ple, broad, emerged from the crudity of A DOOR OF SAN MILLAN IN SEGOVIA. LA MAGDALENA IN ZAMORA, THE BAROQUE OF ROMANESQUE. 400 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. most Romanesque, and displaying in its dates are missing. From the out- side it is less capitals and mouldings, restrained and remarkable than Sala- delicate detail that puts to shame the manca's as a piece of construction, rank late Gothic ornamentations sprawl- but its squat form makes it all the ing over the fagade of its neighbor. Then more Oriental looking. The tower is an there is a very Spanish touch in the impressive one splendid, square, fort- pierced cresting of the apse, and the alto- ress-like, as often seen in France, and gether exotic feeling of the scaled and defying St. Bernard's injunctions against crocketed spires. The name of only one any but a humble wooden belfry. But builder has ever been discovered in con- when the eye comes down from dome nection with this great structure Maes- and tower, unlovely modern additions tro Pedro, who worked here in 1175. and obstructions awaken one's wrath. But we know that Maestro Pedro must It is all pitiable except the south tran- have been one of a great busy swarm- sept portal, the one illustrated. May French, Spanish, Greek, Syrian, Ital- this ever escape modern "restoring" ian that came from various countries to architects, for it is the finest doorway build Salamanca's cathedral just as later, in the Salamantine group. men came from all countries to study at Zamora cathedral is richly furnished, her famous university. and if only no surreptitious removal of The next important Leonese city is art treasures takes place it will always Zamora north of Salamanca a fiercely be a wonderful museum. Salamanca's contested town in the long Cross-versus- son, Fernando Gallegos, one of the few Crescent struggle. It is to-day a dead Spanish primitives, is represented by a, medieval pile topping a steep red-brown splendid canvas and a retablo. But for cliff on the north bank of the Duero years past a leak in the roof has sent a the river that ran red when Ferdinand stream trickling down over this master- and Isabella repulsed the Portuguese at piece until now the stain is a deep dis- this point. Atop of the bare sun-parched coloration. If money were lacking to re- cliff are the city walls and rising above pair the roof, Zamora's canons all look them, clear-cut against the deep blue as if it would be beneficial to shape and sky, is the cathedral with its square health alike, either to climb up and try tower and its fine dome. Zamora is an- a hand at carpentering, or to use a week's other of the cities to which French set- allowance for the canonical larder and tlers and a French bishop came the hire the necessary workmen. Most of the same Jeronimo who went later to Sala- chapter are now too obese to rise from manca. their stalls even when mass is being The Zamora cathedral, however, is not sung. These choir stalls, by the way, of his creating, but was started a quarter are late Gothic and were carved by the of a century after his death in 1151. great German artist Rodrigo, whose The original plan was like most Sala- fancy dwells lovingly on ribald scenes. mantine churches nave and aisles of A monk with fox's head is preaching to four bays, a western porch, transepts, a company of hens with nun's heads. Oi- dome and three apses. The transepts a nun flourishing a broomstick is driving have preserved their pointed wagon a priest from the convent. The masterly vaults and it was clearly intended to roof carving and the beauty of those scenes the nave in the same manner, until the done when the German was in a less change was made in favor of quadri- jocular frame of mind, make these stalls partite groining. The arches are pointed, fit to rank, along with his work at Pla- the piers unusually massive and bold sencia and Ciudad-Rodrigo, among with square caps and bases. The central Europe's masterpieces of woodcarving. lantern is similar to Salamanca's ex- Yet hardly a statuette forming the little cept that it has but one stage of arcading. pinnacles on the arms of each stall but This does not mean, however, that it is loose on its base and ready to topple may have served as a tentative for the over. When the sacristan's attention larger one, though here again exact was called to the fact he replied signifi- THE INTERIOR OF "FORTIS SALAMANTINA." ITS FLOOR HAS A DECIDED SLOPE. 402 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD.

cantly, "I know it, and soon they will many are left. Of these few La Magda- mysteriously disappear and no one will lena is most interesting with its fine take the trouble to trace them to some moulded door so richly carved that it Paris antique shop." To this sombre might be called a sort of Baroque Ro- prophesy he adds that whole cartloads of manesque. treasures were taken out of Toro's Col- Toro, also on a reddish cliff over- legiate Church by the clergy. looking the Duero, is not far off, and in Zamora was once second only to Se- spring, its stretches of cherry and al- govia, for Romanesque churches, but not mond blossoms make a strange contrast


404 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. to the rest of the ruged bare landscape. late Romanesque buildings remain since In its cathedral, or rather Collegiate its days of greatness (in the Thirteenth Church, are many architectural discrep- Century) but it would seem almost pre- ancies, and yet it presents the most strik- sumptuous to mention these before the ing ensemble of the whole period. Its mighty Aqueduct, the largest piece of central lantern is modeled after Sala- Roman work extant in Spain, with its manca's but because it has a flat roof in- hundred and twenty arches stalking over stead of a dome, the bizarre Eastern the valley east of the city, then the city element is lacking, and one's thoughts itself, and ending at the Alcazar. The fly to the English Ely lantern. The whole structure is built up of heavy presence of the corner buttresses at Toro blocks of granite without mortar or would indicate that the original intention clamps, and if one arrived at 3 A. M. his was to roof it with a dome. Either rickety hotel bus would rumble under it courage or finances failed when the mo- in the cold morning twilight and the ment came, or perhaps some master eye huge naked-limbed structure would im- realized that the composition was per- press him as something weird and un- fect as the mass then stood, and wisely earthly. carried it no further. It builds up won- Segovia, it will be remembered, is derfully. If the term monumentality noted for developing the open-gallery. could be used in Romanesque, Toro The best preserved example of this is could be said to have achieved it. To-day, San Marten in the heart of the city. Its stripped of its treasures inside and gallery runs around three sides, north, in the crudest manner south and west under the western col- patched outside, ; it is still a proud pile. Of several fine onnade is a fine sculptured door of doors the west porch, with its original Twelfth Century work. The detail in polychromy almost unscratched and del- the gallery is very delicate, and it is to icately faded, is the best. One is thank- be hoped it will escape the restoration ful for these rare escapes from white- that is afflicting the once fine tower and wash. the rest of the church. Passing again through the great junc- San Esteban nearby has also an ex- tion of Medina del Campo we travel once terior arcade on its west and south sides. more in Castile, to granite-gray Avila Its magnificent steeple, the finest of its whose extraordinary situation on a flat- class, was struck by lightning in 1903, topped ridge in a desolate plain, as well but is being slowly rebuilt. Another as its wealth of ancient buildings, make steeple, almost as fine, was once on San it worth a visit. Its massive walls with Juan de los Caballeros (the favorite nine gates and eighty-six towers are in church of Segovian noblemen) but only perfect condition, and its Romanesque the lower part now remains. This church churches are among the finest in Spain. was further distinguished by the unus- But we give no description of them here ual feature of projecting transepts. In because they present no saliently Span- its apse, Daniel Zuluaga, uncle of the ish features like the domes we have just modern painter, has put up his kilns and seen in southern Leon or the makes beautiful tiles in galleries glazed ; and one we are about to examine in Segovia. But of the transepts Ignace Zuluaga, the for all that, Avila must by no chance be painter, has his summer studio and omitted by the traveler. Not only is its paints his two cousins, Daniel's daugh- Romanesque particularly well preserved, ters, whom we have all seen in many of but the town itself, and others on the his canvases. same ancient road to Salamanca Mad- Most complete of the Segovian rigal de las Altas Torres and Sepiilveda churches, for many details besides its look like old monk-made pictures of gallery, is San Millan in a suburb south places that must have ceased centuries of the great rock on which the city is ago to really exist. perched. On north and south sides are Close to Avila in miles but far in ac- round-arched galleries and within each tual railroad travel is Segovia. Many gallery is a Romanesque door with richly A STUDY OF ROMANESQUE IN SPAIN. 405

sculptured cornices and capitals. But the sided Templars' Church La Vera Cruz. doors most accessible for the photog- It bears the date 1208 as the year of its rapher the example of over-whitewash- completion. Like other churches of the ing already complained of is the simple Knights Templar it is built in imitation well moulded one on the west with of the at / front, Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem, a round headed window above. San having in the centre a small walled Millan long ago lost its original roof, chamber of two stories around which which fact has given rise to much dis- the nave runs, giving off three semi- cussion as to what it may have been. circular apses to the east. The nave is Alternate columns and clustered piers roofed with a round vault. The first separate nave and aisles, and as the clus- story of the central chamber is roofed tered piers run up higher than the level with a dome and the second with a Mos- from which the lantern springs, it seems lem vault like the lantern of San Millan, improbable that the nave ever had a again indicating Mudejar or conquered vault. Some say it had a cylindrical one, Moorish carpenters. It is all good mas- others a but Senor is sive work and its two groined ; Lamperez doors, south and in favor of a Moslem wooden roof, west, are finely moulded and round whose existence is indicated by the arched. Moorish carved beams preserved in the There are at least half a dozen other sacristy. Further weight is given his Romanesque churches in Segovia, but argument by the fact that the lantern they are in poor condition and present has coupled cross ribs leaving a cavity in no remarkable features not already men- the middle, which was the typical Mos- tioned. The traveler who has time for lem method of vaulting. If, then, Moor- further observations would do well to ish workmen were employed for closing ride out on the daily stage to the in the vault it is by no means unlikely royal residence at San Ildefonso and that they built the entire roof. The enjoy the curious sensation of see- deeply carved scenes on the interior col- ing a wonderful French garden cre- umns, however, show no trace of ated in the very midst of the lofty Moorish. Guadarrama mountains, before start- Segovia further holds one of the most ing on the long barren journey curious churches in Spain in its twelve- across Aragon.


THE HEARST BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Architectural Aberrations The Hearst Building in Chicago

SOME PEOPLE SAY that the design of the tunity for specific and effective archi- skyscraper is settled, in all essentials, tectural expression. In other words, that it is established as a "type." Others there is more of such opportunity in a as vehemently contend that what has skyscraping apartment-house than in a been done hitherto in the design of tall skyscraping office-building. There may buildings with metallic frames is provis- be a difference between the apartments. ional and tentative only, that there is There must be a difference between the nothing definitive about it. The "strict rooms of the same apartment, according constructionist" cannot be pleased with to their several purposes. These differ- a building that does not show its con- ences are architecturally expressible. struction and exhibit its material. He But in the office-building the purpose of will pooh-pooh the relevancy and validity every subdivision is the same, and func- of the current convention that the sky- tional expression gives no scope for va- scraper should emulate the columnar di- riety of treatment. The offices are all vision into base, shaft and capital. He equal cells of the honeycomb. has even been known to deny the postu- It is true that the designer of the late of the Father of Criticism that a honeycomb, to wit, the busy bee, may de- work of art must have a beginning, a tect and provide for differences of func- middle, and an end. There is another tion. So he does when he lays out his class of critics, who may be the same combined apartment-house and office- persons, who hold that the analogy of building. The male bee, being a drone, nature should be followed, not only in or "clubman," and reduced to the sole securing that decoration shall proceed functions of consumption and propaga- from structure, but also in securing that tion, is accommodated accordingly. The structure shall proceed from function. female worker, analogous to the club- Perhaps the ultimate trouble with the mans' wife who goes out sewing or commercial skyscraper is that, being by takes in washing, is separately provided its magnitude, or at least by its altitude, for in apiarian architecture, while the a most conspicuous structure, it is yet queen-bee has constructed for her a devoted to the humblest and most prosaic "royal cell." Here, you perceive, is a purposes. Monumental by its dimen- natural analogy for the case of an "in- sions, it is severely utilitarian by its re- stitution" which builds primarily for its quirements. There is no monumental own accommodation but incidentally pro- it. for a of "workers." idea expressed in it, or expressible by vides stowage swarm It consists of a series of cells in which In some cases this process seems to be the occupants do not properly live, but reversed, and the structure to be erected for the revenue derived from only, properly or improperly, get their primarily it and for livings. The only natural analogy to the workers, only incidentally is that of the honeycomb, where the the transaction of its own proper busi- offers a chance "workers" at least sleep and feed, do ness. Such a building something else, in fact, than make and for differentiation at which an architect store their honey. If the human workers ought to jump. His "institution," his be at the did that, they would give more oppor- "royal cells" would naturally 408 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD.

bottom of the building or else at the top. account of his square windows that we Sometimes both, as in the case of a re- have to quarrel with the architect of spectable newspaper-building, by which the . His fenestration we do not necessarily mean the building shows another caprice, not as hurtful as of a respectable newspaper, though in that of the two-story trellis, but still in- this case it happens to be both, erected jurious for the same reason, that it is a in St. Paul, Minnesota, some twenty dissembling of the facts. This is the years ago, that is after the advent of subdivision of the end windows on each the elevator but before that of the steel front by mullions. The object of this frame, and thus limited to a modest device appears to be to make the ends twelve stories, of which the lowest is look more solid than the intervals be- given to the counting-room, and the up- tween them. In a building of masonry per two to the editorial and typograph- there is a mechanical reason for this ical departments, the intermediate stories thickening at the corners. In a framed being available for rental. Here the building, whether the frame be of timber Aristotelian demand fulfills itself with- or of metal, it loses its meaning, and be- out putting the architect under the neces- comes mere convention. But that is not sity of making a factitious division, or the worst of it. In obedience to the exi- even of hunting for a division, but only gencies of show windows, the uprights of recognizing a division that exists. are not only thinned to the minimum, at The "layout" of this building in St. the bottom, and apparently deprived of Paul is, or might be, apparently, the the fireproofing envelope which is given layout of the Hearst Building in Chi- to them up above, but they are with- cago. But one looks in vain for any rec- drawn from the plane to which they are ognition on the part of the architect of advanced above, so that the basement is the facts in the case. Looking at the the most attenuated and skeletonized building as a whole, it might be any sort portion of the entire structure. The up- or condition of a commercial building. It per part, it is true, is so far skeletonized might be an office building, and then that the contrast is not so ugly and ridic- again it might be a department store. ulous as where an apparent wall of mas- It is true that the Chicago convention of sive masonry apparently stands on a utilitarianism and practicality is followed sheet of plate glass, but it is glaring in the disposition and the forms of the enough to give pain to the sensitive. openings. That is now become almost a And, as for the mullions that are intro- matter of course everywhere. Times are duced at the corners above the mezzanine changed since a New York architect de- floor, they suddenly cease above this signed an office building consisting of floor, so that the corners are least mas- tiers of two-story orders. The enclos- sive of aspect precisely where the eyt ure of two stories in one Order seemed to demands that they should be most mas- - the beholder to be a device for giving sive, that is, at the bottom. Even tha the building scale, but it appears it was is not the worst of it, for they have n< a device for avoiding the presentation visible means of support, but merel; of the actual windows as squares or stand upon the floor-beams and impenc nearly so, which resulted from the con- over voids, in a manner which would b< struction, and for presenting them as, mechanically impossible if they were o the conventional oblong. It was an un- the masonry of which they purport to be . worthy object and an ineffectual device, The convention that the structure is o the proof being that the fenestration of masonry is abandoned. It is true tha the unregarded sides and back of the the building does not architecturally ex edifice in question, where the windows press itself as a frame building but onl are left to assert themselves as squares, is gives itself away as such, which is i more grateful to the view than the con- very different matter. sidered fronts, in which they are pre- A department store, one would say t > sented as "uprights" by an overlaid look at the Hearst Building, and mon - trellis of two-story orders. It is not on over a department store in which tre ARCHITECTURAL ABERRATIONS. 409

architect shows himself unable to recon- same material which does not exist. cile the discrepancies arising from the Also a parapet can be tolerated. It has conflict of the exigencies of construction a conceivable function in preventing the and the exigencies of occupancy. That unwary from falling off the roof. The is what it would look like if it were left ornamentation of the present parapet is, to itself. But in an evil hour the con- abstractly, good, good in division, good structor undertook to be also a decorator. in scale detail, and good in scale. But We have seen that his departures, in the it is so rich and elaborate that it is in interest of architectural expression, from glaring contrast and contradiction of the the nakedness of his utilitarian scheme, wall underneath, which it makes to look instead of cloaking its nudity, added ab- balder than ever, while the baldness un-


surdity to it. Absurdity is also, unfor- derneath makes itself look finical. It is tunately, the "note" of the decoration. a "purple patch" on a coat of frieze. Excepting at the top. The strict logi- Still, the decoration of the top, incongru- cians have ceased to put cornices on their ous as it is, is by no means so bad as the skyscrapers, seeing that the rainfall on decoration at the bottom, the lower three the roofs is in fact discharged inwardly stories, the show-rooms of the depart- and not outwardly. Nevertheless, we ment store. This section is decorated by may admit that a cornice, "in the pres- a highly elaborate doorway at the centre ent state of the art," "tolerari potest.'* of each of the visible fronts, by what we if it be of moderate projection, and do may by courtesy call colonnettes on the not pretend to be a shelf projecting over face of each of the upright posts and and supported by a massive wall of the also on each of the mullions of the sub- 11-0 ENTRANCE DETAIL THE HEARST BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. ENTRANCE DETAIL THE HEARST BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. 412 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD.

divisions of the bays at the corners to is stuck on to the face of the wall, em- which we have already referred as stand- bellished with spirals, whittled away at ing on nothing. Much of the detail of the top and bottom to contradict the this decoration is refined, some of it even assumption in which nobody will concur "elegant." But it is all, by its profusion, that it means something, and finally, after even more open to the objection of in- it has died completely into the wall and congruity that we have made against the one would say ceased, it crops out again, parapet than is the parapet itself. It is below the floor-line, into one of such open to a graver objection. We have ad- niched corbels as are supposed to sustain mitted that the parapet conceivably had the entablature over one of the door- a function. But none of this has any ways. No "architecture applique" could conceivable function. It has absolutely more ostentatiously advertise itself as nothing to do with the case. Not a bit having nothing to do with the case, as of it is "decorated construction." Every being irrelevant, incompetent and im- bit of it is constructed decoration. The pertinent. ornamental doorways are painfully It remains to be added that he who squeezed in between the uprights, in a sees the Hearst Building only in the space evidently too narrow for them, and photographs sees it to undue advantage. the uprights themselves are interrupted, The charms of the incrusted decoration in one case by crowning them, at the are in fact enhanced by color', by blues level of the mezzanine, with voluted cap- and greens and reds which rather aggra- itals, in the other case with what may vate than mitigate its excrescential char- by courtesy be called corbels, projected acter, and which also aggravate its in- to carry the projection of the entabla- applicability to the stark utilitarianism ture, projected "ad hoc." But the most of the structure to which it is in fact ap- absurd and irrational detail is that of plied. Whatever the solution of the prob- what we have called the colonnettes in- lem of the commercial skyscraper may crusted upon the uprights. These make be, this treatment is not a step in the no pretense at all of being anything but direction of such a solution. Most de- "fancy" ornaments. A cylindrical mass cidedly, this is not the way to do it.

CORNICE DETAIL THE HEARST BUILDING, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. ^ Reredos^ Christ Church Cathedral at St. Louis Guy Study the reredos in ical and structural ON CHRISTMAS DAY ; splendid stone arches Christ Church Cathedral at St. Louis in the nave carry the clear story walls was unveiled. With an elaborate service which in turn support the open timber conducted by Bishop Tuttle, the presid- roof construction. We may be surprised ing bishop of the United States, this not- to find that the designer was Mr. Leo- able work of Christian Art was present- pold Eidletz, a man not generally known ed, to the people of the Middle West. as a master of Gothic. Unquestionably recall it is his best work of When we that scarcely more than ; and equal rank to. a century ago the first settlers in the the churches by Upjohn and Remwick. states west of the Mississippi were en- In plan Christ Church Cathedral has the gaged in constructing their crude log- form of- a Latin cross, differing only cabins and that, within fifty years from from the typical English plan in its semi- that time, we find a church of the pro- circular sanctuary. A single corner tower portions of Christ Church Cathedral, we is in course of construction. This whole may appreciate the determination and tower from the sturdy base to the octag- devotion of the builders of a generation onal lantern at the top which recalls ago. The plans for the Cathedral must Rouen and Ely, fortunately has been have been drawn as early as 1858 for the given the same feeling of the original church registry records at that date care- church, and reflects credit upon its de- fully prepared estimates of the cost. The signer, Mr. Caldwell. foundations were 1860 but The reredos is a screen of stone completed by Caen ;, the Civil War which divided not only the in plan it is that of the English reredos, city of St. Louis but many of its con- built in a straight line from wall to wall gregations into two camps, prevented of the semi-circular sanctuary. The further work on the building for a English reredos was a development of period of four years. At the end of the the English plan. With the rectangular war work was resumed in earnest; and ending of the choir the logical and only by Christmas Day 1867 the church was architectural plan was to build the screen so far completed that the first service parallel to the wall behind. A condition was held in the nave. Although but presented itself in Christ Church Cathe- partially completed, throughout these dral that offered no precedent to follow. fifty years Christ Church Cathedral has The demand was to place a great can- stood architecturally the most important opied screen in a semi-circular sanctu- ecclesiastical edifice in St. Louis. It is ary. Here was an opportunity for orig- only natural then, that to-day there inal and creative thought. We recall no should arise in the hearts of the children such screen in England, nor in France. of the builders, a desire to complete the At Chartres screens were built between to add the to the of the at find church, flying buttresses, piers apse ; Amboise we continue the tower and to make the Ca-' the walls covered with canopied niches, thedral a repository for memorials to' and again in Merton Chapel, Oxford. their beloved dead. Two modern solutions may be found in Christ Church Cathedral one at Although England, Marlborough College ; was built in the period of Victorian and the other in St. Cuthbert Newcastle- Gothic, we find none of the characteris- on-Tyne. Unfortunately the opportunity tics of that style. We find no frivolous was lost. The safe and tried form was detail, no diminutive, dry, metallic, mo- accepted. That superb masterpiece of tives, nor false ribs or vaulting of plas- Gothic art at Winchester was taken bod- ter. details are in The carefully designed ily ; changed slightly proportion ; is and well executed ; motive in detail we are bold every log- changed ; improved 414 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD.

out the whole, nor the deep religious feeling of the figures that we find in the work of the medieval carvers. Aided by a scant knowledge of human anatomy and a religious fervor marked by sim- plicity of faith the Gothic carver breathed into his work a spirit that has passed away. The relation in art of the figures on this reredos in Christ Church Cathedral to those at Winchester is that of Murillio to Fra Angelico; of Ra- phael's "Madonna della Sedia" to his "Madonna del Granduca." With an in- to relief crease of lost enough say, by substituting a knowledge the world faith ; representing the Nativity for the row of with increasing cleverness and skill the saints above the mensor but in ; general mass, in composition and detail it is a replica of Winchester. The commission was intrusted to Mr. Harry Hems of

Ptflrt OF 5oNCTUflKY OF 5T CUTHBEgT/UWCfl5TlE.-ON- TYNE F/JM0] IxoicfiTicm or Keuixu

unconscious power to express the light- est sentiment was lost. 7 W hile some of the feeling of the nobb to carve a reredos sim- Exeter, England, conception at Winchester may be los , ilar to of that Winchester. And although yet this screen is still the same gre; t this screen is a work of archaeology arabesque whose composition allows a rather than creative it cannot be design, play of light and shade, of rhythmic; il denied that it is a wonderfully beautiful repetition of similar forms, of endle: s of Gothic and decora- example sculpture variety of detail, that no^ other art sa~v e tion. We cannot hope, perhaps, to get Gothic permitted. It is a story writt( n

in modern Gothic the naive in stone its is the < >f sculpture ; theme glorification charm of of life detail, the spirit through- Our Lord. The whole history of Chris- is here the of t' le tendom told ; story patriarchs and prophets, of the apostl< s, of the saints and martyrs, all leading -ip to the central figure of the crucifi :d Christ. A work of this kind can not f lil to have great influence for good upor a community. Already its impression is felt. Rather English must we considei it than American, since it was carved in < ie- tail in England and merely reconstruc ed here. To-day no doubt locally it is ov :r- certain but its estimated to a degree ; as a notable of . COLLEGE position accomplishment modern Gothic is assured. THE REREDOS IN CHRIST CHURCH, CATHEDRAL. ST. LOUIS, MO. Designed by Mr. Caldwell, THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, SAG HARBOR, LONG ISLAND. Earlyt/ American Churches Partr> r-r S

WHILE THIS Sag Harbor church is of ployed on the building, of whom one, a somewhat later date than most of the Mr. Bellows, who is I believe still alive, churches included in these articles, it was the builder in charge. The interior seems to me worth while to include it as was altered from time to time, the mate- one of the few surviving monuments of rial removed being stored in the base- our brief "Egyptian Revival," and the ment of the church, but in 1910 it was tower, really quite graceful in outline, is replaced in its original position and the such an extraordinary addition to Egypt- church as it now stands is as it was orig- ian architecture as well as a piece of de- inally constructed, except that the tower sign (if one can forget its curious char- is shingled in place of being clapboarded. acteristics) is as good or better than any The building is a very curious and in- present-day architect could do with the teresting combination of Egyptian with intractable style employed. The oldest decadent Greek motives, and has much church in Sag Harbor was built on the the same character as we find in certain site of the present building in 1817, and buildings of Pompeii which were of was a small temporary structure. The course totally unknown to its designers, congregation at once began to collect ma- and it is to an architect especially, a mat- terial for a new and larger building ter of interest to find in America in the which was stored around the church, but middle of the nineteenth century a re- the material and the old church were to- sult similar to that in a Roman town of gether destroyed by what is known in the the first century produced through nearly village history as the "great fire." The the same causes ; namely, the decadent present structure was built in 1843-1844 combination of two foreign forms not and no architect properly so-called was thoroughly understood by the designers employed, but the design was a comprom- who employed them. This curiosity is ise between the efforts of four men em- worthy of notice. MEETING HOUSE,

Springfield, N. J.

THE PRESENT BUILDING is about as nearly feeling of scale due to the distribution a typical example of the country meeting and division of the window openings. house of late Colonial times as could well The original church at Springfield was be imagined. Other than the tower there built in 1761 and was burned on June is nothing to distinguish it as far as the 20th, 1780, at the time when the battle exterior goes, from a building used for or skirmish of Springfield was fought. It any other purpose, but even these exces- had been previously used by the Colon- sively plain and absolutely unornamented ial government as a storehouse for sup- buildings of the eighteenth century were plies for the Continental army, and at possessed of considerable charm of ap- that time services were held in the par- pearance because of their excellent mass sonage or its barn. The present structure and delightful detail of cornices, and the was rebuilt, as I understand it, as a 418 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD.

was the books and threw them to the duplicate of the preceding one, and hymn for out as he opened for worship on November 30th, soldiers wadding, calling 1791. The exterior is of hand-rived cy- did so, "Give them Watts, boys, put case with Watts into them." press shingles, and as was the The interior has had the old Colonial all buildings built at that comparatively columns with small cast-iron early date, the iron work, nails, etc., were replaced all hand made. The statue of a Contin- ones, which with the decoration of the ental soldier is in memory of the skirm- interior was probably done about 1880- that of remarkable ish fought there. During this skirmish 1885, during period the church was held by the Continental taste to which we owe so much of the soldiers and attacked by the British, while curious stencil work that ornaments some Parson Caldwell of the church, although or our renovated or refurbished Colonial churches. not actively engaged in the fight, tore up KING'S CHAPEL Boston, Mass.

KING'S CHAPEL is the first edifice of the set forth." The drawings are now lost Protestant Episcopal Church in New and it is not known whether they were England and its construction was due, as closely followed or not, but as we do was so often the case in the earlier Epis- know that the congregation was well copal churches, not to any organized pleased with the drawings submitted by local sentiment on the part of the inhabi- him, it is reasonable to suppose that they tants, but to direct governmental inter- were followed as closely as possible, with position. The parish was organized in the exception of a spire which was con- May 15th, 1686, when the British gov- templated by the designer and which was ernment sent an established minister of not carried out. Its cost was 2,500, the Church of England to Boston, to- a very moderate sum for a cut-stone gether with members of a commission building; this, however, did not include appointed by King James Second to pre- the colonnade which was added in 1790. side over the church in the colonies. As was the case with many of the early These gentlemen asked permission of the Episcopal edifices the English sovereign three congregations then owning the only appeared to take a personal interest in houses of in Boston to use one the the Second worship parish ; King James pre- of their churches for service; this re- sented the bible, which is still in use, to- quest was met with a curt refusal. Ser- gether with a valuable communion ser- vices were finally held in a large room vice. Queen Anne sent a red damask of the Town House until Governor An- cushion for the pulpit, surplices for the dros ordered the trustees of South rector and choir, and the linen for the Church to open their building for Epis- altar. The interior was decorated with copal services, which was first held in panels, escutcheons and coats-of-arms of South Church, May 4th, Good Friday of the English King and prominent mem- that year. A small chapel was soon after- bers of the congregation, which decora- ward built for the Episcopal congrega- tion of a church edifice rendered it ex- tion in 1690. This was enlarged in 1710 cessively unpleasing to the Puritans of and was rebuilt in 1749. The design was Boston, who protested vigorously but probably made by a Mr. Harrison of without avail. The organ still used in the Rhode Island, an architectural amateur church services was purchased in Europe whom we find to have been consulted by subscription and is said to have been with regard to other early churches, and selected by Handel, and was installed in as the church history states, "Mr. Harri- 1756. King George the Third presented son of Rhode Island, a gentlemen of good the pulpit at present used, as well as judgment in architecture, was asked to more communion silver, and in Pre-Revo- oblige the parish with a drawing of a lutionary times the church was the usual handsome church agreeable to the limits place of worship for the royal governor''

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424 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. household and the officers of the British ernor, now offered the congregation of of troops stationed in Boston. The differ- King's Chapel the use their building ence which opinion had undergone in re- until their own had been restored, which gard to an Episcopal church in Boston, was necessary because of damage done was made manifest at the conclusion of by the British forces during the Revolu- the Revolutionary War, when the mem- tion. The church as it stands to-day both bers of Old South Church, who a hun- in interior and exterior, has remained dred years before had only permitted the practically unchanged since 1790 and Episcopal congregation to use their in most respects is in its original con- building at the direct order of the gov- dition. ST. MICHAEL'S Charleston, S. C.

ST. MICHAEL'S was at the time of its 1764 and the chimes are of very notable construction the finest church edifice in excellence. The communion service was the United States, and was one of the given to the church by Governor Boone very few entirely of masonry construc- of South Carolina, and the church organ tion, including the tower as far as the was bought by subscription in 1768. Like belfry. The material is brick covered almost all the Colonial churches, this one with stucco, and the design, although suffered vicissitudes during the Revolu- perhaps a trifle heavy, is most excellent. tionary War; its rector was a Tory and The name of the architect is a matter of was compelled to resign, leaving the the evidence which church affairs in a somewhat chaotic some question ; only I have been able to obtain on the sub- condition. Materially it suffered through ject being that the designs were made in the loss of its leaden roof, which was re- England and brought to this country. moved to furnish bullets for the Colonial The South Carolina Gazette of February rifles. During the Civil War the church 22, 1752, informs its readers that the was several times struck by shells from church was to be erected from the des- the Union fleet, and as a precautionary signs of one Mr. James Gibson. As there measure the organ and chimes were re- is no memory of any English architect moved from the church and the fine old by this name, and as James Gibbs was bells were broken up by Sherman's army then at the height of his reputation, it in its march to the sea. After a while seems a not illogical assumption that they were reset and still remain in their James Gibbs was the architect. The build- original position. Another incident of the ing is one hundred and thirty feet long, church's history was made the subject of including the portico, and sixty feet wide, a poem which thirty years ago used to be while the tower is one hundred and sixty- a favorite for school speaking contests. eight feet high. The roof is of slate. The The spire caught fire nearly at its sum- steeple is surmounted by a gilt ball of mit, and was finally extinguished by a black cypress covered with copper, and slave, to whom freedom was granted as a when this ball was blown from the steeple reward for his daring. during a severe storm, it made a dent in As if two wars and a fire had not done a heavy flagstone pavement without in- the church sufficient harm, a cyclone in jury to the ball, which, was picked up 1885 wrecked the spire and damaged the and restored to its original position. As roof; while in August 31, 1886, the great was the case with King's Chapel the earthquake cracked the walls in many corner stone was laid by the Governor places, sank the spire eight inches and of the State in February 17, 1752, three tilted it out of perpendicular; $15,OOC years later than the New England was necessary to repair the damage done Church. The church was first opened for by this earthquake, but to-day this his services in February 16. 1761, nine years toric church stands apparently as firmh having been consumed in its erection, as when it was originally constructec and the selection of a satisfactory pastor. and it is in all material respects prac The clock and chimes were bought in tically in its original condition. CHURCH AT SPRINGFIELD, NEW JERSEY.


An Architectural Pioneer Review of the Portfolios containing the works of Frank Llo^/d Wright. Montgomery Schuylcr,

SUCH WORKS of Frank Lloyd Wright hope of a professional future. Out of as he thinks worth preserving in picto- France there is no such compulsion, ex- rial presentation, and as probably profit- cept in America, where the Beaux Artists able for doctrine, for reproof, for are vigorously at work to bring it about, correction, for instruction in righteous- and succeeding to a discouraging extent. ness, have just been issued in two large As a matter of fact, the present archi- and handsome portfolios, from the press tectural output of Germany offers more of Ernst Warmuth in Berlin. The me- examples of wr hat may be called organic chanical work does the greatest credit to development as the proper purpose of German printing and engraving, or ''pro- architectural design than that of any cessing," as the case may be. Quality as other country. As Mr. Wright has it, in well as price is concerned in the transfer his elucidative text : "German and Aus- to the press of Berlin from that of trian art-schools are getting back to these London or Paris of "monographs" of ideas." Accordingly, it is to the German this character. And indeed there is good and Austrian artistic public that the nat- reason for taking an appeal to the Ger- ural appeal lies. man public upon such questions as are Mr. Wright's text is by no means neg- raised by the plates and dealt with in the ligible. "These ideas" are of course not twenty pages or so of text, which is new. They furnished the basis of archi- printed in German as well as in Eng- tectural design for all Europe, with lish. At present Germany is more hos- some exceptions in the architecture of pitable to new artistic ideas, at least to Imperial Rome, up to almost the ideas which pertain to architecture and end of the fifteenth century. They decoration, than either France or Eng- furnish the basis of such design land. You may maintain the French to now to all countries outside the influence l>e the most artistic of the three peoples of European civilization. In all such and artistically the most open-minded, countries the building is directly expres- the readiest to consider novelties on their sive of the needs, habits and ideas of the merits without being repelled by their people for whom it is made, and of the strangeness, rather prepared, in fact, in materials and modes of construction at the presence of a novelty to "as a stran- their command. Whether it be exqui- ger give it welcome" (the split infinitive sitely and artistically expressive is a is Shakespeare's fault and not ours). question the answer to which depends Still, one has to recognize the tremendous upon the degree of artistic sensibility in pressure upon French practitioners, if the people for which it is built and in the not upon French lay critics, of the "offi- designer of the building immediately in cial style." Richardson used to tell how, question. But these architectures, or going back to Paris after twenty years, modes of building, are all alike "sound" he found his old fellow-students of the in that they take their basis and starting Beaux Arts expressing envy of him as point in the facts of the case, and strive being free to design public buildings in to express those as perfectly as may be. Romanesque, while they were confined One of our current buildings, of which to classic on penalty of abandoning all the architecture disappears as soon as 428 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. you begin to put to it pertinent and ra- crushed to earth, will rise again," or that tional questions, is entirely the product if you expel Nature with a fork, yet she of the modern architecture of the will return; for they are founded on schools. "These ideas" are so far from Truth and Nature. Truth and Nature being new that they are the ideas of all are two things that are never out of date, mankind, excepting those of the builders nor very long out of fashion. of what Professor Freeman calls "The Unhappily, the revolts that have been Imperial or Transitional Roman," and of made, local and partial as they have been,


HOUSE FOR MR. HEURTLEY, OAK PARK, ILL. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. the revivers of that mode of building in against the "monstrous regiment" of the c the fourteenth century in Italy and of Imperial Roman architecture which wa their disciples and imitators in Western brought in by the revival of the Imperial Europe ever since. During these periods Roman literature, have themselves been and in these regions, the idea underlying largely vitiated because they, too, were all real architecture have simply lapseo "working in styles." Style for style, and been submerged. That they will re- Gothic is preferable to classic, the classic appear is as certain as that "Truth, of Greece even uncorrupted by Rome, on AN ARCHITECTURAL PIONEER. 429 account of its greater flexibility, its deal- were derivatives were not accessible in ing with a greater variety of modern Western Europe until the middle of the problems, and its immensely greater rep- eighteenth century, the Roman engineer ertory of adaptable forms. If you want planned and built, and the Greek artist a Catholic or a Ritualistic cathedral, you was imported to decorate. Just as when, cannot do better than to take an extant in the sixteenth century, French mon- cathedral of the middle ages as your archs undertook to uproot the native model. If you want a temple of which Gothic, French builders continued to the public use is to make processions erect Gothic chateaux which their em- around it under shelter of a portico ployers imported Italian "potters," as which procession may be represented in Viollet-le Due calls them, to decorate su- sculpture at the top of the wall, and a perficially. Similarly, our skyscrapers solid core of building within the portico are as Mr. Wright says : "New York is which has no public use, by all means you a tribute to the Beaux Arts so far as sur- should take a Greek temple for your face decoration goes, and underneath a model. But as of course you don't, why, tribute to the American engineer." You of course, you shouldn't. The range and must say the same thing of it that you variety of the constructions of the Mid- must say of "the classical or transitional dle Ages, the number of the mechanical Roman," of the Italian revival thereof, principles which they apply and embody, of the Italianized French Gothic cha- are of course out of comparison beyond teaux. It is inorganic. It is not archi- those of Greek antiquity, which merely tecture. carries to the utmost pitch of refinement Now when an architect, intensely feel- a single and simple construction. But ing this contradiction and this absurdity, parroting forms, whether antique or me- undertakes to reconcile and rationalize diaeval, is not architecture. Working in the conflicting elements, or rather ingre- styles is not architecture. One has often dients, of current architecture, he is en- thought what a great thing it would be titled to every allowance as well as to for the art of architecture if the stu- every encouragement. He is a pioneer, dent, after he has got his good in culture and the utterance of a pioneer, as a po- and refined perception out of the antique etical pioneer has told us, is liable to fall or the mediaeval models, should be able upon unaccustomed ears as a "barbaric to use them instead of copying them, yawp." But what all the designs illus- should, in fact, treat them as a scholar trated in these two portfolios show is an treats the classical models in literature, attempt at the organic, an attempt to or- to refine and enrich his own compositions ganize the requirements of the given in the vernacular. What a blessing, in building into a whole made up of related fact, if not only all the engravings and and interdependent parts, to find the photographs of historical architecture seed, so to say, in order to grow the could be removed from an architect when flower. It is not necessary to illustrate. he sat down to design anything, but all Enough of Mr. Wright's designs have memory of the forms they record could been shown in these pages to show who- be erased from the tablets of his brain ! ever has considered them attentively Something like this line of thought what we mean. Every one of them, seems to underlie the architectural efforts whatever else may be said about it, is a of Mr. Wright. Our characteristic build- growth and not a compilation. Every ings, our skyscrapers, say, express us. one of them shows that power of simpli- There is nothing like them in Europe. fication and unification which was the But they express us in spite of them- essential gift of Richardson, and which selves. Viollet-le Due theorizes that in was quite independent of his fondness the bastard architecture of the Roman for Romanesque detail, for exaggerated Empire, the only classic, be it noted, that voussoirs and dwarfed columns. The the architects of the Italian Renaissance simplicity of the ground plan is always knew anything about, since the Greek noticeable. Mr. Ashbee calls it "noble"" primitives of which the Roman buildings and we will not quarrel with his adjec-


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THE WINSLOW HOUSE AT RIVER FOREST, ILL. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. tive. The prevailing horizontality Mr. him in what he will not mind our calling Wright claims to be especially "domes- his Rhapsodic Prairiale. In times and tic." For that matter, it happens to be countries in which architecture is a liv- quite in accordance with the current ing art, the general form of building cor- fashion in domestic architecture, in responds to the environment, and the works which have nothing. else in com- bristling pyramid of the Abbey of Mont mon with these. It may,also have, as he St. Michel would be as impossible in the further maintains, some special congruity midst of the Roman Caifipagna or of ar with what Lowell describes as Illinois prairie as the spreading expanse of the of Karnak on the oi Broad prairie rather, g-enial, level-lined, temple spike Fruitful and friendly for all human kind; the Mont itself. Fitness is part of the Yet also nigh to heaven and loved of loftiest dignity of these elevations, which in the stars. best examples is undoubtedly great. Bin ' The horizontality of the Egyptian tem- what makes the real impressiveness o ples has similarly been ascribed to the these designs is that they are organic level sands of the desert, and perhaps, in wholes, that the variety of their part;-, either case, the uneventful expanse may without being denied or slurred, is over- have something to do with the character ruled into an effective unity, that the of the architecture, though Mr. Wright are not compiled out of picturesqu .' will pardon us if we do not wholly follow "bits" which have caught the eve of th-1

THE MCAFEE HOUSE IN CHICAGO, ILL. Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect. AN ARCHITECTURAL PIONEER. 435 designer in a rapid tour, or in a still more has gone. It is a deficiency which be- rapid rummage through a pile of photo- longs to an art in its lusty youth rather graphs. than in its decadence, and indeed we can The defect of their quality will be evi- find it in the early Romanesque, which dent to every practiced inspector. Those was a living style if ever there was one, functional modifications of surface or of in comparison with its own later phase, line, commonly by means of mouldings, and still more in comparison with the de- to form a footing, to emphasize a divi- veloped Gothic. Moreover, it is a de- sion, to soften or to sharpen a transition, ficiency which can be supplied and will to mark a projection or a recess, which be supplied, when it is once recognized have been employed in every artistic that the mode of design to which it is mode of building from the Egyptian not a necessary drawback has ''the prom- downward, are here almost altogether ise and potency of life." A pioneer must absent, nor can their place be supplied, have patience and so indeed must those as to the artistic result, by decoration who believe in him. He should be will- strictly and properly so called. The de- ing to say with Bacon: "I could not be fect of the architecture is the same as the true and constant to this argument I defect of the "Mission" furniture, which handle if I were not willing to go beyond it appears that the architect commonly, others, yet not more willing than to have and properly, specifies to go with it. The others go beyond me." Meanwhile, it is stark unmodelled transitions give an air hard to see how an unprejudiced in- of something rude, incomplete, unfin- quirer can deny that such designers as ished. The buildings seem "blocked Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Wright have the out," and awaiting completion rather root of the matter, and that their works than completed. The lack is nothing at are of good hope, in contrast with the all against the theory of design in the rehandling and rehashing of admired his- author's mind, nothing against the reduc- torical forms in which there is no future tion of the theory to practice so far as it nor any possibility of progress. m of d H tt !

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In the recent cutting impressions of the exhibition, in an article up of Gidea Park an in "The Town Planning Review," notes the historic estate on the collection as one representing the latest ten- PICTURESQUE outskirts of London CHEAP dencies of English domestic architecture. He HOUSES. into a residential suburb, finds that to bring together a street of com- there was tried an archi- petitive cottages, even though individually a tectural experiment of high level of architectural merit be attained, considerable interest. produces an effect which, "if not exactly After the streets had been planned and the 'higgledy-piggledy,' is, at any rate, abnorm- undertaking was purely commercial, not phil- ally picturesque." There is lacking that anthropic the owner offered to architects a sense of repose, he finds, which comes with series of prizes for the "best" houses, the obvious continuity of purpose. With the ex- prizes being graded according to the cost ception of a single group, the houses are all and accommodation of the dwellings. C ass I. of what may be called the English cottage included detached houses to cost 500, the style that renaissance of English domestic first prize being a gold medal and 250, and architecture of the 16th and 17th centuries the second prize 100. Class II. was for a originated by Xorman Shaw and carried for- detached house to cost 375, the first prize ward by Lutyens and others. That perhaps for this being a gold medal and 200, and the is of itself significant, for, as Mr. Adshead second prize again 100. Class III. was for points out, there are styles which are more the house of Class I. or II. which had the amenable to the introduction of modern con- most convenient interior arrangement; and veniences. He raises a query as to whether then there were additional prizes for a garden department store furniture is quite suited design, for furnishings, etc. Altogether, about to the kind of interiors these houses have; 120 architects came forward to take sites and whether wooden door latches are the cheap- erect houses, not, we may suppose on the est and best the age can produce; whether, chance alone of obtaining a prize, but on the if silver candlesticks do not show to advan- inducement of having their work so well ex- tage on chimneypieces of rough brick with hibited and with the probability of,, event- wide mortar joints, the candlesticks or the ually effecting a sale. Probably, also, most chimneypieces ought to go? But if there of the competitors were financed by builders, are some anachronisms, and one living room who took the actual risks. When the six that "might well suit the prehistoric cave score houses had been completed, there was dweller," he found many houses that were held an Exhibition, opened by the Honorable thoroughly delightful, both inside and out, John Burns himself, and thereafter while it and he says that those which drew the prizes lasted a special train was run every day "were very sensibly and economically plan- from London that the results of the competi- ned." As to an American viewpoint, an tion might be studied. Further to advertise architect from this country is likely to feel the project, a book was published about it, constraint in offering a criticism when he with articles by such 'men as Arnold Ben- remembers, (1), the competition which nor- nett, Thomas Hardy, H. G. Wells, Sir Arthur mally exists between 'the "cottages" in any Pinero, etc. men whose writings usually American suburban colony which has command public attention, even if one would aesthetic aspirations; and, (2), the deadly not naturally go to them for advice about a monotony and unimaginative starchbox repe- house. Professor Adshead, in describing his tition, or the straining after false gods, THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. where, in the absence of aesthetic aspirations, the buildings rose. But the assemblage is the builders have had sway alone. His heart probably still capable of union, if there be has a welcome ready for the picturesqueness suitable and well placed additions, and if that may be given to houses that cost the there be re-arrangement of the planting equivalent of 400 or 500, and custom has scheme, into a group of which the Capitol, made him callous to competition of designs. on the higher ground, would be, as it ought to be, the crown. Back of the Capitol, State Architect Frank- in deference to the long drawn out and ines- lin B. Ware, in his an- capable Educational Building, there might nual report to the New well be a small park a square, in which CIVIC York legislature, recom- elms will throw an academic shade, and CENTER FOR mends the erection of around which churches and other semi -pub- ALBANY. two new public buildings lic structures might well gather to form a in Albany A Hall of secondary and scholastic group. The land Records and a Temple of for this would cost, Mr. Ware estimates in Justice. He proposes, with the governor's ap- planning to develop it as the Civic Center, proval, the state's gradual acquisition of land only $400,000 a mere fraction of what one all around the Capitol, to the end that, as city of the State has spent more than once new buildings are located, there may be de- for a single playground. veloped on Capitol Hill an architectural group There is a growing list, already long, of which shall be worthy of the State of New State Ca.pitols that have had plans made by York. Thus far it is an admirable recom- experts for their wise development. In Con- mendation, and one that may even

Capitol behind it, as one comes up the State barking on an undertaking so important as Street hill. He proposes that the State buy that now suggested by. the State Architect. the two blocks bounded on the east by the Mr. Ware himself would doubtless be the Capitol grounds, on the south by , first to welcome such advice. on the west by 'Swan Street, and on the north by Washington Avenue. On one side, the The dramatic an- west face of the Capitol will look out upon nouncement by King the reservation; on the other side, the new George that henceforth 111:1.111 Educational Building will front upon it. If the capital of India will TO the Temple of Justice were in fact put here BE be Delhi has been and other buildings eventually added, we PLANNED. promptly followed by th< should have an architectural group of indis- welcome news that the putable impressiveness. But the enclosure Indian government pro- must always be thought of as the Capitol's poses to call upon "the best skill and experi- back yard. Though it were the only "Cen- ence of Europe" for the preparation of th ter" of the kind to be developed, its place city's plan. In so doing, it will be follow- would be secondary. That the new Educa- ing where the government of Australia ha? tional Building is so located as to invite such led, for an international competition for tlv arrangement is not the least of that struc- planning of Australia's capital is under way ture's faults. The latter will be a new, flat, city, whilt To the front of the Capitol values are Delhi has already a population which ap higher, but not so much higher that the preaches the quarter million. Yet most o great State of 'New York, if taking up such the area to be especially dealt with is stil a project at all, should consider that the undeveloped, and the historical and socia saving would justify a second rate scheme. and even racial problems that are to fin' The Capitol Park lies to the front, or east architectural and topographical expressio: of the Capitol. There would be no need of at Delhi would seem to promise acquiring any land save actual building sites. result far more interesting than in th

Already, as public structures facing the park, brand new capital of Australia. It i are the old State House, Richardson's City to be expected, and certainly to be hoped Hall are of the most beautiful buildings in that in the planning of an imperial Delh; the United States; and the brown stone the European experts will not have full con Academy a potpourri of architecture in- trol; but will serve only in an advisory an deed, as fitting the various periods at which consulting capacity with local talent. NOTES AND COMMENTS.

A Boston landscape build, agreed to go shares on roof and cellar, architect, in a personal and then proceeded individually to make letter to the editor of their plans. He tells how the Brooklines PRAISES this Department, dilates wanted an elegant suite with tiled baths, on POSTERS. the picturesqueness French windows, open fire-places, and white of advertisement-plas- marble exterior; how the Miltons schemed tered Scollay Square. To a cosy flat with English half-timbered work such heretical general outside and leaded windows; how the enthusiasm, he has the courage to add this Xahants wanted sleeping porches and white specific tribute: "The view up Hanover Street stucco, and the Somervilles concrete blocks; is particularly interesting at night, as the how the Wakeflelds preferred stained Star Theatre is then covered with lighted shingles and the Winchesters a Colonial ef- signs and the large star at the entrance is fect; how the. Quincys stood for seven-foot kept revolving." The man has not the past studding and the Reveres for twelve; how of a cowboy; he may be believed to have few the Lynns were content with a narrow entry ideals in common with those of the late while the Swampscotts demanded a wide one; speaker of the House, in Washington. Yet how at last the families found it necessary he likes the color, life and picturesqueness to call in an architect, and how they then which billboards may add to dreary scenes discovered that he builded better than they "amid hard lines, ill-proportioned masses and knew. dismal, dingy color, it seems to me that there is that so much as to cover nothing helps The program of the square rods with gay, silly, jolly sheets of Easter trip, which is an- advertisements." Then he adds to his letter nually conducted on the two interesting reflections. To the first, per- EASTER TOWN- Continent under the no one will take haps exception; to the sec- PLANNING auspices of the National ond, very few indeed will subscribe. "The TRIP. Housing and Town-Plan- inference immediate from examples of the ning Council of England, kind offered the Star Theatre is that ad- by is this year unusually far vertising men have been quicker than interesting. This is because the beaten track architects to grasp the value of a conspicu- through familiar German cities has been ous street terminal, or other conspicuous abandoned. If the new route touches several position; and, moreover, that architects are cities that are hardly less well known to remiss when of a certain planning buildings tourists, it may at least be said that their type not to provide, as a part of their ex- housing and town-planning characteristics ternal frames for decoration, suitable adver- have not been so much exploited, and that tisements. The latter will be vastly improved after years of study of German "picturesque- in if properly managed, and will be used ness," it will be interesting to turn to the any event." An important point here, which formalism illustrated by the planning of seems not to have been fully weighed, is Xancy, Carlsruhe, and parts of Geneva and whether an advertisement so cleverly man- Lausanne. For the tour is to include all as to lose its intrusiveness does not aged these cities, and in addition, Berne and Zu- thereby lose most of its effectiveness as an rich. At Lausanne, by the way, the city advertisement. council has the right of criticism, and even of veto, in regard to the designs of build- To the "Survey," J. ings, so having opportunity to control the Randolph Coolidge, Jr., architectural development of the city. The has contributed "An Al- is start from third. AN party to England April ARCHITECT'S legory of Metropolitan ALLEGORY. Planning" which is al- To the Octagon House most too good to abbre- in Washington, the head- viate. Fully to appreci- quarters of the American

ate it, one must know HISTORIC Institute of Architects, that Mr. Coolidge is a member of the tem- TABLE IN THE there has been restored porary Metropolitan Plan Commission, Bos- OCTAGON. the table on which the ton, which has recently reported on the treaty of Ghent was necessity of the thirty-eight towns in Bos- signed in the Madison ton's metropolitan district getting together administration. Over the door which leads in plans for their future development. Just from the hall into the circular room occupied to give a hint of the allegory, it may be said by Secretary Brown is a tablet which states that he tersely describes how thirty-eight that the Treaty was signed in that room, families, having made up their minds to and back to that room now goes the historic THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. table. It is of mahogany, small and round, architect had designed it. The hall is de- and was probably used as a card table in scribed as greatly "lightened up" by the the Tayloe family. Old Colonel John Tayloe change; three round arched windows which built the Octagon, and the Treaty came to the painting had covered came into view be signed there because when the White back of the platform; while the gray and House was burned in 1814 President Madison white tinting which has been newly given to accepted his invitation to move over there. the walls brought out the beautiful chastity The table remained in the family's posses- of ornament "in all its eighteenth century sion for several generations, and finally elegance." The restoration of the group of reached San Francisco. There it was pur- round arched windows to the full view of chased by the local chapter of the A. I. A. the audience was declared to give the key- and presented to the national headquarters. note to the whole scheme, making possible again an appreciation of the harmony of the Co-Partnership Ten- complete design. As the painting also is of ants, Ltd., the cheap value, the incident offers an interesting ex- SUCCESS OF housing society of Eng- ample of the readiness with which even art CO-PARTNER- land whose operations lovers can thoughtlessly injure one good SHIP have done so much to thing in order to emphasize another. TENANTS promote the success of SOCIETIES. the Garden City move- At the last annual meeting of the American ment in that country, Institute of Architects a committee, consist- presents figures for the year 1911 which to ing of Arthur Wallace Rice and Alexander The or- an American seem quite amazing. S. Jenney was appointed to consider a plan in ganization has raised no less than 55,737 which had been submitted to the officers of stock during the year, thus increasing its the Institute for a cruise during the coming a million dollars. In addi- capital to about summer and fall through the eastern Mediter- of such societies tion to this, the federation ranean. The committee, after a careful in- in has raised mortgages of 180,500 England vestigation, reported enthusiastically in favor and has added enough to its stock capital to of the idea, and the Secretary of the Insti- make a total altogether of nearly 275,000 tute, Mr. Glenn Brown, has issued a notice raised during the twelvemonth a striking to members, recommending their participa- evidence of the confidence with which the tion in the excursion. The itinerary of thi movement is now regarded. It is to be noted proposed tour is certainly a most attractive also that the movement 'has not only made one. The party will sail from New York or progress in the development of estates great August 17th on the North German Lloyc already in existence, but in educating public steamer "Koenig Albert." Naples will b< opinion to approve of the Garden City, or reached on the 20th and a day or two will b< Garden Suburb, idea. There is nothing like spent at Paestum and Pompeii. On Septem the sight of visible success to convince the ber 1st the party will board the yacht "Al skeptical. At Hempstead, for instance, thieva" and will the next week on th' interests are said spend where the Co-Partnership ' coast of Sicily, visiting the various places o to extend now to about 150 acres, the tenants interest, which can be reached from the sea are shown to be receiving not only four and By September llth they will be in Athens a half per cent, interest on their loan stock, after having stopped en route at Olympi; but dividends on their rents, besides having and Corinth. Five days are devoted to Ath very attractive homes in a very attractive and thereafter follows in succe? suburb. ens, rapid sion Epidanros, Mycenae, Knossos, Rhode! . In order to cut down Kindos, Didyma, Ephesus and Troy. Th the vast area of frame three following'days are passed in Constan- On 'back the ^ A and canvas, in the paint- tinople. the way party stop RESTOR \TION ing of "Webster's Reply at Delos, Naxos, Elensis, Aegina, Delph , THAT to Hayne," the Boston Corfu and the most interesting places on th >. art commission Dalmation coast. On September 9th tho SURPRISED. lately ordered its removal from disembark at Venice and the day followin ^ Faneuil Hall. Just after sail for homa from Genoa. The boat o i r it came down from its accustomed place, a which the cruise will be made is especiall meeting was held in the Hall and for the planned and equipped for the purpose, an 1 - first time in two generations, as one of the members of the Institute are offered an O] papers said, it became possible to behold the portunity of taking an unusual and interes - its interior of the "Cradle of Liberty" as ing vacation ..lit a very moderate cost.