iF. Hi t THE MONROE BUILDING, MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. HOLABIRD. & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. ARCHiTECTVRAL RECORD APRIL, 1912 VOLUME XXXI NUMBER IV Some Chicago Buildings Represented by o 1 a b i r d FRANZ WINKLER UNDOUBTEDLY there is such a thing as ianism of their aspect. The introduction Chicago architecture, separable from of the skeleton construction greatly pro- architecture in Chicago. Even apart from moted this appearance. The uprights the modern and unacademic per- were thinned absolutely to the structural formances of a few pioneers, the minimum of the iron post, and in expres- ordinary building of the ordinary sion, as Lowell said about the early architect in Chicago differs from buildings of Harvard, the business build- the like building elsewhere, at least ings of Chicago "looked like business to the Eastward. The business architect- and nothing more." That is where they ure of Chicago is a little older, though differed and differed to their advantage, not much, than the "Chicago construc- from the mercantile architecture in the tion." It did not begin immediately after East, and they have continued so to differ. the fire. Typical buildings, such as the The Eastern man erecting an edifice for Rookery, were at least a decade later. the use of his business feels in a manner While walls were still walls and had to bound to make it a proclamation of his be built and not merely veneered, the commercial success. He wilfully spends business buildings of Chicago were al- more money on it in the way of decora- ready distinguished by the grim utilitar- tion, which so often does not decorate, 5-o 314 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. than would be needed to accomplish its taking its way \Yestward, and that if you practical purpose. All this, for thirty want to see a business building reduced years at the least, the projector of the to it's simplest expression, you must go business building in Chicago has regard- West, even from Chicago, to Portland or ed as mere nonsense. In the judgment Seattle. of the Chicagoan, the Easterner needs to The Chicago architect of the present, "scrap" a good deal of his academic by his own admission, is endeavoring to learning. Speaking of office buildings, induce his client to spend more money the Westerner believes that the first than the bare needs require for the pur- function of every commercial building is pose of making his building an ornament to pay. The real basis of the venture is to the city. It is really to be hoped, in financial. From this point of view he the interest of architecture, that he may entirely disapproves of much of our not succeed. For not only has the busi- "swell" "bow-wow" building. He re- ness part of Chicago the expression fers to many of our buildings, for in- which belongs to the struggle for life, stance on Broad Street and lower Broad- not only does it look like exactly what it way in New York, which carry on their is, but also it is a basis and background fronts thousands of dollars worth of en- for the buildings to which a higher de- richments, with an incredulous smile. gree of elaboration and ornamentation These particular buildings, though aca- is proper. It is in those bare and barn- demically well done, would be, he knows, like structures that the practice of the not only an impossibility in Chicago, but most successful architects of Chicago unthinkable there. Were a bank presi- has mainly lain, and in selecting for il- dent in that city to perpetrate a financial lustration of their work one of the most joke of this character, his friends would successful architectural firms of Chicago, proceed post haste to ask for a writ "de it is in the bare and untrained business lunatico inquirendo." building that the bulk of this tremen- Undoubtedly this is a good thing for dous volume of their work, approximat- architecture. A commercial building ing a value, as one hears, of a hundred should simply answer its purpose. Any- million of dollars, necessarily consists. thing beyond that is irrelevant, incom- William Holabird, born in Dutchess petent and impertinent. But when the County, N. Y., September 11, 1854, humblest of practical uses issues in the graduated from St. Paul High School, loftiest of those St. in 1871 entered buildings, towering over Paul, Minnesota, ; to which architectural adornment is West Point in 1873, remaining till 1875, proper, the strain, both upon owner and when, in September of that year, he re- architect, is great. Nevertheless, the ar- signed and came to Chicago to study his chitect who sticks to his text gets his re- chosen profession architecture. In the ward. He gets it, if not in the aspect of same year he entered the office of W. L. his building, in the aspect of the city of B. Jenney, and remained there for a which his building is a part. The heart number of years, when he formed a part- of Chicago "looks like business" to an nership with O. C. Simonds, a well- extent to which no city to the Eastward known landscape gardener, and under of it even approaches. Chicago archi- the firm title of Holabird & Simonds tects indeed say that the course of grim- began an independent practice. ness and bare utilitv in architecture is Martin Roche, born in Cleveland, THE WORK OF HOLABIRD & ROCHE 315 THE SOUTH HALF OP THE MONADNOCK BLOCK, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. BS31 IriliBP IS THE MARQUETTE BUILDING, CHICAGO, ILL. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. RECORD. 318 THE ARCHITECTURAL re- flooded with The uprights and Ohio, August 15, 1855. His family light. the floor lines are diminished to the ut- moved to Chicago in July, 1857, where his life. most. The front is a mere sash frame he pursued the earlier studies of He showed a decided inclination for the with huge square panes, of which the his from the and artistic, and as far as was within shape, accruing uprights the the cross would an arch- power, applied himself to cultivating pieces, horrify same. In May, 1872, he entered the office itect who practiced his art academically it revolt one architect of a of W. L. B. Jenney, where he remained In fact did in York to until 1881, when he made a partnership commercial building New with Messrs. Holabird & Simonds, add- that extent that he covered his front is with a trellis of two "orders" in ing his name to the firm. So as seen, story Mr. Holabird and Mr. Roche gained order to dissemble the shape of the open- another for a their early training in the same office. ings. And project sky- Mr. O. C. Simonds withdrew from the scraper is now under consideration in combination in 1883 to practice in his New York in which the architectural and is order of three stories. That profession of landscape-gardening, unit an the firm's name became Holabird & would not suit Chicago at all. The open- Roche. ings here are undisguised and undis- There is not an In January, 1896, Mr. E. A. Renwick, sembled. unnecessary of who had been closely allied with the feature except the useless thickening firm since 1882, was made a partner, and the floor line above the second so to-day the firm is composed of Mr. story, which, by the way, does the Holabird, Mr. Roche and Mr. Renwick. building no good, unless we accept This is the present firm of Holabird the block over the center of the & Roche, whose offices are located, with principal front, which appears to an appropriateness which is believed to be superimposed merely for ornament, be wholly uncalculated, in Root's old and which does not effect its purpose. monumental Monadnock Building. This This simplicity, it appears, is revolting firm of Holabird & Roche is one of the even to the designers who found them- oldest and most honorable in Chicago. selves forced to do it, for in other sim- It has the enviable distinction for the ilar buildings in which they felt that they Easterner of having perpetrated more had more leeway, they took it without buildings devoid of intentional "archi- hesitation. There is the Mandel Build- tecture," than has anyone else. ing, for instance, in which the facts oi Consider the Chas. Netcher Building, the case are modified by converting tht one of the big stores of Chicago. Here front into a columnar composition o1 is the architectural embodiment of the two story base, ten story shaft and thre< "Chicago Idea" in commercial architec- story capital. But does it really lool ture. Would anybody venture upon any better for the variations? Unles such extreme plainness in a like erec- those three upper stories have some dif tion in New York or Boston? Evidently ferent use and function from those o the essentials are all supplied and evi- the square openings below them. ih< dently only the essentials. "architecture" is a "suggestio falsi "The prayer of Ajax was for light" which detracts from the appearance o and Ajax must have been the owner of grim reality that belongs to the simple a big store. This Netcher Building is building. Perhaps the tall arcade of th THE REPUBLIC BUILDING, S. E. CORNER OF STATE AND ADAMS STS. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. rrrrrrrrcc rrrrrrrrcE rcrrrrrcrc cnrrrnmr rrrrrrrrr THE McCORMICK BUILDING. VAN BURBN ST. AND MICHIGAN AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. HOLABIRD & ROCHE, ARCHITECTS. THE WORK OF HOLABIRD & ROCHE 321 IIIILLLLI-W 322 THE ARCHITECTURAL RECORD. lower stage of the Rothschild Building dicts a primary mechanical requirement.
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